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. 2024 Dec 12;21(12):e1004494. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004494

Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions: A post hoc analysis of a modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility trial

Jiayao Lei 1,2,3,4, Kate Cuschieri 5, Hasit Patel 6, Alexandra Lawrence 7, Katie Deats 1; YouScreen trial team, Peter Sasieni 1,*,#, Anita W W Lim 4,#
Editor: Elvin Hsing Geng8
PMCID: PMC11637256  PMID: 39666756



Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing of self-collected vaginal samples has potential to improve coverage of cervical screening programmes, but current guidelines mostly require those HPV positive on a self-sample to attend for routine screening.

Methods and findings

A pragmatic modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility trial was conducted at primary care practices in England. Individuals aged 25 to 64 years who were at least 6 months overdue for cervical screening could provide a self-collected sample. The primary outcomes included the monthly proportion of non-attenders screened, changes in coverage, and uptake within 90 days. Self-samples from 7,739 individuals were analysed using Roche Cobas 4800. Individuals with a positive self-sample were encouraged to attend clinical screening.

In this post hoc study of the trial, we related the HPV type (HPV16, HPV18, or other high-risk type) and cycle threshold (Ct) value on the self-sample to the results of clinician-collected sample and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+). We wished to triage HPV–positive individuals to immediate colposcopy, clinician sampling, or 12-month recall depending on risk. A total of 1,001 women tested positive through self-samples, and 855 women who had both an HPV–positive self-sample and a subsequent clinician-sample were included in this study. Of these, 71 (8.3%) had CIN2+. Self-sample Ct values were highly predictive of HPV in the clinician sample. Combining HPV type and Ct value allowed stratification into 3 risk groups; 44/855 (5%) were high-risk of whom 43% (19/44, 95% confidence interval [29.7%, 57.8%]) had CIN2+. The majority (52.9%, 452/855) were low-risk, of whom 4% (18/452, 95% CI [2.5%, 6.2%]) had CIN2+. The main limitation of our study was the colposcopy assessment was restricted to individuals who had abnormal cytology after positive results of both self-sample and clinician-collected sample.


HPV type and Ct value on HPV–positive self-samples may be used for triage. The difference in the risk of CIN2+ in these groups appears sufficient to justify differential clinical management. A prospective study employing such triage to evaluate laboratory workflow, acceptability, and follow-up procedure and to optimise clinical performance seems warranted.

Trial Registration


In a post-hoc analysis of the YouScreen trial, Jiayao Lei and colleagues investigate whether HPV Ct levels and HPV types from self-samples can be used to stratify HPV-positive individuals into distinct risk groups.

Author summary

Why was this study done?

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing of self-collected vaginal samples has potential to improve coverage of cervical screening programmes, but current guidelines mostly require those HPV positive on a self-sample to attend for routine screening.

  • The association between HPV cycle threshold (Ct) values (as a proxy for viral load), HPV genotypes, and the risk of high-grade cervical precancerous lesions and cancers has been well established. However, most of the existing studies are based on practitioner-collected cervical samples, with limited research focusing on self-collected samples.

What did the researcher do and find?

  • We propose a stratification approach, dividing HPV–positive individuals into 3 distinct risk groups based on HPV Ct values and genotypes (HPV16, HPV18, or other high-risk type) from HPV self-samples.

  • We classified 5% (44/855) of the individuals (HPV-16 Ct <30) who tested HPV-positive on their self-sample as high-risk, with 43.2% (19/44) of them having CIN2+, which is comparable to those referred in England with HPV positive and abnormal cytology results.

  • The low-risk group (HPV non-16/18 Ct ≥30), comprising half of those with HPV on their self-sample have a risk of CIN2+ of 4.0% (18/452) which is lower than in those who are HPV positive but cytology normal on a routine clinician screen.

What do these findings mean?

  • The proposed classifier allows those at greatest risk (high-risk group) to be sent directly to colposcopy and detects 3 quarters of CIN2+ without delay while allowing half of individuals (low-risk group) to be managed by repeat self-sampling. The intermediate risk group could be referred to their general practises for clinical sampling.

  • Findings support the potential use of this risk classifier in the management of HPV–positive self-samples within organised cervical screening programmes.

  • Limitations of the study include that the colposcopy assessment was restricted to individuals who had abnormal cytology after positive results of both self-samples and clinician-collected samples. Additionally, different HPV assays were used for primary screening and follow-up tests.


Cervical cancer remains a significant global health concern, with screening being one of the key pillars in the global strategy of eliminating cervical cancer [1]. Evidence from randomised clinical trials and real-world cervical screening programmes have demonstrated that human papillomavirus (HPV) testing offers more protection than cytology [24]. HPV-based cervical screening has become standard worldwide [5,6]. HPV testing on self-collected cervicovaginal material (HPV self-sampling) has shown promise in increasing screening participation, especially among under-screened populations [710]. Self-samples have also demonstrated either a comparable [7] or slightly lower [11] clinical sensitivity and specificity for detecting high-grade cervical lesions, providing a valuable tool for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. In a routine programme, where complete disease verification for all screened individuals is not feasible, the predictive value of a positive-screen for high-grade cervical lesions is important in informing various clinical management pathways.

HPV assays based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) chemistry and other target amplification assays often provide a semiquantitative output known as the cycle threshold (Ct). Ct is inversely related to the amount of target in a reaction and can offer a rough proxy of viral load in those assays which report it. The relationship between HPV viral load and risk of cervical disease is slightly ambivalent in the literature but there are reports that type-specific viral load may be informative for risk stratification, particularly for certain types including HPV 16 [1116]. To the best of our knowledge, risk stratification models that incorporate Ct values and HPV genotypes from self-samples have not been developed, particularly not within the context of United Kingdom (UK) screening programmes.

HPV self-sampling has been integrated in routine screening programmes of several countries to reach under-screened individuals or as an opt-in alternative for individuals who prefer self-sampling to clinician-collected samples [1720]. In most such programmes, individuals who have HPV detected on their self-sample must attend for clinician sampling to support triage testing (which often includes cytological/triage assessment); this can lead to a loss to follow-up and is associated with patient and clinic time. Alternative triage approaches that can use the original self-sample would mitigate some of these issues.

The aim of our study is to examine the association between type-specific viral load (i.e., HPV genotype and Ct value) on HPV self-samples and risk of disease to gain insight into their suitability as triage strategies. Specifically, we assessed association of type and Ct value and the risk of being HPV-negative on the clinical sample or of high-grade cervical lesions detected at colposcopy. This analysis was based on data accumulated from the YouScreen trial of self-sampling in London, UK [10]. We assess the possibility of including both load- and type-based indicators for clinical management in individuals who test positive for high-risk HPV (hrHPV, i.e., HPV types that can cause cervical cancer) on self-collected vaginal swabs. We followed Castle and Katki [21] who advocate “equal management for equal risks” as a framework for developing screening guidelines and practice, and envisage 3 management options for HPV-positive individuals based on the self-sample alone: direct referral to colposcopy (high risk), referral for clinical sampling in primary care (medium risk), repeat self-sampling at 12 months (low risk).

Materials and methods

Study setting and population

In England, the National Health Service (NHS) offers cervical screening to individuals aged 25 to 64 years with a cervix, primarily conducted in General Practice (GP) clinics using HPV testing as a primary screen with cytology triage. The program is managed through a central database (NHAIS), which administers invitations on a 3- (25 to 49 years) or 5-year (50 to 64 years) basis, depending on the age group. Currently, all routine cervical screening in England is based on clinician collection.

The YouScreen trial [10] was a pragmatic, modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility clinical trial nested within the English Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) involving 133 participating and 62 non-participating GP clinics. It was conducted in GP clinics within the 5 London boroughs with some of the lowest cervical screening coverage rates in the country. It aimed to enhance screening attendance by offering HPV self-sampling kits to individuals who had not engaged with the routine offer of cervical screening. The offer of self-sampling kits was made either through direct mail or opportunistically by the physician or nurse when the patient consulted with their GP practice between January 13, 2021 and November 30, 2021. The target group comprised individuals aged 25 to 64 years who were at least 6 months overdue for their routine cervical screening. All HPV testing of self-samples was done using the Roche cobas 4800 HPV assay (Roche Diagnostics GmBH). Clinician-taken follow-up liquid-based samples were analysed using APTIMA (Hologic, Manchester). Individuals who tested HPV–positive on their clinician sample had reflex cytology. Those who tested HPV–positive and had any abnormality on cytology were referred to colposcopy. Details were described previously [10] and the trial is registered with ISRCTN:12759467.

Ct values are not readily available from cobas 4800 and there was no plan to analyse them in the YouScreen protocol. When the trial was complete, we managed to extract Ct values with specific support from the manufacturer and planned the post hoc study reported here. Our study population included individuals from the YouScreen trial with an HPV–positive self-sample and a follow-up clinician-collected sample with a valid HPV result. We collected and analysed the HPV testing outcomes from both self-samples and clinician-collected samples, along with their cytological and histopathological evaluations where a biopsy had been routinely indicated.

