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. 2002 Jun;70(6):3061–3067. doi: 10.1128/IAI.70.6.3061-3067.2002

Modulation of Borrelia burgdorferi Stringent Response and Gene Expression during Extracellular Growth with Tick Cells

Julia Bugrysheva 1, Elena Y Dobrikova 1, Henry P Godfrey 2, Marina L Sartakova 1, Felipe C Cabello 1,*
PMCID: PMC127961  PMID: 12010998


Borrelia burgdorferi N40 multiplied extracellularly when it was cocultured with tick cells in L15BS medium, a medium which by itself did not support B. burgdorferi N40 growth. Growth of B. burgdorferi N40 in the presence of tick cells was associated with decreased production of (p)ppGpp, the stringent response global regulator, a fourfold decrease in relA/spoT mRNA, an eightfold net decrease in bmpD mRNA, and a fourfold increase in rpsL-bmpD mRNA compared to growth of B. burgdorferi in BSK-H medium. As a result, the polycistronic rpsL-bmpD mRNA level increased from 3 to 100% of the total bmpD message. These observations demonstrate that there are reciprocal interactions between B. burgdorferi and tick cells in vitro and indicate that the starvation-associated stringent response mediated by (p)ppGpp present in B. burgdorferi growing in BSK-H medium is ameliorated in B. burgdorferi growing in coculture with tick cell lines. These results suggest that this system can provide a useful model for identifying genes controlling interactions of B. burgdorferi with tick cells in vitro when it is coupled with genetic methods to isolate and complement B. burgdorferi mutants.

Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease, modulates its gene expression in the presence of host cells. As an example of this modulation, the relative expression of the ospA and ospC genes is altered as B. burgdorferi passes from a tick to a mammalian host (32); a similar down-modulation-up-modulation of OspA and OspC is observed during coculture of B. burgdorferi with tick cells in vitro (27). This oscillation in gene expression may be mediated by a regulatory loop involving changes in the expression of σ54 and σS, suggesting that B. burgdorferi growing in the presence of tick cells may undergo a series of as-yet-uncharacterized global regulatory changes (36). It also suggests that study of the reciprocal interactions between B. burgdorferi and tick cells could illuminate aspects of gene modulation in B. burgdorferi and the genes and gene products involved (17, 36).

Flexible adaptation by bacterial pathogens to rapidly changing host environments requires the interplay of regulators generated in response to signals triggered by environmental stimuli. One such adaptive response is the stringent response, a global response triggered by nutritional stress when protein synthesis is blocked by amino acid starvation (10, 13, 34). The stringent response causes up-regulation of protein degradation and amino acid synthesis, down-regulation of nucleic acid and protein synthesis, and alteration of many cellular functions, including transcription, translation, replication, transport, and metabolism, and it is accompanied by slow growth (10, 34). In Escherichia coli, the stringent response involves RelA, a synthase, and SpoT, a hydrolase, which synthesize and degrade, respectively, ppGpp and pppGpp [(p)ppGpp], the alarmon (master regulator, second message) that is the proximate mediator of this response (9, 10). In some bacterial pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in which the stringent response is related to induction of genes involved in the long-term persistence of the pathogen in the host (28), a single relA/spoT homologue codes for a protein with both synthase and hydrolase activities (1). Synthesis of (p)ppGpp by RelA (or RelA/SpoT) is triggered by uncharged tRNA in the ribosome and results in changes in levels of gene transcription by directly influencing transcription initiation and elongation (33, 34) and by modulating transcription levels of transcriptional factors, such as σS (20, 21).

The genome of B. burgdorferi contains a single chromosomal relA/spoT homologue (BB0198) (15), suggesting that the stringent response might be present in this species. Here we show that extracellular multiplication of B. burgdorferi in the presence of tick cell lines (25, 27) is associated with amelioration of the B. burgdorferi stringent response compared to the response in organisms cultured in BSK-H medium and is accompanied by changes in transcription of relA/spoT and bmpD, a member of a chromosomally located paralogous gene family encoding in vivo-expressed lipoproteins (14). These results suggest that this system can provide a useful model for identifying genes controlling interactions of B. burgdorferi with tick cells in vitro and, by extension, in whole ticks, when it is coupled with recently developed genetic methods to isolate and complement B. burgdorferi mutants (4, 7, 31).


