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Nucleic Acids Research logoLink to Nucleic Acids Research
. 2005 Aug 10;33(14):4593–4601. doi: 10.1093/nar/gki768

GANA—a genetic algorithm for NMR backbone resonance assignment

Hsin-Nan Lin 1, Kun-Pin Wu 1, Jia-Ming Chang 1, Ting-Yi Sung 1, Wen-Lian Hsu 1,*
PMCID: PMC1184223  PMID: 16093550


NMR data from different experiments often contain errors; thus, automated backbone resonance assignment is a very challenging issue. In this paper, we present a method called GANA that uses a genetic algorithm to automatically perform backbone resonance assignment with a high degree of precision and recall. Precision is the number of correctly assigned residues divided by the number of assigned residues, and recall is the number of correctly assigned residues divided by the number of residues with known human curated answers. GANA takes spin systems as input data and uses two data structures, candidate lists and adjacency lists, to assign the spin systems to each amino acid of a target protein. Using GANA, almost all spin systems can be mapped correctly onto a target protein, even if the data are noisy. We use the BioMagResBank (BMRB) dataset (901 proteins) to test the performance of GANA. To evaluate the robustness of GANA, we generate four additional datasets from the BMRB dataset to simulate data errors of false positives, false negatives and linking errors. We also use a combination of these three error types to examine the fault tolerance of our method. The average precision rates of GANA on BMRB and the four simulated test cases are 99.61, 99.55, 99.34, 99.35 and 98.60%, respectively. The average recall rates of GANA on BMRB and the four simulated test cases are 99.26, 99.19, 98.85, 98.87 and 97.78%, respectively. We also test GANA on two real wet-lab datasets, hbSBD and hbLBD. The precision and recall rates of GANA on hbSBD are 95.12 and 92.86%, respectively, and those of hbLBD are 100 and 97.40%, respectively.


NMR provides an alternative to X-ray diffraction for determining the 3D structures of proteins in atomic resolution. NMR is also a powerful analytical tool for studying protein–ligand binding, protein–nucleic acid interactions and protein dynamics because it can probe protein molecules in a liquid environment. The first requirement for these studies is sequential resonance assignment on backbone structures. Researchers usually conduct several 3D NMR experiments, such as CBCANH, CBCA(CO)NH or HN(CO)CA, on 13C/15N/1HN-labeled proteins, and 2D NMR experiments, such as HSQC, on 15N/1HN-labeled proteins. These experiments are combined to construct sequential assignments. The multi-dimensional NMR spectra contain a mass of peaks that in turn contain chemical shifts and corresponding intensities. Different kinds of NMR experiments provide different partial resonance information about particular atom groups on the backbone structure. For example, the 2D HSQC experiment is used to detect whether there is a covalent bond between N and HN. If such a bond exists, a corresponding peak should appear in the spectrum, thereby showing the chemical shifts of the two atoms. The backbone resonance assignment problem is how to identify the chemical shifts of particular atoms on the backbone structure from the connectivity information among the mass of isolated peaks. In the past, biologists had to make tedious backbone assignments manually or semi-manually during the spectra analysis process, but many automated tools using computational technologies are now available for the task. Even so, backbone resonance assignment is still very difficult in practice owing to noise and errors in experimental NMR data.

NMR data often contains four types of errors: noises (false positives), missing peaks (false negatives), clustered peaks and inconsistent results among different experiments. Noisy peaks with high intensity could be accidentally regarded as real peaks, thereby creating false positive spin systems that coexist with real spin systems. A missing peak could be a weak spectrum peak mistakenly discarded owing to its low intensity, or an empty spectrum peak that is not present owing to the imperfect sensitivity of the NMR experiments. The third type of error is the clustered peak that occurs when the same kinds of atoms are located in similar environments. The last type of error is inconsistency among different experiments. Theoretically, each atom on a backbone structure should have a fixed chemical shift. However, different NMR experiments on the same protein may generate slightly different chemical shifts for the same atom owing to differences in experimental conditions, such as temperature, pH value and isotope effects. As these four types of data error appear simultaneously in NMR spectra, the process of automated backbone resonance assignment is very challenging.

