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Plant Physiology logoLink to Plant Physiology
. 2005 Dec;139(4):1853–1869. doi: 10.1104/pp.105.067314

Analysis of the Female Gametophyte Transcriptome of Arabidopsis by Comparative Expression Profiling1,[W]

Hee-Ju Yu 1, Pat Hogan 1, Venkatesan Sundaresan 1,*
PMCID: PMC1310564  PMID: 16299181


The extensive data on the transcription of the plant genome are derived primarily from the sporophytic generation. There currently is little information on genes that are expressed during female gametophyte development in angiosperms, and it is not known whether the female gametophyte transcriptome contains a major set of genes that are not expressed in the sporophyte or whether it is primarily a subset of the sporophytic transcriptome. Because the embryo sac is embedded within the maternal ovule tissue, we have utilized the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant sporocyteless that produces ovules without embryo sacs, together with the ATH1 Arabidopsis whole-genome oligonucleotide array, to identify genes that are preferentially or specifically expressed in female gametophyte development. From analysis of the datasets, 225 genes are identified as female gametophyte genes, likely a lower limit as stringent criteria were used for the analysis, eliminating many low expressed genes. Nearly 45% of the identified genes were not previously detected by sporophytic expression profiling, suggesting that the embryo sac transcriptome may contain a significant fraction of transcripts restricted to the gametophyte. Validation of six candidate genes was performed using promoter∷β-glucuronidase fusions, and all of these showed embryo sac-specific expression in the ovule. The unfiltered expression data from this study can be used to evaluate the possibility of female gametophytic expression for any gene in the ATH1 array, and contribute to identification of the functions of the component of the Arabidopsis genome not represented in studies of sporophytic expression and function.

The plant life cycle alternates between a haploid gametophytic phase and a diploid sporophytic phase. In angiosperms, gametophyte development takes place within the sporophyte. While the mature male gametophyte, pollen grains, are released from the anthers, the mature female gametophyte, also called embryo sac or megagametophyte, remains embedded within the maternal ovule tissues, making it difficult to access the female gametophyte for study. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the female gametophyte is a seven-cell structure consisting of four cell types: three antipodal cells, two synergid cells, one egg cell, and one central cell. Relatively little information is available on the genes expressed in the female gametophyte, since embryo sacs are small and it is difficult to isolate them free of maternal tissue contamination.

Recently, we identified 130 female gametophytic mutants from a population of insertional mutants that were analyzed in their genetic and molecular characteristics (Pagnussat et al., 2005). However, it is estimated that several thousand genes could be required for female gametophyte development (for review, see Drews and Yadegari, 2002), and alternate strategies are needed to identify additional genes involved in this developmental process. In animals, the oocyte transcriptome has been studied in humans, Caenorhabditis elegans, mice, bovine, and rainbow trout using cDNA or oligonucleotide arrays (Miller et al., 2003; Dobson et al., 2004; Hamatani et al., 2004; Yao et al., 2004; von Schalburg et al., 2005). In Arabidopsis, the Affymetrix ATH1 oligonucleotide chip, which contains probe sets for 22,591 annotated genes, has been used to study expression profiles at the whole-genome level. While genomic expression profiles have been used to identify genes related to reproduction, including seed development, floral organs (petal, sepal, stamen, and carpel), and male gametophytes by cDNA, oligonucleotide arrays (Honys and Twell, 2003, 2004; Köhler et al., 2003; Hennig et al., 2004; Wellmer et al., 2004), or peptide sequencing (Mayfield et al., 2001), a study of the female gametophyte transcriptome has not been performed at the whole-genome level.

We have previously described a gene called SPOROCYTELESS (SPL), which we showed to be required for initiation of both microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis in Arabidopsis (Yang et al., 1999). The SPL gene, which is identical to the NOZZLE gene (Schiefthaler et al., 1999), encodes a putative transcription factor expressed in the sporogenous cells of the anther and the ovule. Overexpression of SPL in wild-type flowers has no phenotype (Yang et al., 1999; Ito et al., 2004), but in agamous mutant flowers ectopic SPL can induce sporogenesis in petals (Ito et al., 2004). In this study, we identify genes involved in female gametophyte development through gene expression by comparison of wild-type ovules (embryo sac+) versus spl mutant ovules (embryo sac) at the whole-genome level using the Affymetrix ATH1 oligonucleotide array. In addition, we determined the expression patterns of selected genes using promoter∷β-glucuronidase (GUS) fusions and found that the predictions based on the microarray analysis are in good agreement with the actual expression patterns. Our study provides a dataset of genes that are likely to be specific or preferentially expressed components of the female gametophyte transcriptome.


Sample Preparation to Analyze the Transcripts Related to Female Gametophyte Development

To characterize genes involved in embryo sac development, we set out to identify the genes having specific or increased expression in the ovules of heterozygous siblings (spl/SPL) compared to those of homozygous spl mutants (spl/spl) using the Affymetrix ATH1 oligonucleotide array. The spl mutation was identified by its complete male and female sterility as a single recessive mutation (Yang et al., 1999). The megasporocyte development in ovules of homozygous spl mutants is arrested at the archesporial cell and fails to undergo meiosis. Although megasporocytes are not formed and nucellus are arrested until the completion of integuments development, both inner and outer integuments and endothelium differentiated normally as in wild-type ovules (Fig. 1). Two ovule samples were collected according to different floral stages (Table I). The “early staged ovule” sample was collected from flowers of late 11 stage that have green anthers, and petals and long stamens of the same length, and mid-12 stage that have yellow anthers and in which the length of petal is longer than that of long stamen. The “late staged ovule” sample was obtained from flowers of late 12 stage that show protruded stigma from green bud, and 13 stage that have white bending petals and in which the length of stigma and long stamen is the same (Bowman, 1994). Additional precautions were taken when late staged ovules of heterozygous plants were collected to avoid pistil pollination. We detached anthers from flowers of early 12 stage and collected ovules after the flowers reached the appropriate floral stages (late 12 to 13). The collected ovules of each sample were randomly cleared, and the embryo sac stages were confirmed under the differential interference contrast microscope. The early staged ovules from heterozygotes contained functional megaspores or two- or four-nucleated embryo sacs (FG1–FG4), and the late staged ovules contained eight-nucleated embryo sacs or mature embryo sacs (FG5–FG7). The experiments were performed in triplicate. The three samples of each stage consisting of about 2,500 to approximately 3,000 ovules were independently collected from at least six different plants to minimize any effects of plant-to-plant transcriptional variations, and labeled RNAs made from each sample were hybridized separately with an Affymetrix ATH1 array. These ovule populations were enough to make the RNA probe for direct microarray hybridization without any amplification step. In the case of late staged ovules, we prepared two additional spl ovule samples from spl emasculated flowers to verify that detaching the anthers would not significantly affect the expression profile of the ovules.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Comparison of a homozygous spl mutant ovule with sibling heterozygous ovule, both at floral stage 13. A, spl mutant ovule showing the complete absence of the embryo sac but presence of all maternal cell types. B, Heterozygous spl plant ovule showing mature embryo sac. Abbreviations: cn, central cell nuclei; en, egg cell nucleus; et, endothelium; ii, inner integument; n, nucellus; oi, outer integument; sn, synergid nucleus. Scale bars represent 50 μm.

