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. 2024 Oct 10;10(20):e39137. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39137

Table 5.

Cumulative abnormal returns in the materials industry during different event window periods.

Scenario Variables Window Statistical analysis
Mean Std. dev. t-test Wilcoxon
Before the rising value-added tax, 2019 (VAT = 5 %) TA [-7,+7] 14.280 47.040 2.2701 1.4616
SE [-7,+7] 7.170 24.770 3.0151∗∗ 2.2965
TLSE [-7,+7] 14.280 47.040 8.8729 5.0919
TI [-7,+7] 0.200 0.670 0.0623 0.0255
TR [-7,+7] 0.210 0.650 0.0467 0.1144∗∗
TE [-7,+7] 0.190 0.740 0.0252 0.0249∗∗
NI [-7,+7] 0.0087 0.140 0.0037 0.0042
COA [-7,+7] 0.041 0.500 0.0135 0.0397
CIA [-7,+7] 0.390 1.410 0.3874 0.1695
CFA [-7,+7] −0.920 3.170 −0.7669∗∗∗ −0.4936∗∗∗
CEP [-7,+7] 1.310 5.500 1.2892 0.9199
After the rising value-added tax, 2020 (VAT = 15 %) TA [-7,+7] 13.490 44.080 1.8493∗∗∗ 0.9813
SE [-7,+7] 6.930 24.260 0.6219 0.3800∗
TLSE [-7,+7] 13.490 44.080 7.4654 6.7692
TI [-7,+7] 0.240 0.950 0.0311∗ 0.0392∗∗
TR [-7,+7] 0.270 1.060 0.0637 0.0554
TE [-7,+7] 0.170 0.840 0.1285 0.0382
NI [-7,+7] 0.058 0.170 0.0300∗∗∗ 0.01892
COA [-7,+7] 0.026 0.250 0.0260 0.0193∗∗∗
CIA [-7,+7] −0.039 0.300 −0.0374 −0.0186
CFA [-7,+7] −0.610 2.410 −0.5337 −2.0618
CEP [-7,+7] 1.070 4.430 0.7811 3.9055

∗∗∗, ∗∗, ∗ represent 1, 5, and 10 % significance levels, respectively.