Correction to: npj Systems Biology and Applications 10.1038/s41540-024-00341-9, published online 29 January 2024
In the original version of this Article, the values of the reported Pearson’s correlations (regarding only comparing predicted and true variances) in the boxplots in panels a and c of Figure 5, as well as Supplementary Figures 27 and 39, were incorrect. This is due to an error identified in the script evaluating the performance of the model in predicting the variance of the raw counts per gene in the lung fibrosis case study. The comparisons of the different approaches result in the same conclusions, and thus no changes occur in the main text. Panels a and c in Figure 5, and Supplementary Figures 27 and 39 have now been corrected. The corresponding figure legends are not affected. The code in the corresponding repository, previously provided, have also been corrected.