B. burgdorferi strains and culture.

Infectious, low-passage-number B. burgdorferi N40 was kindly provided by Linda Bockenstadt, Yale University. Noninfectious, high-passage B. burgdorferi B31 (ATCC 35210) was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, Va.). B. burgdorferi strains were maintained at 34°C in BSK-H medium (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.) supplemented with 6% rabbit serum (Sigma).

Tick cell lines and coculture with B. burgdorferi.

IDE8 and ISE6 tick cell lines isolated from embryonated eggs of northern and southern populations of Ixodes scapularis, respectively, were kindly provided by Ulrike Munderloh, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Tick cell lines were maintained at 32°C in antibiotic-free L15B medium (27) supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum (Gibco, Grand Island, N.Y.), 0.1% bovine lipoprotein concentrate (Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana, Calif.), and 10% Difco tryptose phosphate broth (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Sparks, Md.) in Falcon 25-cm2 tissue culture flasks (Becton Dickinson Labware, Franklin Lakes, N.J.). Before tick cell cultures were infected, B. burgdorferi and tick cell monolayers were each washed once with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4). Tick cell monolayers (80 to 90% confluence, approximately 2 × 106 to 4 × 106 tick cells/ml) in L15BS medium (L15B medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum, 0.1% bovine lipoprotein concentrate, 10% tryptose phosphate broth, 25 mM N-acetylglucosamine [Sigma], 25 mM piperazine-N,N-bis-2-ethanesulfonic acid [Sigma]) (27) in 25-cm2 tissue culture flasks (6 ml of medium/flask) or in 9.0-cm2 slide flask chambers (Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) (2 ml of medium/flask) were infected with 2 × 107 to 4 × 107 B. burgdorferi cells/ml at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10 unless otherwise specified and cultured at 32°C. Concentrations of Borrelia and tick cells were determined by phase-contrast microscopy using a counting chamber or by epifluorescence microscopy after cells were stained with acridine orange (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair Lawn, N.J.) (14).

Localization of B. burgdorferi in tick cell culture.

IDE8 or ISE6 tick cell cultures in plastic slide cell chambers were infected with B. burgdorferi N40 (1 × 107 to 2 × 107cells/ml; MOI, 5). After 1, 3, and 5 days of infection, tick cells adherent to the slide were washed twice with PBS (pH 7.4), fixed with 4% formaldehyde in PBS at 37°C, and allowed to cool at room temperature for 20 min. Following washing of the slides with PBS-0.1 M glycine and with PBS, the spirochetes were stained with mouse monoclonal anti-OspA antibody H5332 (2) diluted in PBS-5 mM MgCl2-0.5% bovine serum albumin for 1 h at room temperature, washed with PBS, reacted with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Sigma) for 30 min at room temperature, and washed with PBS. To determine whether B. burgdorferi was located intracellularly, tick cells were then permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS and stained with monoclonal anti-OspA antibody H5332 and tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (Sigma). Treatment of formaldehyde-fixed B. burgdorferi with Triton X-100 did not change the number of B. burgdorferi cells stained with the anti-OspA antibody. Stained B. burgdorferi cells were visualized by confocal epifluorescence microscopy by using a laser scanning confocal imaging system (MRC-1000; Bio-Rad Microscience Division, Herts, United Kingdom). Samples were optically sectioned, and the number of organisms stained with FITC- and TRITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG in five oil power fields of the integrated image on each slide were determined. The results of two independent experiments were pooled.

Phosphatidylserine externalization analysis.

After 1, 3, 5, and 7 days of infection with 1 × 107 to 2 × 107 B. burgdorferi N40 cells/ml (MOI, 5), tick cell cultures were stained with FITC-conjugated annexin V and propidium iodide by using an ApoAlert annexin V-FITC kit according to the manufacturer's instructions for adherent cells (Clontech Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.). Apoptotic and necrotic cells were visualized by epifluorescence microscopy. Cells that had bound annexin V-FITC (apoptotic cells) showed green staining of the plasma membrane; necrotic cells that had lost membrane integrity showed red staining (propidium iodide) throughout the nucleus.

