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Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy logoLink to Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
. 2024 Dec 4;29(1):101151. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2024.101151

Low back pain prevalence, capacity, and performance according to sociodemographic variables, population-based study in Chile

Marina Carvalho Arruda Barreto a,, Fabianna Resende Jesus-Moraleida b, Valeria Campos c, Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez d, Shamyr Sulyvan Castro a,b
PMCID: PMC11664136  PMID: 39637625


  • There is a higher prevalence of LBP among specific sociodemographic groups.

  • People with LBP have worse capacity and performance levels compared to people without LBP.

  • Sex, age, education, and health status were associated with capacity and performance.

  • There is a need for a comprehensive biopsychosocial analysis of LBP.

Keywords: Chile; Disability and health; Health status indicators; Low back pain; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health



Low back pain (LBP) is one of the main causes of disability and need for rehabilitation services. It is necessary to have a better understanding about the association of sociodemographic factors with the disability related to individuals with LBP.


Assess the prevalence of LBP and its association with capacity, performance, and sociodemographic variables in Chilean population.


Cross-sectional study was performed with data from the population survey from Chile, 2015. People over 17 years old were selected for the analysis (n = 12,265 people). The variables chosen were: presence of LBP, place of living in Chile, sex, age, marital status, education, income, work status, and type of home. Capacity and performance levels were assessed by the Model Disability Survey. The population characteristics, performance, and capacity values were presented through means or frequencies. A generalized linear model with logarithmic linkage and gamma distribution was employed to assess the associations between the explanatory variables and the outcomes, considering the distribution of the variables, while adjusting for all study variables.


22 % of the population reported having LBP. People with LBP had worse levels of capacity and performance. Being female, older age, having worse education level, and worse health classification, were factors associated with worse capacity and performance in those with LBP. Conversely, being employed in the last week was correlated with improved capacity in this group.


Individuals with LBP demonstrated poorer capacity and performance outcomes, with sociodemographic variables influencing their functioning.


Estimates from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) shows that about 15 % of the population has severe disability,1 and despite this, there is still little standardized information on the association of sociodemographic factors with disability, especially in low and middle-income countries.2,3 Low back pain (LBP) is one of the main causes of disability and need for rehabilitation services around the globe, and with population aging, this health condition becomes increasingly important in the context of health care.4,5 In 2015, LBP was responsible for 60.1 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), an increase of 54 % compared to 1990, with emphasis on a pronounced increase in low and middle-income countries.6

Most LBP cases have unspecific causes and a favorable prognosis, but recurrence of pain is common.7 Moreover, a proportion of these cases can lead to persistent disability.8 This requires deeper understanding of possible factors that can contribute to disabling LBP. Disability is an indicator that provides information about the impacts and needs inherent to the health of the population9 and complements mortality and morbidity data, helping to estimate the rehabilitation needs of the population.10

The World Health Organization (WHO), through the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), defines disability as a generic term for impairments, activity limitations, and restrictions on participation. Disability represents the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a health condition) and its contextual factors (environmental and personal factors). On the other hand, functioning indicates a positive interaction within this context.11

Other terms described by the ICF are: performance, which is defined as “performing tasks in the usual environment” and capacity, which is defined as “execution of tasks in a standard environment”.11 To perform a population-wide assessment of disability, the WHO prepared the Model Disability Survey (MDS), aligned with the ICF model, aiming to be an instrument for collecting information at a population level.9 The main objectives of MDS are to: provide estimates of the prevalence of disabilities comparable and standardized across countries; provide the necessary data and information to plan interventions, policies, and programs aimed to people with disability (PwD), and provide indicators to monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the Convention on the Rights of PwD.12

Despite the wide range of studies on LBP, there is a need for a better understanding of the association of sociodemographic factors with disability related to people affected by LBP. The study by Costa et al.13 discussed some sociodemographic factors, such as schooling and work, but on an occasional basis. Safiri et al14 in a study seeking to analyze the prevalence, death, and adjusted life years due to incapacity regarding musculoskeletal disorders, show that there is a shortage of data, mainly in developing countries, and this is a concern in GBD studies. Studies that focus on biological and cognitive aspects15 are more frequent, although the biopsychosocial nature and the relationship of the determinants of health and non-communicable chronic diseases are already discussed in the literature.16 The majority of existing research on this topic tends to focus on the individual and clinical perspective of the relationship between sociodemographic issues and pain, rather than analyzing it from a population-based standpoint. In addition, there are the limitations already described in the literature on the scarcity of data, underreporting, and the lack of a harmonized system to connect data sources.17 Furthermore, there is a notable lack of health surveys assessing the prevalence of LBP at the population level and, more importantly, its relationship with functioning, a need already recognized in the literature.18 Sharma and Mcauley18 defended in an editorial the need for research on LBP using reliable measures and valid and representative samples, with the incorporation of questions related to LBP in national health surveys as a possible solution. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of LBP and its association with capacity, performance, and sociodemographic variables in the Chilean population.


