In this study, a 101-kb IncF plasmid from an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strain (APEC O2) was sequenced and analyzed, providing the first completed APEC plasmid sequence. This plasmid, pAPEC-O2-R, has functional transfer and antimicrobial resistance-encoding regions. The resistance-encoding region encodes resistance to eight groups of antimicrobial agents, including silver and other heavy metals, quaternary ammonium compounds, tetracycline, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, trimethoprim, and beta-lactam antimicrobial agents. This region of the plasmid is unique among previously described IncF plasmids in that it possesses a class 1 integron that harbors three gene cassettes and a heavy metal resistance operon. This region spans 33 kb and is flanked by the RepFII plasmid replicon and an assortment of plasmid maintenance genes. pAPEC-O2-R also contains a 32-kb transfer region that is nearly identical to that found in the E. coli F plasmid, rendering it transferable by conjugation to plasmid-less strains of bacteria, including an APEC strain, a fecal E. coli strain from an apparently healthy bird, a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain, and a uropathogenic E. coli strain from humans. Differences in the G+C contents of individual open reading frames suggest that various regions of pAPEC-O2-R had dissimilar origins. The presence of pAPEC-O2-R-like plasmids that encode resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents and that are readily transmissible from APEC to other bacteria suggests the possibility that such plasmids may serve as a reservoir of resistance genes for other bacteria of animal and human health significance.
Antimicrobial resistance among bacterial pathogens of food animals can complicate veterinary therapy. Resistant animal pathogens may also be a threat to human health if these resistant bacteria enter the food supply or otherwise serve as reservoirs of resistance genes for human pathogens. Transmissible R plasmids that encode multidrug resistance would seem a likely means by which animal pathogens could acquire resistance genes or transmit them to human pathogens. This study examines an R plasmid encoding multidrug resistance in an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolate. APEC strains are important and prevalent bacterial pathogens of poultry (3) and are frequently found to be resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents (21, 37), including ampicillin, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, quaternary ammonium compounds, and heavy metals (37). Genes encoding such resistance are often found on large, transmissible R plasmids (20). Not surprisingly, multidrug-resistant APEC strains often carry conjugative plasmids (8). Interestingly, plasmids have been shown to be transferable from poultry to human isolates (23), suggesting that APEC strains and their plasmids might serve as reservoirs of resistance genes for bacteria that affect public health. In the present study, the first complete sequence of a transmissible APEC R plasmid is presented and analyzed. Additionally, an effort was made to determine the transmissibility of this plasmid to other bacteria found in poultry and to an E. coli strain from human disease in order to assess the potential of this plasmid to serve as a reservoir of resistance genes for pathogens of animal and human health significance.
Bacterial strains and plasmids.
The original source of pAPEC-O2-R, the plasmid sequenced in this study, was a wild-type avian E. coli isolate named APEC O2, with the “O2” in its name referring to its serogroup. APEC O2 was isolated from a chicken clinically diagnosed with colibacillosis. All strains were grown at 37°C in Luria-Bertani broth medium (LB broth; Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI), supplemented as needed with antimicrobial agents at the following concentrations: ampicillin, 100 μg/ml; tetracycline, 12.5 μg/ml; and/or nalidixic acid, 30 μg/ml. All bacterial strains were stored at −70°C in brain heart infusion broth (Difco Laboratories) with 10% glycerol until they were used (32). The recipients used in the conjugation studies included avian pathogenic E. coli strain 419; an avian fecal commensal E. coli (AFEC) isolate from an apparently healthy chicken, A3; a uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strain, 2000-1; and Salmonella enteric serovar Typhimurium strain 475. Additional details about these recipients are provided in Table 1.
