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. 2002 Mar 19;99(6):3938–3943. doi: 10.1073/pnas.062425699

Chronic intracellular infection of alfalfa nodules by Sinorhizobium meliloti requires correct lipopolysaccharide core

Gordon R O Campbell *, Bradley L Reuhs , Graham C Walker *,
PMCID: PMC122627  PMID: 11904442


Our analyses of lipopolysaccharide mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti offer insights into how this bacterium establishes the chronic intracellular infection of plant cells that is necessary for its nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with alfalfa. Derivatives of S. meliloti strain Rm1021 carrying an lpsB mutation are capable of colonizing curled root hairs and forming infection threads in alfalfa in a manner similar to a wild-type strain. However, developmental abnormalities occur in the bacterium and the plant at the stage when the bacteria invade the plant nodule cells. Loss-of-function lpsB mutations, which eliminate a protein of the glycosyltransferase I family, cause striking changes in the carbohydrate core of the lipopolysaccharide, including the absence of uronic acids and a 40-fold relative increase in xylose. We also found that lpsB mutants were sensitive to the cationic peptides melittin, polymyxin B, and poly-l-lysine, in a manner that paralleled that of Brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide mutants. Sensitivity to components of the plant's innate immune system may be part of the reason that this mutant is unable to properly sustain a chronic infection within the cells of its host-plant alfalfa.

The nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti establishes a symbiosis with alfalfa in which the nitrogen-fixing bacteroid form of the bacteria lives intracellularly within organs called nodules that form on the root of the plant (1, 2). Free-living rhizobia colonize curls at the tips of alfalfa root hairs and invade the developing nodule through a tube of plant origin called an infection thread. The infection thread grows through the root hair and into the nodule, where it branches and extends into plant cells. Bacteria from the infection thread enter plant cells through a process similar to endocytosis. This process envelops the bacteria in a membrane of plant origin forming the peribacteroid compartment, where the bacteria develop into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. In the case of the S. meliloti-alfalfa symbiosis, a peribacteroid membrane fits tightly around each individual bacteroid (3, 4).

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are a major constituent of the bacterial outer envelope, play a crucial, albeit poorly understood, role in nodule invasion in the symbiotic process (5). Cultured cells of Sinorhizobium spp. typically produce two forms of LPS: rough LPS (R-LPS), consisting of the lipid A membrane anchor and core oligosaccharide; and smooth (S-LPS), which also includes an O antigen polysaccharide attached to the core oligosaccharide and extending into the environment. Relatively little S-LPS is released from these rhizobia on extraction, and the O antigens show a uniform degree of polymerization and appear to lack structural variation. Previous work shows that the primary O antigen of Sinorhizobium spp. consists of a simple glucan monomer repeating unit (6).

At present, it is not known what structural attributes of LPS are required to initiate an effective symbiosis by S. meliloti. However, in the case of the plant symbiont Rhizobium etli, mutations that affect the presence, abundance, or chain length of the O antigen result in microsymbionts, with defects ranging from early blocks in infection thread formation to defects in infection thread release. In addition, rhizobia appear to alter their LPS molecules during development into nitrogen-fixing bacteriods (5).

There is evidence that the increase in hydrophobicity observed for differentiated Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids is due to increased amounts of long chain fatty acids attached to the lipid A moiety and alterations in the O antigen that include a reduced proportion of charged sugar residues and an increase in acetylation and methylation (7). Interestingly, these changes are similar to those exhibited by some pathogenic bacteria on infection of their hosts. For Salmonella, changes in the lipid A during infection, which include an increased acylation, have been found to correlate with an increase in resistance to certain cationic antimicrobial peptides (8). These peptides are an integral part of the innate immune system of many organisms, including plants, and display an intrinsic affinity to the negative charge of bacterial outer membranes (9, 10).

S. meliloti lpsB mutants have been previously described as Fix+ on alfalfa, but as affecting the timing of nodule emergence, the progress of nitrogen fixation, and the strain competitiveness for nodulation (11). In this paper, we show that in the widely used Rm1021 strain background (1215), the lpsB389 mutant, originally isolated in a TnphoA-based screen for Fix mutants (16), and other lpsB null mutants invade nodules normally but are unable to establish the normal chronic intracellular infection required for symbiosis; that the composition of their LPS core is drastically altered; and that they are strikingly sensitive to certain cationic peptides. This cationic peptide sensitivity may in part explain why the lpsB mutants are severely deficient in establishing a normal symbiosis.