Study design, setting, and participants

This is a secondary analysis of a Chilean national survey conducted in 2015. Data from the II Estudio Nacional de la Discapacidad was obtained in a public, open access repository available on

The II ENDISC is a household survey with Chilean civil society, funded and conducted by the Ministry of Social and Family Development. The data gathering was done from July/2015 to September/2015 in all regions of the country, in rural and urban areas. By means of statistical calculation aiming at a representative sample, 17,780 people were interviewed. The present study selected those over 17 years old, for the analysis, for a total of 12,265 people.19 The STROBE guideline was used to guide data reporting in this manuscript.

Study variables and data sources

The presence of LBP was determined through the participant's self-report when asked if they were experiencing backache or lumbosciatic pain: “¿Tiene usted lumbago o lumbociática (dolor de espalda o problemas a los discos)?” with the answer options “yes” or “no”.20

The data collection was conducted through home interviews administered by trained interviewers from the Ministry of Social and Family Development. The sociodemographic variables selected for the study were: regions of Chile where they live, sex, age group, marital status (single, married/stable union, widowed, divorced/separated), educational level (no education, incomplete primary, complete primary, incomplete secondary, complete secondary, incomplete higher, graduated), income (categorized into quintiles), working situation (worked for less than 1 hour in the last week, did not work at least 1 hour in the last week) and type of housing (house, house with wall and roof neighbor on one side, house with wall and roof neighbor on both sides, apartment in a building with elevator, apartment in a building without elevator, tenement, emergency housing, ranch or cabin, precarious accommodation made with reused materials, no information). The option about the participant's perception of their health was also selected, which could range from very good, good, regular, poor, or very poor.

Performance and capacity are expressed by scores that range from 0 to 100 (the worst score). The instrument uses the concepts of performance and capacity as described in the ICF, namely: performance, which is defined as "performing tasks in the usual environment," and capacity, which is defined as "execution of tasks in a standard environment."11

In the performance variable, information was collected regarding the difficulty in performing activities related to mobility, use of limbs (e.g., handling small objects), personal care, vision, hearing, pain, energy and motivation, breathing, emotion, interpersonal relationships, stress management, communication, cognition, household life, community participation and citizenship, caring for others, work, and study. Participants were asked to consider the assistance they receive from others, the medications they take, and all support devices they use, such as glasses. For the capacity variable, information was collected regarding difficulty in the same topics as performance, but participants were asked to report the difficulties they may face in performing certain activities exclusively due to their health condition and without considering assistive devices or help from others, hearing aids, canes, wheelchairs, prosthetics, technological devices, among others. These variables come from the functioning block of the MDS, an instrument used by the II ENDISC.9

Statistical analysis

The characteristics of the study population were presented through means or frequencies and their respective confidence intervals (95 % CI), presenting the values of the total population and of the population with and without LBP. The means of performance and capacity and their respective 95 % CIs were presented according to sociodemographic characteristics for the total population and for the population with and without LBP. The prevalence of self-reported LBP occurrence was also calculated according to the study variables and for the total population, with their respective 95 % CIs.

The generalized linear model (GLM) with logarithmic linkage and gamma distribution was used to measure differences between categories of explanatory variables for outcomes due to the distribution of variables. The arithmetic means ratio (AMR) and their respective 95 % CIs are used to compare categories of the same response variable, and the differences are interpreted from a perspective percentage (p < 0.05).

All study variables were included when adjusting the regression model, as well as the presence of other comorbidities, according to the reported presence (headache; anxiety; loss; absence or malformation of limbs; gastritis or ulcer; tumor or cancer; dementia; chronic kidney disease; skin diseases; schizophrenia; bipolarity; rheumatologic diseases, except arthritis or osteoarthritis; dependence on alcohol; drug addiction; HIV/AIDS; dental caries or gum problem; Chagas disease; neuromuscular diseases; epilepsy; thyroid disease; cranioencephalic trauma; cerebral palsy; Down's syndrome; autism; sleep problems) present in the research database, to remove possible confusion that these may have on the results. The stepwise method was used to determine the variables in the final models. The study employed a sample design that incorporated stratification and weighting, and as such, all analyses were conducted using the svy package in Stata 11 (State Corp., USA) to ensure the appropriate consideration of weights.


The study population was 12,265 people, of whom 2,737 (22.06 %) reported having LBP. The prevalence of LBP in the regions of Chile ranged from 0.1 % to 9.7 %, being higher in females (12.2 %), aged between 30 and 50 years old (7.7 %), with complete secondary level education (6.5 %), married/united (13.7 %), with the second lowest income quintiles (5.1 %), and who classified their health as regular (10.9 %) (Table 1).

Table 1.

Distribution of low back pain prevalence according to study variables.

