Immunity induced by the 19-kDa fragment of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) is dependent on high titers of specific antibodies present at the time of challenge and a continuing active immune response postinfection. However, the specificity of the active immune response postinfection has not been defined. In particular, it is not known whether anti-MSP119 antibodies that arise following infection alone are sufficient for protection. We developed systems to investigate whether an MSP119-specific antibody response alone both prechallenge and postchallenge is sufficient for protection. We were able to exclude antibodies with other specificities, as well as any contribution of MSP119-specific CD4+ T cells acting independent of antibody, and we concluded that an immune response focused solely on MSP119-specific antibodies is sufficient for protection. The data imply that the ability of natural infection to boost an MSP119-specific antibody response should greatly improve vaccine efficacy.
The 19-kDa carboxyl terminus of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) is a leading malaria vaccine candidate (reviewed in reference 7). Previous studies have shown that protective immunity induced by MSP119 is dependent on a high titer of specific antibodies present at the time of challenge (1, 4,5) and an active immune response against the parasite of undefined specificity postinfection (6).
Complete protective immunity induced by MSP119 requires the participation of both specific antibodies and CD4+ T cells. Previous studies demonstrated that transfer of high-titer anti-MSP119 antibodies into immunodeficient (SCID, nude, BKO, CD4+ T-cell-depleted) mice delayed parasite growth, but the mice ultimately developed parasitemia and succumbed to infection (6). In contrast, transfer of antibodies into normal mice can protect them. It thus appears that an active immune response postchallenge that is dependent on B cells and T cells is critical for MSP119-induced protective immunity (4). Since certain strains of normal mice that cannot themselves mount an antibody response to MSP119 (i.e., immunological nonresponders) can nevertheless be passively protected by MSP119-specific antibodies, it appears that proteins other than MSP119 must be capable of protecting mice. However, the specificity of this active immune response postinfection has not been defined. In particular, it is not known whether an MSP119-specific response postinfection is sufficient for protective immunity.
The possibility of a contribution from effector CD4+ T cells to MSP119-induced immunity has not been completely eliminated. Depletion of CD4+ T cells in MSP119-immunized mice can eliminate the protective immunity induced by MSP119 vaccination (1, 5). The mechanism by which CD4+ T cells contribute to the protective immunity remains unclear and needs further investigation. A number of CD4+ T-cell epitopes on MSP119, including a dominant epitope recognized by different strains of mice and referred to as p24, have been identified (13). Adoptive transfer of T-cell lines specific to p24 into nude mice does not protect the mice, suggesting that effector T cells may play only a minor role in protective immunity. However, T cells with other (undefined) specificities are known to be able to protect mice independent of antibody (12), and it is possible that MSP119-specific CD4+ T cells contribute in an ancillary way to immunity and complement antibody-mediated protection.
In this study, the nature and specificity of the immune response that develops following immunization with MSP119 and parasite challenge were investigated. By using an adoptive transfer system in which nude mice received p24-specific T cells and were then immunized with recombinant MSP119 to restrict the pre- and postchallenge immune responses to MSP119, the specificity of the active immune response following infection was defined. We found that MSP119-specific antibodies alone can control parasitemia postchallenge and that effector T cells specific to MSP119 play no role in immunity.
Experimental animals and parasites.
Six- to eight-week-old normal and nu/nu (nude) female BALB/c mice were purchased from Animal Resources Center, Willeton, Australia. C57BL/6 μ-chain knockout (BKO) mice were obtained from the Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology, New South Wales, Australia, and were bred in our animal house facility. Plasmodium yoelii YM (a lethal strain) was used.
Recombinant MSP119 protein and antigens.
MSP119 of P. yoelii was produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yMSP119) as described previously (14). A dominant T-cell epitope on MSP119 (p24; EPTPNAYYEGVFCSSSS) was synthesized as described previously (13). Ovalbumin (OVA; Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) was used as a control antigen.
Immunization and challenge infection.