Materials and Methods

Strains, Growth Conditions, and Microscopy.

S. meliloti Rm1021 and Escherichia coli strains were grown under standard conditions (17). Plant assays were performed by using Medicago sativa cv. GT-13R plus and M. sativa cv. Iroquois as described (18). Microscopy was performed by using standard methods (3, 19).

Complementing and Sequencing the fix389 Mutant.

S. meliloti colonies containing cosmid clones were selected on LB plates containing streptomycin and tetracycline and replica plated onto LB plates spread with 109 plaque-forming units each of phages φM9, φM10, and φM14, which will lyse the wild-type strain but not lpsB389. This cosmid library was a gift from Fred Ausubel (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston). Recombinant cosmids were obtained by plating 108 bacteria onto plates prepared with phage as done for complementing cosmids, and colonies that had regained the phage-resistant phenotype were picked and the gene carrying the insertion was sequenced.

LPS Analysis.

PAGE and immunoblot analysis were performed as previously described (20). Anti-S. meliloti Rm41, provided by Dale Noel (Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI), was used as S. meliloti Rm41 and S. meliloti Rm1021 share the same LPS core serogroup (21). LPS extraction and initial purification protocols are described in previous reports (6, 22). The extracted polysaccharides were first fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) over Sephadex G-150 superfine (Pharmacia), eluting with 0.2 M NaCl/1 mM EDTA/10 mM Tris base/0.25% deoxycholic acid, pH 9.25. The LPS was further purified by SEC by using a Superose 12 column (Pharmacia Biotech) and a Dionex metal-free BioLC. The column was eluted at 0.45 ml⋅min−1 with 50 mm ammonium formate, pH 5, and the eluent was monitored with a refractive index detector (RID-10A, Shimadzu). The lack of detergent in the second SEC step allows the LPS to aggregate and elute in the column void.

The core oligosaccharides were released from the LPS by mild acid hydrolysis (2% acetic acid, 100°C, 180 min), and the lipid A was removed by centrifugation. High-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) of the LPS core oligosaccharides used a Dionex Metal-free BioLC with a Dionex CarboPac PA1 anion-exchange column (4 × 250 mm) and a pulsed amperometric detector, as described (6, 22).

Glycosyl Composition and Linkage Analyses.

Glycosyl compositions were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the trimethylsilyl methyl glycoside derivatives (23), by using a 30-m DB-1 fused silica column (J&W Scientific, Folsum, CA) on a 5890A GC-mass selective detector (Hewlett–Packard). Inositol was used as an internal standard, and retention times were compared with authentic monosaccharide standards. Compositions are expressed as the percentage of the total detected carbohydrate represented by each of the sugar moieties.

Cationic Peptide Assays.

For all cationic peptide assays, S. meliloti strains were grown to an OD of ≈1 in LB medium. Next, 100 μl of cells were aliquoted to a microfuge tube, 1 μl of cationic peptide was added, and the tubes were incubated at room temperature for 1 h. The cultures were then titered by spotting a series of dilutions on LB plates. The cationic peptides were used at the following final concentrations: melittin, 20 μg/ml; polymyxin B, 20 μg/ml; poly(l-lysine), 50 μg/ml.


The fix389 Mutation Is in the lpsB Gene.

We originally identified the fix389TnphoA mutation in a screen for symbiotically defective mutants (16). Transduction of this insertion into the widely used Rm1021 background (1215) resulted in the strain SmGC1, which exhibited a severe symbiotic deficiency similar to the original isolate (16). Through sequence analysis, we determined the TnphoA mutation in the SmGC1 mutant interrupted the 1,056-bp lpsB gene at nucleotide position 716. The lpsB gene encodes a protein of the glycosyl transferase 1 family that is 58% identical to a mannosyl transferase involved in core synthesis in Rhizobium leguminosarum, LpcC (24, 25). It has recently been reported that the lpsB gene product will complement the LPS defect of an lpcC mutant (24).

The SmGC1 Mutant Is Indistinguishable from Other Rm1021 lpsB Mutants.