Detection of DNA ladders.

Total DNA was extracted from IDE8 tick cells grown in 25-cm2 flasks for 1, 3, and 5 days in the absence or presence of B. burgdorferi N40. To isolate DNA, tick cells were scraped from each flask, centrifuged for 5 min at 300 × g, and resuspended in 3 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6)-10 mM EDTA-50 mM NaCl. Fifty microliters of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate and 50 μl of a proteinase K solution (10 mg/ml; Sigma) were added, the cell suspension was incubated at 42°C overnight, and DNA was extracted by a standard method (3). After RNase A (Sigma) treatment, samples were separated by electrophoresis in 1.8% agarose, stained with ethidium bromide, and visualized with UV light. A similar method was used for B. burgdorferi DNA isolation, except that the initial centrifugation was at 8,000 × g for 20 min. Whole-cell DNA was quantified spectrophotometrically at 260 nm. The amount of DNA in the ladders was estimated by electrophoresis by using a standard preparation with a known concentration of DNA fragments (Hi-Lo DNA marker; Minnesota Molecular, Minneapolis, Minn.).

(p)ppGpp detection.

B. burgdorferi N40 or B31 (106 cells/ml) was grown in BSK-H medium containing 10 μCi of uniformly labeled [32P]orthophosphate (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, N.J.) per ml. B. burgdorferi N40 (107 cells/ml) was also grown in the presence of IDE8 tick cells in L15BS medium containing [32P]orthophosphate. After 2 to 4 days of growth, labeled cells were harvested from 6-ml cultures, (p)ppGpp was extracted with 50 μl of 2 M formic acid on ice for 30 min, and 5 μl of supernatant was loaded on a cellulose polyethyleneimine thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plate (Selecto Scientific, Suwanee, Ga.). Samples were fixed in methanol for 5 min and dried. The TLC plates were developed in 1.5 M KH2PO4 (pH 3.4), air dried, and exposed to Hyperfilm MP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) for 18 to 48 h at −20°C. Nucleotide identities were verified by cochromatography with standards (ATP, GTP, and ppppG [Sigma]) after two-dimensional polyethyleneimine TLC with 3.3 M ammonium formate-4.4% boric acid (pH 7.0) in the first dimension and 1.5 M KH2PO4 (pH 3.4) in the second dimension (8, 24).

DNA isolation and cloning of B. burgdorferi relA/spoT.

DNA was isolated from mid-log-phase B. burgdorferi B31 as described above. PCR fragments containing full-size B. burgdorferi relA/spoT (BB0198) were amplified by using primers ST1 (5′-GTTGGATCCAGAATGTTTAGCAGAAG-3′; corresponding to positions −546 to −529 upstream from the B. burgdorferi relA/spoT start codon) and ST2 (5′-TTCTCTGCAGTTTCTATGCTTGTAAT-3′; corresponding to positions 92 to 109 downstream from the B. burgdorferi relA/spoT stop codon) (sequences recognized by BamHI [for ST1] and PstI [for ST2] are underlined). All restriction enzymes were obtained from New England Biolabs, Beverly, Mass. PCR was performed in capillary tubes with a RapidCycler (Idaho Technology, Salt Lake City, Utah). After restriction with BamHI and PstI, the resulting amplified PCR fragment was inserted into pBluescript IISK+ (5) to produce pBlue-ST encoding B. burgdorferi relA/spoT. DNA manipulations were performed by standard methods (30).

RNA isolation and competitive RT-PCR analysis.

