Upwelling in the Equatorial Pacific nurtures an expansive, westward-stretching chlorophyll-rich tongue (CRT), supporting 18% of the annual global new production. Surrounding the CRT are the oligotrophic subtropical gyres to the north and south, which are suggested to be expanding under global warming. Yet, how this productive CRT has changed, expanding or contracting, remains unknown. By applying the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method to 20-year monthly measurements of chlorophyll-a concentration from MODIS-Aqua satellite (2002-2022), we demonstrate that the CRT exhibited a significant westward extension, at an average expanding rate of 1.87 ( ± 0.82) × 105 km2/yr. The westward extension of the CRT is attributed to strengthened equatorial upwelling and a strengthened South Equatorial Current from 2002 to 2022, driven by intensified easterly trade winds as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation predominantly remains in its negative phase during this period. Interestingly, EMD analysis on central locations of the Pacific gyres suggested simultaneous extension of the gyres and the CRT during 2002-2022, with the gyres extending poleward. Our findings imply a broader cover of productive water along the equator, while its impact on tropical climate, ecosystems, and carbon cycle deserves further investigation.
Subject terms: Physical oceanography, Attribution
Based on MODIS chlorophyll data of 2002-2022, this study reveals that the chlorophyll-rich tongue in the equatorial Pacific is extending westward, likely a result of internal variability related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The findings imply a broader cover of productive water along the equator, which may greatly impact the tropical climate and ecosystems.
Owing to the upwelling of nutrient- and carbon dioxide (CO2)-rich waters, the equatorial Pacific Ocean emerges as the largest oceanic source of atmospheric CO2, as well as a highly productive area sustaining about 18% of the global oceanic new production1–3. The upwelling-supported phytoplankton enrichment forms a tongue of high chlorophyll concentration, spreading westward from the east Peruvian coast to beyond 180°W4. Specifically, the formation of this chlorophyll-rich tongue (CRT) is sustained by the local supply of nutrients facilitated by upwelling caused by the trade-wind-driven divergence of the Ekman flow at the equator5,6, as well as the westward advection of nutrient-rich water via the South Equatorial Current (SEC) originating from coastal upwelling off Peru7. The extent and intensity of the CRT vary with seasons and years2, with its interannual variability primarily influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)8–12. The long-term variation in the CRT remains unclear, despite notable changes in atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, and ecosystems observed in the equatorial Pacific13–19. For example, a pronounced strengthening in Pacific trade winds during 1992-2011 is observed, which is considered to be sufficient to account for the cooling of the tropical Pacific in that period14; the North Equatorial Current having intensified in the western Pacific Ocean during the period of the 1900s–2000s17. Potential changes in CRT are noteworthy, especially considering that the oligotrophic subtropical gyres in the global ocean were suggested to be expanding over the last two decades due to strengthened vertical stratification induced by global warming20–23. It thus prompts a crucial question: is the CRT in the equatorial Pacific, located right in-between the expanding North and South Pacific Subtropical Gyres, inevitably shrinking? The changes in CRT may have consequences for ecosystems9, heat exchanges24, and air-sea CO2 fluxes2, making it particularly important to understand CRT dynamics amidst ongoing global climate change.
In this study, we endeavored to address this question by applying the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method to a 20-year (August 2002 - July 2022) monthly time series of surface chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl) derived from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aboard the Aqua satellite (MODIS-Aqua). The potential forcings underlying CRT changes were discussed based on winds and ocean currents data of the same period.
Westward extension of the chlorophyll-rich tongue in the equatorial Pacific
Here, we define the boundary of the CRT as the Chl isoline of 0.1 mg/m3, with the climatology boundary delineated in Fig. 1a (see the black curve). Clearly, within the boundary of the CRT are the poleward equatorial surface water divergence and the westward SEC (Fig. 1b).
The monthly variations of the area of CRT from 2002 to 2022 were first obtained from Chl measurements by MODIS-Aqua (Fig. 2a). A linear trend fitting was first applied to this time series of CRT area, which suggests no statistically significant trend (P = 0.58, see the red line in Fig. 2a). The EMD, which is powerful in detecting trend25, was then carried out to decompose the CRT area time series into seasonal and interannual components, as well as a residual trend component, as the focus of this analysis is on distinguishing between these variabilities and the residual trend (see “Methods” and Supplementary Fig. 1). Following the approach of Serio et al. 26, we obtained an estimate of the weight of the amplitude of the trend, which contributes 9% to the variability of the total signal, while the interannual and seasonal components explain 59% and 32%, respectively.