Name | Source | Mating frequency with APEC O2a | Drugs to which resistance was acquired by transconjugantb |
APEC 419 | Lesion of chicken with colibacillosis | 2.3 × 10−2 | Ap Te St Su Gn Tm An Bc |
AFEC A3 | Feces of healthy chicken | 1.7 × 10−2 | Ap Te St Su Gn Tm An Bc |
UPEC 2000-1 | Human urinary tract infection | 2.1 × 10−2 | Ap Te St Su Gn Tm An Bc |
E. coli DH5α | NAc | 1.9 × 10−2 | Ap Te St Su Gn Tm An Bc |
S. enterica serovar Typhimurium 475 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 2.5 × 10−2 | Ap Te St Su Gn Tm An Bc |
Mating frequencies are expressed as the proportion of transconjugants to recipients.
Ap, ampicillin; Te, tetracycline; St, streptomycin; Su, sulfisoxazole; Gn, gentamicin; Tm, trimethoprim; An, silver nitrate; Bc, benzalkonium chloride.
NA, not available.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
The donor strain possessing pAPEC-O2-R, the recipient strains, and their transconjugants were examined for resistance to ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, spectinomycin, sulfisoxazole, gentamicin, trimethoprim, silver nitrate, and benzalkonium chloride by disk diffusion assays. These assays were performed with BBL Sensi-Disk antimicrobial susceptibility test disks (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ), in accordance with the CLSI (formerly the NCCLS) standard Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method (28, 29). Briefly, Mueller-Hinton agar plates (Difco Laboratories) were swabbed with E. coli cultures grown to a McFarland standard of 0.5. Zones of inhibition were measured in millimeters (including disk diameter) and were categorized as sensitive or resistant according to the CLSI breakpoints.
Disk diffusion was also used to test the E. coli isolates for their susceptibilities to benzalkonium chloride and silver nitrate. For these compounds, sterile 5.5-cm filter paper disks (Fisher Scientific) were placed on Mueller-Hinton agar plates swabbed with E. coli cultures grown to a McFarland standard of 0.5. Ten microliters of either of these compounds was then pipetted onto an individual disk from the following stock concentrations: 0.1 M silver nitrate and 0.1 M benzalkonium chloride. All plates were incubated overnight at 37°C, and zones of inhibition were measured in millimeters and compared to known positive and negative controls on the following day. The positive control used to measure susceptibility to benzalkonium chloride and silver nitrate was APEC O2, which is resistant to these agents. E. coli DH5α, which is sensitive to these two antimicrobial agents, was used as a negative control (31). Strains were classified as sensitive or resistant to benzalkonium chloride and silver nitrate based on comparison to those of known positive and negative controls.
Bacterial conjugations and DNA isolation.
The transmissibility of pAPEC-O2-R was determined by mating APEC O2 with several plasmid-less bacteria (Table 1) by using a previously described protocol (19). Mating mixtures were incubated overnight at 25°C, 37°C, and 42°C; and transconjugants were selected on Mueller-Hinton agar (Difco Laboratories) containing appropriate antibiotics. Putative transconjugants were verified by their antimicrobial resistance profiles, plasmid contents, and gene contents, as determined by the use of a series of multiplex PCR protocols described previously (30). Mating frequencies were determined by measuring the proportion of transconjugant colonies to recipient colonies. The plasmid DNA used in this study was obtained from overnight cultures in LB broth containing ampicillin (100 μg/ml), according to the methods of Wang and Rossman (36). Plasmid DNA was separated by horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis (0.7% TAE [Tris-acetate-EDTA]; 3.5 V/cm).
Shotgun library construction and sequencing.
Plasmid DNA was sheared, concentrated, and desalted by using standard protocols (31). DNA was end repaired (30 min; 15°C; 100-μl reaction mixture consisting of 2 μg sheared DNA, 15 U T4 DNA polymerase, 10 U E. coli DNA polymerase [MBI Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania], 500 μM each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, 10 μl Yellow Tango buffer [MBI Fermentas]), desalted, and tailed with an extra A residue (30 min; 50°C; 100-μl reaction mixture consisting of 2 μg sheared DNA; 50 μM each dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP; 2 mM dATP; 20 U Taq polymerase [MBI Fermentas], 10 μl Yellow Tango buffer). The A-tailed DNA was then size fractionated by electrophoresis, and the 1.5- to 2.5-kb fraction was isolated and purified by standard methods (31) prior to cloning into pGEM-T (Promega, Madison, WI).