Mice were immunized with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or MSP119 by using the vaccination protocol described previously (5). Briefly, mice were immunized subcutaneously with PBS or 20 μg of MSP119 in complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) (Sigma). The mice were boosted subcutaneously, intraperitoneally (i.p.), and then i.p. again with the same dose of antigen in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) (Sigma) on days 21, 42, and 56, respectively. Finally, the mice were boosted i.p. with the same amount of antigen in PBS on day 63. Ten days after the last immunization, the mice were challenged intravenously (i.v.) with 104 live P. yoelii YM-parasitized red blood cells (pRBC). Parasitemia was monitored after infection by microscopic examination of thin tail blood smears stained with Diff Quick stain (Lab Aids, Narrabeen, Australia).
Adoptive transfer of MSP119 hyperimmune sera.
Hyperimmune sera specific for MSP119 were produced from C57BL/6 mice by using a vaccination protocol as described above. Recipient mice were injected i.p. with 0.5 ml of these sera or normal mouse serum (NMS) on days −1, 0, and 1 of challenge infection.
Generation of T-cell lines.
T-cell lines specific to p24, OVA, or whole parasite antigens were generated as described previously (13). Briefly, BALB/c mice were immunized in the hind footpads with antigen (30 μg of peptide, 100 μg of OVA, or 3 × 107 pRBC) emulsified in CFA. Nine or ten days later, popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes were removed, and a single-cell suspension was made. Cells were washed and cultured at a concentration of 2 × 106 cells/ml in culture medium (Eagle minimal essential medium [EMEM] supplemented with 50 μM 2-mercaptoethanol and 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum) in the presence of 10 μg of p24 per ml, 100 μg of OVA per ml, or 1 × 106 pRBC per ml. After 4 days of stimulation at 37°C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator, viable cells were purified by centrifugation over Ficoll-Paque (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) and rested at a concentration of 5 × 105 cells per ml in medium containing 2 × 106 irradiated syngeneic spleen cells per ml (rest phase). After 10 to 14 days, the cells were stimulated with specific antigen in the presence of fresh irradiated normal spleen cells. Repeated cycles of stimulation and resting were performed. Resting T cells were usually removed to estimate antigen-specific responses by measuring lymphoproliferation.
Lymphoproliferation assay.
Spleen or lymph node T cells were cultured in EMEM supplemented with 50 μM 2-mercaptoethanol and 2% heat-inactivated normal mouse serum (NMS) at a concentration of 2 × 106 cells per ml in a flat-bottom 96-well plate. The cells were cultured with different concentrations of antigen for 72 h and then were pulse labeled with 0.25 μCi of [3H]thymidine, and incorporation of radiolabel was estimated 18 to 24 h later by β-emission spectroscopy.
Cell surface phenotype characterization.
Single-cell suspensions of T-cell lines were stained with phycoerythrin or fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated monoclonal antibodies specific for mouse CD4, CD3, αβ T-cell receptor, or γδ T-cell receptor (Caltag, Burlingame, Calif.). The cells were incubated for 30 min at 4°C, washed twice with FACS buffer (0.1% bovine serum albumin, 0.1% sodium azide, PBS) and resuspended in 250 μl of 1% paraformaldehyde. The percentage of positive cells was measured with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (Becton Dickinson) and was analyzed by using CellQuest software (Becton Dickinson).
Bioassay for IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4.
Culture supernatants were collected 24, 48, and 72 h after stimulation. Gamma interferon (IFN-γ), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and IL-4 activities were determined as described previously (3). IFN-γ activity was determined by measuring inhibition of WEHI-279 cell proliferation (11). IL-2 and IL-4 activities were determined by using the growth-dependent CTLL-2 (2) and CT.4S (8) cell lines, respectively. To demonstrate the specificity of the cytokine assay with CTLL-2 to detect IL-2 and the specificity of the cytokine assay with CT.4S to detect IL-4, anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-2, respectively, were added to the assay mixtures. The concentrations were calculated by using cytokine standards included in the assays.
Adoptive transfer of T-cell lines.
