A) All four DNT-2A neurons per hemibrain are glutamatergic as DNT-2>FlyBow1.1 reporter co-localises with anti-vGlut in these neurons as well as in their projections at SMP (arrows point at cluster of four cells). (
B) All four DNT-2A neurons per hemibrain have Dop2R (arrows point to cluster, each neuron seen in magenta). (
C, D) Anterior DNT-2A neurons projecting at SMP are not dopaminergic as there was no co-localisation between
DNT-2>histoneYFP and anti-TH in the anterior brain (
C), and there was no co-localisation in other DNT-2+ neurons in the posterior brain either (
D). Higher magnification of dotted boxes on the right. (
E) There was no co-localisation with
Dop1R2LexA>CD8::GFP, DNT-2Gal4>CD8::RFP either. (
F) DNT-2 neurons are not serotonergic as there was no co-localisation between
DNT-2>FlyBow1.1 and the serotonergic neuron marker anti-5HT. (
G) They are not octopaminergic as there was no overlap between
TdcLexA>mCD8::GFP and DNT-2Gal4>CD8::RFP. (
H) There was no overlap between
DNT-2Gal4>histoneYFP and the cholinergic neuron marker anti-ChAT4b1. (
I, J) Anterior DNT-2A neurons are not GABAergic, but lateral DNT-2 neurons are, as visualised with
DNT-2>CD8-RFP, GADLexA>CD8-GFP. Scale bars: (A right, B, E,
F, G, H, I, J) 20 µm; (A left,
C,D same magnification) 50 µm. For further genotypes and sample sizes, see
Supplementary file 2.