Most automated backbone resonance assignment programs comprise the following steps. (i) Filtering and referencing: filter peaks and relate resonances from different spectra. (ii) Grouping: group resonances into spin systems. (iii) Typing: identify the amino acid types of spin systems. (iv) Linking: find and link sequential spin systems into segments. (v) Mapping: map spin system segments to the primary sequence (1). Note that the above procedures may be performed in a different order. Although many works deal with at least some of the above procedures (217), most models assume that the spin system grouping is already given and thus ignore a possible ambiguity problem. However, some works do perform all five procedures (1824). Readers are referred to (1) for a thorough survey.

In this paper, we present a method called GANA that uses a genetic algorithm (GA) for automated backbone resonance assignment. GANA assumes that the spin systems are given and uses two data structures, candidate lists and adjacency lists, to assign the spin systems to each amino acid of a target protein. In this way, almost all spin systems can be mapped onto a target protein.

To evaluate the performance of GANA, we use the precision and recall rates defined below:

precision=the number of correctly assigned residuesthe number of assigned residues×100%recall=the number of correctly assigned residuesthe number of residues with known answers×100%

Note that the number of residues with known answers excludes prolines, because they do not produce spectral peaks in the HSQC, CBCANH and CBCA(CO)NH experiments. Both precision and recall are essential indicators of the performance of a backbone resonance assignment system. For example, consider a protein of length 100 with known assignments for all residues. If method A can only assign 40 positions of the entire sequence and all the assignments are correct, then the precision rate will be 100%, but the recall rate will be only 40%. If method B, on other hand, can assign 80 positions of the sequence and only 60 assignments are correct, then the precision rate will be 75% and the recall rate will be 60%. The recall rate in this assignment problem reflects the accuracy of the method as a whole and the precision rate indicates the reliability or confidence of the predicted assignments.

We test GANA on the filtered BioMagResBank (BMRB) database of 901 proteins and two real NMR datasets: the substrate binding domain of BCKD (hbSBD) and the lipoic acid bearing domain of BCKD (hbLBD) (25). To test the robustness of GANA, we also simulated real-world errors to generate the following four synthetic datasets from the BMRB dataset: false positives, false negatives and linking errors (explained in Simulated datasets), and a combination of these three error types. When testing one round, the average precision rates of GANA on the BMRB dataset, false positives, false negatives, linking errors and the combination of test cases are 99.61, 99.55, 99.34, 99.35 and 98.60%, respectively; and the average recall rates are 99.26, 99.19, 98.85, 98.87 and 97.78%, respectively. Note that such a test of robustness is not performed by other methods. However, we believe it is crucial for the accuracy of resonance assignment methods.


NMR experiments

In GANA, we use HSQC, CBCANH and CBCA(CO)NH spectral data to assign chemical shifts to N, HN, Cα and Cβ atoms on the backbone structure of a target protein. Figure 1a shows two consecutive residues, the (i − 1)-th and the i-th residues, where only atoms along the backbone are depicted. For the i-th residue, the HSQC experiment detects HiN and Ni chemical shifts (Figure 1b); the CBCANH experiment detects HiN, Ni, Ci1α, Ci1β, Ciα and Ciβ chemical shifts (Figure 1c); and the CBCA(CO)NH experiment detects HiN, Ni, Ci1α and Ci1β chemical shifts (Figure 1d). By cross-referencing the HSQC, CBCANH and CBCA(CO)NH peaks for the i-th residue, we can generate two consecutive spin systems, i.e. an inter-spin system, denoted by SSinter(i), and an intra-spin system, denoted by SSintra(i). The former contains the chemical shifts of Ci1α, Ci1β and HiN, Ni, while the later contains the chemical shifts of Ciα, Ciβ and HiN, Ni.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Different NMR experiments on two consecutive residues. The detected atoms with available chemical shifts are marked in black.

Chemical shift ranges of amino acids

Different amino acid residues may have different chemical shift ranges. TATAPRO II (19) uses BMRB statistical data for 13Cα and 13Cβ chemical shifts to group the 20 amino acids into 8 categories (Table 1). In order to associate more spin systems with amino acids, we extend the upper and lower bounds by 10%. Although this introduces more false positives, their effect is more than offset by the reduction in the number of missing peaks. The minimum and maximum chemical shifts are set to 13.5 and 79.75, respectively. For each amino acid, x, we use Range(x) to represent the chemical shift ranges of x. For example, the modified chemical shift range of alanine (Ala) is 13.5 ≤ Cβ ≤ 26.4, denoted by Range(Ala).