Resting T cells were harvested from cultures. Viable cells were purified by centrifugation over Ficoll-Paque and washed twice in EMEM; 2 × 106 viable cells were injected i.v. into BALB/c nu/nu mice.
Antibody assay.
Serum antibody levels were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as described previously (5).
Western blotting.
Crude parasite antigen was prepared by lysing pRBC with 0.01% saponin-PBS at 37°C for 20 min. The pellet was washed twice with PBS and then sonicated five times for 1 min at 90% output on ice. The supernatant was collected after centrifugation and dialyzed against PBS. The protein concentration was determined with a Bio-Rad protein assay kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, Calif.). Crude parasite antigen was separated on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel and electrophoretically blotted onto nitrocellulose paper, from which strips were cut and blocked overnight with PBS containing 5% skim milk. The strips were then incubated with a 1:200 dilution of mouse sera in 0.05% skim milk-PBS at room temperature for 2 h, washed four times with 0.05% Tween-PBS, and incubated with a 1:1,000 dilution of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Silenus Lab, Melbourne, Australia) for 1 h at room temperature. The strips were washed four times, incubated with substrate (4-chloro-1-naphtol [Sigma]) for 30 min, and then washed four times with water.
Blood transfer.
To examine whether infected mice developed parasitemia at levels below the level that can be detected by microscopy, 100 to 200 μl of whole blood from individual challenged mice was collected from tail veins in heparinized tubes. The blood was washed twice with sterile PBS, resuspended in 200 μl of PBS, and injected i.p. into naive BALB/c mice. The recipient mice were then monitored for parasitemia.
Estimation of growth rates.
The parasite replication rate in each cycle (g) was estimated by using the ratio of the number of parasites at the limit of detection (LOD) to the number of parasites at the first occurrence of parasitemia that was more than the LOD (day i). In this study the LOD was 0.01% parasitemia or approximately 500,000 parasites (assuming that each animal has 1 ml of blood). Since the parasite has a 24-h replication cycle and parasitemia was estimated every 48 h, the geometric growth equation, (number of parasites on day i) = g (number of parasites on day i − 1) = g2 (number of parasites on day i − 2), was rearranged to estimate the replication rate:
![]() |
The distribution of estimated growth rates was compared for the four experimental groups (PBS immunized plus MSP119 antibodies, PBS immunized plus NMS, MSP119 immunized plus MSP119 antibodies, and MSP119 immunized plus NMS) by using the Mann-Whitney U test (for comparing two groups) or the Kruskal-Wallis test (for comparing more than two groups). When groups were not significantly different, a grouped growth rate was generated and used to estimate the starting number of parasites on day 0.
For each animal, the starting number of parasites on day 0 was estimated by using the first recorded parasitemia greater than the LOD (day i):
![]() |
The distributions of the estimated starting numbers of parasites were compared for the experimental groups by using either the Mann-Whitney U test or the Kruskal-Wallis test.
It should be noted that calculating the growth rate by using the LOD and the first occurrence of parasitemia that is more than the LOD underestimates the growth rate since the true parasitemia at the first time point is less than the LOD used in the calculation. Use of these pairs of values was necessary to estimate the parasite growth rate early in infection, since the data indicated that the growth rate decreased rapidly as parasitemia increased (due to the decreasing availability of uninfected red blood cells). Since the estimated growth rate was likely to underestimate the true growth rate, the number of parasites on day 0 was overestimated.
Effector CD4+ T cells play no role in MSP119-specific immunity.
To examine whether effector CD4+ T cells play any role in MSP119-induced immunity, BKO mice were immunized with PBS or MSP119 by using the protocol that induces complete protection in normal mice (5). Mice also received high-titer (>6,400,000) MSP119 hyperimmune sera or NMS (0.5 ml/mouse/day) on days −1, 0, and 1 relative to the day of challenge. Although hyperimmune serum alone cannot protect BKO mice (5), it can significantly delay the appearance of parasites in peripheral blood, suggesting that parasite numbers are significantly reduced. We could thus ask whether the T-cell response to MSP119 that develops in BKO mice (5) can control either a standard inoculum of parasites or a significantly reduced inoculum. The mice were challenged i.v. with 1 × 104 P. yoelii YM-pRBC on day 0.