Total RNA from B. burgdorferi N40 cocultured with tick cells for 5 to 7 days and total RNA from B. burgdorferi B31 and N40 cultured in BSK-H medium were isolated by the guanidine thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method (11). Competitive reverse transcription (RT)-PCR assays were performed with the Access RT-PCR system (Promega Corporation, Madison, Wis.). The reaction mixtures (10 μl) contained reaction buffer, 1.5 mM MgSO4 (for bmpA, bmpB, bmpC, flaB, rpsL-bmpD, and relA/spoT) or 1.125 mM MgSO4 (for bmpD), each deoxynucleoside triphosphate at a concentration of 0.2 mM, each primer at a concentration of 1 μM, 0.1 U of avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase per μl, and 0.1 U of Tfl DNA polymerase per μl. The primers used for RT-PCR for flaB and bmp detection have been described previously (14), with two exceptions. The sequence of primer 24 for bmpB detection was misprinted (14) and should be 5′-TTTGCTGCCTCAATAACACC-3′, and because of a difference in sequence between B. burgdorferi strains B31 and N40 in the region of primer 20 (G in N40 at position 848 in the bmp region [14] instead of C as in B31 [15]), primer 20a (5′-CCTATACCAGAAAGCCCTGC-3′), located at bmp positions 828 to 847, was used to detect bmpD mRNA in N40. RT-PCR with primers 19 and 20a detects the total bmpD message consisting of bmpD and rpsL-bmpD mRNA, while RT-PCR with primers 52 and 55 detects only rpsL-bmpD mRNA. The primers used for determination of B. burgdorferi relA/spoT mRNA were ST3 (5′-CAAAAAAGCGGAATTGAAGCAG-3′; positions 723 to 744 downstream from the relA/spoT start codon) and ST4 (5′-GAATATTGACTTTTGTTGGCCG-3′; positions 1147 to 1168 downstream from the relA/spoT start codon). B. burgdorferi flaB mRNA was used as a control to determine the total amount of B. burgdorferi mRNA present in the reaction mixtures. Construction of the flaB and bmp competitors has been described previously (14, 31). To construct the B. burgdorferi relA/spoT competitor, a 75-bp deletion was made in the relA/spoT gene by digesting pBlue-ST with SmaI and Bsu361 (New England Biolabs), followed by treatment with the Klenow fragment (New England Biolabs) in the presence of deoxynucleoside triphosphates and ligation. Competitor RNA was synthesized in vitro by using the Riboprobe in vitro transcription system (Promega) and was used as described previously (14). Both RT and PCR amplification were carried out in thin-wall PCR tubes (0.2 ml; Eppendorf Scientific, Westbury, N.Y.) with the RapidCycler under the following conditions: RT at 48°C for 45 min and denaturation at 94°C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 10 s, 52°C (for the bmpC, bmpD, flaB, and rpsL-bmpD genes) or 56°C (for the bmpA, bmpB, and relA/spoT genes) for 10 s, and 68°C for 50 s and final extension step at 68°C for 5 min. Target RNA and competitor RNA were assumed to be present at equimolar concentrations in the reaction mixtures in which they generated bands with similar intensities (14).

Statistical analysis.

The significance of differences between means was analyzed by using a two-tailed Student's t test (for two means) or a one-way analysis of variance and a Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison post test (for three or more means).


Growth and localization of B. burgdorferi N40 cocultured with tick cells.

Cultures of IDE8 and ISE6 tick cell monolayers were infected with B. burgdorferi N40 at an MOI of 10. After infection, B. burgdorferi adhered tightly to tick cells; only 5% of the infecting dose could be recovered by washing at 24 h. B. burgdorferi cocultured with tick cells multiplied readily. By 4 days after infection, the B. burgdorferi level had increased twofold in infected cocultures of either tick cell line, but B. burgdorferi did not grow in L15BS medium in the absence of tick cells (P < 0.001) (Fig. 1). The borrelial growth during coculture with tick cells was significantly less than the growth in BSK-H medium (P < 0.001).

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

B. burgdorferi N40 growth during coculture with tick cells: mean fold increases (± standard errors of the means) in B. burgdorferi N40 levels 4 days after inoculation into L15BS medium alone, into L15BS medium in the presence of tick cells (MOI, 10), and into BSK-H medium. The concentration of inoculated Borrelia cells was 2 × 107 to 4 × 107 cells/ml in each case. The results obtained with the ISE6 and IDE8 tick cell lines were similar and were pooled. Each experiment was performed at least five times. The differences in cell growth between culture conditions were highly significant. The asterisks indicate that values were significantly different from mean growth of B. burgdorferi in L15BS medium (P < 0.001, as determined by one-way analysis of variance with the Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison post test). The difference between mean B. burgdorferi growth in coculture with tick cells and mean B. burgdorferi growth in BSK-H medium was also significant (P < 0.001).