Table 1.

Amino acid types based on their carbon chemical shift characteristics

Carbon chemical shift Amino acid
Absence of Cβ Gly
14 < Cβ < 24 Ala
56 < Cβ < 67 Ser
24 < Cβ < 36 and Cα < 64 Lys, Arg, Gln, Glu, His, Trp, Crsred, Val and Met
24 < Cβ < 36 and Cα ≥ 64 Val
36 < Cβ < 52 and Cα < 64 Asp, Asn, Phe, Tyr, Cysoxd, Ile and Leu
36 < Cβ < 52 and Cα ≥ 64 Ile
Cβ > 67 Thr

Since glycine has only a proton on its side chain, it has no Cβ chemical shift. Proline intrinsically has no peaks appearing in NMR spectra, so it has neither Cα nor Cβ chemical shifts. Cysred and Cysoxd represent reduced cysteine and oxidized cysteine, respectively.

Spin system groups

A spin system contains the chemical shifts of atoms within a residue. In GANA, we denote a set of spin systems as an SSGroup in which all systems have identical chemical shifts of HN and N. An ideal SSGroup should contain only one pair of SSinter and SSintra systems. In practice, however, an SSGroup may contain several ambiguous spin systems owing to errors. The record of an SSGroup is headed by a pair of chemical shifts of 15N and 1HN, followed by two or more spin systems, each of which is flagged. The flag indicates the type of spin system, either an inter- or intra-spin system, denoted by 0 and 1, respectively. An example of an SSGroup, which is the basic unit of GANA, is shown in Figure 2. Hereafter, we assume that the whole system has n spin system groups, i.e. SSGroup1, …, SSGroupn.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

An example of an SSGroup headed by 116.50 (chemical shift of 15N) and 8.25 (chemical shift of 1HN). The SSGroup contains two spin systems: an inter-spin system, indicated by 0 with Cα chemical shift 51.9 and Cβ chemical shift 19.4; and an intra-spin system, indicated by 1 with Cα chemical shift 57.5 and Cβ chemical shift 63.3.

Data structures

Candidate lists

Automated backbone resonance assignment requires a typing step to associate spin systems with amino acid types. Most methods try to associate each spin system with its potential residue type(s). However, doing so may generate a large search space while performing linking and mapping owing to the ambiguity of the spin systems. Instead of applying such a typing mechanism, GANA uses a data structure, candidate lists, to record potential spin systems for each residue in a target sequence.

For each residue i in a target protein, the candidate list CL(i) records all the k's such that SSGroupk matches residue i according to Range(i) and Range(i − 1). In other words, if some SSinter (spin system type 0) of SSGroupk are within the Range(i − 1) and some SSintra (spin system type 1) are within the Range(i), then k is added to CL(i). Note that if no such SSGroupk is found for residue i, then CL(i) = φ (an empty set). Intrinsically, proline has no NMR spectral peaks, so its candidate list is φ. Figure 3 shows the candidate lists of four residues.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

An example of candidate lists of four residues. The candidate list of the seventh residue (Y, tyrosine) is 58, 82, 118 and 160, which means that the inter- and intra-spin systems in SSGroups 58, 82, 118 and 160 are within Range(G) and Range(Y), respectively. The seventh residue will only be assigned one of the SSGroups 58, 82, 118 and 160. Note that if SSGroups 58, 82, 118 and 160 are already assigned to other residues, the seventh residue will be assigned −1, which means an empty SSGroup, and the chemical shift of C7α, C7β, will be determined by the inter-spin system of the SSGroup of the eighth residue.

Adjacency lists

We construct an adjacency list for each SSGroupi, denoted by AL(i), to express the connectivity relations between SSGroupi and all SSGroupj. Two groups, SSGroupi and SSGroupj, are said to be connected if the absolute differences of their corresponding chemical shifts are within predefined thresholds, i.e.

|Ci,interαCj,intraα|δαand|Ci,interβCj,intraβ|δβ 1


|Ci,intraαCj,interα|δαand|Ci,intraβCj,interβ|δβ, 2

where Ci,interα denotes the Cα chemical shift of the inter-spin system of SSGroupi, and the other terms are similarly denoted, and δα and δβ are the predefined thresholds. Note that each SSGroup may contain more than one inter-spin (or intra-spin) system, but as long as at least one pair of inter- and intra-spin systems satisfy either of the above conditions, SSGroupi and SSGroupj are said to be connected.