Study Variables Low Back Pain
Prev. 95 % CI Total
n % n % n %
Region <0.001
 Taparacá 191 75.7 60 24.3 0.4 0.31, 0.61 251 2.0
 Antofogasta 403 86.3 69 13.7 0.4 0.34, 0.53 472 3.8
 Atacama 222 75.5 78 24.6 0.4 0.28, 0.50 300 2.4
 Coquimbo 435 79.9 114 20.1 0.8 0.69, 1.05 549 4.5
 Valparaiso 1155 81.4 282 8.0 1.2 1.72, 2.23 1437 11.7
 O´higgins 438 77.6 142 22.4 1.16 0.96, 1.40 580 4.7
 Maule 600 86.1 120 13.9 0.8 0.65, 1.02 720 5.9
 Biobio 1233 74.9 408 25.1 3.0 2.54, 3.46 1641 13.4
 La Araucanía 498 72.8 190 27.2 1.5 1.29, 1.78 688 5.6
 Los Lagos 414 81.1 107 18.9 0.9 0.75, 1.12 521 4.2
 Aysen 227 80.7 48 19.3 0.1 0.07, 0.15 275 2.2
 Magallanes y La A.C 204 82.1 49 17.9 0.1 0.10, 0.22 253 2.1
 Metropolitana 2945 76.3 901 23.7 9.7 8.73, 10.68 3846 31.3
 Los Rios 317 78.7 97 21.3 0.4 0.34, 0.60 414 3.4
 Arica y Parinacota 246 77.4 72 22.6 0.2 0.15, 0.27 318 2.6
 Total 9528 77.9 2737 22.1 22.0 21.02, 23.13 12265 100
Sex <0.001
 Male 4206 79.5 1101 20.5 9.9 9.09, 10.72 5307 43.3
 Female 5322 76.4 1636 23.6 12.2 11.37, 13.03 6958 56.7
Age Group <0.001
 18 to 30 years old 2297 90.0 273 10.0 2.5 2.13, 2.91 2570 20.9
 30 to 50 years old 3228 77.0 934 23.0 7.7 7.00, 8.45 4162 33.9
 50 to 65 years old 2209 70.1 894 29.8 7.4 6.74, 8.18 3103 25.3
 >65 years old 1794 73.4 636 26.5 4.4 3.97, 4.63 2430 19.8
Educational Level <0.001
 No Education 258 76.5 79 23.4 0.6 0.44, 0.79 337 2.7
 Incomplete Primary Level 1379 72.3 527 27.7 3.8 3.38, 4.28 1906 15.5
 Complete Primary Level 1005 69.9 409 30.4 3.3 2.88, 3.82 1414 11.5
 Incomplete Secondary Level 1311 75.6 449 24.4 3.4 3.05, 3.89 1760 14.3
 Complete Secondary Level 2640 76.6 772 23.4 6.5 5.91, 7.26 3412 27.8
 Incomplete Higher Education 1120 86.7 173 13.4 1.7 1.36, 2.06 1293 10.5
 Graduated 1810 85.1 328 14.8 2.6 2.25, 3.10 2138 17.5
Marital Status <0.001
 Single 3168 86.5 591 13.5 4.4 3.89, 4.91 3759 30.6
 Married/Stable Union 4615 74.2 1490 25.8 13.7 12.90, 14.63 6105 49.8
 Widower 881 71.6 331 28.4 2.0 1.69, 2.36 1212 9.9
 Separated / Divorced 864 72.6 325 27.4 1.9 1.62, 2.28 1189 9.7
Working Situation - Worked at least 1 hour in the last week 0.2350
 No 4360 78.7 1271 21.3 9.4 8.75, 10.17 5631 45.5
 Yes 5168 77.3 1466 22.7 12.6 11.66, 13.63 6634 54.5
Income quintiles <0.001
 V (larger) 1818 83.9 381 16.1 2.9 2.50, 4.93 2199 17.9
 IV 1877 78.8 532 21.2 4.4 3.91, 4.93 2409 19.6
 III 1929 77.2 579 22.8 4.8 4.31, 5.43 2508 20.4
 II 1954 75.4 605 24.6 5.1 4.54, 5.78 2559 20.9
 I (smaller) 1950 74.8 640 25.2 4.7 4.27, 5.30 2590 21.1
Type of Housing 0.0570
 House 3772 77.9 1079 22.1 8.4 7.73, 9.16 4851 39.5
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on one side” 2946 76.5 892 23.5 7.7 6.97, 8.53 3838 31.3
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on both sides” 1447 79.5 384 20.5 2.9 2.48, 3.41 1831 14.9
 Apartment in a building with elevator 395 84.2 77 15.8 0.8 0.59, 1.11 472 3.8
 Apartment in a building without elevator 803 78.5 245 21.5 1.8 1.37, 2.30 1048 8.5
 Tenement 29 69.2 12 30.8 0.1 0.04, 0.27 41 0.3
 “Emergency housing” 103 69.9 38 30.1 0.2 0.13, 0.42 141 1.1
 “Ranch or Cabin” 1 36.1 2 63.9 0.0 0.00, 0.03 3 0.0
 Precarious accommodation made with reused materials 10 87.8 3 12.2 0.0 0.00, 0.06 13 0.1
 No information 22 74.4 5 25.6 0.0 0.01, 0.12 27 0.2
Health Rating <0.001
 Very good 1431 93.2 100 6.8 0.9 0.70, 1.21 1531 12.5
 Good 4694 84.8 842 15.2 7.0 6.37, 7.72 5536 45.1
 Regular 2828 66.0 1383 34.0 10.9 10.18, 11.80 4211 34.3
 Poor 476 59.7 349 40.3 2.7 2.28, 3.12 825 6.7
 Very poor 93 61.4 62 38.8 0.4 0.32, 0.62 155 1.3
 No information 6 69.7 1 30.3 0.0 0.002, 0.12 7 0.1