The seasonal variation of the CRT area highlights peaks of the CRT area in January and May-June and a minimum in October-November (see the insert figure in Fig. 2b). This pattern is in general in phase with the known seasonal cycle of the equatorial current system27.
The interannual variability of the CRT area, the dominant component, is negatively correlated with the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) (R = –0.65, P < 0.01) (Fig. 2c), which is consistent with prior findings that the CRT’s interannual variability is primarily influenced by ENSO8,9,12,28,29. For example, the notable reduction in size of the CRT in 2016 coincided with an intense El Niño event characterized by a positive MEI (Fig. 2c). During strong El Niño events like 2016, anomalous westerly winds in the tropical western Pacific suppress the westward advection and lead to weakened equatorial upwelling2,30–33, which hampers the extension of the CRT.
Interestingly, the residual component demonstrates a notable increasing trend of the CRT area from 2002 to 2022 (Fig. 2d). The rate of CRT expansion is 1.87 ( ± 0.82) × 105 km2/yr, equivalent to an increase of 0.8% per year. Notably, a similar increasing trend is also observed when applying the same EMD to a longer record of CRT area from 1997-2023, calculated from a merged Chl dataset derived from multiple ocean color missions (see Supplementary Fig. 2). Furthermore, the application of the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method34 to the CRT area time series in 2002–2022 results in a similar expanding rate (1.31 (±2.46) × 105 km2/yr) (see Supplementary Fig. 3). The confidence interval appears wide over most of the study period due to a higher standard deviation, which results from random white noise added in the EEMD analysis and is not material to the direction of the residual trend.
To determine the direction of the CRT extension, we applied EMD analysis to the time series of the CRT’s western, northern, and southern boundaries (see the definition of boundaries in “Methods”). The western boundary exhibits a significant westward movement trend from 2002 to 2022, with a rate of 0.43 ( ± 0.23) °/yr (Fig. 3a). In contrast, both the northern and southern boundaries move northward slightly at almost the same rate, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of westward extending (Fig. 3b, c). Thus, their contributions to the expansion of CRT could be largely neglected. Therefore, the expansion of CRT is predominantly attributed to the westward extension. With the assumption that the average distance between the northern and southern boundaries is the average width of CRT, which is approximately 21.9°, the CRT expansion contributed by the westward extension would be roughly 1.08 × 105 km2/yr. This estimated expanding rate is comparable to that obtained from the EMD analysis (i.e., 1.87 × 105 km2/yr, Fig. 2d).
In addition, the evolution of the monthly mean CRT area from year to year confirms the expansion of CRT from 2002 to 2022 (see color curves in Fig. 4a). For a better and straightforward illustration, we show the comparison of the averaged CRT area in the last five years (2018–2022) (the magenta area in Fig. 4b) to that in the first five years (2003–2007) (the light blue area in Fig. 4b), which features a significant westward extension. Note that the CRT area illustrated in Fig. 4a has deducted the prominent interannual component to reinforce the long-term evolution. Based on Fig. 4b, a purely graphical estimation of the expanding rate of the CRT area, by counting the difference in magenta and light blue pixels, is obtained (1.07 × 105 km2/yr). This estimate is overall consistent with that derived from the EMD analysis (1.87 × 105 km2/yr), providing an independent confirmation of the estimated expanding rate by the EMD analysis. Taken together, there is a high degree of confidence in the expansion of the CRT from 2002 to 2022. Of course, it must be noted that whether the residual trend may be part of a longer decadal cycle cannot be unambiguously determined from a 20-year time series.
Strengthening of trade winds and upwelling in the equatorial Pacific
Trade winds drive equatorial upwelling and the westward advection of nutrient-rich water from the eastern Pacific, leading to the formation of the CRT27,35,36. EMD analysis of the wind data shows that the easterly winds in the equatorial Pacific had strengthened from 2002 to 2022, which could lead to stronger westward currents and can partly explain the westward extension of the CRT (Fig. 5a). Indeed, EMD analysis of the SEC velocity time series reveals an increasing trend of SEC zonal velocity of ~0.14 m/s from 2002 to 2022 (Fig. 5b). Also, the intensified easterly winds observed here align well with the broader observation of a substantial strengthening of the equatorial easterly winds since the 1980s18,20,37,38.