Each AL(i) contains two kinds of lists: an L-List, denoted by ALL(i), and an R-List, denoted by ALR(i). The L-List records all SSGroupj whose SSintra are connected with SSinter of SSGroupi. In this case, we have a connected fragment, ji, of length two. The R-List records all SSGroupk whose SSinter are connected with SSintra of SSGroupi. In this case, we have a connected fragment, ik, of length 2. ALL(i) and ALR(i) are then sorted in ascending order by the sum of absolute differences on the left-hand side of Inequality Equations 1 and 2. The purpose of sorting these lists is to ensure that closer spin systems are used for assignments later in our GA. Figure 4 shows an example of the adjacency lists of n SSGroups.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

An example of adjacency lists with n SSGroups. (Note that the SSGroup numbers in each adjacency list are sorted according to the left-hand side of Inequality 1 and 2). The inter-spin system of SSGroup 1 is connected with the intra-spin systems of SSGroups 23, 11 and 99; and the intra-spin system of SSGroup 1 is connected with the inter-spin systems of SSGroups 38, 47, 65, 41 and 71.

Our genetic algorithm model

GAs proposed by Holland (26) simulate the process of biological evolution in computers. A great deal of research has shown that GAs are efficient for solving problems that have a very large search space (27). GAs usually comprise chromosome initialization, reproduction, crossover and mutation operations. They also require a fitness function.

To apply GANA, we are given a target protein of length l and n SSGroups numbered from 1 through n. We, then, generate the candidate and adjacency lists, which are regarded as two assignment constraints of the GA in GANA. The former are used to select SSGroup candidates for residues and the latter to construct or extend the connected fragments from a specific SSGroup. In this section, we use i to denote the residue located at the i-th position of the target protein, xi to denote an SSGroup in CL(i) and 1 ≤ xin.

In the iterative procedure of chromosome generation of GANA, we assign one of the SSGroups in CL(i) to each residue, i. Note that each SSGroup may be found in more than one candidate list, but it can only be assigned to at most one residue. If all SSGroups in CL(i) are already assigned to other residues, then residue i will be assigned −1, and the chemical shifts of Ciα and Ciβ will be determined by SSinter(i + 1).

Chromosome initialization

Each chromosome in GANA represents a candidate solution for backbone resonance assignment, and SSGroups are the basic units (genes) of such solutions. A chromosome, ch, has l components corresponding to all residues of the target protein. Each component of ch is denoted by ch[i], which is assigned an SSGroup or −1, and is written as ch[i] = xi or −1.

To create a new chromosome, ch, we initially set all ch[i] as undefined and then iteratively perform the following steps. (i) Randomly select a residue, i, of a target protein that has not been assigned an SSGroup or −1, where −1 indicates that no available SSGroup can be assigned to a specific residue in the target protein by our method. (ii) Given a residue i, randomly select an SSGroup, xi, from CL(i) that has not been assigned to any other residue and assign xi to ch[i] (define ch[i] = xi). (iii) Extend connected fragments by examining AL(xi). When performing Step (ii), if no SSGroup from CL(i) can be found for residue i, i.e. all SSGroups have been assigned to other residues, assign −1 to ch[i]. When all residues have been assigned an SSGroup xi or −1, i.e. ch[i] = xi or −1, return the ch, which is a new chromosome.

We now explain Step (iii) in detail. Given ch[i] = xi, we extend a connected fragment from xi leftward (called left extension) and rightward (called right extension). To perform left extension, we sequentially select an SSGroup, xi−1, from ALL(xi) that is also in CL(i − 1) and has not yet been assigned. We, then, assign SSGroup xi−1 to residue i − 1 (defined as ch[i − 1] = xi−1) and obtain a connected fragment of spin systems, xi−1xi, for residues i − 1 and i. We repeat the above process for residues i − 1, i − 2 and so on for left extension until no further extension is possible. Similarly, for ch[i] = xi we use ALR(xi) to extend connected fragments to the right for residues i + 1, i + 2, and so on until no further extension is possible. In other words, we sequentially select an SSGroup, xi+1, that is also in CL(i + 1) and has not yet been assigned. Then, we assign SSGroup xi+1 to residue i + 1 (define ch[i + 1] = xi+1).