Parasite growth rates were estimated as described in Materials and Methods and are shown in Fig. 1. By extrapolation, we could also estimate the number of viable parasites present in the mice immediately after challenge. There was no significant difference between the two groups of animals immunized with PBS or MSP119 and which received NMS (P > 0.8) or between the immunized groups which received antibody (P > 0.6). However, there was a significant difference in the distribution of the number of starting parasites between animals which received NMS and animals which received MSP119 antibodies. The median starting parasite loads were 18 parasites for the immunized animals given immune serum and 429 parasites for mice given NMS (P < 0.005). Although the estimated number of viable parasites was far less than the number of pRBC administered to mice, the day of patency (when parasites were first detected by microscopy) was similar to the day reported previously for mice given 104 parasites (1, 4), suggesting that many parasites die in vitro prior to injection.
FIG. 1.
(A to D) Parasitemia and anti-MSP119 antibody levels in BKO mice. BKO mice were immunized with PBS (A and C) or MSP119 (B and D) and were then given NMS (A and B) or anti-MSP119 antibody (Abs) (C and D) on day −1, day 1, and the day of challenge (day 0); they were then challenged with 1 × 104 P. yoelii YM-pRBC. Each line represents an individual mouse in each group. (E and F) Levels of transferred anti-MSP119 antibodies in relation to parasitemia. Sera were diluted 1:4,000 before analysis by ELISA. The parasite growth rates were calculated as described in Materials and Methods, and the 95% confidence intervals were 2.3 to 18.5 merozoites/schizont for the animals immunized with PBS and given anti-MSP119 antibodies, 27.6 to 42.6 merozoites/schizont for animals immunized with PBS and given NMS, 5.5 to 14.4 merozoites/schizont for animals immunized with MSP119 and given anti-MSP119 serum, and 21.3 to 43.9 merozoites/schizont for animals immunized with MSP119 and given NMS. There was no statistical difference between the growth rates of the two groups of animals given antibodies (P > 0.95) or between the growth rates of the two control groups (P > 0.8). Grouping of the data indicated that there was a significant difference between the growth rates of antibody recipients and control animals (the means were 10.2 and 33.7 merozoites/schizont for antibody recipients and control animals, respectively [P < 0.01]). The data are the results of one of two independent experiments in which similar findings were obtained. O.D., optical density.
All mice that received NMS died within 6 days (Fig. 1A and B). The anti-MSP119 specific antibodies delayed the patent parasitemia until day 6 (Fig. 1C and D). Then, the parasitemia increased and all mice succumbed to infection. There was no significant difference in the course of infection between the PBS-immunized and MSP119-immunized groups. The increase in parasitemia was inversely correlated with clearance of transfused antibodies (Fig. 1E and F). Since the BKO mice had a C57BL/6 background, C57BL/6 mice immunized with the same protocol were used as the vaccination control group. MSP119-immunized C57BL/6 mice showed complete protection with no patent parasitemia on blood smears (data not shown).
Thus, vaccination of BKO mice cannot provide control against a normal inoculum, and furthermore, even though the transferred antibody reduced the median estimated viable parasite load at the time of challenge to only 18 parasites, the immune response to MSP119 that developed in the absence of antibody was unable to eradicate the parasites.
p24-specific T cells provide help for an MSP119-specific antibody response.
If MSP119-specific effector CD4 T cells are not involved in immunity, it appears to be very likely that protection following vaccination must rely on antibody. Since certain strains of normal mice that cannot themselves mount an antibody response to MSP119 can nevertheless be passively protected by MSP119-specific antibodies, it also appears that proteins other than MSP119 must be capable of protecting mice and that these arise following challenge (6). We thus explored whether MSP119-specific antibodies alone, which arise following infection, can protect mice.