Table I.

The ovule sample collected on the basis of stages of flowers and embryo sacs

Sample Division Floral Stagea Embryo Sac Stageb
Early staged ovule Late 11 FG1 (one nucleate)
Early 12 FG2 (early two nucleate)
FG3 (late two nucleate)
Mid 12 FG4 (four nucleate)
Late staged ovule Late 12 FG5 (eight nucleate)
13 FG6 (seven celled)
FG7 (four celled)

Floral stages are described by Bowman (1994).


Embryo sac stages are summarized from Christensen et al. (1997).

Statistical Data Analysis of the Genes Involved in Female Gametophyte Development

Arabidopsis ATH1 whole-genome arrays, which contain oligos for 24,000 Arabidopsis gene sequences, were used to study comparative gene expressions during embryo sac development of heterozygous siblings (spl/SPL) and spl mutants (spl/spl). Signal intensities were calculated by a perfect match (PM)-only model (Li and Wong, 2001a) that uses only PM probes to calculate all-positive expression values as a statistical algorithm using the dChip program (version 1.3) freely available at (Li and Wong, 2001b). The median intensities and Present call% obtained by the dChip program were used to assess the overall quality of the arrays or differences between arrays, and hybridization controls such as bioB, bioC, bioD, and cre and internal control genes such as actin and GAPDH were used to evaluate sample hybridization efficiency to gene expression arrays and RNA sample quality. As a result, all analyzed arrays were judged to have high quality (data not shown).

We first calculated the correlation coefficient to ensure the reliability and determine the reproducibility of the microarray analysis using average difference based on the signal intensities between arrays using statistic package R program (version 1.6.1;; Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996). All 14 arrays had high correlation coefficients of >0.94, which suggested an excellent reproducibility among individual samples. Especially strong positive correlation between samples of the same kind was demonstrated with the correlation coefficients of ≥0.98 (Supplemental Table I).

The signal values of data were not normalized, and these raw signal data were used for data analysis without any filtering methods, such as corrections for between-chip heterogeneity and eliminations of backgrounds, because we did not want to remove potential genes of interest (Thomas et al., 2001). The following three screening criteria were applied for data analysis.

First, we applied the conventional t test to the raw signal data. This t test provides the probability (P) that a difference in gene expression occurred by chance. The P values were calculated by Student's t test for two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic; Devore and Peck, 1997; Pan, 2002). The genes were judged significantly changed when they were assigned a P value of <0.005. The signal values from ovules of spl mutants were used as a baseline. In late staged ovule data, signal values of emasculated spl and that of nonemasculated spl were combined and used as signal values of spl mutants at late stage. A total of 508 genes at early staged ovule and 1,015 genes at late staged ovule satisfied this criterion.

Second, we applied a 2-fold cutoff for the genes with <0.005 P value and retained only the genes that showed 2-fold or greater expression in heterozygous ovules (embryo sac+) as compared to spl mutant ovules (embryo sac). According to these criteria, 107 genes at early staged ovule and 248 genes at late staged ovule were identified.

Third, genes with hybridization signals of <60 in heterozygous ovules were removed on the basis of signal intensities of the poly-A controls (dap, lys, phe, thr, trp) of Affymetrix ATH1.

When we applied all three criteria, 23 genes were identified in early staged ovules, 128 genes in late staged ovules, and 74 genes in both early and late staged ovules (Fig. 2). We also compared the signal intensities of late staged nonemasculated (Supplemental Fig. 1) spl ovules with late staged wild-type ovules. We found that the results from this comparison were similar to the comparison of the combined late staged emasculated and nonemasculated spl ovules with the late staged wild-type ovules, indicating that emasculation did not significantly affect the outcome (Fig. 2). The whole data set for 14 arrays is available at the laboratory Web site ( and in the supplemental data.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Identified genes expressed during female gametophyte development. The gene sets included in the Venn diagrams were ≥2-fold higher in wild type than in spl with P values of <0.005 and signal values of >60.

Functional Classification and Identification of the Embryo Sac Genes

We classified functionally the 225 genes that are predicted to be expressed during megagametogenesis on the basis of the biological or biochemical function of the gene ontology annotation for the Arabidopsis genome provided by The Arabidopsis Information Resource at Using the current annotation, 22 (9.8%) of the 225 genes encode predicted hypothetical proteins, and 53 genes (23.6%) encode proteins with an expressed sequence tag match but without any protein match (unknown proteins) or unclassified proteins as shown in Figure 3. These numbers indicate an overrepresentation of the classes of unknown and hypothetical proteins, representing approximately 33% of the female gametophyte genes in this study, as compared to approximately 21% for the whole Arabidopsis genome. The remaining genes were distributed across all the major classification groups from central metabolism, detoxification/stress response, cell structure organization, and transport, to protein degradation, signal transduction, and transcriptional regulation. The detailed gene information for genes within each classification group is provided in Table II.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Distribution and classification of the female gametophyte genes.

Table II.

Identification of embryo sac genes

Genes were selected on the basis of the P value of <0.0050, fold change of >2.0, and signal intensity of >60.0 at wild-type siblings. WT1–3, Mean of signal intensities for arrays 1 to 3 of wild-type siblings. spl1–3, Mean of signal intensities for arrays 1 to 3 of spl mutants. WTd1–d3, Mean of signal intensities for arrays 1 to 3 of emasculated wild-type siblings. spl1–3, d1–d2, Mean of signal intensities for arrays 1 to 3 of nonemasculated spl, and arrays 1 and 2 of emasculated spl.