We repeat chromosome initialization many times to generate a population of chromosomes. There are two advantages of creating chromosomes, ch, this way: (i) all SSGroups assigned to residues satisfy the chemical shift ranges of each corresponding residue and (ii) a ch contains several connected fragments.

Fitness function

The fitness function guides the evolutionary direction of a population. Thus, the more connected fragments a ch has, and the longer they are, the higher its fitness score will be.

To define the fitness score of ch, we first examine each residue i with ch[i] = xi for i = 1,2, …, l to determine whether or not xi can connect with xi−1(=xa) and with xi+1(=xb). We then define two variables, DL(i) and DR(i), to reflect the degree of connectivity between (xi,xa) and (xi,xb), respectively:

DL(i)={δ,if xa does notconnect with xi,|Ci,interαCa,intraα|+|Ci,interβCa,intraβ|,otherwise,
DR(i)={δ,if xi does not connect with xb,|Ci,intraαCb,interα|+|Ci,intraβCb,interβ|,otherwise,

where δ is a special flag symbol. Each connectivity is then given a score:

SL(i)={3if DL(i)=δ5if DL(i)<0.14if 0.1DL(i)<0.33if 0.3DL(i)<0.52if 0.5DL(i)<0.71otherwise.

SR(i) is defined similarly. The closer the two connected SSGroups are, the higher the score they receive. Now, we define the linking score for each xi as follows:

LS(xi)={0,if xi=11,if xi1,xa=xb=1SL(i),if xi,xa1,xb=1SR(i),if xi,xb1,xa=1SL(i)+SR(i)otherwise.

The fitness score of ch is then defined as follows:

Fitness score(ch)=i=1lLS(xi).

Reproduction operation

For the reproduction operation, GANA uses a selection procedure to produce the next generation according to the fitness score of each chromosome in the current population. After ranking chromosomes according to their fitness scores, we keep the top 50% of them for the next generation. They are also treated as parent candidates in the crossover operation (explained in Crossover operation). The remaining 50% of chromosomes in the next generation, called offspring, are produced by a crossover operation with parent candidates or random chromosome initialization. We use a parameter called the CrossoverRate (0–100) to denote the proportion of offsprings produced by the crossover operation. If the CrossoverRate is 40, it means that 40% of the offsprings are produced by the crossover operation, and the remaining 60% are produced by chromosome initialization. In summary, the chromosomes of the next generation consist of 50% from parent candidates, 20% (=0.4 × 0.5) from crossover operations and 30% from chromosome initialization.

After producing the new generation, all the chromosomes go through a mutation operation (described in Mutation operation). We use a parameter called the MutationRate (0–1000) to denote the probability of mutation for each locus in a ch. If the MutationRate is 5, then each locus has 0.005 probability of being mutated to another value. Finally, we check each pair of chromosomes, chi and chj, with ij in the population to determine whether or not they are identical; if they are identical, then one of them will be reproduced by chromosome initialization.

Crossover operation

Our crossover operation produces an offspring, ch, that has a higher fitness score and has inherited as many connected fragments as possible from its parents. To achieve this, we randomly select two different chromosomes from the parent candidates, say p1 and p2. Let ch be produced by the crossover operation from p1 and p2. Initially, all ch[i] are undefined. The iterative procedure of the crossover operation is as follows:

  1. Randomly select a residue i of the target protein that has not been assigned an SSGroup or −1. If all l residues have been assigned, proceed to Step (iv).

  2. Randomly select a parent p (p = p1 or p2). If p[i] = −1, then assign −1 to ch[i] (define ch[i] = −1) and return to Step (i). Otherwise, proceed as follows: if p[i] has not been assigned to any other residue of ch, then assign p[i] to ch[i], i.e. define ch[i] = p[i], and go to Step (iii). Otherwise, assign ch[i] a special symbol Δ (define ch[i] = Δ) to indicate that it will be re-assigned later with another SSGroup that has not yet been used, and return to Step (i).

  3. Extend the connected fragment from ch[i] by referencing p and return to Step (i).

  4. To process those residues with ch[i] = Δ, randomly select a residue i, such that ch[i] = Δ. Then randomly select an SSGroup, xi, from CL(i) that has not been assigned to any other residue. If all SSGroups in CL(i) have been assigned, assign −1 to ch[i]; otherwise, assign xi to ch[i]. Repeat this step until all residues with ch[i] = Δ have been processed and return the ch, which is the new offspring chromosome.