T-cell lines specific to a helper epitope on MSP119 (p24) and OVA were generated from BALB/c mice by repeated cycles of stimulation with specific antigens and resting in vitro. Both T-cell lines expressed CD4 and αβ T-cell receptors and secreted IFN-γ and IL-2, and no IL-4 was detected by a cytokine-dependent T-cell assay when the lines were stimulated with the antigens (p24 or OVA) (Table 1). In addition, the profile of cytokine production by the T cells generated was confirmed by a cytokine ELISA and by intracellular cytokine staining (data not shown).
Characteristics of p24- and OVA-specific T-cell linesa
T cells | % of:
Cytokine production (U/ml)
Stimulation index of proliferative response to specific antigens
CD3-positive cells | CD4-positive cells | αβ T-cell receptor-positive cells | γδ T-cell receptor-positive cells | IFN-γ | IL-2 | IL-4 | 100 μg/ml | 10 μg/ml | |
OVA specific | 99.78 | 99.52 | 97.00 | 0.74 | 4,035 | 210 | < 1 | 18.4 | NDb |
p24 specific | 99.36 | 99.35 | 98.45 | 1.11 | 1,014 | 134 | < 1 | ND | 38 |
The surface phenotype was characterized by staining with relevant monoclonal antibodies. Cytokine production was analyzed in supernatants collected from T-cell lines stimulated for 24 h with specific antigen. The concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 were determined by calculating values from a standard curve.
ND, not done.
Nude mice were given 2 × 106 p24- or OVA-specific T cells. The mice were then immunized with five doses of MSP119 or PBS by using the standard vaccination protocol (5). Ten days after the last immunization, the mice were challenged i.v. with 1 × 104 P. yoelii YM-pRBC. Naive nude and BALB/c mice were used as controls. Baseline sera from mice that later received p24 T cells and were immunized with MSP119 did not contain detectable antibodies; however, the antibody titers specific for MSP119 increased after subsequent boosts (Fig. 2D). At the time of challenge, most of the p24-specific T-cell-transfused nude mice that were immunized with MSP119 had antibody titers greater than 2 × 106; the only exception was one mouse which had a lower titer (7 × 105). These levels were comparable to the levels of anti-MSP119 antibodies that developed in MSP119-immunized normal BALB/c mice (Fig. 2F). No significant level of MSP119-specific antibodies was detected in other groups (Fig. 2A, B, C, and E). The data demonstrate that p24-specific helper T cells can provide help for an MSP119-specific antibody response. The isotypes of anti-MSP119 specific antibodies in both MSP119-immunized BALB/c and p24-specific T-cell-transfused nude mice were predominantly immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2a (data not shown).
FIG. 2.
Anti-MSP119 antibody responses following each immunization (A to F) and parasitemia following challenge infection (G to L). Nude mice (four to seven mice per group) were transfused with 2 × 106 OVA-specific T cells (A, B,G, and H) or 2 × 106 p24-specific T cells (C, D, I, and J). The mice were then immunized with five doses of PBS (A, C, G, and I) or 20 μg of MSP119 (B, D, H, and J), which was followed by i.v.challenge with 1 × 104 P. yoelii YM-pRBC on day 0. BALB/c mice vaccinated with PBS (E and K) or MSP119 (F and L) were used as controls. The data in panels A to F are means ± standard errors. The data in panels G to L are the percentages of parasitemia for individual mice. Open circles indicate the days on which mice died. The data are the results of one of two independent experiments in which similar findings were obtained. O.D., optical density.
Protective immune response in p24-specific T-cell-transfused nude mice.
OVA- and p24-specific T-cell-transfused or naive nude mice that were immunized with PBS or MSP119 were challenged i.v. with 1 × 104 P. yoelii YM-pRBC. Immunization with PBS or MSP119 did not induce protection in mice that received OVA-specific T cells (Fig. 2G and H). These mice developed parasitemia on day 4 postchallenge and eventually succumbed to infection. Mice that received p24-specific T cells and were then immunized with PBS were also unable to control parasitemia (Fig. 2I), further confirming the lack of protective efficacy of MSP119-specific T cells in the absence of antibody. In contrast, six of seven mice that received p24-specific T cells and were then immunized with MSP119 showed complete protection, with no parasites detected in blood smears (Fig. 2J). One mouse in this group was able to delay parasite growth until day 7; parasitemia gradually increased to a peak of 11.67% on day 11, but the mouse was then able to clear the parasites by day 23. Control nude mice that were vaccinated with either PBS or MSP119 developed high parasitemia and succumbed to infection (data not shown).