Laboratory testing

The self-sampling kits offered were 552C.80 FLOQswab flocked swab (Copan Italia, Brescia, Italy). Samples were transported dry at room temperature. The dry swabs were suspended in 5 ml of PreservCyt media (Hologic, USA) and vortexed for 10 s in the original sample tube. These tubes were then stored at 5°C until testing. An aliquot was transferred to another tube and loaded onto the Roche Cobas 4800 system for analysis. This resuspension volume is consistent with that used for self-sampling in national programmes including in the Netherlands and Australia. The Roche cobas 4800 HPV assay individually identifies (types) HPV16 and HPV18 while detecting 12 other high-risk types (31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68) as a pool. Ct values were reported for HPV16, HPV18, and non-16/18 hrHPV. The Cobas assay simultaneously tests for human beta-globin as an internal control for specimen cellularity. The manufacturers have defined Ct value-cutoffs for all the HPV channels to determine positive results (the Ct value must be below the cut-off for the test to be called positive given that lower Ct values tend to indicate higher viral load), which are 40.5 for HPV16 and 40 for HPV18 and the pooled 12-HPV channels. Ct values for positive HPV results and for beta-globin were obtained from the cobas machine. Women for whom Ct values were not available were not included in this analysis.

Individuals who received a positive HPV result from their self-samples were recommended to undergo a clinician-collected follow-up test (primary HPV screening test) which was managed according to the routine cervical screening guidelines [22]. Individuals who tested negative for HPV on their clinician sample were considered to have screened negative and were returned to routine screening. Fig 1 contains details of sample flow.

Fig 1. Study participants included in the study.

Fig 1

769 out of 855 (90.0%) women had clinician-collected samples within 3 months after the positive HPV self-samples. hrHPV, high-risk human papillomavirus; HPV, human papillomavirus; Ct, cycle threshold; CIN2, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2; CIN3+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse.

HPV–positive clinician-collected samples were used for reflex cytology. If an abnormal cytology (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) or worse) was present, the patient was referred to colposcopy. Colposcopy and, when a biopsy was taken, histology outcomes were retrieved from the Cyres database which aggregates data from all NHS colposcopy clinics across London. Since all histopathological diagnoses were obtained through the routine programme, there was no central pathological review. Individuals with normal cytology would have been recalled for further HPV testing at 12 months. Results of that “early recall” are not included in this study. Data linkage was accomplished using an encrypted version of each woman’s unique personal identifier through OpenPseudonymiser ( The outcome from the histopathological diagnoses were classified as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) in our study.

Statistical analyses

When considering all hrHPV types combined, the overall HPV Ct value was defined as the lowest Ct value of HPV16, HPV18, or other hrHPV types. Among individuals who tested positive for hrHPV and had a follow-up clinician-collected sample, we described the distribution of HPV Ct values in self-collected samples and beta-globin Ct values by HPV positivity and the follow-up cytological results in clinician-collected samples through box and whisker plots.

We determined the proportions of (i) individuals with HPV–positive clinician-collected samples; (ii) individuals referred to colposcopy after the HPV–positive clinician-collected samples; and those found to have (iii) CIN2+ and (iv) CIN3+. We anticipated that the probability of (i) being HPV–positive on a clinician-collected sample; (ii) being referred to colposcopy after clinical sampling; and (iii) of finding CIN2+ or CIN3+ on colposcopy would all be related to which of the 3 HPV channels (16, 18, other high-risk type) was positive and inversely related to the Ct value of that channel and it would be largely unrelated to the Ct value of the beta-globin channel. Our model assumes that the outcomes follow binomial distributions with specified probabilities. While there is no explicit formal relationship between the different outcomes, they are nested (i.e., HPV positivity in clinician-collected samples > abnormal cytology > CIN2+ > CIN3+, where “A > B” indicates that all individuals with “B” also have “A”). The primary focus of the modelling is the CIN2+ outcome.

Given age affects the risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+ in screening and it is common in the literature to encounter references to the “Ct value” without specifying the associated HPV type, these proportions were stratified by age (categorized as <30 years, 30 to 49 years and 50+ years to reflect age-dependent levels of HPV prevalence and screening intervals) and the overall HPV Ct value categories (<30 30 to 35, and 35+). The cut-offs for Ct values were chosen to produce roughly equal size of groups and because they had been used in a published study [11]. We also calculated these proportions by a combination of (i) HPV types and Ct values, and (ii) age (categorised as <50 years and 50+ years) and overall HPV Ct values. The classification of HPV types was done hierarchically, prioritising HPV 16 followed by HPV 18, and then other hrHPV types, because the risk of CIN2+ is greatest for HPV16 positive and next greatest for HPV18 positive.

Finally, we used fractional polynomial regression [2325] in which multiple models are fit using different pairs of power transformation and the best fitting pair is selected, to examine the association between risk of CIN2+ and overall HPV Ct values. We predicted the risk (probability and 95% confidence interval (CI)) of CIN2+ as a function of the Ct values. We repeated the analysis separately for HPV16 and non-HPV16 Ct values to assess differences in the risk of CIN2+.

In a sensitivity analysis, we tested the robustness of our model by applying various smoothing methods for HPV Ct values and the probabilities of CIN2+. Specifically, we employed the following approaches in Stata: (i) running mean smoothing using the command running; (ii) natural cubic splines using the Stata command makespline in a logistic regression model with 4 knots; (iii) natural cubic splines using the command spline. We then compared and plotted the predicted probabilities of CIN2+ for each smoothing method based on the overall HPV Ct values, Ct values of HPV 16, and Ct values of non-HPV16. Additionally, we compared the 95% CIs of the predicted probabilities obtained from fractional polynomial regression and logistic regression models. We used Stata (version 17.0) for data management and statistical analyses.

Target risk classification

The management of all HPV–positive individuals in YouScreen was referral to primary care for clinician sampling. We wanted to identify a small high-risk group who might be referred directly to colposcopy, and, if possible, a large low-risk group in whom repeat self-sampling at 12 months might be sufficient. Referral pathways in cervical screening are ideally risk-based [26]. We based the target specifications of this risk classifier on the risk of CIN2+ with reference to the current screening programme in England. For immediate referral to colposcopy (high-risk), we wanted the risk to be similar or greater than that of those currently referred to colposcopy. For repeat testing at 12 months rather than immediate clinical sampling, we wanted the risk to be no more than the risk of CIN2+ in those currently offered early recall. In the HPV primary screening pilot [3], among those referred “immediately” with HPV–positive and abnormal cytology, about 41% (3,060/7,542) had CIN2+. Whereas of those referred at 24 months (after persistent HPV–positive but with normal cytology at baseline and 12 months) 14% (261/1,912) had CIN2+. Additionally, of those who at baseline were HPV–positive and cytology normal who had a repeat screen at 12 months as recommended, 8.3% (1059/12,830) were found to have CIN2+ either at 12 or 24 months. Of those screened by HPV testing (on the prevalent round), 2.3% (4,156/183,970) were found to have CIN2+ in the first round. Thus, we required the prevalence of CIN2+ in the high-risk group to be at least 14% and ideally around 40% in accordance with proportion of CIN2+ detected based on current referral pathways. Similarly, the low-risk group should have at most 8% and ideally about 2.3% with CIN2+. We computed 95% Wilson Score CIs for the proportion of CIN2+ and CIN3+ in each of the risk group.


Ethical approval for the YouScreen clinical trial was granted by the South Birmingham Research Ethics Committee (20/WM/0120), IRAS ID 264776. Additional approvals were received from the Confidentiality Advisory Group (20/CAG/0086) and the Cervical Screening Programme’s Research Advisory Committee (CSP-RAC-032). All participants in this study provided informed consent implicitly when they returned a sample for HPV testing.


Study population

Of the 7,643 individuals who had self-samples, 1,001 had a positive result for hrHPV (13.1%) (Fig 1). Among those we were able to obtain HPV Ct values for 988 individuals of whom 871 (88.2%) had a follow-up clinician-collected sample. The number of individuals who tested HPV–positive on their clinician-collected samples after the positive self-samples was 437/871 (50.2%). Among those HPV–positive on clinical-collected samples, 421/437 (96%) individuals had adequate cytology including 249/421 (59.1%) with abnormal results. Subsequently, 37 individuals were diagnosed with CIN2 and 34 with CIN3+: corresponding to 71 individuals with CIN2+ or 28.5% (71/249) of those referred to immediate colposcopy. The majority of included individuals were: aged 25 to 39 years (69.2%, 592/855); late for screening between 6 months and 24 months (51.4%, 439/854); of white ethnicity (48.6%, 313/644); and from the 2 most deprived quintiles (60.0%, 512/855) (S1 Table).