Given that ch[i] = p[i], Step (iii) is similar to that of chromosome initialization. Left extension proceeds as follows. We examine p[i − 1] to determine whether or not it has been used in ch. If it has not been used, we define ch[i − 1] = p[i − 1] and repeat the left extension procedure for i − 2 and so on until no further extension is possible; otherwise, we stop left extension. Then, we proceed to perform right extension that is similar to left extension.

Mutation operation

Mutation operations may alter the values of some positions in a chromosome, so we use a modified chromosome to replace the original chromosome. This operation provides a population with reasonable diversity and prevents the offspring from resembling their parents so that the GA does not fall into a local maximum. Though most mutation operations are single or multiple point mutations, we discard such mutations since they may split a connected fragment into pieces. Instead, we use a different mutation strategy: once a locus is mutated, our operation also mutates its subsequent loci.

Let mch denote a new mutated chromosome to be generated. Our mutation operation starts with the first locus, i.e. i = 1. We distinguish two cases. First, residue i is mutated by the following steps: (i) randomly select an SSGroup, xi, from CL(i) that has not been assigned to any other residue of mch, and define mch[i] = xi. If no such xi can be found in CL(i), define mch[i] = − 1 and proceed to the next residue i + 1. (ii) Perform only the right extension from xi by referencing AL(xi) until i = k (k is an integer ≤ l), for no further extension is possible. This extension procedure is the same as that for chromosome initialization, described in Chromosome initialization. In the second case, residue i is not mutated, and we examine ch[i] to determine whether or not it has been assigned to mch. If it has not been assigned to mch, we assign ch[i] to mch[i] and proceed to the next residue i + 1; otherwise, we perform above Steps (i) and (ii) until i = k, or until no further extension is possible.

We then repeat the above mutation operation with i = i + 1 or k + 1 (depending on whether extension is performed) until all residues have been processed and output the resulting mch to replace the original ch.

Creating backbone resonance assignment from the best chromosome

After evaluating the fitness function of all chromosomes in the current generation, we select the chromosome, ch, that has the highest fitness score as the candidate solution for backbone resonance assignment. (Recall that n denotes the number of spin systems.) For each residue i, if ch[i] = xi where xi ∈ {1,2, …, n}, we report that SSGroup xi is assigned to residue i. In other words, the chemical shifts of Ni and HiN are the chemical shifts of 15N and 1HN in SSGroup xi. Also, SSintra(i), which represents the chemical shifts of Ciα and Ciβ, is the intra-spin system of SSGroup xi. If there is more than one intra-spin system in SSGroup xi to assign SSintra(i), we arbitrarily select any intra-spin system that connects SSinter(i + 1) when residue i + 1 is assigned with another SSGroup.


GANA, which was developed under Linux Redhat 9.0, is implemented as a standard C++ program. We use BMRB and real wet-lab datasets to estimate the precision and recall rates of GANA. The C++ source code of GANA and all synthetic datasets are available at

The parameters used in each single round of GANA are as follows: the number of chromosomes in each generation = 600, the number of generations for evolution in a single round = 500, the CrossoverRate = 70 and the MutationRate = 2. Because GAs may fall into a local maximum, we perform multiple rounds to select the chromosome with the highest fitness score as the final assignment for each protein. Each round of the GA is a complete and an independent assignment procedure. In Tables 4 and 5, we use P and R to denote the precision rate and the recall rate, respectively, expressed in percentages.

Table 4.

Experimental results of GANA for different datasets and rounds

Test dataset 1 Round 10 Rounds
Original 99.61 99.26 99.67 99.34
False positives 99.55 99.19 99.64 99.32
False negatives 99.34 98.85 99.53 99.10
Linking errors 99.35 98.87 99.55 99.18
Combined errors 98.60 97.78 98.96 98.28

Table 5.