Sequencing was performed by MWG Biotech, Inc. (Hedersberg, Germany). Briefly, plasmid clones were grown for 20 h in 1.8 ml LB broth supplemented with 200 μg/ml ampicillin in deep-well boxes. Plasmid DNA were prepared on a RoboPrep2500 DNA-Prep-Robot (MWG-Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany) by using a NucleoSpin Robot-96 Plasmid kit (Macherey & Nagel, Dueren, Germany) and sequenced from both ends with standard primers by using the BigDye Terminator chemistry (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The data were collected with ABI 3700 and ABI 3730xl capillary sequencers (Applied Biosystems) and assembled by using the Gap 4 program (5).
Analysis and annotation.
Open reading frames (ORFs) in the plasmid sequence were identified by using GeneQuest from DNASTAR (Madison, WI) and GLIMMER 2.02 (11), followed by manual inspection. Translated ORFs were then compared to known protein sequences by using the BLAST program (March 2005 version; National Center for Biotechnology Information). Those with greater than 60% identity were considered matches. Hypothetical proteins with greater than 60% identity to one or more previously published proteins were classified as conserved hypothetical proteins, and ORFs with less than 60% identity to any published sequences were classified as hypothetical proteins. The G+C contents of individual ORFs were analyzed by using GeneQuest (DNASTAR). Insertion sequences and repetitive elements were identified by using IS FINDER (http://www-is.biotoul.fr/). Genomic comparisons of pAPEC-O2-R to similar plasmids were done by using MAUVE alignments (10). Amino acid sequence alignments were performed by using MegAlign (DNASTAR).
Nucleotide sequence accession number.
The complete sequence of pAPEC-O2-R was deposited in GenBank under accession number AY214164.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
The transconjugant containing pAPEC-O2-R and plasmid donor APEC O2 were resistant to ampicillin, sulfisoxazole, tetracycline, streptomycin, gentamicin, trimethoprim, silver nitrate, and benzalkonium chloride; the recipient, E. coli DH5α, was susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested. APEC O2 was mated to several plasmid-less strains of enteric bacteria, including AFEC A3, APEC 419, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium 475, and UPEC 2000-1. All pairings produced transconjugants at similar mating frequencies (Table 1). In each case, the recipients acquired the resistance profiles of the donor (Table 1) and a large plasmid consistent with the size of pAPEC-O2-R.
Sequencing and analysis of pAPEC-O2-R.
Three thousand ninety-five shotgun clones of pAPEC-O2-R were arrayed, sequenced, and assembled by using the Gap4 program (5). The assembly resulted in the generation of a complete circular sequence (Fig. 1) of 101,375 bp with approximately 20-fold coverage. pAPEC-O2-R contains 123 predicted ORFs; all coding regions and their closest database matches are provided in Table 2. One hundred eleven of these ORFs showed 60% or greater identity to a previously published sequence. Of these, 82 have a known function, and 29 are conserved hypothetical proteins. The remaining 12 ORFs are classified as hypothetical proteins for which no significant matches in the database were identified. Overall, these ORFs were arranged in distinct regions and encoded antimicrobial resistance, transmissibility, replication, and maintenance (Fig. 1).