HPV and beta-globin Ct values

Beta-globin Ct values (on self-samples) were very similar between those who were HPV–negative, HPV–positive with normal cytology, and HPV–positive and abnormal cytology on their clinical samples (Fig 2). The medians were 26.9 (interquartile range (IQR): 25.8 to 28.4) for HPV–negative, 26.5 (IQR: 25.4 to 28.3) for HPV–positive with normal cytology, and 26.6 (IQR: 25.6 to 27.9) for HPV–positive with abnormal cytology. Notably, there were many outliers (Ct > 32.5) for beta-globin Ct values, indicating samples with low levels of human DNA, in all groups.

Fig 2. Box and whisker plot of HPV Ct values and beta-globin Ct values in self-samples by HPV and cytological results in clinician-collected samples.

Fig 2

Beta-globin serves as an internal control for specimen cellularity. HPV, human papillomavirus; Ct, cycle threshold. Cyt+ refers to abnormal cytology including atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or worse. Cyt- refers to normal cytology.

For individuals who tested HPV–negative on their clinician-collected sample, the median HPV Ct value on their self-sample was 36.7 (IQR: 32.8 to 38.7), while the median HPV Ct values were 30.9 (IQR: 26.7 to 35.4) for individuals tested HPV–positive with normal cytology and 28.6 (IQR: 25.0 to 33.3) for individuals tested HPV–positive with abnormal cytology.

HPV types, HPV Ct values, and risk of high-grade cervical lesions

The proportion of CIN2+ and CIN3+ in individuals with HPV–positive self-sample by age, HPV type, and HPV Ct value are presented in Table 1. Overall, 71 (8.3%) of 855 individuals had CIN2+ and 34/855 (4.0%) had CIN3+. Stratifying by age, the proportion with CIN2+ and CIN3+ were much lower among individuals aged above 50 years (3.4% [4/116] and 1.7% [2/116]), and the proportions were comparable for women aged below 30 years (9.0% [24/266] and 4.1% [11/266]) and aged 30 to 49 years old (9.1% [43/473] and 4.4% [21/473]).

Table 1. Proportions with HPV positivity in clinician-collected samples, referral to colposcopy, CIN2+ and CIN3+ by age and Ct values.

hrHPV+ in CC samples Referred to colposcopyb CIN2+ CIN3+
N = 855a N % N % N % N %
Age <30 years 266 148 55.6% 89 33.5% 24 9.0% 11 4.1%
Age 30–49 years 473 235 49.7% 139 29.4% 43 9.1% 21 4.4%
Age 50+ years 116 38 32.8% 21 18.1% 4 3.4% 2 1.7%
HPV Ct value
<30 272 218 80.1% 147 54.0% 39 14.3% 18 6.6%
30–35 217 114 52.5% 59 27.2% 16 7.4% 6 2.8%
35+ 366 89 24.3% 43 11.7% 16 4.4% 10 2.7%
HPV 16, 18, and other types
HPV 16 Ct value
<30 44 41 93.2% 36 81.8% 19 43.2% 14 31.8%
30–35 42 24 57.1% 14 33.3% 8 19.0% 3 7.1%
35+ 65 25 38.5% 14 21.5% 6 9.2% 3 4.6%
HPV 18 Ct value
<30 8 7 87.5% 4 50.0% 1 12.5% 1 12.5%
30–35 14 7 50.0% 6 42.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
35+ 25 7 28.0% 5 20.0% 3 12.0% 1 4.0%
Non-16/18 HPV Ct value
<30 205 156 76.1% 97 47.3% 16 7.8% 3 1.5%
30–35 160 86 53.8% 41 25.6% 8 5.0% 3 1.9%
35+ 292 68 23.3% 32 11.0% 10 3.4% 6 2.1%
Age and HPV Ct value
Age <50 years, HPV Ct value
<30 254 205 80.7% 137 53.9% 38 15.0% 18 7.1%
30–35 191 106 55.5% 55 28.8% 15 7.9% 5 2.6%
35+ 294 72 24.5% 36 12.2% 14 4.8% 9 3.1%
Age 50+ years, HPV Ct value
<30 18 13 72.2% 10 55.6% 1 5.6% 0 0.0%
30–35 26 8 30.8% 4 15.4% 1 3.8% 1 3.8%
35+ 72 17 23.6% 7 9.7% 2 2.8% 1 1.4%
Total 855 421 49.2% 249 29.1% 71 8.3% 34 4.0%

aOnly included women who had adequate cytology.

bOnly women who had abnormal cytology were referred to colposcopy.

HPV, human papillomavirus; hrHPV, high-risk human papillomavirus; Ct, cycle threshold; CC, clinician-collected; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse; CIN3+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse.

Comparing by HPV Ct values, we observed a clear trend of decreased HPV positivity on clinician-collected samples with increasing Ct levels: 80.1% (218/272, 95% CI [75.0%, 84.4%]), 52.5% (114/217, 95% CI [45.9%, 59.1%]), and 24.3% (89/366, 95% CI [20.2%, 29.0%]) for individuals with HPV Ct of below 30, 30 to 35, and above 35, respectively. The corresponding percentages with CIN2+ were 14.3% (39/272), 7.4% (16/217), and 4.4% (16/366), respectively. The risk of CIN2+ plotted as a smooth function of the HPV Ct value is shown in Fig 3. Although the proportion with CIN2+ is below 10% for Ct values below 20, there are very few observations with such low Ct values and the 95% CIs includes both low and high probabilities of CIN2+. It increases to nearly 15% for Ct values in the mid-20s and then gradually falls dipping below 5% at about 35 and below 2.5% by 40. The pattern was consistent when stratifying by age and the magnitude of risk for each of level of Ct values was higher for individuals below age 50 years.

Fig 3. Risk of CIN2+ and HPV Ct value in all samples.

Fig 3

Risk estimated by fitting a fractional polynomial in a logistic regression model (red dots) together with a 95% confidence band (grey shading). HPV, human papillomavirus; Ct, cycle threshold; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse.

Looking at both HPV type and Ct values, of individuals who were HPV 16–positive with an HPV Ct value below 30, 43.2% (19/44) had CIN2+ and 31.8% (14/44) had CIN3+. The proportions with disease were lower among those who had an HPV-16 Ct value between 30 and 35 but remained high (19.0% had CIN2+ and 7.1% had CIN3+). For individuals HPV16–positive and with a Ct value above 35, 9.2% and 4.6% had CIN2+ and CIN3+, respectively. Among the relatively small numbers of individuals who tested positive for HPV18, the proportions with CIN2+ were 12.5%, 0%, and 12.0% for those with Ct values below 30, between 30 and 35, and above 35, respectively. For individuals with other hrHPV–positive and Ct value above 30, the proportion with CIN2+ was 7.8%, 5.0%, and 3.4%, while the proportion with CIN3+ was 1.5%, 1.9%, and 2.1%, respectively.

We also modelled the risk of CIN2+ against HPV Ct values separately for HPV-16 and non-16 HPV. The risk of CIN2+ for individuals who were HPV-16–positive was much more pronounced and fell monotonically with increase Ct value. It was over 40% for those who had a Ct value of <25 and was still over 10% for Ct of 35. By contrast, the risk of CIN2+ for individuals positive for non-16 HPV peaked at around 10% across all range of Ct values and was lower both for very low and very high Ct values (Fig 4). In the sensitivity analyses applying varying degrees of smoothing, the predicted probabilities of CIN2+ were comparable across different smoothing methods, and generally showed within the 95% confidence bands from the fractional polynomial regression (S1 Fig). The 95% confidence bands from the logistic regressions using fractional polynomials and restricted cubic splines also show substantial overlap.

Fig 4. Risk of CIN2+ and HPV16 Ct value in HPV 16–positive samples and non-HPV 16–positive samples.

Fig 4

Risk estimated by fitting a fractional polynomial in a logistic regression model (red dots) together with a 95% confidence band (grey shading). HPV, human papillomavirus; Ct, cycle threshold; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse.

Risk groups

Based on the above, we divided HPV–positive self-samples into 3 levels of risk (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 2. Proportions with HPV positivity in clinician-collected samples, referral to colposcopy, CIN2+ and CIN3+, in each level of our risk groups.

Risk groupsa hrHPV+ in CC samples Referred to colposcopyc CIN2+ CIN3+
N = 855b N % N % N % (95% CI) N % (95% CI)
High risk 44 41 93.2% 36 81.8% 19 43.2% (29.7%, 57.8%) 14 31.8% (20.0%, 46.6%)
Intermediate risk 359 226 63.0% 140 39.0% 34 9.5% (6.9%, 12.9%) 11 3.1% (1.7%, 5.4%)
Low risk 452 154 34.1% 73 16.2% 18 4.0% (2.5%, 6.2%) 9 2.0% (1.1%, 3.7%)
Total 855 421 49.2% 249 29.1% 71 8.3% (6.6%, 10.3%) 34 4.0% (2.9%, 5.5%)

a High risk group includes individuals had HPV-16 Ct <30. Intermediate risk group includes individuals had HPV-16 Ct ≥30 or HPV-18 (any Ct value) or HPV non16/18 Ct <30. Low risk group includes individuals had HPV non-16/18 Ct ≥30.

b Only included women who had adequate cytology.

c Only women who had abnormal cytology were referred to colposcopy.