Capacity and performance means are presented in Table 2, Table 3, respectively. The values are presented according to sociodemographic variables and all capacity and performance means are greater (i.e., greater impact) in the group with LBP. The exception is in health classification: participants who reported having very poor health and not having LBP showed worse levels of capacity and performance capacity and performance.

Table 2.

Distribution of capacity means according to study variables.

Study Variables Low back pain
Region Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI
 Taparacá 22.8 18.23, 27.36 34.6 30.48, 38.67 25.6 21.75, 29.57
 Antofogasta 19.7 17.70, 21.80 31.0 27.89, 34.11 21.3 19.60, 23.00
 Atacama 25.7 22.60, 28.81 40.0 36.94, 43.01 29.2 27.05, 31.34
 Coquimbo 25.2 23.10, 27.28 37.4 34.29, 40.56 27.6 25.71, 29.59
 Valparaiso 25.0 23.84, 26.18 37.7 35.49, 39.84 27.7 26.28, 28.44
 O´higgins 24.4 22.29, 26.60 40.4 38.02, 42.84 28.0 26.21, 29.84
 Maule 25.7 23.95, 27.37 36.5 33.90, 39.04 27.2 25.60, 28.73
 Biobio 23.6 22.47, 24.83 37.5 35.42, 39.67 27.1 25.91, 28.36
 La Araucanía 24.2 22.21, 26.29 35.2 32.60, 37.78 27.2 25.49, 28.95
 Los Lago 25.9 24.06, 27.75 34.0 29.87, 38.23 27.4 25.56, 29.32
 Aysen 22.3 19.96, 24.57 32.6 27.26, 37.93 24.2 22.55, 25.96
 Magallanes y La A.C 27.4 23.24, 31.49 37.3 31.35,43.20 29.1 25.83, 32.45
 Metropolitana 23.9 23.06, 24.77 36.6 35.06, 38.16 26.9 26.07, 27.78
 Los Rios 28.0 25.71, 30.43 40.1 36.43, 43.84 30.6 28.04, 33.24
 Arica y Parinacota 32.4 30.20, 34.70 41.4 37.65, 45.13 34.5 32.99, 35.94
 Male 21.1 20.42, 21.77 34.1 32.83, 35.29 23.7 23.11, 24.39
 Female 27.6 26.89, 28.23 39.1 38.12, 40.15 30.3 29.67, 30.91
Age Group
 18 to 30 years old 17.8 17.04, 18.65 30.5 28.61, 32.40 19.1 18.32, 19.90
 30 to 50 years old 21.1 20.34, 21.87 32.7 31.29, 34.06 23.7 23.04, 24.50
 50 to 65 years old 28.9 27.99, 29.88 38.6 37.24, 39.98 31.8 30.99, 32.66
 >65 years old 36.7 35.58, 37.81 44.8 43.04, 46.54 38.8 37.88, 39.80
Educational Level
 No Education 44.1 41.25, 47.04 51.2 46.46, 51.93 45.8 43.33, 48.26
 Incomplete Primary Level 32.7 31.52, 33.92 41.6 39.77, 43.36 35.2 34.09, 36.26
 Complete Primary Level 28.2 26.75, 29.70 39.4 37.39, 41.45 31.6 30.21, 32.98
 Incomplete Secondary Level 25.2 23.92, 26.45 37.1 35.21, 38.98 28.1 27.00, 29.17