Coding sequence | Coordinates | Function of closest protein match | Source | % Identity | GenBank accession no. |
yacC | 865-17 | Exonuclease | Escherichia coli plasmid ColIb-P9 | 98 | BAA75091 |
yacB | 1192-911 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid ColIb-P9 | 98 | BAA75090 |
yacA | 1458-1189 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid ColIb-P9 | 97 | BAA75089 |
repA4 | 2095-1646 | Stable inheritance | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | NP_052991 |
repA1 | 3271-2340 | Plasmid replication | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 98 | NP_053107 |
repA3 | 3448-3221 | Plasmid replication | Escherichia coli plasmid TUC100 | 79 | AAM14716 |
repA2 | 3788-3531 | Negative regulator of plasmid replication | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 63 | NP_052988 |
yihA | 4618-4028 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid C15-1a | 99 | AAR25121 |
hha | 4865-4656 | Modulating protein | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | YP_053130 |
yigB | 5465-4911 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid C15-1a | 100 | AAR25120 |
orf11 | 5813-5571 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 57 | AAO49551 |
finO | 6563-5958 | Fertility inhibition protein | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | BAA78888 |
yieA | 7481-6621 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid C15-1a | 100 | AAR25115 |
traX | 8292-7540 | F pilus acetylation | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 97 | BAA78886 |
traI | 13582-8306 | DNA helicase | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 97 | NP_052981 |
traD | 15726-13576 | Coupling | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 97 | NP_052980 |
traT | 16803-16027 | Surface exclusion and serum resistance | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97971 |
traS | 17320-16790 | Entry exclusion | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 79 | BAA78881 |
traG | 20130-17308 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 93 | NP_052976 |
traH | 21503-20127 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97968 |
trbJ | 21802-21500 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 86 | NP_052973 |
trbB | 22337-21792 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 97 | BAA97965 |
traQ | 22608-22324 | Pilus biosynthesis | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 98 | BAA97964 |
trbA | 23074-22727 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 89 | BAA97962 |
traF | 23833-23090 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97961 |
trbE | 24083-23826 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 94 | BAA97960 |
traN | 25918-24110 | Mating pair stabilization | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97959 |
trbC | 26517-25915 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97958 |
traU | 27554-26562 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 99 | NP_052963 |
traW | 28138-27551 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97956 |
trbI | 28566-28180 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 99 | NP_052961 |
traC | 31193-28563 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97956 |
yfiC | 31681-31319 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 79 | NP_052959 |
orf34 | 31924-31709 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 96 | NP_052958 |
yfiA | 32477-32004 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 94 | NP_052957 |
traV | 32761-32276 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 100 | AAO49525 |
trbG | 33524-33273 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 98 | BAA97951 |
trbD | 33828-33521 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 89 | NP_061459 |
traP | 34407-33835 | Pilus expression | Escherichia coli plasmid ColB2 | 97 | AAB07776 |
traB | 35824-34397 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 100 | BAA97948 |
traK | 36552-35824 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 100 | BAA97947 |
traE | 37105-36539 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97946 |
traL | 37438-37127 | Pilus assembly | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 100 | BAA97945 |
traA | 37812-37453 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 97 | AAO49517 |
traY | 38166-37846 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid ColB4 | 97 | AAB04665 |
traJ | 38853-38167 | Plasmid transfer regulation | Escherichia coli plasmid R1 | 98 | P05837 |
traM | 39427-39044 | Plasmid transfer | Escherichia coli plasmid ColB4-K98 | 98 | P18807 |
ygfA | 40351-39758 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 97 | BAA97940 |
ygeB | 41469-40648 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | BAA97939 |