Confocal microscopy of double-stained B. burgdorferi in infected tick cell cultures (MOI, 5) was used to localize organisms. B. burgdorferi cells in these cultures were first stained with monoclonal anti-OspA and FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies, and then after tick cell permeabilization they were stained with the same anti-OspA and TRITC-conjugated secondary antibodies. Spirochetes within tick cells were stained only with TRITC, while externally located spirochetes were stained with both FITC and TRITC. Almost all B. burgdorferi cells in infected cell cultures (97% ± 3% [mean ± standard error of the mean] of the cells in ISE6 cultures and 99% ± 3% of the cells in IDE8 cultures) were stained with both fluorescent labels at all times examined (Fig. 2). Moreover, intracellular spirochetes were not detected within tick cells in confocal microscopy sections of infected tick cell cultures (data not shown). These data indicate that B. burgdorferi grows extracellularly in infected tick cell cultures.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Extracellular location of B. burgdorferi N40 in infected tick cell cultures. B. burgdorferi (MOI, 5) was cultured for 3 days with IDE8 or ISE6 tick cells. Confocal integrated micrographs of B. burgdorferi in unpermeabilized and permeabilized tick cell cultures show similar spirochetal staining with each reagent. The small arrows indicate single B. burgdorferi cells, and the large arrows indicate large clumps of B. burgdorferi cells. Bars, 100 μm.

Tick cell response to coculture with B. burgdorferi.

The spontaneous death rate of tick cells in control cultures was less than 26%. After 4 to 5 days of coculture with B. burgdorferi at an MOI of 10, cells of both tick cell lines began to detach from the flask bottoms and lyse, and the tick cell monolayers were totally destroyed by 7 to 8 days. The pH of the L15BS medium (pH 6.9 to 7.0) was unchanged throughout the course of the experiment. At an MOI of 5, the death rate of tick cells in infected cultures at 7 days was considerably less than the death rate at an MOI of 10, so that cultures infected at the lower MOI contained 7% ± 1% apoptotic cells (mean ± standard error of the mean) (surface phosphatidylserine) and 29% ± 3% necrotic cells at this time (Fig. 3). Even at the lower MOI, the levels of necrotic cells were always significantly higher in infected cultures (Fig. 3A) than in uninfected cultures, while the levels of apoptotic cells were essentially the same in both cultures (Fig. 3B). DNA fragmentation (laddering) was not demonstrable by agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from uninfected tick cell cultures but was observed with DNA extracted from tick cells incubated with B. burgdorferi for 1, 3, or 5 days (data not shown). The laddered DNA represented approximately 1% of the total cell DNA (up to 1 to 2 μg of fragmented DNA/100 μg of total DNA) (data not shown). The small amount of fragmented DNA in tick cells cultured with B. burgdorferi was consistent with the results of phosphatidylserine externalization assays and indicated that most of the tick cell death observed was due to necrosis.

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

Tick cell death in IDE8 tick cell cultures infected with B. burgdorferi N40 (1 × 107 to 2 × 107 cells/ml; MOI = 5): mean (± standard error of the mean) percentages of necrotic (A) and apoptotic (B) tick cells in infected (solid lines) and uninfected (dashed lines) tick cell cultures. See Materials and Methods for details. Each point represents the results from 6 to 10 measurements pooled from two independent complete experiments. The differences in the percentages of necrotic cells between infected and uninfected cultures are significant; the differences in the percentages of apoptotic cells between infected and uninfected cultures are not significant (as determined by one-way analysis of variance with the Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison post test). ∗, P < 0.05; ∗∗, P < 0.01; ∗∗∗, P < 0.001.

B. burgdorferi response to coculture with tick cells: down-modulation of (p)ppGpp production and relA/spoT gene expression.