We further estimated the Ekman transport and divergence over the equatorial Pacific (see “Methods”) and conducted an EMD analysis on the obtained time series. Within the range of 170° E–100° W, the total equatorial Ekman transport at 5° S increased, on average, by ~16.47 Sv from 2002 to 2022 (Fig. 6a), while a decrease of ~5.02 Sv for the total Ekman transport at 5° N in the same period is observed (Fig. 6b). The intensity of the equatorial upwelling, i.e., the total Ekman divergence, computed by summing up the southward and northward Ekman transport, exhibits an increasing trend of ~15.29 Sv over the investigated period (Fig. 6c). Note that this increasing number of the total Ekman divergence (~15.29 Sv) does not match the combination of those at the northern (~16.47 Sv) and the southern edges (~5.02 Sv), which is mainly due to the north-south asymmetry of surface equatorial current system39,40 and neglect of the transport at the western edge41. In summary, the strengthened easterly winds resulted in intensified westward advection and upwelling in the equatorial Pacific from 2002 to 2022, providing a plausible explanation for the westward expansion of the CRT.
The above analysis offers a compelling answer to the proposed question regarding the changes in the CRT in the equatorial Pacific, namely that the CRT did not shrink but expanded from 2002 to 2022. We found that, hidden beneath the most prominent high-frequency ENSO signal, there occurs a westward extending trend for the CRT in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. In the meantime, this finding suggests that the CRT and the two subtropical gyres to its south and north likely co-expanded over the past two decades. Such a simultaneous expansion, however, is not contradictory, as the North and South Pacific Subtropical Gyres expanded toward the northeast and southwest directions, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 4), while the CRT extended westward.
The expansion of the CRT implies a broader coverage of phytoplankton-rich water along the equator. As phytoplankton are a crucial part of ocean ecosystems, feeding zooplankton and thus living resources at higher trophic levels, the westward extending of the CRT possibly results in large-scale redistribution of certain species, influencing ecosystems and fisheries9,42. Also, as chlorophyll in phytoplankton absorbs solar light, a higher abundance of phytoplankton increases the absorption of solar radiation, leading to an enhanced heating rate at the ocean surface43. Therefore, changes in the spatial distribution of the CRT would lead to a redistribution of heat in the surface layer, influencing tropical climate, especially the amplitude and asymmetry of the ENSO24,44. Indeed, further quantification of these consequences of expanding CRT would require more dedicated efforts.
On the other hand, it is noticeable that our study period of 2002–2022 aligns with almost consecutive negative phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)45–47, suggesting that the detected expansion trend of the CRT may contain low-frequency variabilities. To explore potential links of the low-frequency variabilities of the CRT to the PDO, we adopted a mathematical approach of Stallone et al. 48 to symmetrically extrapolate the CRT area time series out of the boundaries, generating a new time series that is five times longer than the original one (see “Methods”). The decomposed decadal component of the CRT area after applying the EMD to this prolonged time series shows a significant negative correlation with the PDO in 2002–2022; meanwhile, there exists a weaker residual trend at a rate of 0.42 ( ± 0.19) × 105 km2/yr (P < 0.05) (Supplementary Fig. 5) compared to that calculated from the original time series (Fig. 2d). It suggests that the original 20-year CRT residual trend shown in Fig. 2d contains decadal signal to a large extent. Therefore, the observed westward expansion of the CRT from 2002 to 2022 seems mostly to result from naturally occurring internal variability related to the PDO. The weaker residual trend (0.42 × 105 km2/yr), however, implies a potential linkage of the CRT expanding to climate change, particularly given that the CRT coincides with regions showing the highest signal-to-noise ratio when analyzing climate change-driven trends in ocean color19. Nevertheless, a truly decades-long CRT data record, rather than a mathematically prolonged time series, must be established to confidently attribute the expansion of the CRT extent to climate change.