Our observation that the Rm1021 mutant SmGC1 was severely symbiotically deficient contrasted with a previous report that Rm6963, an lpsB derivative of strain Rm2011, is Fix+ on alfalfa (26, 27), although it is affected in the timing of nodule emergence, the progress of nitrogen fixation, and the strain competitiveness for nodulation (11). Because our lpsB mutant had been generated by a TnphoA insertion, we decided to examine additional lpsB alleles to test whether the phenotypes we observed were due to loss of lpsB function. Four additional lpsB mutations were generated via Tn5 insertional mutagenesis, each containing insertions at different sites along the length of the lpsB gene at nucleotides positions 45, 438, 581, and 693 bp, respectively. These were then transduced into strain Rm1021. We found these lpsB mutants to be indistinguishable both from each other and from the SmGC1 mutant with respect to every phenotype tested including a sensitivity to deoxycholic acid and SDS typical of LPS mutants, a rough colony morphology, and a resistance to 6 of 11 phage to which the parent strain Rm1021 was sensitive. In addition, all of these mutants displayed a symbiotic deficiency on alfalfa indistinguishable from that of the SmGC1 mutant described below, including ineffective nodule formation, and stunted plants on nitrogen-free media. The similarity of the phenotypes of these independent insertion mutants suggests that they all result from the loss of lpsB function in S. meliloti strain Rm1021.

lpsB Mutants Are Compromised in Inducing Proper Nodule Development but Exhibit Normal Invasion Through Infection Threads.

Plant assays were performed to compare symbiotic proficiency of lpsB mutants with that of the wild-type strain and of an exoY mutant (18). exo mutants are unable to synthesize succinoglycan or to initiate infection threads, resulting in empty nodules. Alfalfa plants inoculated with wild-type S. meliloti were dark green, averaged 16.4 cm in height, and had elongated dark pink nodules after 4.5 wk of growth. All of the nodules on these plants were elongated and bright pink in color because of the presence of leghemoglobin, which maintains the microaerobic conditions necessary for nitrogen fixation. In contrast, the plants inoculated with the exoY mutant were 3.3 cm in height and had small round white nodules. The plants inoculated with the SmGC1 mutant had an intermediate phenotype, averaging 7.3 cm in height, having a pale green to yellow color indicating that nitrogen fixation was much less efficient than with wild-type S. meliloti. We observed a range of nodule phenotypes, from small, round, and white, to elongated nodules much paler pink than wild type.

To determine the nature of the symbiotic defect of Rm1021 lpsB mutants, we first examined infection thread formation and development by introducing a stable plasmid encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), as we have described (19). Rm1021 lpsB mutants are only slightly compromised for infection thread formation. They colonize curled root hairs as effectively as wild type and invade through infection threads that look normal when viewed by both light and electron microscopy. Although the number of extended infection threads was approximately half that seen with wild-type controls, this is probably not the major cause of their symbiotic defect because we have found that an exoZ mutant, which elongates less than 10% as many infection threads as wild type, has a Fix+ phenotype (19).

Both lpsB Rhizobia and the Host Plant Show Symbiotic Defects in Developing Nodules at the Cellular Level.

Defects in nodules elicited by Rm1021 lpsB mutants were readily apparent on examination by light microscopy. Fig. 1A shows a cross section of the nitrogen-fixing zone of a nodule densely packed with wild-type bacteroids. Infected nodule cells are readily distinguished by their dark staining. In contrast, sections of nodules induced by an lpsB mutant had severe defects (Fig. 1B). The plant cells from the region that should be the nitrogen-fixing zone of nodules appear to be infected with fewer bacteroids and to contain large vacuoles. Vacuoles are fairly common in the nitrogen-fixing zone of nodules induced by the wild-type S. meliloti; however, those present in nodules induced by lpsB mutants were much larger and more numerous than in nodules induced by the wild-type Rm1021 strain.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Light micrographs (A and B) and electron micrographs (C–E) of region corresponding to nitrogen-fixing zone in nodules induced by the Rm1021 wild-type bacteria and by an lpsB mutant. (A) Cross section through the nitrogen-fixing region [Zone III as described by Vasse et al. (4)] of an alfalfa nodule infected with the wild-type S. meliloti strain Rm1021. (Bar = 18 μm.) (B) Cross section through region that would correspond to Zone III of an alfalfa nodule infected with an lpsB mutant. Cells contain many abnormally large vacuoles. (Bar = 18 μm.) (C) Plant cells packed with wild-type bacteroids (for example, left arrow) from a nodule infected by the wild-type S. meliloti strain Rm1021. An infection thread (IT) and an amyloplast (right arrow) are also shown. (Bar = 1.25 μm.) (D) Plant cells infected with an lpsB mutant. Bacteria are in various stages of degradation (arrows). (Bar = 1.25 μm.) (E) Plant cells from a nodule containing lpsB mutant bacteria. The bacteria are in a more degraded state, frequently being within enlarged membrane compartments (arrow). Infection threads are also present (IT). A large vacuole fills most of the cytoplasm of lower plant cell (V). (Bar = 1.25 μm.)

