Figure 5.
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate competes fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) for the binding in HYlight
(A) AlphaFold2 prediction of HYlight color-coded by per-residue model confidence score (pLDDT).
(B) Ligand binding pocket of HYlight with FBP (10 H-bonds), and DHAP (6 H-bonds). Colored by elements: CHNOS. Ligand binding pocket comparison were based on the structures of CggR with FBP (PDB: 3BXF) and DHAP (PDB: 3BXE).
(C) Change of the fluorescence ratio of purified HYlight as a function of FBP and DHAP concentrations, and relative to their absence, is shown. Numeric values represent the apparent KD. Sample size is n = 3.
(D) Fluorescence ratio change of purified HYlight in the presence of 100 μM FBP and increasing DHAP concentrations. R = Ratio 500 nm/400 nm ΔR/R0=(Rx-R0)/R0. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Sample size is n = 3.