Experimental results of GANA and PACES for 21 proteins with linking errors

Protein ID m n GANA PACES
4354 370 330 100.00 100.00 100.00 94.22
5316 288 257 99.59 97.98 100.00 99.62
5468 266 237 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.33
4384 262 211 100.00 100.00 100.00 93.64
4022 260 241 100.00 100.00 100.00 92.95
4102 232 189 100.00 98.90 100.00 94.81
4844 221 197 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.98
4836 217 204 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.59
4834 189 164 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.39
4094 133 127 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5142 130 126 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4444 128 105 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4032 124 115 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4152 214 189 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.94
4402 210 190 98.44 98.44 0.00 0.00
4082 139 132 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.24
4722 168 160 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.26
4769 76 65 100.00 100.00 100.00 87.88
4457 227 166 100.00 100.00 100.00 17.39
4341 192 117 100.00 100.00 100.00 51.43
4136 110 62 95.24 93.02 100.00 81.94
Average 197.9 170.7 99.68 99.44 95.24 85.74
Average* 197.3 169.7 99.74 99.50 100 90.03

m, the number of residues in the protein; n, the number of residues with known human curated answers; Average* is the average of all the proteins except #4402.

Results of raw datasets

The BMRB dataset

We downloaded the full BMRB dataset containing 3129 proteins on September 10, 2004. Since protein lengths in NMR experiments are generally <400, we choose proteins of lengths 50–400 that have at least 50% residues with known human curated answers as our dataset. The resulting dataset contains 901 proteins, the average length of which is 128.17 and the average proportion of residues with known answers in a protein sequence is 86.3%.

For each test protein, we generated simulated SSGroups according to the chemical shifts assigned to each residue. Note that if the chemical shifts of N or HN on residue i are unavailable, we do not generate a corresponding SSGroup for residue i.

The single round precision and recall rates of GANA for the dataset are 99.61 and 99.26%, respectively; and after 10 rounds they are 99.67 and 99.34%, respectively. The improvement after 10 rounds compared with a single round is small, which implies that GANA is less likely to be trapped in a local optimum.

Although our BMRB dataset contains proteins with lengths <400, we also test GANA on a very challenging 723 residue Malate Synthase G, BMRB #5471, to demonstrate its ability to handle long proteins. In addition to the original data, we use synthetic data with false positives, false negatives and linking errors (explained in Simulated datasets). The precision and recall rates are both 100% for the original data; 100 and 99.8%, respectively, for the data with false positives; 98.9 and 97.7%, respectively, for the data with false negatives; and 98.92 and 97.57%, respectively, for the data with linking errors.

As both MARS (28) and GANA take spin systems as input, we compare these two methods. In (28), MARS is tested on 11 proteins of BMRB; thus, we test GANA under the same conditions, except that BMRB #547 and #4106 are removed because they lack Cβ and N chemical shifts, respectively. The results are given in Table 2. [Since MARS (28) reports only the number of correctly assigned residues, the experimental results are reported in terms of the recall rate, i.e. the accuracy rate.]

Table 2.

Recall rates of GANA and MARS on nine proteins of the original data and with linking errors

Original data Linking errors Original data Linking errors
5471 97.71 95.11 100.00 97.57
4354 99.40 98.51 100.00 100.00
4384 98.64 98.64 100.00 100.00
4022 99.59 99.59 100.00 100.00
4457 80.24 81.44 100.00 100.00
4402 81.58 81.05 92.71 98.44
4341 95.73 95.73 100.00 100.00
4082 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4136 94.59 86.49 95.35 93.02
Average 94.16 92.95 98.67 98.78

Two real wet-lab datasets

In addition to the BMRB dataset, we also use two real wet-lab datasets: the substrate binding domain of BCKD (hbSBD) and the lipoic acid bearing domain of BCKD (hbLBD) (25). More than 50% of each dataset consists of false positives and false negatives. Details of the two datasets are given in Table 3.

Table 3.

Detailed attributes of hbSBD and hbLBD datasets

Datasets hbSBD hbLBD
Number of amino acids 53 85
Number of amino acids manually assigned by biologists 42 80
Number of HSQC peaks 58 78
Number of CBCA(CO)NH peaks 258 271
Number of CBCANH peaks 224 620
False positives (CBCA(CO)NH) (%) 67.4 41.0
False positives (CBCANH) (%) 25.0 48.4

The single round precision and recall rates of GANA for hbSBD are 95.12 and 92.86%, respectively; and for hbLBD they are 100 and 97.40%, respectively.