In addition, the ENSO-CRT area correlation observed in this effort and prior studies2,24,29 suggests that if the occurrences of consecutive La Niña events increase under global warming as projected14, the CRT will probably further extend to the west. Of course, the observed long-term trend of the CRT area highly depends on the data span used for trend analysis25,49. Thus, it is necessary to stress that the reported westward extending trend of the CRT is observed within a temporal period of 2002–2022. Nevertheless, our finding of the CRT westward expansion, never reported in previous observational and modeling efforts, highlights the importance of lower frequency variations hidden under major interannual variability of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific. Continued long-term observations spanning over 30 years or more would be essential for a more comprehensive and definitive understanding of the trend of CRT and its impacts50,51.
Calculation of the area of the high chlorophyll tongue
The standard Level 3 monthly Chl products (version R2022.0), at a spatial resolution of 9 km, of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-Aqua from August 2002 to July 2022 were acquired from NASA Ocean Color Web (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/l3/). The computation of the chlorophyll-rich tongue (CRT) area was confined to the open-ocean tropical Pacific region (20° N to 20° S). The eastern boundary was set ~1000 km from the shore, and a similar constraint was applied to the western boundary7. Pixels with Chl greater than 0.1 mg/m3 within this region were identified as part of the CRT. The area of each pixel was computed based on its latitude, longitude, Earth radius, and the intervals of latitude and longitude between two adjacent pixels. Subsequently, the CRT area was determined by summing up the area of all pixels within the CRT.
An extended Chl monthly series from September 1997 to August 2023, distributed by the ESA Ocean Color project under the Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI), was also acquired to supplement our analysis. The OC-CCI provides merged Chl products at 4 km spatial resolution from several ocean color missions, including MODIS-Aqua, the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor, the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer, and the Ocean and Land Color Instrument52. The OC-CCI monthly Chl products can be directly accessed via https://www.oceancolour.org/.
Definition of the boundaries of the CRT
The western boundary of the CRT for each month was identified as the longitude of the pixel where the meridional mean Chl between 1° N and 1° S from 150° W westward first declined to 0.1 mg/m3. Note that the western boundary could be absent in some months when Chl in the entire Equatorial Pacific exceeds 0.1 mg/m3, i.e., blank longitude values for these months. Most blank values were filled using cubic spline interpolation. However, those from May to September 2022, at the end of the time series, remain blank (see Fig. 3a) because it is unreasonable to do extrapolation. For the northern and southern boundaries of CRT in each month, we first computed the zonal mean Chl between 140° W and 150° W and established a latitudinal profile of mean Chl from 20° N to 20° S. We then screened the latitudinal profile and extracted the two latitudes with mean Chl of 0.1 mg/m3 as the northern and southern boundaries.
Empirical mode decomposition for trend analysis
The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) has demonstrated its efficacy in extracting intrinsic trends and natural variability from climate data in geophysical research25,26,53,54. Briefly, the original data is decomposed into a finite number of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), which correspond to the scale in the data ranging from the smallest to the largest, and the trend of the original data is defined as the average of the residual components from the decomposed IMFs. There is an upgraded version of the EMD called the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), aiming to solve potential drawbacks of the EMD by sifting an ensemble of white-noise added signal34. In this study, the EMD was attempted for all the time series involved in the CRT analysis. The EEMD was only carried out with the CRT area time series for comparison.
Here, in the sifting process of the EMD, the S stoppage was used as the stoppage criterion, producing five sets of IMFs with different S values ranging from 2 to 6 (Supplementary Fig. 1). The IMF1 and IMF2, with an average period < 2 years, were combined into the seasonal component of the CRT area; the IMF3 and IMF4, with an average period > 2 years, were combined into the interannual component; and the IMF5 and IMF6, with an average period > 8 years, emerging as the low-frequency signals, are most probably a result of over-sifting for such a time series of a limited span (20 years), and thus were combined with the IMF3 and IMF4 as the interannual component26,28,55. Finally, the residual components from these five sets of IMFs were averaged to derive the residual trend of the CRT area. A linear regression was then applied to this residual trend to obtain the changing rate of the CRT area in the given span of 2002–2022. In addition, the confidence limit serves as a standard measure for assessing the outcomes of EMD56, which is defined as a range of standard deviations from the equally valid IMF sets. In this effort, the standard deviation was computed from five residual trend components, each generated with a different S stoppage criterion, with two standard deviations equivalent to a 95% confidence limit. In comparison, in the sifting process of the EEMD, the amplitude of added white noise was 1% of the standard deviation of the original data, and the ensemble number was 800.
