. 1915 Jul;49(Pt 4):362–375.
Two Cases, considered from the Developmental Standpoint, in which the Right Subclavian Artery arose from the Arch of the Aorta beyond the Origin of the Left Subclavian Artery; with a Note on the Relation of the Subclavian Veins to the Cardinal System
Reginald J Gladstone
1,2, C P G Wakeley
Reginald J Gladstone
1University of London, King's College
2King's College, London
Find articles by Reginald J Gladstone
C P G Wakeley
1University of London, King's College
2King's College, London
Find articles by C P G Wakeley
1University of London, King's College
2King's College, London
PMCID: PMC1288977 PMID: 17233037