orf50 | 41650-41922 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf51 | 42108-41902 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf52 | 42356-42144 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf53 | 42279-42512 | Hypothetical protein | |||
hok | 42956-42798 | Postsegregation killing | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | NP_052939 |
sok | 42988-43224 | Postsegregation killing | Escherichia coli plasmid R1 | 100 | P13971 |
psiA | 43955-43236 | SOS inhibition | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 100 | NP_061443 |
psiB | 44437-43952 | SOS inhibition | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 99 | SO1898 |
orf58 | 46399-44441 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 93 | BAA75128 |
ykfF | 46748-46464 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 97 | AAD47188 |
ssb | 47298-46759 | Single-stranded DNA binding | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 98 | BAA97930 |
orf61 | 47530-47324 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf62 | 47984-47532 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf63 | 48148-47985 | Hypothetical protein | |||
ydcA | 48712-48149 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 97 | NP_052920 |
ydbA | 50121-48760 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 99 | NP_052919 |
ydaB | 50403-50173 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | NP_052918 |
orf67 | 50667-51089 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 82 | AAO49640 |
orf68 | 51632-51441 | Hypothetical protein | |||
yfhA | 52051-51629 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 96 | BAA97928 |
yciB | 52536-52098 | Antirestriction protein | Escherichia coli plasmid C15-1a | 99 | NP_957575 |
orf71 | 52654-52824 | Hypothetical protein | |||
ychA | 53711-52935 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 97 | NP_052912 |
orf73 | 54206-53757 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid O157 | 93 | AAC70143 |
orf74 | 54426-54205 | Hypothetical protein | |||
yfeA | 55110-54427 | DNA methylase | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 94 | BAA97922 |
orf76 | 55530-55186 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Shigella flexneri plasmid WR100 | 97 | CAC05844 |
yfdA | 55931-55494 | d-Serine permease | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 94 | BAA97920 |
yfcB | 56419-55913 | Glutamine methyltransferase | Escherichia coli plasmid F | 94 | BAA97919 |
impC | 56813-57061 | UV protection | Salmonella enterica plasmid SC137 | 100 | AAS76415 |
impA | 57058-57495 | UV protection | Salmonella enterica plasmid SC137 | 100 | AAS76416 |
impB | 57495-58766 | UV protection | Shigella flexneri SA100 virulence plasmid | 100 | AAD03593 |
stbB | 59163-58771 | Stable plasmid inheritance | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 95 | NP_053129 |
stbA | 60139-59168 | Stable plasmid inheritance | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 100 | NP_053130 |
parA | 60368-61012 | Plasmid partitioning | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 99 | BAA84904 |
orf85 | 61006-61281 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 100 | NP_053132 |
rsvB | 62201-61419 | Resolvase | Escherichia coli plasmid B171 | 88 | NP_053133 |
orf87 | 62877-62269 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf88 | 63439-63035 | Hypothetical protein | |||
orf89 | 64850-63876 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 97 | NP_943494 |
hnh | 65488-66396 | Endonuclease | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 99 | NP_943492 |
orf91 | 67185-66784 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 99 | NP_943490 |
silE | 67772-67278 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943489 |
silS | 69435-67960 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 100 | NP_943488 |
silR | 70108-69428 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943487 |
silC | 70298-71683 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 97 | NP_943486 |
orf96 | 71711-72064 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 100 | NP_941215 |
silB | 72178-73470 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943483 |
silA | 73481-76627 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943482 |
orf99 | 76714-77154 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943481 |
silP | 77268-79729 | Silver and heavy metal resistance | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 98 | NP_943480 |
orf101 | 80711-80001 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid LVPK | 99 | NP_943478 |
tnpA | 80762-81466 | IS26 transposase | Escherichia coli | 100 | CAD43299 |