Affymetrix Codea
Gene IDb
Early Staged Ovule
Late Staged Ovule
WT1–3 spl1–3 FCc P Valued WTd1–d3 spl1–3, d1–d2 FCc P Valued
Unknown protein
    261271_at At1g26795 Self-incompatibility protein related 769 30 25.3 0.000083 761 27 28.2 0.000000 Both
    265133_s_at At1g51250 Expressed protein 151 25 6.1 0.001456 539 19 28.2 0.000000 Both
    259726_at At1g60985 Expressed protein 98 16 5.9 0.002140 349 16 21.4 0.000003 Both
    265762_at At2g01240 Reticulon family protein (RTNLB15) 227 15 15.1 0.000418 148 14 10.3 0.000020 Both
    263713_at At2g20595 Expressed protein 278 15 18.9 0.003556 1,047 25 41.4 0.000000 Both
    267193_at At2g30900 Expressed protein 97 23 4.3 0.000554 108 20 5.4 0.000016 Both
    256719_at At2g34130 CACTA-like transposase family (Ptta/En/Spm) 117 11 10.3 0.000181 114 10 11.8 0.000000 Both
    256600_at At3g14850 Expressed protein 261 34 7.6 0.000088 294 35 8.5 0.000000 Both
    257889_at At3g17080 Self-incompatibility protein related 187 30 6.2 0.002931 342 19 17.8 0.000000 Both
    251698_at At3g56610 Expressed protein 518 16 32.0 0.004682 1,444 31 46.8 0.000000 Both
    254257_s_at At4g23350 Expressed protein 104 30 3.5 0.003879 335 22 15.3 0.000000 Both
    253164_at At4g35725 Expressed protein 158 15 10.4 0.003044 298 14 21.2 0.000024 Both
    250871_at At5g03930 Expressed protein 171 24 7.0 0.001971 106 14 7.5 0.000002 Both
    250325_s_at At5g12060 Self-incompatibility protein related 138 41 3.4 0.001255 206 30 6.8 0.000001 Both
    249855_at At5g22970 Expressed protein 261 25 10.6 0.003517 1,028 32 31.7 0.000001 Both
    249757_at At5g24316 Pro-rich family protein 471 17 27.7 0.001766 1,328 29 45.6 0.000000 Both
    249401_at At5g40260 Nodulin MtN3 family protein 566 37 15.2 0.000603 427 30 14.3 0.000004 Both
    248284_at At5g52975 Expressed protein 755 81 9.3 0.000353 403 49 8.2 0.000001 Both
    262503_at At1g21670 Expressed protein 161 41 4.0 0.000009 64 45 1.4 0.031616 Early
    261731_s_at At1g47780 Acyl-protein thioesterase related 84 15 5.6 0.004140 60 13 4.7 0.000003 Early
    249375_at At5g40730 Arabinogalactan protein (AGP24) 806 129 6.2 0.000342 661 575 1.1 0.245297 Early
    264610_at At1g04645 Self-incompatibility protein related 106 18 5.7 0.157950 793 21 38.1 0.000557 Late
    261846_at At1g11540 Expressed protein 145 107 1.4 0.117890 170 85 2.0 0.000012 Late
    255908_s_at At1g18010 Expressed protein 128 64 2.0 0.018058 93 45 2.1 0.000005 Late
    256079_at At1g20680 Expressed protein 56 14 3.9 0.011798 67 12 5.7 0.000019 Late
    263027_at At1g24010 Expressed protein 23 12 1.9 0.256580 96 22 4.3 0.000001 Late
    260942_s_at At1g45190 Expressed protein 318 6 49.3 0.007497 1,404 30 47.1 0.000000 Late
    265138_at At1g51300 Acyl-protein thioesterase related 192 43 4.4 0.015275 450 49 9.1 0.000000 Late
    262314_at At1g70810 C2 domain-containing protein 23 17 1.4 0.182775 65 17 3.8 0.000004 Late
    262972_at At1g75620 Glyoxal oxidase related 67 49 1.4 0.205253 133 38 3.5 0.000079 Late
    264297_at At1g78710 Expressed protein 120 62 1.9 0.005001 144 57 2.5 0.000001 Late
    267241_at At2g02490 Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein 45 4 10.6 0.052466 395 11 37.0 0.000186 Late
    267218_at At2g02515 Expressed protein 163 39 4.2 0.007206 838 34 24.8 0.000001 Late
    265517_at At2g06090 Self-incompatibility protein related 254 14 17.8 0.013973 1,109 23 47.4 0.000000 Late
    264590_at At2g17710 Expressed protein 144 194 0.7 0.361347 841 394 2.1 0.000010 Late
    263518_at At2g21655 Expressed protein 271 17 15.8 0.015412 946 25 37.6 0.000001 Late
    265674_at At2g32190 Expressed protein 100 61 1.6 0.072973 198 70 2.8 0.000267 Late
    265670_s_at At2g32210 Expressed protein 155 158 1.0 0.888298 213 76 2.8 0.000186 Late
    265245_at At2g43060 Expressed protein 39 45 0.9 0.564913 131 62 2.1 0.000340 Late
    259107_at At3g05460 Sporozoite surface protein related 403 43 9.4 0.008348 1,415 46 31.1 0.000069 Late
    258130_at At3g24510 Expressed protein 486 10 48.6 0.012987 2,033 38 53.8 0.000000 Late
    252253_at At3g49300 Pro-rich family protein 251 42 6.0 0.007754 626 32 19.3 0.000044 Late
    251606_at At3g57840 Self-incompatibility protein related 109 39 2.8 0.058391 468 38 12.4 0.000005 Late
    255207_at At4g07515 Expressed protein 453 23 19.8 0.008275 859 32 27.0 0.000000 Late
    245424_at At4g17505 Expressed protein 157 55 2.8 0.005099 312 33 9.4 0.000003 Late
    254494_at At4g20050 Expressed protein 125 85 1.5 0.069310 230 59 3.9 0.000001 Late
    254001_at At4g26260 Expressed protein 174 62 2.8 0.067591 149 25 5.9 0.000073 Late
    253724_at At4g29285 Expressed protein 91 12 7.3 0.029036 647 16 39.5 0.000000 Late
    253656_at At4g30090 Expressed protein 101 85 1.2 0.276358 76 37 2.1 0.000137 Late
    253401_at At4g32870 Expressed protein 88 41 2.1 0.040870 165 39 4.3 0.000012 Late
    246641_s_at At5g34885 Expressed protein 216 21 10.3 0.025229 631 27 23.5 0.000000 Late
    249179_at At5g42955 Expressed protein 266 14 19.3 0.014861 882 23 38.0 0.000000 Late
    248892_at At5g46300 Expressed protein 62 5 11.8 0.014887 124 5 23.1 0.000001 Late
Central intermediary metabolism
    259786_at At1g29660 GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase family protein 289 84 3.4 0.003166 879 425 2.1 0.000131 Both
    260124_at At1g36340 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E2 584 38 15.3 0.001661 467 34 13.8 0.000002 Both
    245672_at At1g56710 Glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein 218 85 2.6 0.004220 235 94 2.5 0.000298 Both
    257442_at At2g28680 Cupin family protein 316 47 6.8 0.001424 303 33 9.2 0.000008 Both
    267408_at At2g34890 CTP synthase, putative 152 25 6.1 0.000651 67 16 4.2 0.000011 Both
    257243_at At3g24230 Pectate lyase family protein 332 59 5.7 0.003792 198 63 3.2 0.000001 Both
    258763_s_at At3g30540 (1-4)-β-Mannan endohydrolase family 125 8 15.9 0.002254 148 9 17.4 0.000000 Both