HPV, human papillomavirus; CC, clinician-collected; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse; CIN3+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse; CI, confidence interval.

High risk: HPV-16 Ct <30. This group included 44 individuals (5% [44/855] of all the HPV–positive), of whom 19 (43.2%, 95% CI [29.7%, 57.8%]) had CIN2+ and 14 (31.8%, 95% CI [20.0%, 46.6%]) had CIN3+. Seeing that the percentage for CIN2+ exceeds the upper target of 40% and greatly exceeds the lower target of 14%, we recommend that they are referred to colposcopy immediately. We note that despite referring first to the GP for clinician sampling, 81.8% (36/44) were referred to immediate colposcopy after clinician sampling. A further 11% (5/44) were HPV–positive on the clinician sample and may be referred to colposcopy at 12 or 24 months depending on the results of their early recall.

Intermediate risk: HPV-16 Ct ≥30 or HPV-18 (any Ct value) or HPV non16/18 Ct <30. This group includes 359 individuals (42% of 855 HPV–positive individuals), of whom 34/359 (9.5%, 95% CI [6.9%, 12.9%]) had CIN2+ and 11/359 (3.1%, 95% CI [1.7%, 5.4%]) had CIN3+. The proportion with CIN2+ is too low to recommend immediate referral to colposcopy but too high to wait for 12 months. We recommend that they are referred to their GP for clinical sampling where (in this study) 39% (140/359) were subsequently referred to immediate colposcopy.

Low risk: HPV non-16/18 Ct ≥30. This group includes 452 individuals (53% of 855 HPV–positive individuals), of whom 18/452 (4.0%, 95% CI [2.5%, 6.2%]) had CIN2+ and 9/452 (2.0%, 95% CI [1.1%, 3.7%]) had CIN3+. Since even the upper limit of the 95% CI for CIN2+ is less than 8%, we suggest that they were recommended to have a repeat self-sample in 12 months. Note that after clinical sampling, only 16% (73/452) were subsequently referred to colposcopy in this study.

Individuals in the intermediate risk group have slightly higher risk of having CIN2+ but a slightly lower risk of having CIN3+ compared to all HPV–positive individuals. The risk for CIN2+ is 9.5% (95% CI [6.9%, 12.9%]) versus 8.3% (95% CI [6.6%, 10.3%]) for all HPV–positive individuals, while the risk for CIN3+ is 3.1% (95% CI [1.7%, 5.4%]) versus 4.0% (95% CI [2.9%, 5.5%]). By contrast, the individuals in the low-risk group had about half the risk (4.0%, 95% CI [2.5%, 6.2%] versus 8.3%, 95% CI [6.6%, 10.3%] and 2.0%, 95% CI [1.1%, 3.7%] versus 4.0%, 95% CI [2.9%, 5.5%], respectively). Using this classifier allows those at greatest risk to be sent directly to colposcopy and detects 3 quarters of CIN2+ immediately while allowing half of individuals to be managed by repeat self-sampling.


In this study, HPV Ct values from self-samples were associated with the risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+, supporting the potential use of HPV Ct value and HPV genotypes to guide the clinical management of HPV–positive results in self-samples. Individuals with lower HPV Ct values on their self-samples (higher viral load) were at higher risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+. The risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+ also depended on the HPV genotype. The risk of CIN2+ was greater in individuals positive for HPV16 than in individuals positive for other types.

As discussed previously [27], the proportion (50%) of clinician-collected samples that were HPV–negative in women with an HPV–positive self-sample was unexpectedly low. However, it was very similar to that reported (55.2%) in a large study from Sweden [28]. Of note, although Ct values for beta-globin over 32.5 are outliers on the box and whiskers plots, they were all within the manufacturer’s adequate range. Likely explanations for the lack of concordance between the self- and clinician-samples include: vaginal infections that were not present in the cervix [7], an HPV deposition rather than a true infection [29], difference in false positives between Roche cobas 4800 and Aptima as well as viral clearance between collection of the first and second samples [30].

When examining the combination of HPV genotype and Ct level, we observed that the intermediate risk group could be further divided in 2 subgroups. A small high-intermediate group would include individuals who were HPV16–positive with Ct value of 30 to 35 or HPV18–positive with Ct value below 30 (18% [9/50] of whom had CIN2+). The remaining low-intermediate risk group HPV16–positve Ct ≥35, HPV18–positive Ct ≥30, or had other hrHPV Ct <30 (8% [25/309] of whom has CIN2+). However, we think that dividing HPV–positive individuals into 4 risk groups may introduce noise by being overly reliant on the data in this study. We therefore prefer to divide into 3 risk groups as described in the Results section. Additionally, we note that the risk of CIN2+ among individuals aged over 50 years in the intermediate risk group was only 2.4% (1/42) (S2 Table). Thus, one might reclassify individuals aged 50+ years positive for HPV non-16/18 as low risk regardless of their Ct value.

The pattern observed in Fig 3 is not as expected. Rather than observing a monotone decrease in risk with increasing Ct values, we see a bell-shaped curve with a mode at a Ct value of about 27. There are 3 potential explanations for this. Firstly, this graph includes Ct values from all 3 HPV channels. When restricted to HPV16 (Fig 4), the curve is monotone. The majority of Ct values below 20 are from non-HPV16 types that have a lower risk of CIN2+. Nevertheless, the plot for non-HPV16 Ct values is also bell shaped. Interestingly, Zhang and colleagues [14] also observed a strong monotone association for HPV16 and a fairly flat relationship for HPV18 and other HPVs. Secondly, the increasing risk for Ct values between 17 and 27 could be due to chance—the 95% confidence bands include a monotone decreasing curve for the full range of Ct values. Finally, it is possible that very high viral loads are indicative of a proliferative infection which is less likely to have resulted in CIN2+.

Whereas the increasing risk with increasing Ct values between 20 and 25–27 (Fig 4) is inconsistent with the underpinning logic that risk increases with viral load (which is inversely relative to Ct values), there are relatively few samples with (non-HPV16) Ct values in this range. Further, for both HPV18 and other HPVs, those with Ct <30 have greater probability of CIN2+ than those with Ct ≥30. For the endpoint CIN3+, this difference in risk is more pronounced for HPV18, but the risk is uniformly low for other HPVs. Further studies are required to see whether it would be safe to include all non-16/18 HPV samples in the low-risk category regardless of their Ct value. For now, we recommend caution and include non-16/18 HPV in intermediate risk if their Ct value is less than 30.

Given that HPV Ct values and HPV genotypes are directly available from many PCR-based (as well as isothermal amplification) HPV assays [15], our findings demonstrate the importance of HPV genotype and its Ct value for risk stratification of HPV–positive individuals. This is particularly valuable on self-samples for which reflex cytology is not available for triage. Integrating the HPV genotypes and Ct values into the clinical management process for cervical lesions has also been considered in cervical screening using clinician samples [1115]. Direct referral to colposcopy of a small high-risk group could improve the efficiency of the clinical management process and minimize loss of follow-up in the referral pathway. For individuals at “intermediate risk,” referral for a clinician-collected sample as in YouScreen seems appropriate. For the low-risk group, a repeat self-sample in 12 months would seem justified, but an alternative would be referral for a clinician-collected sample depending on the available healthcare resources and patient preference.

Self-sampling has been proven to be effective in enhancing the cervical screening coverage by reaching more of the under-screened population [7]. By enabling a more targeted management of HPV–positive individuals, healthcare systems can allocate resources more efficiently, potentially reducing the need for multiple healthcare visits and lowering the overall cost of cervical cancer prevention efforts. This approach could refine triage strategies, especially in low- and middle-income countries where access to quality cytology is limited [31]. It may also be an attractive option for individuals who are reluctant to have a clinician sample or who find a speculum examination painful.