The growth of B. burgdorferi N40 in L15BS medium only in the presence of tick cells and the existence of a relA/spoT homologue in the B. burgdorferi genome (15) prompted us to determine if the B. burgdorferi stringent response was triggered under these conditions. As mentioned above, the stringent response is a global response characterized by synthesis of the transcriptional regulator (p)ppGpp, whose concentration is in turn regulated by the enzymatic activities of RelA/SpoT and is accompanied by modulation of the transcription of many genes (10).

B. burgdorferi N40 growing in the presence of tick cells in L15BS medium did not generate (p)ppGpp (Fig. 4A, lane 2), while B. burgdorferi N40 growing in BSK-H medium did (Fig. 4A, lane 1). Both B. burgdorferi B31 and N40 produced pppGpp and ppGpp during growth in BSK-H medium (Fig. 4B). Labeled (p)ppGpp could be detected after about 12 h of B. burgdorferi growth with [32P]orthophosphate in BSK-H medium; its concentration remained unchanged for as long as 1 week after initial addition of [32P]orthophosphate (data not shown). In addition to producing (p)ppGpp, B. burgdorferi B31 and N40 transcribed relA/spoT during growth in BSK-H medium (Fig. 5). relA/spoT transcription was down-modulated fourfold in B. burgdorferi cocultured with IDE8 tick cells (Table 1). These data indicate that growth of B. burgdorferi in BSK-H medium, a presumably rich medium, is accompanied by the production of (p)ppGpp and transcription of relA/spoT, while synthesis of this starvation-induced compound and transcription of relA/spoT are down-modulated during growth of B. burgdorferi in the presence of tick cells.

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

(p)ppGpp accumulation in B. burgdorferi under different growth conditions. (A) ppGpp accumulation in B. burgdorferi N40 cultured in BSK-H medium or cocultured with IDE8 tick cells. (B) Identification of ppGpp and pppGpp among 32P-labeled nucleotides in B. burgdorferi B31 and N40 cultured in BSK-H medium by two-dimensional polyethyleneimine TLC. See Materials and Methods for details.

FIG. 5.

FIG. 5.

Detection of relA/spoT mRNA in B. burgdorferi B31 and N40 during growth in BSK-H medium. −, reverse transcriptase omitted; +, complete reaction for specific RNA detection; C, RNA omitted.


Expression of B. burgdorferi N40 bmp and relA/spoT mRNA during coculture with tick cell lines in L15BS medium and in BSK-H medium

mRNA Concn (fg/ng of total B. burgdorferi RNA)
Coculture with:
BSK-H medium culture
Cell line IDE8 Cell line ISE6
relA/spoT 1.0 NDa 4.0
bmpD 0.25 0.25 2.0
rpsL-bmpD 0.25 0.25 0.06
bmpA 6.5 6.5 6.5
bmpB 2.0 2.0 2.0
bmpC 0.5 0.5 0.5

ND, not determined.

B. burgdorferi response to coculture with tick cells: modulation of bmp gene expression.

(p)ppGpp modulates expression of many bacterial genes, including those encoding ribosomal proteins (9, 10, 13). bmpD, a gene encoding a B. burgdorferi membrane lipoprotein, is transcribed in a polycistronic mRNA with ribosomal protein genes rpsL and rpsG and, as in a monocistronic mRNA, from its own promoter (14). During coculture of B. burgdorferi with either tick cell line, the bmpD mRNA levels decreased eightfold and the rpsL-bmpD mRNA levels increased fourfold compared to the levels found in B. burgdorferi growing in BSK-H medium (Table 1). As a result, rpsL-bmpD polycistronic mRNA, which accounted for only 3% of the total bmpD message in B. burgdorferi grown in BSK-H medium, accounted for 100% of the bmpD message in B. burgdorferi grown in the presence of tick cells. In contrast, the mRNA levels for bmpA, bmpB, and bmpC were similar in B. burgdorferi cocultured with either tick cell line and B. burgdorferi cultured in BSK-H medium (Table 1). B. burgdorferi thus responds to coculture with tick cells by down-modulation of (p)ppGpp and relA/spoT and by modulating bmpD and rpsL gene expression compared to its metabolic state during growth in BSK-H medium.