    252342_at At3g48950 Glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein 348 30 11.6 0.001576 603 26 23.3 0.000000 Both
    248925_at At5g45910 GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase-like protein 279 14 20.0 0.001613 1,367 26 53.5 0.000000 Both
    247228_at At5g65140 Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase 305 38 8.0 0.000647 246 92 2.7 0.000044 Both
    264147_at At1g02200 CER1 protein 206 85 2.4 0.000205 40 39 1.0 0.799875 Early
    264146_at At1g02205 CER1 protein, At1g02200 650 279 2.3 0.000021 219 225 1.0 0.820363 Early
    259703_at At1g77790 Glycosyl hydrolase family 17 protein 113 16 7.0 0.000428 54 11 4.8 0.000000 Early
    267202_s_at At2g31030 Oxysterol-binding family protein 74 10 7.3 0.000864 27 7 3.8 0.000005 Early
    260611_at At2g43670 Glycosyl hydrolase family 17 protein 132 53 2.5 0.002326 129 75 1.7 0.000212 Early
    252320_at At3g48580 Xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase, putative 743 315 2.4 0.003795 1,176 766 1.5 0.004917 Early
    250082_at At5g17200 Glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein 71 17 4.2 0.002910 20 11 1.8 0.000578 Early
    260947_at At1g06020 PfkB-type carbohydrate kinase family protein 58 40 1.5 0.010463 75 29 2.6 0.000134 Late
    259391_s_at At1g06350 Fatty acid desaturase family protein 163 98 1.7 0.342723 196 88 2.2 0.000376 Late
    255956_at At1g22015 Galactosyltransferase family protein 158 43 3.7 0.007113 274 34 8.0 0.000000 Late
    245792_at At1g32100 Pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductase, putative 66 66 1.0 0.993453 184 68 2.7 0.000127 Late
    245794_at At1g32170 Xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase, putative 59 49 1.2 0.363717 101 47 2.1 0.000150 Late
    256211_at At1g50960 Gibberellin 20-oxidase related 42 19 2.2 0.015340 75 14 5.4 0.000000 Late
    260333_at At1g70500 Polygalacturonase, putative/pectinase, putative 581 27 21.7 0.007959 674 42 16.0 0.000001 Late
    260066_at At1g73610 GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase family protein 69 24 2.9 0.035163 163 20 8.0 0.000056 Late
    260259_at At1g74300 Esterase/lipase/thioesterase family protein 60 57 1.1 0.690243 105 47 2.2 0.000095 Late
    265331_at At2g18420 Gibberellin-responsive protein, putative 27 25 1.1 0.777953 73 18 4.1 0.000139 Late
    267607_s_at At2g26740 Epoxide hydrolase, soluble (sEH) 138 137 1.0 0.977676 205 87 2.4 0.000242 Late
    267337_at At2g39980 Transferase family protein 93 46 2.0 0.015251 69 30 2.3 0.000006 Late
    260559_at At2g43860 Polygalacturonase, putative/pectinase, putative 113 38 3.0 0.005920 69 30 2.3 0.000032 Late
    258767_at At3g10890 (1-4)-β-Mannan endohydrolase, putative 100 16 6.3 0.013753 698 20 35.1 0.000002 Late
    258151_at At3g18080 Glycosyl hydrolase family 1 protein 199 194 1.0 0.899935 384 124 3.1 0.000003 Late
    257065_at At3g18220 Phosphatidic acid phosphatase family protein 45 29 1.5 0.034020 63 22 2.8 0.000003 Late
    251491_at At3g59480 PfkB-type carbohydrate kinase family protein 549 56 9.9 0.032782 598 210 2.8 0.001882 Late
    255550_at At4g01970 Galactinol-raffinose galactosyltransferase, putative 127 41 3.1 0.006794 226 83 2.7 0.000170 Late
    245349_at At4g16690 Esterase/lipase/thioesterase family protein 75 40 1.9 0.193063 112 53 2.1 0.000368 Late
    254609_at At4g18970 GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase family protein 461 508 0.9 0.189942 703 309 2.3 0.000085 Late
    246498_at At5g16230 Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase, putative 34 26 1.3 0.219929 84 23 3.6 0.001229 Late
    249983_at At5g18470 Curculin-like (mannose-binding) lectin family protein 44 35 1.2 0.486888 106 48 2.2 0.001507 Late
    246774_at At5g27530 Glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein 108 46 2.4 0.012277 146 31 4.8 0.000001 Late
    249474_s_at At5g39190 Germin-like protein (GER2) 14 12 1.2 0.500732 99 13 7.6 0.000004 Late
    248812_at At5g47330 Palmitoyl protein thioesterase family protein 63 78 0.8 0.143704 203 43 4.7 0.000004 Late
    248791_at At5g47350 Palmitoyl protein thioesterase family protein 212 65 3.3 0.040644 1,167 291 4.0 0.000003 Late
Hypothetical protein
    260318_at At1g63960 Hypothetical protein 62 20 3.2 0.002924 72 20 3.5 0.000014 Both
    265579_at At2g20070 Hypothetical protein 661 48 13.8 0.000041 487 36 13.4 0.000000 Both
    257434_at At2g21740 Hypothetical protein 128 25 5.0 0.001238 301 20 15.3 0.000000 Both
    252753_at At3g43500 Hypothetical protein 80 20 4.0 0.002002 131 20 6.6 0.000002 Both
    246859_at At5g25950 Hypothetical protein 70 13 5.4 0.000045 131 12 10.9 0.000000 Both
    248225_at At5g53740 Hypothetical protein 168 72 2.3 0.000851 111 52 2.1 0.000065 Both
    266706_at At2g03320 Hypothetical protein 97 28 3.5 0.001116 47 17 2.8 0.000175 Early
    246866_at At5g25960 Hypothetical protein 131 11 11.7 0.000000 41 9 4.8 0.000020 Early
    248396_at At5g52130 Hypothetical protein 111 21 5.4 0.000609 47 15 3.2 0.000216 Early
    257468_at At1g47470 Hypothetical protein 147 13 11.2 0.029273 1,010 25 40.1 0.000000 Late
    261313_at At1g52970 Hypothetical protein 484 49 9.9 0.007905 1,881 59 32.1 0.000000 Late
    259944_at At1g71470 Hypothetical protein 72 60 1.2 0.213121 71 33 2.1 0.000104 Late
    263895_at At2g21920 Hypothetical protein 107 26 4.2 0.007542 73 17 4.2 0.000906 Late
    258798_at At3g04540 Hypothetical protein 202 55 3.7 0.087047 1,542 50 30.9 0.000000 Late
    256773_at At3g13630 Hypothetical protein 31 28 1.1 0.715677 60 27 2.2 0.000839 Late
    251607_at At3g57850 Hypothetical protein 73 11 6.6 0.036056 370 13 29.4 0.000050 Late
    255029_x_at At4g09470 Hypothetical protein 139 8 17.2 0.012714 687 16 43.5 0.000003 Late
    255804_at At4g10220 Hypothetical protein 120 31 3.9 0.009652 410 34 12.0 0.000003 Late
    254692_at At4g17860 Hypothetical protein 60 35 1.7 0.028983 107 28 3.9 0.000008 Late
    246472_at At5g17130 Hypothetical protein 80 83 1.0 0.853233 75 34 2.2 0.000487 Late