pecM | 81472-81867 | Unknown | Escherichia coli plasmid C15-1a | 94 | NP_957550 |
tetA | 83098-81899 | Tetracycline resistance | Escherichia coli | 99 | AAT37966 |
tetR | 83177-82858 | Tetracycline repressor | Escherichia coli | 100 | AAT37964 |
orf106 | 84128-83886 | Relaxase and helicase | Salmonella enterica plasmid SC138 | 98 | AAS76290 |
tnpA | 87152-84156 | IS1721 transposase | Escherichia coli | 99 | JQ1477 |
tnpR | 87716-87156 | IS1721 resolvase | Escherichia coli | 99 | CAA46340 |
tnpM | 88476-87892 | Tn21 modulator | Escherichia coli | 100 | AAC33910 |
intI1 | 89458-88445 | Integrase | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 100 | NP_052898 |
folA | 89604-90088 | Trimethoprim resistance | Escherichia coli plasmid R721 | 99 | NP_065309 |
catB3 | 90206-90838 | Chloramphenicol resistance | Escherichia coli plasmid HSH2 | 100 | AAP20921 |
aadA5 | 90896-91684 | Streptomycin and spectinomycin resistance | Escherichia coli | 100 | AAV69850 |
qacEΔ1 | 91893-92237 | Quaternary ammonium resistance | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 100 | AAO49596 |
sulI | 92231-93070 | Sulfonamide resistance | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 99 | NP_052895 |
orf116 | 93198-93698 | Conserved hypothetical protein | Escherichia coli plasmid 1658/97 | 100 | AAO49594 |
istB | 94656-93874 | Tn21 transposition | Shigella flexneri Tn21 | 100 | AAC33916 |
istA | 96160-94646 | IS1326 transposase | Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmid RMH760 | 99 | AAM89412 |
tniBΔ1 | 96468-96271 | Transposon ATPase | Escherichia coli plasmid R100 | 99 | NP_052890 |
tnpA | 99466-96461 | Tn3 transposase | Escherichia coli | 99 | P03008 |
orf121 | 99628-100185 | Tn3 resolvase | Escherichia coli | 100 | P03011 |
blaTEM-1 | 100368-101228 | Beta-lactamase | Escherichia coli | 100 | AAR06285 |
Analysis of the coding regions of pAPEC-O2-R revealed a 33,950-bp region containing 15 genes responsible for resistance to at least eight antimicrobial agents (Table 2). This region begins following the hnh gene with the start of the sil gene cluster, a seven-component system that encodes resistance to silver and other heavy metals (16). Following this cluster is an insertion sequence, IS26, that marks the beginning of the tetAR complex encoding tetracycline resistance. Immediately following the tetAR genes is a 12,282-bp region of pAPEC-O2-R that contains a class 1 integron also found in transposon Tn21 (24). The class 1 integron of pAPEC-O2-R contains three gene cassettes, including the catB3, aadA5, and folA genes. Following the class 1 integron is Tn3, a transposon containing blaTEM-1, a gene encoding a beta-lactamase.
pAPEC-O2-R also contains genes involved in its own maintenance and replication. Near the transfer region are several genes involved in plasmid maintenance, including hok and sok, ssb, psiA, stbA, stbB, parA, and psiB (13). Four replication genes, repA1 to repA4, are also found on pAPEC-O2-R.
The average G+C content of pAPEC-O2-R is 53%, which is similar to that of the E. coli K-12 genome (4). However, several regions have notable deviations from this G+C ratio (Fig. 2). The transfer region has an average G+C content of 52%, which is markedly different from those of its flanking plasmid maintenance and gene cassette-containing regions, with G+C contents of 56% and 57%, respectively. These two regions are separated by the silver resistance operon, which has an average G+C content of 51%.
Comparative genomics.
pAPEC-O2-R was compared to similar IncF plasmids whose complete sequences are available. pAPEC-O2-R was compared to E. coli plasmids R100 (GenBank accession no. NC_002134) and C15-1a (6), its two closest DNA sequence matches in the National Center for Biotechnology Information database. Comparison of translated coding sequences revealed that 27% of the 201 total predicted proteins were common to all three plasmids, 19% were shared by two of the three plasmids, and 54% were present in only one of the three plasmids. Most of the proteins common to the three plasmids were components of the transfer and plasmid maintenance regions of pAPEC-O2-R. By using a MAUVE alignment (10), the complete sequence of pAPEC-O2-R was aligned with the sequences of E. coli plasmids F (14), R100 (accession no. GenBank NC_002134), 1658/97 (accession no. GenBank NC_004998), and C15-1a (6). The alignments of these five plasmids identified a common backbone containing genes involved in plasmid transfer, maintenance, and replication. The proteins within this backbone account for approximately 40% of the total proteins within pAPEC-O2-R. The remainder of these plasmids appear to be composed primarily of antimicrobial resistance genes, mobile elements, and hypothetical proteins of unknown function.