BALB/c mice that were immunized with PBS developed high parasitemia and died within 8 days (Fig. 2K). Four of five MSP119-immunized BALB/c mice showed complete protection, and no parasites were detected on blood smears (Fig. 2L). One mouse in this group was able to suppress parasite growth until day 8, and then it developed a low level of parasitemia which peaked at 5.2% on day 14; however, the mouse was able to clear the parasites by day 20.
Nude or BALB/c mice that had no parasitemia detectable on blood smears were shown not to harbor parasites on day 11 postchallenge by transferring blood into naive BALB/c reporter mice. No parasites were detected in the recipient mice (data not shown). This indicates that MSP119-immunized BALB/c and p24 T-cell-transfused nude mice were completely protected by MSP119 vaccination.
Specificity of antibodies that developed after challenge infection.
Sera from nude mice that were given p24-specific T cells and were then immunized with MSP119 were collected before and after challenge. The specificities of antibodies that developed in these mice were then investigated by Western blotting. Figure 3A shows that sera taken from three representative mice before challenge and sera taken on days 16 and 24 after challenge recognized only a 19-kDa band on Western blots. No other antibodies were detected in postchallenge sera from the mouse that recovered from patent parasitemia (Fig. 3A, lanes 14 and 15). The ability of the antibodies to bind to the 19-kDa band was eliminated after the sera were preincubated with 100 μg of MSP119 for 1 h (lanes 8, 12 and 16).
FIG. 3.
Specificity of antibodies that developed following challenge infection. (A) Antibody responses to crude parasite antigens in p24 T-cell-transfused nude mice that were immunized with MSP119. Lane 1, molecular weight marker; lane 2, NMS; lane 3, anti-MSP119 antibodies; lane 4, anti-whole parasite antibodies. For each mouse, the four lanes show the results for prechallenge, days 14 and 24 postchallenge, and day 24 preincubated with MSP119. The ELISA titers on the day of challenge were as follows: mouse 1, >6 × 106; mouse 2, >2 × 106; and mouse 3, ≥7 × 105. (B) Antibody responses to crude parasite antigens in immune P. yoelii-specific T-cell-transfused nude mice. Lane 1, molecular weight marker; lane 2, NMS; lane 3, anti-whole-parasite antibodies; lanes 4 to 6, prechallenge and days 14 and 28 postchallenge, respectively. The numbers on the left indicate the molecular weights of the markers.
To demonstrate that the reason that no other bands were seen on Western blots was not because of either technical difficulties or because of an inability of nude mice to produce antibody to other proteins, P. yoelii whole-parasite-specific T cells were transferred into a group of nude mice. The mice were infected i.v. with live P. yoelii-pRBC and treated 3 days later with 0.2 mg of the parasiticidal drug pyrimethamine for three consecutive days. Thus, the mice received whole-parasite vaccination. Five weeks later, the mice were challenged i.v. with 104 P. yoelii-pRBC. All mice that were given whole-parasite-specific T cells but not OVA-specific T cells survived a challenge infection (data not shown). Sera were collected and were analyzed by Western blotting. Figure 3B shows that these mice were able to produce antibodies with multiple antigenic specificities.
This study makes a novel contribution to our knowledge of how immunization with MSP119 leads to protection from malaria. Although MSP119 is one of the leading malaria vaccine candidates (7), the mechanism by which immunity is induced following vaccination with MSP119 is not well understood. In murine models it is known that folding of the antigen is critical for protection (10) and that antibodies need to be present at high titers at the time of challenge (1, 4, 5). Depletion of CD4+ T cells from immunized mice prior to challenge can prevent an anamnestic antibody response to MSP119 following challenge and can also eliminate immunity in a proportion of animals (1, 5).