    249157_at At5g43510 Hypothetical protein 356 13 27.3 0.012178 588 29 20.1 0.000001 Late
    247245_at At5g64720 Hypothetical protein 105 15 6.9 0.010392 322 13 24.5 0.000000 Late
Detoxification/stress response
    264001_at At2g22420 Peroxidase 17 (PER17) 791 121 6.5 0.003718 725 120 6.1 0.000007 Both
    265264_at At2g42930 Glycosyl hydrolase family protein 17 346 55 6.3 0.003492 285 34 8.5 0.000007 Both
    254000_at At4g26250 Galactinol synthase induced by water stress 89 18 4.8 0.003892 65 15 4.2 0.000004 Both
    252951_at At4g38700 Disease resistance-responsive family protein 248 109 2.3 0.004228 706 115 6.2 0.000000 Both
    247857_at At5g58400 Peroxidase, putative 1,053 240 4.4 0.000004 473 161 2.9 0.000023 Both
    261410_at At1g07610 Metallothionein-like protein 1C (MT-1C) 333 159 2.1 0.000832 238 170 1.4 0.168590 Early
    266743_at At2g02990 Ribonuclease 1 (RNS1) 67 23 2.9 0.001354 140 100 1.4 0.201557 Early
    263026_at At1g24000 Bet v I allergen family protein 43 15 2.9 0.266278 250 19 12.9 0.000001 Late
    265920_s_at At2g15120 Pseudogene, disease-resistance family protein 38 33 1.1 0.299880 103 23 4.6 0.000933 Late
    266562_at At2g23970 Defense-related protein, putative 68 60 1.1 0.479766 194 38 5.1 0.000000 Late
    267138_s_at At2g38210 Ethylene-responsive protein, putative 181 86 2.1 0.091609 246 76 3.2 0.001233 Late
    266169_at At2g38900 Ser protease inhibitor 40 37 1.1 0.867313 343 105 3.3 0.000002 Late
    260557_at At2g43610 Glycoside hydrolase family 19 protein 94 49 1.9 0.003261 76 33 2.3 0.000002 Late
    258791_at At3g04720 Hevein-like protein (HEL) 35 35 1.0 0.937369 91 34 2.6 0.003414 Late
    258172_at At3g21620 Early responsive to dehydration protein related 60 24 2.5 0.000597 68 21 3.2 0.000002 Late
    254098_at At4g25100 Superoxide dismutase (Fe), chloroplast (SODB) 688 313 2.2 0.060518 76 14 5.6 0.000220 Late
    253655_at At4g30070 Plant defensin-fusion protein, putative 99 39 2.5 0.007716 167 23 7.4 0.000001 Late
    250200_at At5g14130 Peroxidase, putative 94 67 1.4 0.229669 106 41 2.6 0.000012 Late
    250083_at At5g17220 Glutathione S-transferase-like protein 99 93 1.1 0.870900 537 235 2.3 0.000020 Late
    249560_at At5g38330 Plant defensin-fusion protein, putative 280 26 11.0 0.008435 1,140 29 39.5 0.000000 Late
    249527_at At5g38710 Pro oxidase, putative 70 18 3.9 0.006176 74 15 4.8 0.000019 Late
Cell structure organization
    260573_at At2g47280 Pectinesterase family protein 227 36 6.4 0.000454 139 25 5.5 0.000000 Both
    257878_at At3g17150 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 399 26 15.3 0.004375 1,121 38 29.2 0.000000 Both
    258438_at At3g17230 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 434 30 14.4 0.000924 758 30 24.8 0.000000 Both
    251748_at At3g55680 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 162 51 3.2 0.000901 112 39 2.8 0.000002 Both
    255699_at At4g00190 Putative pectinesterase 86 31 2.8 0.001537 90 24 3.7 0.000001 Both
    248823_s_at At5g46960 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 270 8 35.1 0.002890 519 13 39.4 0.000003 Both
    247246_at At5g64620 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 747 338 2.2 0.000298 870 425 2.0 0.000000 Both
    260802_at At1g78400 Glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein 201 23 8.8 0.000001 30 18 1.7 0.001391 Early
    258764_at At3g10720 Pectinesterase, putative 415 205 2.0 0.001974 112 77 1.5 0.008263 Early
    253725_at At4g29340 Profilin 3 (PRO3) (PFN3) 63 27 2.3 0.000446 26 23 1.1 0.244366 Early
    264500_at At1g09370 Pectinesterase inhibitor domain-containing protein 61 10 6.0 0.123949 594 14 43.8 0.000012 Late
    259613_at At1g48010 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 38 36 1.1 0.597625 105 29 3.6 0.000000 Late
    262083_at At1g56100 Pectinesterase inhibitor domain-containing protein 128 53 2.4 0.444629 2,622 746 3.5 0.000012 Late
    245656_at At1g56620 Pectinesterase inhibitor domain-containing protein 50 26 1.9 0.044275 252 19 13.3 0.000000 Late
    257679_at At3g20470 Pseudogene, Gly-rich protein 117 99 1.2 0.700308 578 267 2.2 0.001050 Late
    245371_at At4g15750 Invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor family 200 63 3.2 0.067454 1,378 440 3.1 0.000004 Late
    249962_at At5g18990 Pectinesterase family protein 39 19 2.0 0.028245 82 15 5.5 0.000041 Late
    247377_at At5g63180 Pectate lyase family protein 175 125 1.4 0.147262 410 192 2.1 0.000518 Late
    260319_at At1g63950 Heavy-metal-associated domain-containing protein 310 28 10.9 0.002905 148 19 7.9 0.000001 Both
    259757_at At1g77510 Protein disulfide isomerase, putative 1,163 447 2.6 0.000344 943 367 2.6 0.000170 Both
    258760_at At3g10780 Emp24/gp25L/p24 family protein 435 94 4.6 0.001770 400 75 5.4 0.000000 Both
    245892_at At5g09370 Protease inhibitor/seed storage/lipid transfer protein 384 57 6.8 0.004630 1,326 108 12.3 0.000002 Both
    263765_at At2g21540 SEC14 cytosolic factor, putative 135 64 2.1 0.000985 64 42 1.5 0.002042 Early
    249346_at At5g40780 Lys- and His-specific transporter, putative 783 170 4.6 0.002599 877 624 1.4 0.054790 Early
    264520_at At1g10010 Amino acid permease, putative 91 35 2.6 0.005939 167 34 4.8 0.000000 Late
    265002_at At1g24400 Lys- and His-specific transporter 156 41 3.8 0.024933 311 142 2.2 0.000005 Late
    259580_at At1g28030 Oxidoreductase, 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family protein 52 44 1.2 0.276557 95 32 3.0 0.000024 Late
    265064_at At1g61630 Equilibrative nucleoside transporter, putative (ENT7) 70 40 1.7 0.013220 67 29 2.3 0.000179 Late
    259844_at At1g73560 Protease inhibitor/seed storage/lipid transfer protein 49 22 2.2 0.005234 91 19 4.9 0.000122 Late
    264482_at At1g77210 Sugar transporter, putative 73 65 1.1 0.601658 118 55 2.1 0.000012 Late
    257366_s_at At2g03040 Transmembrane protein related 159 39 4.1 0.005632 184 22 8.3 0.000008 Late