Even more striking phenotypes were observed by electron microscopy. Fig. 1C shows a plant cell from the nitrogen-fixing zone of a nodule containing wild-type Rm1021 bacteria. These bacteroids have heterogeneously staining cytoplasm and very little extra space within the peribacteroid membrane compartment. Fig. 1D shows the corresponding region of a nodule containing an lpsB mutant. The upper cell contains numerous intracellular bacteria, indicating that lpsB mutants are not especially impaired at being taken into the plant cell. However, the morphologies of these intracellular bacteria are diverse, and many have refractory cytoplasm indicative of aborting bacteroids (arrows). The defects are more extreme in some cells. Fig. 1E shows the mutant bacteria within dramatically enlarged membrane compartments, and many of the bacteria look abnormal or atrophied. Furthermore, large amyloplasts are still present. Amyloplasts are starch deposits normally present in nodule cells early in development and resorbed on infection with alfalfa. Fig. 2A shows a more enlarged view of mutant bacteria. The arrows on the right point to bacteria that have severely degraded inside bloated membrane compartments. The arrow on the left points to a bacteria that has a uniformly staining cytoplasm similar to bacteroids seen in the senescent zone of nodules.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Intracellular lpsB mutant bacteria at a higher magnification in nodule cells from the region that would correspond to the nitrogen-fixing zone of a wild-type nodule. (A) Degrading bacteria within enlarged membrane compartments (right arrows). One bacterium has homogeneous staining in the cytoplasm similar to a bacteroid from the senescent zone (left arrow). (Bar = 0.28 μm.) (B) An enlarged membrane compartment (right arrow) containing several partially developed bacteroids. The elongated bacterium (bottom two arrows) appears to contain polyhydroxybutyrate granules (white circles). (Bar = 0.21 μm.) (C) An elongated bacterium, inside an enlarged membrane compartment, with a blebbing of bacterial outer membrane (arrow). (Bar = 0.17 μm.)

Intracellular Rm1021 lpsB mutant bacteria clearly have difficulty making the transition into bacteroids, so it is not clear what term to use for the bacteria at this intermediate developmental stage. Occasionally, membrane compartments contain more than one bacterium, as in Fig. 2B, and some bacteria, such as the long one in this figure, continue to divide. These phenomena do not normally happen in S. meliloti-alfalfa symbiosis (3, 4). Furthermore, some elongated bacteroid-like bacteria appear to still contain polyhydroxybutyrate granules, which are normally degraded as soon as S. meliloti is released into the plant cytoplasm (Fig. 2B). The developmental defects may be in part because of a fragile bacterial outer membrane as a consequence of defective LPS. Fig. 2C shows an elongated bacteroid whose outer membrane is beginning to degenerate.

The plant seems to have difficulty performing its normal role in nodule development as well. The amyloplasts remain large, even in cells that should have developed into the nitrogen-fixing zone, and many contain large vacuoles similar to ones present in plant cells in the senescent zone. In contrast to the striking phenotypes of nodules induced by the Rm1021 mutants, bacteria in infection threads, and the infection threads themselves, appear normal by electron microscopy (Fig. 1 C and E).

Rm1021 lpsB Mutants Still Synthesize S-LPS but Are Deficient in LPS Core Biosynthesis.