We have shown that B. burgdorferi multiplies extracellularly when it is cocultured with either IDE8 or ISE6 tick cell lines in L15BS medium but is unable to grow in this medium in the absence of tick cells. We have also demonstrated that B. burgdorferi has a functional stringent response, consistent with the relA/spoT ortholog in its genome (15) and with its encountering situations characterized by starvation in its life cycle (e.g., in the intestines of unfed ticks) (6, 26). Surprisingly, though, the stringent response in B. burgdorferi is triggered during growth in the presumably rich BSK-H medium and is ameliorated during B. burgdorferi growth in the presence of tick cells. In the latter case, (p)ppGpp levels and relA/spoT transcription are down-modulated relative to the (p)ppGpp levels and relA/spoT transcription seen during growth in BSK-H medium. Triggering and amelioration of the B. burgdorferi stringent response are also associated with changes in transcription of a chromosomally located surface lipoprotein gene, bmpD, but not with changes in transcription of other members of this paralogous gene family.

The present study confirms that B. burgdorferi cells multiply when they are cocultured with tick cell lines in L15BS medium but are unable to grow in this medium in the absence of tick cells (25). It has been claimed previously that B. burgdorferi is found both outside and within tick and mammalian host cells (6, 12, 18, 19, 22, 26). Even though B. burgdorferi has been shown to occur within tick cells by electron microscopy (19), the frequency of this phenomenon and its biological relevance have been unclear. The present study provides definitive evidence for the extracellular location of B. burgdorferi in tick cell cultures, and the results are consistent with the extracellular location of B. burgdorferi in the tick gut and its migration from the gut to the hematocele and salivary glands without ever becoming intracellular (6, 26).

B. burgdorferi cocultured with tick cell monolayers adhered tightly to the tick cells (18) and led to their detachment and lysis. Tick cell death was due to necrosis rather than to apoptosis. The mechanism of this cell death is unknown, but cell death clearly was not due to intracellular growth of B. burgdorferi. Tick cell necrosis seen after coculture with B. burgdorferi may simply be the result of exhaustion of nutrients in the medium due to the growth of B. burgdorferi. Its relevance to B. burgdorferi growth in ticks is uncertain since tissue necrosis has not been described during B. burgdorferi growth in ticks (16, 38).

Despite evidence for triggering of the stringent response in B. burgdorferi growing in BSK-H medium and amelioration of this response in B. burgdorferi growing in the presence of tick cells, B. burgdorferi grew more rapidly in BSK-H medium than when it was cocultured with tick cells. Although production of (p)ppGpp in E. coli has been related to slow growth due to down-modulation of the synthesis of rRNA (10, 13), this does not appear to be the case in B. burgdorferi, and the findings suggest that tick cells and/or their metabolic products may only partially complement the nutritional shortcomings of L15BS medium. They also suggest that this nutritional complementation may be qualitatively different from other complementations, since it eliminated the stringent response but did not completely normalize the growth rate. An alternative explanation could be that generation of (p)ppGpp in B. burgdorferi is regulated by factors present in BSK-H medium and absent from L15BS medium. B. burgdorferi has only two tandem copies of the 23S and 5S rRNA (compared to the seven copies of E. coli) and one copy of 16S RNA genes (15), and it is quite possible that it may have novel regulatory mechanisms that uncouple starvation, slow growth, and down-modulation of the synthesis of rRNA.

In E. coli, the levels of (p)ppGpp are directly linked to starvation and are independent of the levels of relA mRNA and RelA protein (9). The direct relationship which we observed between (p)ppGpp levels and transcription of relA/spoT in B. burgdorferi was therefore unexpected. This could suggest that starvation in B. burgdorferi simultaneously stimulates enzymatic activation of RelA/SpoT and its synthesis, as seems to occur in Bacillus subtilis (35). Alternatively, starvation could trigger other signal systems that independently stimulate these two processes (9). These results and a recently published analysis of global gene expression in B. burgdorferi in which DNA microarray analysis was used (29) strongly indicate that the stringent response and its ability to modulate gene expression are important components of the B. burgdorferi response to nutritional stress.