 Complete Secondary Level 22.8 21.95, 23.69 34.1 32.85, 35.36 25.5 24.72, 26.21
 Incomplete Higher Education 19.2 18.09, 20.39 33.5 30.34, 36.58 21.1 20.00, 22.25
 Graduated 19.8 18.78, 20.73 32.4 30.49, 34.26 21.6 20.70, 22.56
Marital Status
 Single 20.7 19.93, 21.54 34.9 33.38, 36.45 22.6 21.86, 23.42
 Married / Stable Union 24.6 23.99, 25.31 35.9 34.80, 36.96 27.5 26.96, 28.13
 Widower 37.9 36.30, 39.53 46.1 44.00, 48.28 40.2 38.90, 41.61
 Separated / Divorced 28.9 27.42, 30.37 38.6 36.11, 41.17 31.6 30.20, 32.92
Working Situation - Worked at least 1 hour in the last week
 No 29.0 28.26, 29.76 41.9 40.79, 43.15 31.8 31.06, 32.48
 Yes 20.6 20.03, 21.20 33.0 31.99, 34.09 23.4 22.87, 23.99
Income quintiles
 V (larger) 20.6 19.54, 21.71 32.8 30.87, 34.70 22.6 21.58, 23.57
 IV 23.2 22.26, 24.24 35.0 33.35, 36.70 25.7 24.86, 26.63
 III 24.1 23.06, 25.09 37.1 35.46, 38.72 27.0 26.07, 28.01
 II 27.4 26.35, 28.45 38.1 36.55, 39.61 30.1 29.06, 30.99
 I (smaller) 26.7 25.66, 27.77 39.5 37.76, 41.29 29.9 29.00, 30.87
Type of Housing
House 24.3 23.51, 25.04 37.1 35.83, 38.45 27.1 26.37, 27.87
“House with wall and roof neighbor on one side” 25.1 24.29, 25.90 37.1 35.45, 38.70 27.9 27.15, 28.67
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on both sides” 25.0 23.87, 26.09 37.9 35.86, 39.89 27.6 26.57, 28.67
 Apartment in a building with elevator 21.1 18.96, 23.31 32.8 38.92, 36.66 22.9 20.93, 25.01
 Apartment in a building without elevator 23.1 21.20, 25.05 35.8 33.02, 38.52 25.8 23.99, 27.71
 Tenement 22.1 18.82, 26.31 29.2 24.23, 34.10 24.2 21.12, 27.38
 “Emergency housing” 22.9 18.18, 27.71 31.9 24.33, 39.45 25.6 21.15, 30.13
 “Ranch or Cabin” 0.2 - 51.1 46.54, 55.73 32.7 2.78, 62.70
 Precarious accommodation made with reused materials 30.5 15.16, 45.78 58.8 56.0, 61.52 33.9 19.76, 48.08
 No information 34.8 23.00, 46.64 38.3 31.70, 44.87 35.7 26.93, 44.48
Health Rating
 Very good 11.7 10.89, 12.56 23.8 17.80, 29.91 12.5 11.61, 13.48
 Good 20.1 19.54, 20.63 27.6 26.59, 28.69 21.2 20.73, 21.73
 Regular 34.1 33.32, 34.83 39.6 38.68, 40.53 35.9 35.36, 36.55
 Poor 49.2 47.79, 50.68 51.0 49.49, 52.59 49.9 48.92, 51.01
 Very poor 58.3 55.00, 61.58 55.8 53.11, 58.53 57.3 55.10, 59.57
 No information 30.1 14.53, 45.66 48.8 / 35.7 21.92, 49.61