The cell-associated polysaccharides were extracted with hot phenol-water and analyzed by deoxycholate-PAGE (Fig. 3A). The LPS from the wild-type Rm1021 strain migrated as a high-mobility series of disperse bands that represent R-LPS, as well as several forms of S-LPS. This pattern is common for Sinorhizobium spp (20), in which R-LPS predominates. The LPS from the SmGC1 mutant showed a similar migration pattern, except that each band migrated further in the gel and was less reactive to LPS-specific antibodies, as has been observed for a different Rm2011 lpsB mutant (11, 27). These electrophoretic patterns, along with an increase in the proportion of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid (Kdo), have previously been interpreted as being due to a truncation of the LPS core (11, 27). Furthermore, S-LPS appears to be present, indicating that despite the changes to the LPS, lpsB mutants are still able to add O antigen.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

(A) Schematic of the LPS molecule showing the lipid A, the LPS core, and the O antigen. (B) Deoxycholic acid PAGE gel and Western blot of hot phenol-water purified LPS from wild-type and mutant LPS. R- and S-LPS are labeled accordingly. Both the smooth and rough LPS have run further in the mutant. LPS was blotted with polyclonal antibodies recognizing mostly the core region of LPS. The low intensity of the bands in the SmGC1 blot suggests that the core has been altered. (C) HPAEC-pulsed amperometric detection analysis of core oligosaccharides from R-LPS of wild-type S. meliloti and (D) the SmGC1 mutant. The mutant lacked all but one of the oligosaccharide peaks present in R-LPS core from the wild-type strain.

To gain further insight into the nature of these changes, we then applied a two-step separation method to effectively purify the LPS. The polysaccharides were first separated by size-exclusion chromatography on a Sephadex G-150 column in the presence of deoxycholate, which disaggregates the LPS. This procedure partially separates the LPS, K antigens, cyclic β(1,2)-glucans, and high molecular-weight neutral polysaccharides. Interestingly, we found that the SmGC1 lpsB mutant strain overproduced cyclic β(1,2)-glucans, which have been implicated in osmoregulation, so their overproduction may indicate that lpsB mutants experience some degree of osmotic stress (28). The LPS-fractions from the Sephadex G-150 column were pooled and passed through a Superose 12 column in the absence of detergent. This resulted in the aggregation of the LPS, which eluted in the column void, and effectively separated it from the nonacylated contaminants of similar size (data not shown).

The purified R-LPS was treated with mild acid hydrolysis, which cleaves the ketosidic link of the Kdo, and the insoluble lipid A was removed by centrifugation. The core oligosaccharides were analyzed by HPAEC–pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) (Fig. 3 C and D). The wild-type Rm1021 LPS yielded the expected HPAEC-PAD pattern (Fig. 3C), which is common to the Sinorhizobium serogroup A (refs. 6 and 20; B.L.R., unpublished work). This complex pattern is due to heterogeneity in the LPS core oligosaccharides and the acid catalyzed conversion of some reducing end Kdo residues to an anhydrous form. The LPS from the SmGC1 lpsB mutant lacked all but one of the core oligosaccharides present in the wild-type LPS. Instead, a series of oligosaccharide peaks eluted between 15 and 20 min (Fig. 3D). HPAEC separates oligosaccharides both on charge content and size, so the elution pattern suggests that the oligosaccharides released from the LPS core of the SmGC1 mutant were either smaller or lacked some acidic sugars or both.

Composition analysis showed that the LPS from the SmGC1 lpsB mutant is dramatically altered from that of the wild-type strain. Glucose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, and Kdo accounted for 78% of the detected carbohydrate from the wild-type R-LPS core (Table 1). In contrast, the R-LPS core from the lpsB mutant completely lacked uronic acid components but contained a larger proportion of neutral sugars and Kdo. Mannose was notably elevated in the LPS core from the mutant, which may indicate that the mannose is directly linked to the Kdo, near the reducing end of the core. Furthermore, the relative amount of xylose was strikingly increased. We also found that the S-LPS contains a larger percentage of glucose than the R-LPS, which is consistent with a glucose-containing O antigen (6).

Table 1.

LPS core composition analysis

Sugar Rm1021 RLPS SmGC1 R-LPS
Xyl 0.5 21.6
Man 5.3 21.4
Gal 3.8 1.6
Glc 33.5 21
GlcA 10.8 0
GalA 21.2 0
DHA 3.6 0
Kdo 21.2 32.6

Carbohydrate composition analysis of the R-LPS from the lpsB389 mutant and from the wild-type strain. Xyl, xylose; Man, mannose; Gal, galactose; Glc, glucose; GalA, galacturonic acid; GlcA, glucuronic acid; DHA, deoxyheptulosaric acid. 

lpsB Mutants Show an Increased Sensitivity to Several Cationic Peptides.