Levels of expression of bmpA, bmpB, and bmpC mRNA were similar in B. burgdorferi cocultured with tick cells and B. burgdorferi grown in BSK-H medium, but the bmpD mRNA level decreased eightfold and the rpsL-bmpD mRNA level increased fourfold during coculture with tick cells. Since the stringent response mediated by (p)ppGpp is known to modulate transcription of many bacterial genes, it is reasonable to suggest that the observed changes in the levels of rpsL-bmpD and bmpD mRNA resulted from amelioration of the stringent response and the subsequent lowering of (p)ppGpp concentrations (10, 14, 34). Although the observed down-modulation of bmpD expression could be a result of the presence of tick cells or stimuli generated by the different medium compositions or both, resolution of this question appears to be currently beyond experimental reach since infectious B. burgdorferi N40 does not grow in L15BS medium in the absence of tick cells. We have preliminary evidence that the bmp genes are transcribed in ticks (Bugrysheva and Cabello, unpublished data), but further experimental work will be needed to translate our findings with tick cells in vitro to ticks in vivo regarding the modulation of these genes and the stringent response.

Decreases in (p)ppGpp concentration could affect rpsL-bmpD and bmpD transcription by directly interacting with the promoters of these genes and the transcriptional apparatus and its components (14, 34). Alternatively, (p)ppGpp could indirectly modulate the levels of transcription of rpsL-bmpD and bmpD by modulating expression of transcriptional factors, such as σS and σ54. The latter hypothesis is consistent with the recent demonstration that up-modulation of σS expression by σ54 may be responsible for the increase in OspC expression exhibited by B. burgdorferi after passage from a tick to a mammal (17, 36) and with extensive evidence from other bacterial systems indicating that (p)ppGpp can modulate σS expression itself and promoters activated by σS and σ54 (10, 20, 34). That the stringent response appears to modulate divergent expression of rpsL-bmpD and bmpD is not unexpected as the promoters of these genes may be transcribed by different transcriptional machinery or by the same machinery with different susceptibilities to modulation by (p)ppGpp (14). The fact that bmpC, bmpA, and bmpB belong to a different transcriptional unit than bmpD may explain the lack of modulation of the former genes in the presence of tick cells (14).

The apparent nutritional insufficiency of BSK-H medium suggested by its stimulation of the stringent response even in a laboratory strain that is adapted to it, such as B31, might explain the failure of many clinical isolates of B. burgdorferi to grow in this medium (23). Measurement of (p)ppGpp induction might therefore be a useful adjunct for developing improved B. burgdorferi culture media. Because BSK-H medium does not seem to completely fulfill the nutritional requirements of B. burgdorferi, caution must be used in interpreting the results of gene expression studies of B. burgdorferi growing in this medium (37).

Modulation of the B. burgdorferi stringent response and gene expression appear to be the result of direct interactions between tick cells and B. burgdorferi. The results for the chromosomally encoded bmp genes, as well as previous reports demonstrating that the divergent modulation of plasmid-encoded OspA and OspC by cultured tick cells paralleled expression in ticks (27, 32), strongly suggest that B. burgdorferi growth in the presence of tick cells can be used to identify factors responsible for global modulation of B. burgdorferi gene expression. They also illustrate the complex and reciprocal interactions resulting from contacts between B. burgdorferi and tick cells, delineate the potential difficulties of dissecting the symbiotic aspects, and suggest that isogenic borrelial strains generated with recently developed borrelial genetic tools could be used to dissect the relationships between B. burgdorferi and tick cells in the future.


This work was supported by Public Health Service grant R01 AI43063 to Felipe C. Cabello.

We thank Michael Cashel, National Institutes of Health, for advice concerning several aspects of this research; Ulrike G. Munderloh, University of Minnesota, for providing tick cell lines IDE8 and ISE6 and for her patience in giving us crucial advice; Linda Bockenstadt, Yale University, for providing infectious B. burgdorferi strain N40; Alan G. Barbour, University of California, Irvine, for providing monoclonal anti-OspA antibody H5332; Stuart Newman, Sansar Sharma, and Natalie Bronstein for assistance in using the confocal microscope; Ira Schwartz for critical reading of the manuscript; and Harriett H. Harrison and Melody Steinberg for assistance in preparation of the manuscript.

Editor: J. T. Barbieri


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