Psychedelic drugs are substances that have been used for a long time and are legally regulated worldwide because of their hallucinogenic or addictive potential. However, in the 21st century, it began to receive various academic attention because of its promising efficacy beyond the limits of existing drugs.
Aim & Objectives
In this study, a survey was conducted on the knowledge, awareness, and attitude psychiatrists (specialists and residents) about psychedelic drugs in Korea.
The survey consists of 14 questions regarding knowledge and opinions about psychedelics. 101 doctors participants were currently collected and preliminarily analyzed.
The mean age of participants was 40.5 years old and 72.3% were male. Of them, 44.6% were psychiatric residents and 55.4% were specialists. The average number of correct answers was 2.10 for the five questions regarding knowledge about psychedelics. The difference between two doctor groups was not significant. The question with the highest incorrect answer rate was the selection of classical psychedelics, followed by the associated neurotransmitters. The most recent information obtained about psychedelics were possibility of illicit use and their therapeutic potential. Sources of information about psychedelics were academic conferences, mass media (TV and newspaper), internet searches, peers, and academic articles, in that order. If medical use were to become available, the main concerns were the potential for abuse and the risk of addiction. On the other hand, 56.5% predict psychedelics could be an important treatment in the future, and 63.3% support their authorization for medical use.
Conclusion & Discussion
Psychedelics are gaining global attention and are very promising therapeutic drugs, but our knowledge of them is still low. However, the clinical utility and need for these drugs are highly recognized. We need to continue to spread information through academic conferences and media.
Keywords: psychedelics, attitudes, psychiatrist