Simulated datasets

To compare different backbone resonance assignment methods, researchers prefer to use real wet-lab datasets for testing; however, such datasets are quite scarce. Thus, tests have also been conducted using the BMRB dataset, which contains a large number of proteins with known human curated answers. The raw BMRB data contain no errors and can be regarded as perfect data. To simulate real-world noisy data, we generate a large dataset from the BMRB dataset to simulate false positives and false negatives. Although real data contain the error type of clustered peaks, we do not simulate this error type since the problem of clustered peaks is an intrinsic property of NMR data. Instead, we simulate linking errors, as in PACES (7), and a combination of the above error types. In summary, we modify the original BMRB data to generate four kinds of synthetic datasets that simulate error types: (i) false positives, (ii) false negatives, (iii) linking errors and (iv) a combination of the previous three cases. These datasets, which—to the best of our knowledge—are unique to our approach, are constructed as follows.

To create a false positive dataset, we add synthetic intra- and inter-spin systems to the SSGroups. We then define two types of synthetic spin systems: α and β. An α (or β) spin system contains an artificial Cα (or Cβ, respectively) and an inherent Cβ (or Cα, respectively) chemical shift. We randomly select 25% of the SSGroups and add an α intra-spin system to each of them. Similarly, we add β intra-, α inter- and β inter-spin systems to 25, 12.5 and 12.5% of the SSGroups, respectively. Note that all selections are random, but not independent, so it is possible for an SSGroup to be added to more than one type of synthetic spin system. Figure 5a shows an original SSGroup, while Figure 5b shows the modified SSGroup of a false positive case, where the first underlined spin system is an extra β inter-spin system and the second underlined spin system is an extra α intra-spin system. In this dataset, 75% of the data contain false positive errors.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Examples of modified data with different error types.

To create a false negative dataset, we assume that some CBCA(CO)NH peaks are missing. In this situation, we cannot recognize which Cα or Cβ peak in the CBCANH experiments belongs to the inter-residue. Thus, we generate all possible combinations of spin systems to solve the problem. We, then, randomly select 50% of the SSGroups to simulate the case where either the Cα or the Cβ peak in the CBCA(CO)NH experiments is missing (25% for each). For example, in Figure 5c we assume that the Cα peak in the CBCA(CO)NH experiment is missing, so we generate all possible spin systems.

To create a linking error dataset, we modify the Cα and Cβ chemical shifts of the inter-spin systems for all SSGroups. Each modified Cα (or Cβ) chemical shift differs by ±0.2 (or ±0.4, respectively) p.p.m. from the original data. Furthermore, these chemical shift differences follow normal distributions with mean 0 and SD 0.08 and 0.16 p.p.m. for Cα and Cβ, respectively. Figure 5d shows the modified SSGroup of the linking error case.

To create a combined-error dataset, we use the above three modification methods.

The experiment results of GANA for the synthetic datasets are listed in Table 4.

PACES (7) reported only experimental results for synthetic data of linking errors using 21 proteins from the 901 protein BMRB dataset. To compare GANA with PACES, we tested it on the same data with a similar parameter setting. PACES can handle only 20 of the proteins excluding BMRB #4402, whereas GANA can handle all 21 proteins. Note that the final results of PACES are post-edited by human experts, whereas GANA is fully automated. The test results of the 21 proteins tested by GANA and the 20 proteins tested by PACES are listed in Table 5.


In this paper, we have presented a GA for backbone resonance assignment, called GANA, which is fully automated and can deal with noisy data. The performance of GANA on our test datasets is good for both the precision and the recall rates. In particular, GANA yields better recall rates than either PACES or MARS. Note that the recall rate represents the accuracy of an assignment method. The higher recall rates of GANA can be attributed to its two data structures: candidate lists and adjacency lists. GANA takes spin systems as input data and uses the two data structures to assign the spin systems to the amino acids of a target protein. This design enables GANA to correctly map nearly all spin systems onto a target protein. Thus, the recall rates of GANA are generally high.

We have also proposed a scheme that can generate a large dataset from BMRB to simulate real noisy data of false positives, false negatives, linking errors and a combination of these three error types. The synthetic datasets provide a good platform for comparing different assignment systems.


This work is supported in part by the thematic program of Academia Sinica under grant AS91IIS1PP and 94B003. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the thematic program of Academia Sinica under grant AS94B003.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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