    266276_at At2g29330 Tropinone reductase, putative 68 30 2.3 0.007410 68 28 2.4 0.000243 Late
    254453_at At4g21120 Amino acid permease family protein 211 64 3.3 0.007991 259 88 2.9 0.000000 Late
    246887_at At5g26250 Sugar transporter, putative 159 61 2.6 0.015475 146 37 4.0 0.000013 Late
    248275_at At5g53520 Oligopeptide transporter OPT family protein 43 32 1.3 0.204722 80 20 3.9 0.000002 Late
    248019_at At5g56480 Protease inhibitor/seed storage/lipid transfer protein 61 50 1.2 0.206709 111 38 2.9 0.000015 Late
Protein degradation
    256486_at At1g31450 Aspartyl protease family protein 263 18 14.8 0.001311 607 17 35.1 0.000000 Both
    245738_at At1g44130 Nucellin protein, putative 117 10 12.3 0.002988 94 8 11.2 0.000067 Both
    259368_at At1g69100 Aspartyl protease family protein 546 13 42.6 0.003756 952 33 29.1 0.000000 Both
    252499_s_at At3g46840 Subtilase family protein 389 34 11.6 0.000398 443 26 17.2 0.000001 Both
    245589_at At4g15040 Subtilase family protein 171 23 7.3 0.000154 66 17 4.0 0.000055 Both
    254336_at At4g22050 Aspartyl protease family protein 681 37 18.3 0.000096 714 67 10.6 0.000000 Both
    246684_at At5g33340 Aspartyl protease family protein 98 25 4.0 0.000228 189 21 9.1 0.000001 Both
    247798_at At5g58830 Subtilase family protein 73 15 5.0 0.002673 235 13 17.7 0.000000 Both
    254237_at At4g23520 Cys proteinase, putative 67 28 2.4 0.000243 41 22 1.9 0.000254 Early
    247697_at At5g59810 Subtilase family protein 92 43 2.1 0.002288 56 44 1.3 0.003872 Early
    264067_x_at At2g28010 Aspartyl protease family protein 33 19 1.7 0.039844 78 13 5.9 0.000004 Late
    250345_at At5g11940 Subtilase family protein 58 15 3.9 0.005591 154 14 11.4 0.000000 Late
Signal transduction
    263740_at At2g20660 Rapid alkalinization factor (RALF) family protein 82 33 2.4 0.000758 90 24 3.8 0.000000 Both
    245158_at At2g33130 RALF family protein 435 34 12.8 0.000989 437 38 11.4 0.000000 Both
    266418_at At2g38750 Annexin 4 (ANN4) 274 62 4.4 0.003825 220 67 3.3 0.000001 Both
    251514_at At3g59260 Pirin, putative 202 33 6.1 0.001924 171 30 5.7 0.000002 Both
    255489_at At4g02650 Epsin N-terminal homology domain-containing protein 448 22 20.7 0.004357 1,286 32 39.8 0.000000 Both
    245177_at At5g12380 Annexin, putative 190 17 11.2 0.000393 215 17 12.8 0.000000 Both
    249013_at At5g44700 Leu-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase 81 31 2.6 0.001303 75 30 2.5 0.000305 Both
    261285_at At1g35720 Annexin 1 (ANN1) 168 122 1.4 0.273697 393 108 3.6 0.000012 Late
    257869_at At3g25160 ER lumen protein retaining receptor family protein 86 51 1.7 0.030431 147 52 2.8 0.000020 Late
    250090_at At5g17330 Glutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD 1) 195 21 9.2 0.005864 222 25 9.0 0.000000 Late
Energy metabolism
    259268_at At3g01070 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 79 28 2.8 0.002166 126 26 4.8 0.000001 Both
    253634_at At4g30590 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 705 56 12.6 0.000057 500 41 12.3 0.000005 Both
    252897_at At4g39490 Cytochrome P450 family protein, At4g38480 62 19 3.4 0.004614 134 18 7.5 0.000000 Both
    248236_at At5g53870 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 1,236 60 20.7 0.000394 653 165 4.0 0.000009 Both
    262528_at At1g17260 ATPase 10, plasma membrane type, putative 45 26 1.7 0.385722 344 102 3.4 0.000002 Late
    261396_at At1g79800 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 49 40 1.2 0.236124 69 31 2.2 0.000064 Late
    266563_at At2g23990 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 195 47 4.2 0.011017 953 41 23.3 0.000015 Late
    255690_at At4g00360 Cytochrome P450, putative 49 23 2.1 0.018309 79 29 2.7 0.000026 Late
    254489_at At4g20800 FAD-binding domain-containing protein 47 11 4.4 0.027803 121 11 11.3 0.000000 Late
Transcriptional regulation
    267528_at At2g45650 MADS-box protein (AGL6) 245 59 4.2 0.002904 359 170 2.1 0.000048 Both
    249338_at At5g41090 No apical meristem (NAM) family protein 166 18 9.1 0.000764 77 13 5.8 0.000000 Both
    260212_at At1g74480 RWP-RK domain-containing protein 55 36 1.5 0.071151 65 29 2.2 0.001510 Late
    266969_at At2g39540 Gibberellin-regulated family protein 41 38 1.1 0.593532 179 32 5.6 0.000003 Late
    254619_at At4g18770 Myb family transcription factor (MYB98) 109 59 1.8 0.063530 110 41 2.7 0.000002 Late
    251114_at At5g01380 Expressed protein 25 26 1.0 0.855505 62 23 2.7 0.000211 Late
    248240_at At5g53950 No apical meristem (NAM) family protein 224 201 1.1 0.399544 269 110 2.4 0.000013 Late
Secondary metabolism
    260386_at At1g74010 Strictosidine synthase family protein 110 21 5.1 0.001313 368 22 16.4 0.000010 Both
    264401_at At1g61720 Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase family (BAN) 54 45 1.2 0.693582 535 176 3.0 0.000017 Late
    260335_at At1g74000 Strictosidine synthase family protein 144 72 2.0 0.005947 104 39 2.7 0.000038 Late
    254283_s_at At4g22870 Leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, putative 81 85 1.0 0.880918 416 183 2.3 0.000118 Late
    249215_at At5g42800 Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase 31 26 1.2 0.546725 301 84 3.6 0.000030 Late
Plant development/organogenesis
    262113_at At1g02820 Late embryogenesis abundant 3 family protein 82 33 2.5 0.000057 76 27 2.8 0.000001 Both
    262659_at At1g14240 Nucleoside phosphatase family protein 80 25 3.3 0.000911 92 16 5.8 0.000000 Both
    262549_at At1g31290 PAZ domain-containing protein 140 99 1.4 0.096043 169 63 2.7 0.000011 Late
    252234_at At3g49780 Phytosulfokines 3 (PSK3) 17 9 2.0 0.386279 163 43 3.8 0.000014 Late
    251301_at At3g61880 Cytochrome P450, putative 94 51 1.9 0.003809 91 41 2.2 0.000032 Late
Protein biosynthesis/DNA catabolism
    245883_at At5g09500 40S ribosomal protein S15 (RPS15C) 85 18 4.7 0.002080 54 9 5.9 0.000028 Early
    260438_at At1g68290 Bifunctional nuclease, putative 44 28 1.6 0.093917 149 25 5.9 0.000104 Late