The association between HPV Ct values, as a proxy for viral load, and the risk of cervical precancer and cancer has been investigated and proposed as a triage marker [1115], but few studies have focused on self-samples. According to the cervical screening guidelines in United States, individuals who were HPV16/18–positive have been recommended to receive a direct referral to colposcopy [32]. The findings in our study are consistent with existing studies that HPV genotypes and HPV Ct values are associated with risk of high-grade cervical lesions [1116]. A recent study from the Dutch national organised cervical screening programme investigating primary HPV testing on self-samples versus clinician-collected samples reported that high Ct values (>35) on self-samples were less likely to be associated with CIN2+ (and CIN3+) but low values (<30) did not have higher risk than intermediate (30–35) values [11]. It is possible that failure to distinguish HPV types in that study masked the full association with Ct values. Studies from New Mexico [12] and Costa Rica [16] concluded that HPV genotypes, in particular HPV 16, and viral load are significant predictors of CIN2+ and CIN3+. Several papers from the Chinese Multi-site Screening Trial have proposed HPV Ct value as a triage marker of high-grade cervical lesions [1315]. A study based on self-samples showed that Ct values were associated with the severity of cervical lesions and suggesting an appropriate cut-off of 33.7 combined with HPV16/18 for triage of HPV–positive individuals [13]. In studies based on clinician-collected samples, studies reported that HPV16/18 genotyping combined with low Ct values for non-16/18 hrHPV, especially the A9 group (types 31, 33, 35, and 58), demonstrating satisfactory sensitivity and specificity for detecting CIN2+ or CIN3+ [15]. One issue with cross-study comparison is that while general trends have emerged, different assays have been employed and Ct values between assays are not directly comparable. Ct values provide a proxy of load and the assays that include them may be considered semiquantitative rather than quantitative as there is no normalisation to adjust for cellular input. Advances in technology that provide absolute quantification—such as digital PCR, will provide further insight into the relationship between viral load and disease outcome, allowing for refinement in the development and application of HPV assays in a screening context.

With increasing impact of HPV vaccination in many countries, the risk of infection of vaccine-type HPVs and cervical lesions are expected to be reduced considerably [33,34]. In such a setting, referring individuals who test positive for HPV16/18 might be more efficient. However, the changes in HPV types causing pre-cancerous cervical lesions in the population might necessitate reassessment of clinical management and referral criteria for non-HPV16/18 types to account for the changing epidemiology. Cervical screening programmes will benefit from continuously evaluating the performance of HPV testing in vaccinated populations and optimising the triage pathway to ensure ongoing efficiency [35].

Our study’s strengths lie in its large-scale evaluation of opportunistically offered self-sampling to non-attenders within an organised cervical screening programme. It means our findings have immediate clinical implications for pilot implementation programmes and screening studies. These results could be used to enhance screening efficiency, optimising triage protocols, and personalising clinical follow-up based on HPV genotype and Ct values. Limitations include that the colposcopy assessment was restricted to individuals who had abnormal cytology after positive results of both self-samples and clinician-collected samples. In this study, different HPV assays were used for primary screening and follow-up tests. Even in this large-scale implementation trial, we had limited numbers of CIN3+ detected limiting the power for subgroup analysis by HPV genotypes especially for HPV 18.

Future studies in large-scale cohorts incorporating long-term observation of self-samples are required to further examine and validate the long-term risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+ corresponding to different HPV genotypes and their Ct values. Validating the predictive value of Ct thresholds for different HPV types possibly in combination with other triage markers such as DNA methylation analysis would also be of great value [36,37]. As the Ct values are assay-specific, the threshold of Ct values for referral should be determined separately for each assay and preferably tested in various settings. Additionally, the integration of self-sampling together with triage based on HPV genotypes and their Ct values into existing healthcare systems needs to be carefully managed and monitored.

In conclusion, our findings highlight the potential value of integrating HPV partial-typing and Ct values to permit risk stratification of HPV–positive women. Such an approach may have immediate clinical application for self-sampling and could mitigate the loss to follow-up associated with triage strategies that necessitate a clinician-taken sample.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Baseline characteristics of study sample.


pmed.1004494.s001.docx (33.8KB, docx)
S2 Table. Proportion of HPV positivity in clinician-collected samples, referral to colposcopy, CIN2+, and CIN3+, by risk groups and age.


pmed.1004494.s002.docx (36KB, docx)
S1 Fig. Risk of CIN2+ and HPV Ct value.

The predicted probabilities were generated by running mean smoothing (running line), logistic regression model with natural cubic spline (mkspline), natural cubic spline (spline), and fractional polynomial regression (fp); 95% CIs are illustrated for fractional polynomial regression (95% CI fp) and logistic regression model (95% CI mkspline). HPV, human papillomavirus; CI, confidence interval; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse.


pmed.1004494.s003.docx (6.9MB, docx)
S1 Dataset. Stata dataset containing 871 observations on 15 variables.

The dataset includes the Ct values for the 4 channels (HPV16, HPV18, HPV other, and beta-globin) as well as the result of the clinical HPV test and where available, the cytology and histology.


pmed.1004494.s004.dta (106.1KB, dta)
S1 Codebook. Excel Worksheet listing the 15 variables in the Dataset together with a more detailed description and how they have been encoded (e.g., “1 = Yes; 0 = No”).


pmed.1004494.s005.xlsx (16.9KB, xlsx)
S1 Script. Stata “do-file” containing the code used to run the analyses in the manuscript using the data from “S1 Dataset.”.

(DO) (6.4KB, do)
S1 YouScreen Trial Steering Committee. List of the members of the YouScreen Trial Steering Committee and their affiliations.


pmed.1004494.s007.docx (22.2KB, docx)


We thank all the women and other people with a cervix who took part in the study and the staff at the participating general practices without whom this research would not have been possible.



atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance


confidence interval


Cervical Screening Programme


cycle threshold


General Practice


human papillomavirus


high-risk human papillomavirus


interquartile range


National Health Service


polymerase chain reaction

Data Availability

Anonymous data with code book and stata code used in the main analysis are available in the Supporting Information files. The protocol of YouScreen trial is available at

Funding Statement

YouScreen is funded by the North Central London and North East London Cancer Alliance (University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, through a research grant awarded to AWWL. AWWL is supported by Cancer Research UK (CRUK, grant number C8162/A16892 and C8162/A27047 awarded to PS. The Cancer Research UK & King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (CPTU) is funded by CRUK grant number C8162/A25356 awarded to PS. JL is supported by Swedish Research Council (, grant No.2021-00289 & 2023-01809) and Swedish Research Council for health, working life and welfare (, grant No. 2023-01221). The National Institute for Health Research ( NIHR) covered service support costs and National Health Service commissioners funded excess treatment costs (CPMS ID: 41934). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Alexandra Tosun

1 Aug 2024

Dear Dr Sasieni,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions" for consideration by PLOS Medicine.

Your manuscript has now been evaluated by the PLOS Medicine editorial staff and I am writing to let you know that we would like to send your submission out for external peer review.

During our initial assessment, we were unable to locate any information in the Clinical Trial Registry entry regarding the investigation of Ct values. This has led us to wonder whether the analysis presented in the submission is a post-hoc analysis of the YouScreen trial data. If this is accurate, it would be essential to transparently report the analysis as such in the Abstract, Methods, and Title.

However, before we can send your manuscript to reviewers, we need you to complete your submission by providing the metadata that is required for full assessment. To this end, please login to Editorial Manager where you will find the paper in the 'Submissions Needing Revisions' folder on your homepage. Please click 'Revise Submission' from the Action Links and complete all additional questions in the submission questionnaire.

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Kind regards,

Alexandra Tosun, PhD

Associate Editor

PLOS Medicine

Decision Letter 1

Alexandra Tosun

28 Aug 2024

Dear Dr Sasieni,

Many thanks for submitting your manuscript "Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions" (PMEDICINE-D-24-02470R1) to PLOS Medicine. The paper has been reviewed by subject experts and a statistician; their comments are included below and can also be accessed here: [LINK]

As you will see, the reviewers were positive about the manuscript. However, the statistical reviewer in particular commented that there are significant methodological issues that need to be addressed. After discussing the paper with the editorial team and an academic editor with relevant expertise, I'm pleased to invite you to revise the paper in response to the reviewers' comments. We plan to send the revised paper to some or all of the original reviewers, and we cannot provide any guarantees at this stage regarding publication.

When you upload your revision, please include a point-by-point response that addresses all of the reviewer and editorial points, indicating the changes made in the manuscript and either an excerpt of the revised text or the location (eg: page and line number) where each change can be found. Please also be sure to check the general editorial comments at the end of this letter and include these in your point-by-point response. When you resubmit your paper, please include a clean version of the paper as the main article file and a version with changes tracked as a marked-up manuscript. It may also be helpful to check the guidelines for revised papers at for any that apply to your paper.

We ask that you submit your revision by Sep 18 2024. However, if this deadline is not feasible, please contact me by email, and we can discuss a suitable alternative.

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Best regards,


Alexandra Tosun, PhD

Associate Editor

PLOS Medicine


Comments from the academic editor:

The premise is useful, and as a study that is heavily dependent on the analysis, the statistical issues raised are good ones that must be addressed for this piece to be of optimum value.


Comments from the reviewers:

Reviewer #1: The authors describe: Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized controlled tria.

This is an interesting study in order to defin groups of screened women that may avoid the step via GP's in cervbical cancer screening with self sampling. The cohort is of sufficient size and the report is well written.