Large plasmids are common among APEC strains and contain genes important to antimicrobial resistance (8) and virulence (12, 17, 19, 30). In this study, the first complete sequence of an APEC plasmid is presented. pAPEC-O2-R was found to contain a functional multidrug resistance-determining region, as acquisition of pAPEC-O2-R by the recipients was accompanied by acquisition of the donor strain's antimicrobial resistance pattern. This resistance region contains the sil gene cluster, which encodes resistance to silver and other heavy metals and which has previously been identified on large plasmids in Salmonella (16), Serattia (15), and Klebsiella spp. (9). Also, within this region of pAPEC-O2-R are what appear to be remnants of Tn21, a transposon coined the “flagship of the floating genome” for its ability to facilitate the acquisition and/or the deletion of resistance genes within the bacterial genome (24). Tn21 has previously been identified in APEC (24). The Tn21-like region of pAPEC-O2-R contains an intact class 1 integron previously ascribed to Tn21, named In2, and the 5′ portions of Tn21. However, unlike the previously described structure of Tn21 (24), the class 1 integron in pAPEC-O2-R lacks the operon encoding mercury resistance on its 3′ end. Nevertheless, the presence of a class 1 integron and other components of Tn21 within this region of pAPEC-O2-R indicates that portions of this region might be derived from Tn21. The class 1 integron of pAPEC-O2-R contains three gene cassettes, including catB3 (7), which encodes resistance to chloramphenicol; aadA5 (33), which contributes to aminoglycoside resistance; and folA (1, 2), which encodes resistance to trimethoprim. All resistance genes on pAPEC-O2-R appear to be functional, as determined by disk diffusion, with the exception of the catB3 gene encoding chloramphenicol resistance. Only an intermediate zone of inhibition was obtained when strains containing pAPEC-O2-R were grown in the presence of chloramphenicol disks. Analysis of the gene cassette region of the class 1 integron on pAPEC-O2-R identified a 132-bp attC site on the 3′ end of folA, a 60-bp attC site on the 3′ end of catB3, and a 57-bp attC site on the 3′ end of aadA5. No promoter sequences were identified for any individual gene cassettes; only a common promoter within the intI1 gene was identified. This class 1 integron is also flanked on its 3′ conserved end by an intact Tn3, which contains blaTEM-1, and on its 5′ end are other remnants of Tn21, which is downstream of the silver resistance-determining operon.
Overall, the arrangement of the antimicrobial resistance region of pAPEC-O2-R is unique compared to that in other R plasmids. Several plasmids that encode resistance to multiple heavy metals and toxins have been sequenced, such as plasmid R478 in Serratia marcescens (15) and plasmid LVPK in Klebsiella pneumoniae (9), but they lack the class 1 integron of pAPEC-O2-R. Alternatively, several E. coli R plasmids that contain Tn21-like regions have been sequenced, such as plasmids R100 (GenBank accession no. NC_002134), C15-1a (6), and 1658/97 (GenBank accession no. NC_004998); but these plasmids lack the heavy metal resistance genes found in pAPEC-O2-R. Therefore, the composition of pAPEC-O2-R is noteworthy due to its diversity and its large number of resistance genes.
In addition to its functional multidrug resistance-encoding region, pAPEC-O2-R possesses a 31,887-bp transfer region nearly identical to that found in several E. coli plasmids, including the F plasmid (14) and R100 (GenBank accession no. NC_002134). This region is also similar to the transfer region of a large plasmid (pSLT) found in an S. enterica serovar Typhimurium strain (27). This transfer region encodes a type 4 secretion system that facilitates conjugative transfer (22). The transfer region of pAPEC-O2-R is functional, as evidenced by the fact that pAPEC-O2-R is transmissible by conjugation into commensal and pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli and S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, that may be found in the poultry production environment. Therefore, it is possible that plasmid transfer might occur naturally in the poultry environment. Indeed, studies have shown that large plasmids are common among avian E. coli strains (12, 30) and that these plasmid-containing E. coli strains may be transmitted between birds (23). Interestingly, such transfer may also occur from birds to humans (23). In the present study, transfer of pAPEC-O2-R from APEC O2 to a human UPEC strain occurred in vitro, supporting the possibility that R plasmids harbored by animal pathogens may be reservoirs of resistance genes for human pathogens.