Affymetrix probe set number.


Arabidopsis Genome Initiative number.


Fold change for signal intensity of wild type/signal intensity of spl.


P values calculated by Student's t test for two-sample equal variance.


Expressed ovule stage.

Promoter∷GUS Fusions Validate Embryo Sac-Specific Expression in Both Early and Late Staged Ovules

For validation of the microarray analysis results, we examined previously uncharacterized genes from 225 identified embryo sac genes. Six genes were selected to examine their expression pattern during female gametophyte development. To increase the probability of obtaining detectable levels of reporter gene expression in promoter fusion studies, two criteria were used. The first is that they rank in the top 20 when they are arranged by highest signal intensity of early staged wild-type ovule. The second is that they had a greater than 10-fold change for both early and late staged wild-type ovules compared to spl ovules (Table III). When we examined their RNA expression patterns using reverse transcription-PCR, all six genes were detected only in wild-type ovules of both of early and late stage and not in spl mutant ovules (data not shown). Next, we constructed promoter∷GUS cassettes to analyze their expression. All six promoter∷GUS fusions were examined during embryo sac development to determine whether they are expressed only in the embryo sac as predicted. We examined six transgenic lines for each promoter fusion, by analyzing five or more T2 generation plants for each transgenic line to ensure that the expression patterns were reproducible. For these six fusions, we observed reporter GUS expression only in early and late staged embryo sacs and not in leaves, stems, petals, and sepals. The GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g26795, which encodes a self-incompatibility protein with a transmembrane domain, was detected strongly in dividing nuclei of the embryo sac from FG3 (Fig. 4E). We detected strong GUS expression in the embryo sac, including the egg cell and antipodal cells, from FG5 to FG7 (Fig. 5D). GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g36340, which encodes a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, was detected in the closest nucleus to the chalazal end of the embryo sac at FG4 (Fig. 4F). In the late staged ovule, GUS activity was detected in only the antipodal cells (Fig. 5E) or was observed in the area of the degenerated antipodal cells at FG7. Both of the activities of the promoter∷GUS fusions with At2g20070, encoding a hypothetical protein, and At4g22050, encoding an aspartyl protease family, could be detected in FG1 of embryo sacs (Fig. 4, G and H). In particular, expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At2g20070 was detected in dividing nuclei of the embryo sac from FG1 to FG3 and in the chalazal end of the embryo sac at FG4. Expression of promoter∷GUS fusion with At4g22050 was detected in the chalazal end of the embryo sac from FG1. From FG5 to FG7, the activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At2g20070 or At4g22050 was detected in only the chalazal ends of the embryo sacs (Fig. 5, F and G). The expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 was observed in the embryo sac from FG1 to FG7 (Figs. 4I and 5H). We could detect GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 in the functional megaspore at FG1 and in nuclei of the micropylar end of the embryo sac and the central vacuole from FG2 to FG4. In the late staged ovule, expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 was detected strongly in the embryo sac. At5g40260 is annotated as encoding a protein of the nodulin MtN3 family expressed during root development of Medicago truncatula, but it also shows similarity with LIM7, a protein that is induced during the meiotic prophase in lily (Lilium longiflorum) microspores (Kobayashi et al., 1994). This gene was previously identified as stamen specific in Arabidopsis (Wellmer et al., 2004), and we have confirmed its expression in pollen (see below). The GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At4g30590, encoding a plastocyanin-like domain containing protein, was weak but detectable in developing embryo sacs from FG4 to FG7 in a pattern similar to those of the promoter∷GUS fusions with At1g26795 or At5g40260 (data not shown). In the anthers, the activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 showed strong staining beginning with floral stage 8, in which locules are visible in the stamen and microsporocytes are conspicuous, to floral stage 13, in which pollen grains are mature, indicating that this gene is expressed strongly in male gametophytes as well (for details, see Supplemental Fig. 2). In addition, GUS expression from the promoter∷GUS fusions with At1g26795, At1g36340, and At4g30590 could also be detected weakly in developing pollen from floral stages 9 to 13 (data not shown). Therefore, these four genes appear to be expressed in both male and female gametophytes.

Table III.

The genes used the promoter∷GUS fusion analysis

Genes were selected on the basis of the P value of <0.0050, fold change of >2.0, and signal intensity of >60.0 at wild-type siblings. Column headings and footnotes are the same as in Table II.