However I have several commonts which i feel need to be addressed:

- The title is somewhat misleading as as it suggests that randomsation has anything to do with this study, while randomisation plays now part at all.

- The authors report a very large difference in HPV positivity between the self samples (SS) and the clinician collected (CCS) samples as about 50% of the SS positieve samples was negative on the CCS. This needs furhter explanation as it is of major influence on the results. Now the 50% saples that are negative on CCS lack any follow up data. so it remains unsure what cervical abnormalities are present in that group. This is a major drawback for the results and conclusions that may be drawn. Adding to this fact, also longer follow up data on women without direct referral after triage cytology are missing.

- Additionally the manuscript lacks any explanation on this difference. Indeed other studies did find differences between HPV positivity in SS and CCS but not this large.

- The manuscript also lacks description on the lab policy on the dry Floqswabs. In what median was the swab suspended. How many mls of it, as too little or too much dilution may directly influende the CT value of the PCR. In order to be able to repeat this experiment this information is crucial. I suspect rather low volume of suspension causing the much higher HPV positivity in the SS.

- In the results both CIN 2+ and CIN3+ are reported. The major interest however should be in CIN 3+ as this is the real premalignancy. With that in mind number of women with CIN 3 in this study is relatively low so not many firm conclusions may result from this study. Especially the number of women > 50 years with CIN 3 is so low that no conclusion on age may be valid.

- The identification of a small group with HPV 16 and low CT values (5%) for direct referral is well described. Using the CT value as a surrogate viral load marker identifies a high risk group. However with direct referral one may argue that the colposcopist misses information that normally is present during colposcopy. Every colposcopist will prefer a cytology result, giving direction to what may be expected during colposcopy, and what management is expected, especially if abnormalities of the cylindric cells is suspected. So most colposcopist will still want a cytology report to assist them in colposcopic policy.

- The main advantage of triage with CT value and genotyping is the identification of a subgroup that may be followed with a SS in 12 months time. But especially in this group viral load has not proven its value in the past. Many more studies like this need to be done in order to have sufficient information that CT values are valuable, as incidences of CIN 3+ may be low but need confirmation in larger cohorts. .

- I miss any discussion on other markers than CT value or genotyping tha may be performed on SS. Methylation markers have been shown to be of value in this respect and combining genotyping, CT values and methylation markers may perform even better.

Reviewer #2: This research used data from the existing stepped-wedge YouScreen pragmatic trial to examine the association between test results from self-collected cervicovaginal samples and the results of a clinician-collected sample combined with any diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (where histopathological testing was completed). HPV type and cycle threshold (Ct) values ascertained from the self-collected sample were the specific biomarkers of interest. The results of these analyses were used to propose a risk stratification algorithm intended to refer similar proportions of individuals for further testing as the current, in-person standard of care.

While the motivation behind and value of this research was well explained by the authors, there are substantial methodological issues that require addressing. Broadly, I don't yet understand why the authors chose the methodology employed i.e., developing a risk model that aims to refer in the same patterns as standard of care. The literature on clinical agreement and set-point ascertainment is well developed and it's unclear to me why it has not been leveraged here. Additionally, the statistical analysis methods presented don't yet have sufficient detail and rigour. No explanation was provided of why fractional polynomial regression (which is typically used for continuous endpoints) was used and how it was integrated with the use of logistic regression. Indeed, no details are provided about the modelling approach other than identifying the use of logistic regression. Given the unusual combination of statistical techniques, I would expect citations to reputable methodological prior work - the current citation to the statistical software manual is not sufficient. Finally, there are several apparent contradictions that are not explained, and some claims are made without sufficient support.

Detailed feedback on the manuscript is provided below. My primary focus has been methodological, but I have made a few broader points as well. All items are major unless indicated otherwise.

1. General

1.1 The manuscript title says the current study is based on a RCT, but the underlying trial is cluster-randomised/stepped-wedge. This may be misleading as "randomised clinical trial" is generally taken to mean individual, not cluster.

2. Abstract

2.1 Please revise based on the provided feedback below.

3. Introduction

3.1 The logic motivating the study (benefits of self-testing over clinician sample collection combined with prior research suggesting low Ct can be indicative of serious disease in some circumstances) was well presented but the research gap could be further argued. That is, has development of a risk stratification model in this context been attempted before? If so, how does this build on it? If not, say so.

3.1 "Self-samples has also demonstrated either a comparable or slightly lower clinical sensitivity and specificity for detecting high-grade cervical lesions, providing a valuable tool for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer." The authors implicitly recognised the importance of sensitivity and specificity here, increasing my confusion as to why these and other clinical agreement statistics were not used in this research.

3.2 HPV, cycle time, and self- vs. clinician-sampling are explained clearly and succinctly.

3.3 The definition of study aims is clear, but I question below whether these aims are addressed with the current methodology and results.

4. Material and methods

4.1 Study setting and population

4.1.1 [MINOR] I think it's worth noting that YouScreen was stepped-wedge.

4.1.2 [MINOR] Unclear why the boroughs of London are identified - this is not informative to global readers and doesn't appear to be pertinent to the current study. If I am missing something (such as these areas being particularly low or high socioeconomically) please clarify.

4.1.3 In the final para the authors say "Ct values are not readily available from cobas 4800…" then "… we managed to extract Ct values…" and go on to describe in detail how the cobas 4800 produces Ct values and how they are central to how HPV subtypes are determined. This appears contradictory and should be clarified.

4.2 Laboratory testing

4.2.1 This section is well-written and clear. I would only make the point that consistently in the text of the manuscript, the working hypothesis is that the lower the Ct value, the higher the viral activity (and, possibly, the higher the risk of serious disease). I will refer back to this point later.

4.3 Statistical analyses

4.3.1 "These proportions were further stratified by age (categorized as <30, 30-49 and 50+), the overall HPV Ct value categories (<30, 30-35 and 35+)." Why/how were these cut-offs chosen?

4.3.2 Please explain why fractional polynomial regression (which is typically used for continuous endpoints) is used here and how it is integrated with the used of logistic regression. I'm also curious why the authors didn't consider splines?

4.3.3 Please detail the modelling approach thoroughly - how many models used and of what type? Covariates? Was goodness of fit assessed? If models are to be used to produce predicted probabilities, the modelling results must be presented too.

4.3.4 Given the unusual combination of statistical techniques, I would expect citation(s) to reputable methodological prior work - the current citation to the statistical software manual is not sufficient.

4.4 Target risk classification

4.4.1 The methodological basis of this approach to defining risk strata is not presented. The authors must establish the validity of the presented approach where Ct cutoffs within HPV types are tweaked until the expected referral patterns broadly match the referral patterns observed in standard of care. Again, there are established approaches to cutoff ascertainment and judging the success (or otherwise) of risk algorithms that could be leveraged.

4.4.2 "In the HPV primary screening pilot, among those referred "immediately" with HPV positive and abnormal cytology, about 40% (3,060/7,542) had CIN2+." Later in the manuscript you refer to a PPV cut-off of 40%. If this is the 40% you are referring to please make that clearer here. Put another way, you don't say anywhere in the methods you are calculating PPVs but rely on them later.

6. Results

6.1 Study Population

6.1.1 [MINOR] "hrHPV" = "high risk HPV"?

6.1.2 1,001 of 7,643 patients in text but 1,002 of 8,340 patients in figure.

6.2 HPV and beta-globin Ct values

6.2.1 "Notably, there were many outliers (Ct >32.5) for beta-globin Ct values, indicating samples with low levels of human DNA, in all groups." This is identified but not explored further. Is this expected? Does this cast doubt on the reliability of the samples and subsequent findings? Or is it not problematic because it appears evenly distributed? Consider clarifying here or in Discussion.

6.3 HPV types, HPV Ct values and risk of high-grade cervical lesions

6.3.1 Throughout this paragraph the authors refer to "risk" interchangeably with proportions of patients. I understand why this approach was taken but I would recommend against it because it has the potential to mislead - these are simple proportions of a small number of patients, not modelled risks with reported uncertainty.

6.3.2 "Comparing by HPV Ct values, we observed a clear gradient of decreased risk of HPV positivity on clinician-collected samples with increasing Ct values…" There is currently insufficient evidence presented to make this claim - the patient numbers are small, no analyses or statistics are presented (just simple mean percentages), and the authors are relying on three levels only.

6.3.3 "The risk of CIN2+ plotted as a smooth function of the HPV Ct value is shown in Figure 3a. The risk of CIN2+ is below 10% for Ct values below 20." Notwithstanding the methodological concerns already raised in 4.3, this is not justified by the existing analyses. The number of patients is very small and the presented confidence intervals take in the entire range of risk values.