Table 3.

Distribution of performance means according to study variables

Study Variables Low back pain
Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI
 Taparacá 31.0 27.42, 34.58 42.9 40.92, 45.02 33.9 30.96, 36.86
 Antofogasta 25.8 23.27, 28.36 37.6 34.69, 40.45 27.4 25.01, 29.84
 Atacama 32.6 30.05, 35.23 45.7 42.79, 48.60 35.8 33.86, 37.80
 Coquimbo 33.2 31.19, 35.15 44.8 42.94, 46.67 35.5 33.72, 37.30
 Valparaiso 31.5 30.10, 32.89 42.7 40.83, 44.61 33.6 32.32, 34.83
 O´higgins 28.0 25.60, 30.48 43.7 41.07, 46.28 31.5 29.53, 33.53
 Maule 33.6 31.72, 35.44 44.5 42.33, 46.74 35.1 34.41, 36.80
 Biobio 31.2 29.86, 32.56 44.7 42.97, 46.39 34.6 33.37, 35.81
 La Araucanía 32.5 30.47, 34.51 42.7 40.11, 45.40 35.3 33.41, 37.15
 Los Lago 35.1 33.29, 37.00 44.3 41.57, 47.02 36.9 35.22, 38.53
 Aysen 29.0 26.55, 31.46 41.2 37.27, 45.24 31.4 29.21, 33.52
 Magallanes y La A.C 35.7 31.87, 39.48 45.2 41.57, 48.79 37.4 34.18, 40.57
 Metropolitana 30.8 29.82, 31.84 43.9 42.71, 45.15 33.9 32.99, 34.89
 Los Rios 34.2 31.95, 36.49 44.4 41.57, 47.14 36.4 34.35, 38.41
 Arica y Parinacota 36.9 34.93, 39.06 44.5 41.64, 47.38 38.7 37.40, 39.98
 Male 28.3 27.58, 29.10 41.5 40.54, 42-43 31.0 30.35, 31.72
 Female 34.4 33.73, 35.05 45.7 44.84, 46.52 37.0 36.45, 37.65
Age Group
 18 to 30 years old 26.2 25.20, 27.12 39.3 37.78, 40.91 27.5 26.57, 28.39
 30 to 50 years old 29.0 28.21, 29.84 41.5 40.41, 42.57 31.9 31.14, 32.65
 50 to 65 years old 34.5 33.48, 35.63 44.4 43.15, 45.62 37.5 36.58, 38.40
 >65 years old 41.5 40.52, 42.58 49.3 48.23, 50.44 43.6 42.78, 44.45
Educational Level
 No Education 46.9 44.63, 49.28 53.5 49.63, 57.40 48.5 46.50, 50.49
 Incomplete Primary Level 39.5 38.44, 40.65 47.8 46.34, 49.23 41.8 40.84, 42.82
 Complete Primary Level 34.6 33.19, 36.05 45.2 43.85, 46.65 37.8 36.59, 39-05
 Incomplete Secondary Level 32.9 31.79, 34.01 44.3 42.96, 45.72 35.7 34.71, 33.66
 Complete Secondary Level 29.8 28.90, 30.77 41.5 40.34, 42-76 32.6 31.75, 33.40
 Incomplete Higher Education 27.4 25.89, 28.84 40.5 38.06, 42.87 29.1 27.70, 30.15
 Graduated 26.6 25.42, 27.71 41.0 39.49, 42.61 28.7 27.64, 29.79
Marital Status
 Single 28.2 27.40, 29.13 41.1 41.12, 43.79 30.2 29.36, 30.99
 Married / Stable Union 31.6 30.92, 32.38 42.1 42.11, 43.87 34.6 33.96, 35.19
 Widower 42.8 41.54, 44.15 48.8 48.76, 52.02 44.9 43.92, 46.06
 Separated / Divorced 35.6 33.98, 37.13 44.1 44.06, 47.48 37.3 37.01, 39.69
Working Situation - Worked at least 1 hour in the last week
 No 35.4 34.70, 36.17 47.2 46.30, 48.19 37.9 37.27, 38.63
 Yes 28.1 27.49, 28.79 41.2 40.33, 42.11 31.1 30.50, 31.72
Income Quartile
 V (larger) 27.1 25.96, 28.31 40.1 38.27, 42.07 29.2 28.10, 30.36
 IV 30.3 29.12, 31.44 41.9 40.45, 43.40 32.7 31.73, 33.75
 III 31.4 30.28, 32.51 44.1 42.82, 45.30 34.3 33.30, 35.27
 II 34.4 33.37, 35.34 44.7 43.47, 46.01 36.9 36.04, 37.78
 I (smaller) 34.1 33.02, 35.14 46.5 45.47, 47.55 37.2 36.29, 38.11
Type of Housing
 House 31.6 30.74, 32.42 43.9 42.85, 44.91 34.3 33.54, 35.07
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on one side” 31.9 31.04, 32.94 43.9 42.64, 45.26 34.8 33.94, 35.66
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on both sides” 31.6 30.43, 32.72 44.2 42.62, 45.82 34.2 33.14, 35.18
 Apartment in a building with elevator 27.8 25.34, 30.36 41.2 38.06, 44.37 29.9 27.58, 32.34
 Apartment in a building without elevator 30.5 28.58, 32.51 43.5 41.48, 45.49 33.3 31.46, 35.21
 Tenement 30.7 26.58, 34.77 40.9 36.53, 45.25 33.8 30.38, 37.27
 “Emergency housing” 29.1 23.54, 34.61 41.9 36.95, 46.77 32.9 27.94, 37.90
 “Ranch or Cabin” 30.9 - 49.5 38.02, 60.94 42.8 25.58, 57.03
 Precarious accommodation made with reused materials 34.4 17.80, 51.01 64.9 63.96, 35.81 38.1 22.75, 53.49
 No information 38. 26.03, 50.54 45.7 38.53, 52.82 40.2 31.15, 49.21
Health Rating
 Very good 17.6 16.52, 18.86 33.8 28.91, 38.69 18.8 17.55, 20.02
 Good 27.5 26.88, 28.11 36.5 35.50, 37.48 28.8 28.30, 29.43
 Regular 42.0 41.42, 42.60 46.2 45.45, 46.88 43.4 42.95, 43.89
 Poor 52.2 50.96, 53.48 54.1 52.99, 55.30 53.0 52.09, 53.90
 Very poor 59.6 57.88, 61.44 59.0 56.85, 61.22 59.4 58.07, 60.77
 No information 30.1 18.10, 42.22 46.0 / 34.9 24.12, 45.82

Among the sociodemographic variables, the profile of the population with the greatest impact on capacity and on performance was: being female, older, having the lowest educational level, widowed, unemployed, with the worst income quintiles, and classify their own health as poor. Regarding the type of housing, worse capacity and performance occurred for those who lived in precarious accommodations made with reused materials.