In addition, to overcome the limitation of the short temporal span of the original CRT time series and to enable the decomposition of the decadal component of the CRT area, an anti-reflective extension algorithm48 was used to generate a time series of the CRT area that is five times longer than the original one. The same EMD was then applied to this new time series, producing five sets of IMFs. The IMFs with an average period > 8 years contained physically meaningful signals for such a 120-year time series; they were no longer combined with the IMFs with an average period > 2 years (interannual component), but were extracted as decadal component (Supplementary Fig. 5).
Physical and chemical parameters in the tropical Pacific
Near-surface monthly mean currents (0.25° × 0.25° grid) were obtained from the Ocean Surface Current Analysis—Real time (OSCAR)57. The mean zonal velocity of the South Equatorial Current was then calculated for the tropical Pacific (5° S–5° N, 170° E–100° W) as done in a previous study17.
The bi-monthly Multivariate ENSO Index v2 was from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL)58 (https://psl.noaa.gov/enso/mei/). The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index was obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)46 (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/pdo/). We extracted the low-frequency (> 8 years) components of the PDO index by using an 8-year low-pass filter based on the fast Fourier transform filter.
The L3 gridded monthly mean sea surface wind speed and wind stress, at a spatial resolution of 0.25°, were retrieved from the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS), which is produced from the Near-Real-Time L2 Scatterometer product (https://marine.copernicus.eu/). The mean zonal wind was then calculated for the region of 5° S–5° N, 150° E - 150° W following Ma and Zhou18.
Following Wyrtki41, within the range of 170° E–100° W (covering a distance of ~104 km), the southward Ekman transport at 5° S () was estimated according to
where is the zonal component of the wind stress, represents the Coriolis parameter, and is the density of seawater. The northward Ekman transport at 5° N was calculated following the same approach. The total Ekman divergence, i.e., the intensity of equatorial upwelling, was obtained by summing up the southward and northward Ekman transport.
Definition of the center of the Pacific Subtropical Gyre
The expansion or moving direction of the Pacific Subtropical Gyre (PSG) is characterized by the shift in its central position. Pixels featuring Chl values below 0.07 mg/m3 were categorized into PSG23. The central position of PSG was calculated as59
where and are the longitude and latitude of all pixels within PSG, respectively, while and are the longitude and latitude representing the center of PSG.
Supplementary information
Source data
We sincerely appreciate the constructive comments and suggestions provided by four anonymous reviewers, which significantly improved this manuscript. Z. L. and X.Y. acknowledge funding from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFB3901703, 2022YFC3104903). S. S. and Z. L. acknowledge support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42430107, 41890803, and 42250710150). The authors thank the Ocean Biology Processing Group of NASA for processing and distributing the ocean color products of MODIS-Aqua.
Author contributions
S. P. and X. Y. performed the data analysis and wrote the original draft; S. S. conceived the study (conceptualization and methodology); X. Y., S. S., and Z. L. led the revisions of the manuscript. H. L., X. L., and M. D. contributed to the manuscript review and editing. All authors participated in interpreting the results and refinement of the paper.
Peer review
Peer review information
Nature Communications thanks Aleksandra Cherkasheva who co-reviewed with Artur Palacz; Hervé Demarcq and the other, anonymous, reviewer for their contribution to the peer review of this work. A peer review file is available.
Data availability
All the satellite measurements used in this effort can be directly accessed from the NASA Ocean Color Web (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/l3/) and the ESA OC-CCI Web (https://www.oceancolour.org/). The source data underlying results presented in Figures and Supplementary Figs. are provided in the spreadsheets in the Source Data file. Source data are provided with this paper.
Code availability
All codes are available at 10.5281/zenodo.14288695.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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These authors contributed equally: Shuaixing Peng, Xiaolong Yu.
Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41467-024-55650-8.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
All the satellite measurements used in this effort can be directly accessed from the NASA Ocean Color Web (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/l3/) and the ESA OC-CCI Web (https://www.oceancolour.org/). The source data underlying results presented in Figures and Supplementary Figs. are provided in the spreadsheets in the Source Data file. Source data are provided with this paper.
All codes are available at 10.5281/zenodo.14288695.