In the September 2003 issue of the Journal, in the article entitled “Phylogeny of East Asian Mitochondrial DNA Lineages Inferred from Complete Sequences,” by Kong et al. (73:671–676), the variation in sample YN163 (displayed in fig. 1) was incorrectly reported. This prompted us to reanalyze all recurrent private mutations in the 48 mtDNAs by a second independent amplification and sequencing round, to reaffirm our earlier findings and to meet high-quality standards for ongoing complete sequencing of mtDNA. It turned out that sample YN163 does not bear the mutation at position 13269, as was claimed in our article; instead, this sample carries two other transitions—that is, at 13135 and 13152. Since the 13152 mutation is shared with sample SD10334, it belongs to the motif for haplogroup M10. It is likely that the segment analyzed at the time with the primer pair L13049/H13666 in sample YN163 was taken from sample QD8168 by mistake (resulting in sample crossover). Our reanalysis did not exhibit any further discrepancies with our original sequence data. However, two typographical errors were found. One occurred in 9th line of the left-hand column on page 674: “mtDNAs with motif 16126-16261-16311” should be “mtDNAs with motif 16126-16231-16311.” The other occurred in the 10th line of the left-hand column on page 675: “transversions A→G” should be “transversions C→G.” The authors regret these errors.
. 2004 Jul;75(1):157.
© 2004 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.
PMCID: PMC1182002
This corrects the article "Phylogeny of East Asian Mitochondrial DNA Lineages Inferred from Complete Sequences" in volume 73 on page 671.