In this study, we first investigated the role of effector CD4+ T cells in MSP119-induced immunity. Previous studies suggested that these cells play little role (5) but could not exclude the possibility that they play some role. MSP119-immunized BKO mice were given anti-MSP119 hyperimmune serum. We expected these high-titer antibodies to significantly reduce the parasite burden and questioned whether effector T cells could then clear the few remaining parasites. We estimated that the antibodies reduced the parasite burden at the time of challenge by a factor of 24, leaving approximately 18 parasites. However, the inability of MSP119-immunized BKO mice to control parasite growth (Fig. 1), even though MSP119-specific antibodies were administered, strongly suggests that T cells that develop after MSP119 vaccination cannot contribute to antibody-independent immunity at all. It is unlikely that the inability of BKO mice to control parasites was due to a lack of stimulation of T cells, as we have shown that T lymphocytes from MSP119-immunized BKO mice respond to MSP119 in vitro (5). While it could be argued that so few parasites were unable to activate an immune response, it should be noted that passively acquired antibodies are able to protect normal mice, often without detectable parasitemia. Overall, the data suggest that the loss of protection in our study was a result of a lack of continuous production of antibodies.
The data from the BKO mouse study and the observation that immunization of mice with defined CD4+ T-cell epitopes from MSP119 does not induce immunity (13) suggest that immunity is due solely to MSP119-specific antibodies present at the time of challenge and possibly also to a boosting of these antibodies during challenge. Further studies demonstrated that the immune response postchallenge is critical since passive transfer of high-titer serum into mice lacking B or T cells (or both) cannot prevent mice from succumbing to infection (6). These data implied that an active antibody response postchallenge was critical, but they did not indicate the antigenic specificity of the antibodies. Nevertheless, the study showing that passive transfer of high-titer serum into MSP119-nonresponder strain normal mice could protect them (6) suggested that antibodies with specificities other than MSP119 can be involved in protection. It was not known whether one or multiple target antigens were necessary. To address this issue, we transferred T cells specific for a single epitope on MSP119 into nude mice and then immunized the transfused nude mice with MSP119. Our data show that these mice were protected following infection. Most importantly, the immune response in these mice was focused on MSP119 (Fig. 3). The data suggest that a single antigenic specificity was sufficient to induce protective immunity against blood stage malaria and that MSP119 has suitable specificity. Thus, MSP119-specific antibodies must be present at a high titer at the time of challenge, and an active postchallenge MSP119-specific immune response alone is sufficient for parasite control. Consistent with the results of previous experiments performed with BALB/c normal mice (3), an MSP119-specific isotype in the nude mice was shown to be IgG1. Of particular interest was the observation that in our in vivo model, the nude mice which received Th1 type cells produced IgG1 antibody. It is likely that IL-4 drives this type of immune response, but its source is unclear. It may be produced by the mice themselves and may come from cells of the innate immune system, as suggested by other workers (9).
Vaccination with MSP119 can result in sterile protection following challenge. The data now demonstrate that antibodies specific for MSP119 alone are sufficient to eradicate parasites. However, such antibodies must be produced during challenge. This is important new information that has relevance for vaccine development since it underscores the importance of natural boosting of the vaccine-induced anti-MSP119 antibody response by infection. It is possible, for example, that a vaccine could induce an antibody response as a result of T-cell help being induced by a nonmalaria carrier protein. Infection would not be expected to boost such an antibody response. It is important that the parameters of memory and the potential for natural boosting be considered in evaluating merozoite surface protein 1 vaccine candidates and possibly all vaccine candidates based on merozoite surface antigens.
We thank Salenna Elliott for significant input into this study and critical review of the manuscript.
This investigation received financial support from the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Cooperative Research Center for Vaccine Technology, and the Australian Center for International and Tropical Health and Nutrition.
Editor: W. A. Petri, Jr.
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