6.3.3 "The risk of CIN2+ is below 10% for Ct values below 20. It increases to nearly 15% for Ct-values in the mid-20s and then gradually falls dipping below 5% at about 35 and below 2.5% by 40." This result is inconsistent with a key hypothesis underpinning this research, that low Ct corresponds to higher viral load and, consequently, higher risk of severe disease. It is crucial this inconsistency is addressed. Any explanation must also incorporate any implications of this statement from the Laboratory Testing section of the Introduction "The manufacturers have defined Ct value-cutoffs for all the HPV channels to determine positive results (the Ct value must be below the cut-off for the test to be called positive), which are 40.5 for HPV16 and 40 for HPV18 and the pooled 12-HPV channels.".

6.4 Risk score

6.4.1 Please refer to feedback 4.4 above - I would reiterate the importance of clearly articulating in the Methods analyses that produce statistics presented here (i.e., PPV).

6.4.2 This section would be strengthened through the quantification of uncertainty (confidence intervals at a minimum).

6.4.3 The use of "Low Ct is riskier" logic underpinning the intermediate and low risk strata for HPV non-16/18 (i.e., outside of HPV-16) appears inconsistent with the bell-shaped risk curves presented in Figure 3a and 3b (right panel).

6.4.4. "Using this classifier allows those at greatest risk to be sent directly to colposcopy and detects three quarters of CIN2+ immediately whilst allowing half of individuals to be managed by repeat self-sampling." There is not yet sufficient evidence presented to justify this statement.

7. Discussion

7.1 I will not repeat feedback already provided when similar feedback applies to the discussion, but please ensure any changes made in the earlier sections are reflected here too.

7.2 "However, we think that dividing HPV positive individuals into four risk groups may risk overfitting these data and we prefer to divide into three risk groups as described in the results section." I would suggest against the use of the word "overfitting" here. It has specific meaning with respect to statistical modelling, and there is no model being fit here - simply a partitioning of patients into risk strata.

7.3 "It means our findings have immediate clinical implications…" Such a strong statement is not yet justified by the results; indeed, the authors go on to say "Future studies in large-scale cohorts incorporating long-term observation of self-samples are required to further examine and validate the long-term risk of CIN2+ and CIN3+ corresponding to different HPV genotypes and their Ct values."

8. Tables and Figures

8.1 I will not repeat feedback already provided when similar feedback applies to the tables and figures, but please ensure any changes made in the earlier sections are reflected here too.

8.2 I suggest adding a table characterising the sample of participants.

8.3 Figure 1 slightly differs from similarly worded parts of the original YouScreen trial's CONSORT diagram. I suggest making clear why there are differences.

8.4 Also in Figure 1, I am not sure what the footnote refers to or is trying to communicate. Suggest clarifying.

Reviewer #3: This is post-hoc analysis of a large cervical cancer screening trail. The trail investigated the utility of HPV testing in combination with self-sampling. The aim of this analysis was to determine if CT values in combination with HPV genotype, as detected on self-sampling, can help to predict the ultimate diagnosis of CIN2+lesions when using physician collected samples and routine referral for cytology and colposcopy as reference standard. The ultimate aim is to reduce LTF of high-risk participants by identifying a high risk screen-positive group that could be referred directly to treatment without cytology triage.

The methodology is well motivated and explained. It is s a pity that the 172 women with positive HPV and normal cytology could not be assessed after their recall, however, that does not take away from the clear demonstration of CT value and genotype to guide clinical action. The three management groups, as described, had significantly different risks for the detection of CIN2+.

It seems that the histology results were taken from routine clinical datasets. Perhaps the authors can add a sentence to explain that histology was reported in a "real-world" situation and that there was no central pathology review.

Figure 3 is a good visualization of how CT value can add diagnostic accuracy, particularly in those that test positive for HPV type 16.

This paper adds value to our understanding of how CT values and HPV genotype hierarchy can help to stratify risk, even in self collected samples.

Any attachments provided with reviews can be seen via the following link: [LINK]

--------------------------------------------------------- ---

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Decision Letter 2

Alexandra Tosun

30 Sep 2024

Dear Dr. Sasieni,

Thank you very much for re-submitting your manuscript "Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions: a post-hoc analysis of a modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility trial" (PMEDICINE-D-24-02470R2) for review by PLOS Medicine.

Thank you for your detailed response to the editors' and reviewers' comments. I have discussed the paper with my colleagues and the academic editor, and it has also been seen again by two of the original reviewers. The changes made to the paper were mostly satisfactory to the reviewers. As such, we intend to accept the paper for publication, pending your attention to the reviewers' and editors' comments below in a further revision. When submitting your revised paper, please once again include a detailed point-by-point response to the editorial comments.

The remaining issues that need to be addressed are listed at the end of this email. Any accompanying reviewer attachments can be seen via the link below. Please take these into account before resubmitting your manuscript:


In revising the manuscript for further consideration here, please ensure you address the specific points made by each reviewer and the editors. In your rebuttal letter you should indicate your response to the reviewers' and editors' comments and the changes you have made in the manuscript. Please submit a clean version of the paper as the main article file. A version with changes marked must also be uploaded as a marked up manuscript file. Please also check the guidelines for revised papers at for any that apply to your paper.

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We ask that you submit your revision within 1 week (Oct 07 2024). However, if this deadline is not feasible, please contact me by email, and we can discuss a suitable alternative.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions ( If you reply directly to this message, please be sure to 'Reply All' so your message comes directly to my inbox.

We look forward to receiving the revised manuscript.


Alexandra Tosun, PhD

Associate Editor 

PLOS Medicine

***Please note while forming your response, if your article is accepted, you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out.***


Requests from Editors:


1) When presenting age, please add a unit, such as ‘years’. Please revise throughout the manuscript, including tables and figures (including those in the Supporting Information).

2) Please check whether the details provided on lines 658-686 match the information provided in the online submission form.

3) Thank you for your response regarding the CONSORT checklist. We will not be requiring you to complete the checklist.

4) There is no need to include the main trial protocol as a Supporting Information file, and since there was no formal study protocol document for the post hoc analysis, you do not need to include any document.


Please note that the data availability statement as written on lines 659-663 does not meet our journal requirements and does not match the statement provided in the online submission form. I have noted your comments in the point-by-point response and appreciate your efforts to provide the underlying data. Before resubmitting, please ensure that the paper complies with the PLOS Data Availability Policy.

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Please add a sentence to your data availability statement regarding the code used in the study, e.g. "The code used in the analysis is available in the Supporting Information files.” and add the file accordingly.


ll.52ff: Please report statistical information as follows to improve clarity for the reader "22% (95% CI [13%,28%]; p</=). For example, line 52-53: “44/855 (5%) were high-risk of whom 43% (19/44, 95% confidence interval [29.7%, 57.8%]) had CIN2+.” When reporting 95% CIs please separate upper and lower bounds with commas instead of hyphens as the latter can be confused with reporting of negative values.


1) l.70: Please change to “endocervical samples”.

2) l.72: Please temper claims of primacy of results by stating, "to our knowledge" or something similar or remove the word “novel”.


l.114: Please define ‘UK’ at first use.


1) l.198: Please define ‘hrHPV’ at first use. Once you have introduced the abbreviation, please use the abbreviation throughout the manuscript. We have noticed that you alternate between using the abbreviation and "high-risk HPV".

2) ll.311-314: Please revise the sentence. Do the three percentages refer to Ct values below 30, 30-35 and above 35?

3) l.324: Please change to “showed”.

4) “A further 11% (=93.2%-81.8%)” – We are not sure that the calculation is very clear. We suggest writing "(=5 individuals; 41/44, 93.2%)".

5) l.346: Please change to “were”.

6) ll.349-351: Please revise for clarity.

7) Figure 1: Please define ‘hrHPV’, ‘CIN2’, ‘CIN3+’. Please note that the figure itself does not include the footnote 'a)'.

8) Figure 2: Please remove the definition "CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse; CIN3+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse" below the figure as you seem to be differentiating only between normal and abnormal cytology. Please explain in the figure description what 'Cyt+' and 'Cyt-' refer to. We also suggest adding an explanation that beta-globin serves as an internal control for sample cellularity and which HPV types are included. Please remember that all figures and/or tables should be self-explanatory on a stand-alone basis.

9) Table 1: Please add a unit for age. Please note that footnote 'b)' is marked 'y' in the table.

10) Table 2: Please note that there are no footnotes in the table. Please add the risk group definitions below the table.

11) Figure 3: Please change to “All samples” and “Risk of CIN2+ and HPV Ct value in all samples”.


ll.371-372: Please revise for clarity.


1) Please use the word “accessed” instead of “cited” when specifying the date of (e.g. [accessed: 10/04/2024]).

2) Please ensure that journal name abbreviations match those found in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases (, and are appropriately formatted and capitalized. For example, “New England Journal of Medicine” in reference [5] should be “N Engl J Med”.