pAPEC-O2-R also contains genes involved in its own maintenance. Flanking the transfer region are two genes, hok and sok (for host killing and suppression of killing, respectively), involved in postsegregational killing of plasmid-free cells, thus ensuring that pAPEC-O2-R is retained during cell replication (13). Also within this region are ssb, psiA, and psiB, which may be involved in the conjugal transfer of pAPEC-O2-R into a recipient cell, with psiB inhibiting the cellular SOS response upon transfer, thus protecting the single-stranded plasmid DNA in the recipient prior to the synthesis of the second strand (25). Three more genes, stbA, stbB, and parA, also lie within this plasmid maintenance region and are involved in partitioning of pAPEC-O2-R into daughter cells during cell division, thus playing a role in plasmid stability (35). The presence of an active partitioning system and an antisense RNA-regulated plasmid addiction system on pAPEC-O2-R ensures that this plasmid is retained by bacterial populations, even in the absence of selective pressures within the poultry environment. Thus, these plasmids may have emerged in populations of APEC due to some type of selective pressure, such as the use of antimicrobials in the poultry environment, and they are likely retained by these APEC strains, even in the absence of this selective pressure, due to their active partitioning and plasmid addiction systems.
Additionally, pAPEC-O2-R contains four coding regions, repA1 to repA4, that are likely involved in replication, copy number, and stability. BLAST analysis of these coding regions shows that they are very similar to those of IncF plasmids, a diverse group of plasmids with similar replicons and transfer regions (Table 2). The replicons included in this group are RepFIIA, whose members include pR100 and pR1; RepFIC, which is a replicon of the F plasmid; RepFIB, a replicon of ColV plasmids such as pRK100 (34); and RepFIII, a close relative of RepFII that includes E. coli plasmid SU316 (26). Comparison of the four predicted replication proteins in pAPEC-O2-R with those of pR100 (GenBank accession no. NC_002134), pRK100 (34), and pSU316 (26) revealed that pAPEC-O2-R shares the strongest identity with pR100, an IncFII plasmid. The repA1-coding sequence, which is directly involved in plasmid replication, and repA4, a gene immediately adjacent to the origin of replication that is involved in plasmid stability (18), appear to be highly conserved (99% protein identity). The repA2- and repA3-coding sequences, which are involved in replication control, were quite different among the four plasmids analyzed, exhibiting only partial protein identity to published sequences (Table 2). Others have also reported that these portions of IncF replicons are areas of nonhomology (26). However, these coding regions in pAPEC-O2-R are considerably different from any sequences published to date. Further work is required to determine the significance of these differences.
In summary, a 101-kb IncF plasmid from an APEC strain was sequenced and analyzed, providing the first completed APEC plasmid sequence. This plasmid, pAPEC-O2-R, contains genes for plasmid maintenance and replication. It also has a functional transfer region that allows its transmission to bacterial strains that are found in the poultry environment or that cause human infection. Additionally, pAPEC-O2-R contains an antimicrobial resistance-encoding region that encodes multidrug resistance. This region of the plasmid is unique among previously described IncF plasmids, as it possesses a class 1 integron that harbors three gene cassettes and a heavy metal resistance operon. Differences in the G+C contents of individual ORFs suggest that various regions of pAPEC-O2-R had dissimilar origins. The presence of pAPEC-O2-R-like plasmids that encode resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents and that are readily transmissible suggests the possibility that such plasmids may serve as a reservoir of resistance genes for other bacteria of animal and human health importance.
This project was funded in part by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust Fund.
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