The respective adjusted ARMs and their 95 % CIs of variables associated with the worst capacity are as follows: LBP (1.77; 1.14, 1.21); female (1.12; 1.08, 1.16); age groups over 30 years old, being 30 to 50 years old (1.11; 1.05, 1.17), 50 to 65 years (1.34; 1.27, 1.41), 65 years and older (1.53; 1.45, 1.63); having worked for less than 1 hour in the last week (0.94; 0.90, 0.98)); having incomplete primary education (0.83; 0.77, 0.90), complete primary education (0.79; 0.73, 0.87), incomplete secondary education (0.83; 0.76, 0.91), complete secondary education (0.77;0.71, 0.84), incomplete higher education (0.82; 0.74, 0.91)), graduated (0.79; .72, 0.86); considered health as good (1.56; 1.45, 1.67), regular (2.24; 2.09, 2.40), bad (2.65; 2.46, 2.86), very bad (2.75; 2.51, 3.00).

For the performance variable, the following ARMs and 95 % CIs of the variables were associated: LBP (1.15; 1.12, 1.17); female (1.08; 1.05, 1.11), age groups older than 30 years, being +30 to 50 years (1.05; 1.01, 1.10), + 50 to 65 years (1.11; 1.06, 1.16), + 65 years old (1.25; 1.19, 1.30); having incomplete primary education (0.92; 0.87, 0.97), complete primary education (0.87; 0.81, 0.92), incomplete secondary education (0.91; 0.85, 0.97), complete secondary education (0.84; 0.7, 0.90), incomplete higher education (0.88; 0.82, 0.95), graduated (0.86; 0.80, 0.93); consider health as good (1.46; 1.37, 1.55), regular (1.95; 1.83, 2.08), bad (2.13; 1.99, 2.28), very bad (2.21; 2.06, 2.38).


The prevalence of LBP in the population of Chile is 22.06 %, with greater values in the Metropolitan region, women, those aged between 30 and 50 years, with complete secondary education, married or in a stable union, who had worked in the last week, income quintiles II, living in a house, and considering health as regular. People with LBP have worse capacity and performance levels, hence worse levels of functioning compared to people without LBP. Moreover, being female, widowed, the older the age, the worse the level of education and income, and worse the health rating, worse the capacity and performance levels. Furthermore, there were significant associations between LBP and sociodemographic factors such as being female, older age, worse level of education, and poorer health rating, which were correlated with better mean values of both capacity and performance in the LBP population. Additionally, having engaged in work during the previous week was associated with decreased capacity values in the LBP population.

The prevalence of LBP in Chile exceeds the global rate reported in 2017 (7.5 %), with a higher prevalence observed in females (8.0 %). However, in contrast to the global population where the highest frequency is observed in individuals over 65 years old, the age distribution in the present study yielded different findings.21 The prevalence data of the study, along with data from the National Health Survey in Brazil in 2018, showed that population with no education (25.6 %) with the highest prevalence of LBP and who reported having a poor or very poor health rating (43.9 %).22

The existing literature has already emphasized the importance of acknowledging the sociodemographic and economic context and the influence of personal beliefs and cultural factors on disability associated with LBP,23 which aligns with the findings of this study. LBP is widely recognized as a debilitating health condition and a leading musculoskeletal cause of years lived with disability.5 The results of the current study provide further evidence supporting this assertion, as individuals with LBP exhibited worse levels of capacity and performance.

Consistent with previous studies,24, 25, 26 our findings also support a higher prevalence of LBP in women. Fehrmann et al.27 observed a statistically significant difference between sexes in terms of domestic work, with women experiencing a greater impact. Additionally, limitations in social and recreational activities were more pronounced among younger men.27 These results further underscore the influence of sex and age on the functioning implications of LBP. As age increases, both capacity and performance show better means, indicating greater activity limitations and participation restrictions among older individuals. These findings align with the study by Fehrmann et al.27 which also demonstrated that the population with LBP experiences greater difficulties in mobility, self-care, and walking as age increases. Similarly, a German study demonstrated a significant positive association between age and subjective disability in patients with LBP.28 The aging process often involves neuromuscular and mechanical decline, which contributes to the loss or reduction of muscle strength and function. These factors can be intertwined with functional limitations and participation restrictions.29

Previous literature has already discussed the association between educational level and the prevalence of LBP, with lower education levels being linked to a higher prevalence of pain,16,30,31 and serving as a predictor of poorer outcomes and prolonged pain episodes.22 Most of the studies found present the correlation between a higher prevalence of LBP in individuals with lower education levels, however, they do not discuss the relationship between lower education and higher levels of disability. Our study revealed that those with lower education levels and LBP exhibited worse results in terms of capacity and performance. Lower levels of education can also be seen as an indicator of greater social vulnerability32 and, are also associated with poorer working conditions, lower income and worse access to health care.33,34

