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[Preprint]. 2024 Nov 22:2024.11.12.623096. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2024.11.12.623096

Table 1. Session days, with instructed imageries and decoder parameters.

β are r are in speed units of screen height / second. α and p are unitless. β is specified for sessions where we normalized the tuning matrix such that β was in meaningful units. r and p are specified for sessions where the nonlinear speed adjustment was used (i.e., p ≠ 1.0).

Post-implant day Session type Task Instructed cursor imagery Instructed click imagery Cursor decoder parameters
39 First-ever Usage Radial8 Calibration Right Hand Mouse,
Left Hand Mouse,
Right Hand Paintbrush,
Left Hand Paintbrush,
Tongue Sticking Out,
Tongue Inside Mouth
n/a α = 0. 9
171 Evaluation Radial8 Calibration Head Mouse / Intuition Close Mouth, Close Right Hand α = 0. 9
β = 0.2, 0.15
Grid Evaluation
202 Simultaneous Speech and Cursor Radial8 Calibration Right Hand Mouse n/a α = 0. 9
β = 0.2
Simultaneous Speech and Cursor α = 0. 9
β = 0.15
233 Evaluation Radial8 Calibration Right Hand Mouse Close Right Hand α = 0.93
β = 0.16
Grid Evaluation α = 0. 9
β = 0. 2
339 Evaluation Radial8 Calibration Right Hand Mouse Close Right Hand α = 0.93
β = 0. 22
r = 0. 4
p = 1. 4
Grid Evaluation
468 Evaluation Radial8 Calibration Intuition Intuition α = 0. 92
β = 0.13
r = 0. 05
p = 1. 5
Grid Evaluation