In the published article, supporting information files are accessed only through a hyperlink attached to the captions. For this reason, you must list captions at the end of your manuscript file. You may include a caption within the supporting information file itself, as long as that caption is also provided in the manuscript file. Do not submit a separate caption file.

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Comments from Reviewers:

Reviewer #1: Comments have well been answered and adjusted

Reviewer #2: Thanks to the authors for the clear and cogent responses to my feedback and associated changes to the manuscript. In most cases I agree and consider the items closed (assume this is the case unless otherwise indicated), but I have identified some follow-up points for further consideration that I have detailed below. In several cases the response to my question is clear but has not yet been reflected in the manuscript. In a small number of cases I have provided further suggestions.

Before providing the detailed follow-up points, I did want to make one general observation which is easy to fix and, on reflection, caused me quite a bit of confusion. When I read "risk" or "risk score", I immediately think of a continuous risk percentage between zero and one. Conversely, "risk category" or "risk strata" refer to ordered categories of risk. Given you are presenting both risk percentages (CIN2+) and risk strata (High/Medium/Low), I suggest choosing your preferred naming and ensuring it is used consistently throughout the manuscript text and tables/figures. This is of particular importance for more methodologically inclined readers because, as you know, choice of statistical model and approach hinges on the outcome variable type.


"We are following Castle and Katki (Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2016) who advocate 'equal management of equal risks' as a framework for developing screening guidelines and practice. It is precisely our different perspective that distinguishes this paper from the existing literature which focuses on sensitivity and specificity."

These sentences in the authors' response address my concern about choice and justification of methodology. I suggest this is reflected in the Introduction, including citing the work by Castle and Katki identified by the authors.

Point 4.3.3.[a] The authors' response is very clear and helpful and, I believe, essential to any reader wishing to understand or replicate the analyses. As such, I would suggest this level of detail is included in the manuscript or (if preferred/required due to word count), in the supplementary materials.

Point 4.3.3.[b] Further to the author's point "Note that for the primary model, there is no need for logistic regression, we can simply look at the observed proportions with CIN2+ in each group and calculated 95% confidence intervals using Wilson's method." I understand the primary analyses (as reflected in Table 1) and see how they are used in the definition of the three risk strata. That said, I am still unsure why the authors used this complicated combination of strata and descriptive univariate calculations when four multivariable models (one for each of the four binary endpoints represented by columns in Table 1) or, for that matter, a single model with an ordinal outcome, would have been simpler and allowed for assessment of relative salience of the various factors i.e., age group, HPV type, Ct value, and interactions thereof. That said, given the small number of patients and purpose of these analyses (informing the development of the risk strata as opposed to definitively establishing risk percentages), I accept the current analyses are sufficient.

Point 4.4.2. I am not convinced you have addressed my point here. In the results you still refer to "PPV" (lines 348 and 357) and it is not included in your methods; either as a calculation using these data or as a reference point sourced from prior work. Relatedly, I really am struggling to understand what you are trying to communicate here given your response to point 4.4.2 suggests you believe PPV is not useful in and of itself as a comparator, but you continue to use it in this way in the manuscript.

6.1.1 Perhaps I am missing it, but "hrHPV" does not yet appear to be defined in the manuscript text.

6.2.1 "Although values over 32.5 are outliers on the box and whiskers plots, they were all within the manufacturer's adequate range." Suggest including this (or similar) in your discussion given you present the results.

6.3.1 The changes read very well.

6.3.2 This is OK, but I still have a concern about the use of the phrase "clear gradient" given gradient means gradual change and you only have three levels.

6.3.3 & 6.4.3 These responses are excellent. Well done.

6.4.4 & 7.3 Constraining your results to informing future pilot implementation programs and screening studies (as opposed to definitively establishing risk of outcomes or immediately changing current clinical practice) addresses my concerns here and elsewhere.

Figure 2 notes include definitions for CIN2+ and CIN3+ but these terms are not included in the title or figure itself.

Any attachments provided with reviews can be seen via the following link:



General Editorial Requests

1) We ask every co-author listed on the manuscript to fill in a contributing author statement. If any of the co-authors have not filled in the statement, we will remind them to do so when the paper is revised. If all statements are not completed in a timely fashion this could hold up the re-review process. Should there be a problem getting one of your co-authors to fill in a statement we will be in contact. YOU MUST NOT ADD OR REMOVE AUTHORS UNLESS YOU HAVE ALERTED THE EDITOR HANDLING THE MANUSCRIPT TO THE CHANGE AND THEY SPECIFICALLY HAVE AGREED TO IT.

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3) Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript.

Decision Letter 3

Alexandra Tosun

21 Oct 2024

Dear Dr Sasieni, 

On behalf of my colleagues and the Academic Editor, Elvin Hsing Geng, I am pleased to inform you that we have agreed to publish your manuscript "Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions: a post-hoc analysis of a modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility trial" (PMEDICINE-D-24-02470R3) in PLOS Medicine.

I appreciate your thorough responses to the reviewers' and editors' comments throughout the editorial process. We look forward to publishing your manuscript, and editorially there are only a few remaining minor stylistic/presentation points that should be addressed prior to publication. We will carefully check whether the changes have been made. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these final requests, please feel free to contact me at

Please see below the minor points that we request you respond to:

1) Abstract: In the last sentence of the Abstract Methods and Findings section, please describe the main limitation(s) of the study's methodology.

2) Table 1: Please note that the word colposcopy in the second column heading is missing a "y". Please revise.

3) Table 2: Please note that in the table itself, footnote b is included twice and footnote c is missing. Please revise.

4) Please include the information provided in the Data Sharing Agreement on lines 676-679 in the Data Availability Statement in the online submission form.

Before your manuscript can be formally accepted you will need to complete some formatting changes, which you will receive in a follow up email (including the editorial points above). Please be aware that it may take several days for you to receive this email; during this time no action is required by you. Once you have received these formatting requests, please note that your manuscript will not be scheduled for publication until you have made the required changes.

In the meantime, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the "Update My Information" link at the top of the page, and update your user information to ensure an efficient production process. 


We frequently collaborate with press offices. If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper at this point, to enable them to help maximise its impact. If the press office is planning to promote your findings, we would be grateful if they could coordinate with If you have not yet opted out of the early version process, we ask that you notify us immediately of any press plans so that we may do so on your behalf.

We also ask that you take this opportunity to read our Embargo Policy regarding the discussion, promotion and media coverage of work that is yet to be published by PLOS. As your manuscript is not yet published, it is bound by the conditions of our Embargo Policy. Please be aware that this policy is in place both to ensure that any press coverage of your article is fully substantiated and to provide a direct link between such coverage and the published work. For full details of our Embargo Policy, please visit

Thank you again for submitting to PLOS Medicine. We look forward to publishing your paper. 


Alexandra Tosun, PhD 

Associate Editor 

PLOS Medicine

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Table. Baseline characteristics of study sample.


    pmed.1004494.s001.docx (33.8KB, docx)
    S2 Table. Proportion of HPV positivity in clinician-collected samples, referral to colposcopy, CIN2+, and CIN3+, by risk groups and age.


    pmed.1004494.s002.docx (36KB, docx)
    S1 Fig. Risk of CIN2+ and HPV Ct value.

    The predicted probabilities were generated by running mean smoothing (running line), logistic regression model with natural cubic spline (mkspline), natural cubic spline (spline), and fractional polynomial regression (fp); 95% CIs are illustrated for fractional polynomial regression (95% CI fp) and logistic regression model (95% CI mkspline). HPV, human papillomavirus; CI, confidence interval; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse.


    pmed.1004494.s003.docx (6.9MB, docx)
    S1 Dataset. Stata dataset containing 871 observations on 15 variables.

    The dataset includes the Ct values for the 4 channels (HPV16, HPV18, HPV other, and beta-globin) as well as the result of the clinical HPV test and where available, the cytology and histology.


    pmed.1004494.s004.dta (106.1KB, dta)
    S1 Codebook. Excel Worksheet listing the 15 variables in the Dataset together with a more detailed description and how they have been encoded (e.g., “1 = Yes; 0 = No”).


    pmed.1004494.s005.xlsx (16.9KB, xlsx)
    S1 Script. Stata “do-file” containing the code used to run the analyses in the manuscript using the data from “S1 Dataset.”.

    (DO) (6.4KB, do)
    S1 YouScreen Trial Steering Committee. List of the members of the YouScreen Trial Steering Committee and their affiliations.


    pmed.1004494.s007.docx (22.2KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Ct paper General editorial requests.docx

    pmed.1004494.s008.docx (22.2KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Rebuttal_Letter_20241002.docx

    pmed.1004494.s009.docx (35.9KB, docx)

    Data Availability Statement

    Anonymous data with code book and stata code used in the main analysis are available in the Supporting Information files. The protocol of YouScreen trial is available at

    Articles from PLOS Medicine are provided here courtesy of PLOS