In a population-based survey conducted in Canada, it was observed that individuals with lower education levels utilized fewer healthcare services for the treatment of back pain.35 Corroborating with this finding, Romero et al.36 examined data from the Brazilian National Health Survey and found that individuals with higher education levels were 2.39 times more likely to receive physical therapy treatment for back problems. These studies raise important considerations regarding whether reduced healthcare seeking barriers to access, and utilization that the population with lower education levels may encounter could lead to difficulties in performing activities and subsequent negative impacts on capacity and performance. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that enhancing the educational level can help overcome barriers to accessing health services for the general population. Therefore, in the present study, individuals with lower levels of education may encounter more obstacles when trying to access health services.37

The relationship between work and health is intricate and multifaceted, and while evidence suggests that individuals in better job positions tend to have better overall health outcomes, there is a higher prevalence of LBP among unemployed individuals.38 This complex association may be attributed to various factors, including difficulties faced by individuals with worse functional abilities in accessing employment opportunities or being exposed to unfavorable working conditions. Furthermore, theories propose that unemployment can lead to reduced income, potentially impacting healthcare access and quality of care.39 Consistent with existing literature, our study findings indicate that unemployed individuals exhibited worse levels of capacity, thus supporting the notion that employment status is linked to functioning.

One notable limitation of our study is its reliance on secondary data, which may have inherent biases and limitations. The nature of the information regarding the presence of pain is self-reported, which could lead to distortion regarding the location of pain, as the survey does not provide a body map to illustrate the location. Additionally, participants could underestimate or overestimate pain due to inadequate understanding of the questions. It should also be noted that the study is aimed at the general population, not just those experiencing LBP. Another factor to consider is reverse causality; thus, it is not possible to establish a causal relationship between exposure and outcomes. Therefore, causal inferences were not made; rather, correlations were inferred. Another limitation is the use of 2015 data; however, the study provides important and novel information for the field. There are gaps in the literature regarding the association between functioning and sociodemographic factors in individuals with LBP. Furthermore, the survey uses an instrument that evaluates functioning based on the ICF, which is recommended and endorsed by the WHO, effectively capturing its complexity and the individuality of the population. It also includes a representative sample from a middle-income country, which is another gap identified in the literature. Therefore, several noteworthy strengths of the study should be emphasized. First, our research employed a rigorous sampling methodology, ensuring a representative sample of the population of a middle-income country. This population-level perspective provides valuable insights into the prevalence and impact of LBP within a broader context. Furthermore, the utilization of participant-reported data allowed for a subjective assessment of individuals1 own health conditions, capturing their personal experiences, restrictions, limitations, and potentialities. This approach contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the lived experiences of individuals with LBP. Additionally, our study is one of the pioneering efforts to employ the MDS as recommended by the WHO to gather information. This standardized approach enhances the comparability and generalizability of our findings.

Moreover, the results of our research hold implications for health policy development, as they shed light on the health needs and functioning of the population. By moving beyond traditional morbidity and mortality indicators, our study provides valuable insights for policymakers to design targeted interventions and allocate resources effectively, particularly in countries that prioritize health equity as a fundamental principle of their healthcare systems.35 The perspective of physical therapy in primary care helps promote functioning and prevent disability, incorporating a biopsychosocial approach.

Identifying the profile of patients most affected and with the greatest impact on functioning can help guide actions by the government, universities, healthcare professionals, and civil society to assist in the management and prevention of LBP. These actions can include, for example, adapting effective interventions from other countries to minimize costs and demand for healthcare services, non-work-related absenteeism, and disability.40 In the context of clinical assessment, studies indicate that social factors are not adequately evaluated in this setting, and the data from the present study demonstrate the need for these factors to be an important component of medical history.41 By integrating this knowledge into clinical practice, physical therapists can better identify at-risk populations, tailor interventions to address the specific needs and barriers faced by different demographic groups, and implement more effective strategies for pain management and functioning recovery.


There is a higher prevalence of LBP among specific sociodemographic groups, including females, aged 30-50, with complete secondary education, residing in metropolitan region, married or in stable unions, employed part-time, living in houses, and reporting regular health. The population with LBP exhibited significantly poorer levels of capacity and performance compared to those without LBP. Sex, age, education, and health status were associated with both capacity and performance, while health status alone influenced capacity values. These findings underscore the need for a comprehensive biopsychosocial analysis of LBP, considering sociodemographic factors, to inform targeted health policies and optimize healthcare planning.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.


Patient involvement statement

Not applicable.

Data sharing statement

Data are available in a public, open access repository. II Estudio Nacional de la Discapacidad:


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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