Gainey K, Smith J, McCaffery K, et al. Are plain language summaries published in health journals written according to instructions and health literacy principles? A systematic environmental scan. BMJ Open 2024;14:e086464. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086464
This article was previously published with an error.
The highest level of compliance was inaccurately noted as 86% instead of 88% in the Results section of the Abstract and Part 2: comparing identified PLSs with PLS author instructions under the Results section.
Two (10%) rather than one (5%) achieved a compliance rating of high (ie, ≥80% compliance) as mentioned in the Result’s Part 2: comparing identified PLSs with PLS author instructions section and 13 (65%) instead of 14 (70%) achieved a rating of medium (ie, 51%–79% compliance).
Although the data was provided incorrectly in the text, it was accurate in the table and had no bearing on the paper’s main conclusions or findings.