LPS mutants from many pathogenic strains have been found to have altered sensitivities to cationic antimicrobial peptides. These molecules have been found to comprise an important part of the immune system of all kingdoms of life, including plants (9, 10). To explore the possibility that an inability to properly cope with the plant's innate immune system was responsible for the symbiotic deficiencies we observed, we tested the sensitivity of the SmGC1 mutant to three cationic peptides: melittin, polymyxin B, and poly(l-lysine). These results are summarized in Table 2. Melittin proved to be the most toxic to the lpsB mutant. After a 1-h incubation, 20 μg/ml of melittin decreased the viable count of the lpsB mutant by a factor of 5 × 104 versus a 40-fold reduction for the wild type. This represents a 1.5 × 103-fold increase in sensitivity in the mutant. Polymyxin B also showed a significant, although somewhat less substantial, increase in toxicity for the lpsB mutant. Polymyxin B (20 μg/ml) killed mutant cells 144-fold more effectively than the wild-type strain. Poly(l-lysine), in contrast, only showed a 2.4-fold difference in killing between the lpsB mutant and the wild-type strain.

Table 2.

Cationic peptide killing assay

Cationic peptide Rm1021 % survival after 1 h SmGC1 % survival after 1 h Survival ratio Rm1021/SmGC1
Melittin, 20 μg/ml 2.5 1.7 × 10−3 1,470
Polymyxin B, 20 μg/ml 6.1 0.043 140
Poly(l-lysine), 50 μg/ml 3.1 1.3 2.4

Cationic peptide killing assays using melittin, polymyxin B, and poly(l-lysine). Values are recorded as percent survival after a 1-h exposure to the cationic peptide at the concentration indicated. Results shown are the average of three experiments. 


We have shown that in the widely used Rm1021 background (1215), loss of lpsB function causes a drastic alteration of the LPS core of S. meliloti, and that this makes lpsB mutants extremely defective in establishing the chronic intracellular infection of plant cells that is necessary for an effective nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. The altered electrophoretic migration pattern of LPS from lpsB mutants has led to the previous suggestion that lpsB mutations cause a truncation of the LPS core, but that O antigen can still be added to the truncated core (11, 27). However, our analysis of the core composition suggests more complicated explanations. Although the absence of numerous core oligosaccharides and of uronic sugars is consistent with a truncation of the core, the greater than 40-fold increase in the percentage of xylose cannot easily be explained by a simple truncation. One possibility is that, in the absence of LpsB, other glycosyl transferases are able to gain access to its normal substrate so that other sugar moieties, in particular xylose, are added resulting in an altered core to which O antigen can be attached. Alternatively, because the lpsB mutations prevent the synthesis of the normal LPS core, the bacteria might compensate by elevating the synthesis of some other minor core species containing xylose that is not normally detected in the wild-type strain. This second possibility is appealing because it explains how lpsB mutants are still able to add O antigen to the altered core with apparently the same efficiency that it adds O antigen to the normal LPS core.

We have found that the LPS alteration caused by lpsB mutations does not impair the earlier steps of nodule formation and nodule invasion, because plants inoculated with an lpsB mutant have normal-looking infection threads with normal-looking bacteria inside them. However, the nodules themselves are poorly developed, and mutant bacteria within these nodules showed a wide range of phenotypes. There are a number of possible explanations for this killing. The simplest is that the peribacteroid membrane compartment is potentially toxic for the bacteria, and wild-type S. meliloti has mechanisms that enable it to survive in this environment. Perhaps lpsB mutations compromise the integrity of the bacterial outer envelope, however to an extent that renders the bacterium a “conditional lethal” inside the membrane compartment. This model allows a relatively passive contribution from both symbiotic partners to the phenotypes we have seen in the nodule.

An extension of this explanation would be that the alfalfa plants are mounting an active full-scale plant innate immune response against the Rm1021 lpsB mutants, one that wild-type rhizobia avoid. In this view, bacteria with the wild-type LPS would not trigger a plant defense response and are therefore able to reside within the plant unharmed. However, the plant recognizes the lpsB mutant as an invading pathogen and turns on its defense response to eliminate it. The altered LPS of lpsB mutants either could be the feature that triggers the defense response, or it could fail to adequately mask some other feature that causes the plant to perceive the bacteria as a pathogen.

The inability of lpsB mutants to establish a chronic intracellular infection would seem to be the underlying cause of the three symbiotic defects described by Lagares et al. for their Rm2011 lpsB strain Rm6963, including the timing of nodule emergence, the progress of nitrogen fixation, and the strain competitiveness for nodulation (11). The specific deficiencies that have been reported for an S. meliloti Rm2011 lpsB mutant interacting with Medicago truncatula were different in several respects from those we observed with alfalfa. In particular, the obvious killing of intracellular bacteria that we observed was not seen in the case of M. truncatula, although there were indications that plant defense responses had been induced by the lpsB mutant (27). This suggests that the particular challenges that a bacterium must withstand from its host plant at various stages of the infection process may differ between particular rhizobia-plant symbioses.

To explore the possibility that an inability to properly cope with the alfalfa plant's innate immune system was responsible for the symbiotic deficiencies we observed for Rm1021 lpsB mutants, we examined their sensitivity to cationic peptides. Cationic antimicrobial peptides are very ancient components of innate immunity, and their induction pathways are highly conserved in vertebrates, insects, and plants (9, 10). Cationic peptides derive their specificity for bacteria from their affinity for the negative charge of the bacterial outer envelope, and it has been found for many bacterial species that sensitivity to cationic peptides is altered between smooth and rough strains (10, 2931). Because the SmGC1 mutant is more sensitive to these cationic peptides, it is possible that it is also more sensitive to the cationic peptides native to alfalfa, which may be present in the nodule. Interestingly, the relative sensitivity of an Rm1021 lpsB mutant to the three cationic peptides we tested was similar to the sensitivities exhibited by B. abortus LPS mutants to these same three cationic peptides (3133).

An alternative, although not mutually exclusive, explanation for the phenotypes of Rm1021 lpsB mutants is that they are unable to engage successfully in the cascade of signaling that queues the intracellular rhizobia to develop into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. An especially interesting possibility is that the LPS serves as an active signal to alter the plant membrane compartments from degradative vacuoles to symbiotic peribacteroid compartments that, in turn, induce the rhizobia to develop into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. Perturbing such a signal exchange process might explain the remarkable range of developmental defects of both an intracellular lpsB mutant and the plant vesicles housing the bacteria.

This model is especially intriguing if one compares the symbiosis of S. meliloti with alfalfa, to the chronic bovine infection caused by B. abortus. Rhizobia establish a chronic infection of the plant host in which they reside in acidic intracellular membrane compartments, and brucellae establish a chronic infection of their animal hosts in which they reside in acidic intracellular membrane compartments (3437). We already know of one gene product, BacA, required for chronic infection by both B. abortus and S. meliloti (3840). Similar to S. meliloti Rm1021 lpsB mutants, Rm1021 bacA mutants can invade alfalfa up to the point of infection thread release. However, whereas lpsB mutants persist for a period within the membrane compartments before dying, bacA mutants lyse relatively rapidly on release from plant cells before undergoing any differentiation. Similarly to the S. meliloti bacA mutant, a B. abortus bacA mutant was unable to establish a successful chronic intracellular infection (40). Our results raise the possibility that the underlying reason that the S. meliloti lpsB mutant is unable to establish a chronic intracellular infection is related to the reason that B. abortus LPS mutants cannot establish a chronic intracellular infection.


We thank Ann Hirsch for useful criticism and help with the interpretation of electron micrographs; Nicki Watson for help with the electron microscopy; and Sam Stephens for help with sample preparation and analysis. We also thank John Campbell, Brett Pellock, Gail Ferguson, and Kristin Levier for helpful comments and critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by Public Health Service Grant GM31030 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to G.C.W. and NIH Predoctoral Training Grant T32GM07287 (to G.R.O.C.). B.L.R was supported by Grant MCB-9728564 from the National Science Foundation. The electron microscopy was conducted by using the W. M. Keck Foundation Biological Imaging facility at the Whitehead Institute.





rough LPS


smooth LPS


high-performance anion exchange chromatography


2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid


This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.


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