Affymetrix Codea
Gene IDb
Early Staged Ovule
Late Staged Ovule
WT1–3 spl1–3 FCc P Valued WTd1–d3 spl1–3, d1–d2 FCc P Valued
261271_at At1g26795 Self-incompatibility protein related 769 30 25.3 0.0000827 761 27 28.2 0.0000000
260124_at At1g36340 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E2 584 38 15.3 0.0016607 467 34 13.8 0.0000023
265579_at At2g20070 Hypothetical protein 661 48 13.8 0.0000412 487 36 13.4 0.0000000
254336_at At4g22050 Aspartyl protease family protein 681 37 18.3 0.0000964 714 67 10.6 0.0000000
253634_at At4g30590 Plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein 705 56 12.6 0.0000568 500 41 12.3 0.0000050
249401_at At5g40260 Nodulin MtN3 family protein 566 37 15.2 0.0006028 427 30 14.3 0.0000038

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

GUS expression patterns of the promoter∷GUS fusion with female gametophyte genes in early staged ovule. A to D, Ovule of wild-type plant at FG1 (A), FG2 (B), FG3 (C), and FG4 (D). A, The arrow points the nucleus of functional megaspore. B, Each arrow points a micropylar nucleus or chalazal nucleus within embryo sac. C, The two red arrows point the micropylar nuclei or chalazal nucleus, and a black arrow points a large central vacuole (cv). D, Embryo sac has two micropylar nuclei (red arrows), two chalazal nuclei (black arrows), and a large central vacuole (cv). E, The GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g26795 was detected in embryo sac at FG4. F, GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g36340 was detected in the closest nucleus to the chalazal end of the embryo sac at FG4. G, GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At2g20070 was detected in dividing nuclei of the FG1 and FG2 embryo sac stages under the dark-field microscope. H, GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At4g22050 was observed in chalazal end of embryo sac at FG4. I, GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 was detected in embryo sac at FG2. Scale bars represent 50 μm.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

GUS expression patterns of the promoter∷GUS fusion with female gametophyte genes in late staged ovule. A to C, Ovule of wild-type plant at FG5 (A), FG6 (B), and FG7 (C). D, GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g26795 was detected in the embryo sac at FG5. E, GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At1g36340 was detected in the antipodal cells at FG7. F and G, GUS expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At2g20070 (F) or At4g22050 (G) was observed in the chalazal end of the embryo sac at FG6. H, GUS activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At5g40260 was detected in the embryo sac at FG6. Abbreviations: an, antipodal cells; cn, central cell nucleus; en, egg cell nucleus; pn, polar nuclei; sn, synergid nuclei. Scale bars represent 50 μm.

To examine the activity of the promoter∷GUS fusion with these six genes in sporophytic tissues, we stained 15-d-old seedlings for GUS expression (data summarized in Table IV). The GUS expression of At1g26795, At1g36340, At2g20070, and At4g30590 fusions was not detected in any part of the seedlings. Expression of the At5g40260 fusion could be detected in an occasional trichome, but as this expression was not consistent its significance is not clear. However, the expression of the promoter∷GUS fusion with At4g22050 was reproducibly detected in initiation sites of lateral roots and petioles, indicating that this gene is expressed sporophytically.

Table IV.

The summary for GUS expressions of six promoter∷GUS fusions in seedlings

Fifteen-day-old seedlings were used. To detect weak GUS activity, we used GUS staining solution without potassium ferricyanide/ferrocyanide.

Gene ID GUS Expression
At1g26795 None
At1g36340 None
At2g20070 None
At4g22050 Lateral root, petiole
At4g30590 None
At5g40260 None except occasional trichome

To examine the functions in the embryo sac for these six genes, we analyzed the insertional mutants available from public collections listed in Supplemental Table II. However, we did not observe any embryo sac defects or other mutant phenotypes in these insertional mutants. To summarize, all six genes tested by promoter∷GUS fusions showed female gametophyte-specific expression within the developing ovules; four of the genes showed additional expression in the pollen, and one in sporophytic tissues.


Identification of Genes Expressed During Early and Late Developmental Stages of Embryo Sac Development

The female gametophyte in angiosperms is embedded in sporophyte tissue throughout development, making it technically challenging to isolate RNA from the developing gametophytes without extensive contamination from the surrounding sporophytic tissues. Here, we have isolated ovules from spl mutant homozygotes and phenotypically wild-type heterozygous siblings, and compared their expression profiles through the oligonucleotide array analysis. As spl ovules do not contain embryo sacs, genes with significantly higher transcripts in heterozygous sibling ovules than in spl ovules are presumptive embryo sac expressed genes. The RNA extracted from 2,500 to 3,000 ovules yielded enough RNA to perform each microarray experiment without any amplification. We avoided using amplified RNA to ensure comprehensive coverage of the transcriptome (Honys and Twell, 2004). The high correlation coefficient of >0.94 and Present call% of >70% validated good quality RNA used in our experiments.

In this study, two different ovule populations, corresponding to early and late developmental stages of the ovules, were used to perform the microarray assays. We used a set of three stringent criteria to narrow down the dataset to the most probable candidates for embryo sac-specific genes (i.e. <0.005 P value, a 2-fold cutoff, and >60 wild-type signal intensity). Using these criteria, we find 23 and 128 genes were identified in early and late staged ovules, respectively, and an additional 74 genes were expressed in both populations (Fig. 2; Table II). Thus, we identified more embryo sac genes expressed during later stages of megagametogenesis. This difference might arise from two sources. First, it could be due to the different complexities of the two ovule samples used in our study. While the embryo sacs of the early staged ovules undergo only three rounds of mitosis, the embryo sacs of the late staged ovules encompass more complex developmental processes, such as cellularization, nuclear fusion, and cell death, and the preparation during fertilization depends on cell-cell communication, such as pollen tube attraction and guidance and sperm nucleus recognition (Yang and Sundaresan, 2000; Hennig et al., 2004). Consistent with this idea, in a large-scale study of female gametophyte mutants, the majority of the identified genes are required after FG5 or during early embryogenesis, whereas only 16 of the identified genes are necessary before FG4 (Pagnussat et al., 2005). Second, the larger embryo sac of late staged ovules might have a more abundant pool of transcripts and this could facilitate the detection of more expressed genes in comparison with early staged ovules. This difference was even larger when we used a more stringent P value while maintaining the fold change and background signal criteria. For example, with a P value of <0.00001, 117 genes were identified for late staged ovules compared to only four genes for early staged ovules.

Comparison of Genes Identified in Female Gametophyte Development with Previous Sporophytic and Gametophytic Expression Studies

When we compared genes identified from our microarray analysis with genes previously shown to be involved in female gametophyte development through mutant analysis, we found very limited overlap. There may be two possible explanations for this. First, several genes identified through female gametophyte mutants, such as PRL (Springer et al., 1995), GFA2 (Christensen et al., 2002), and NOMEGA (Kwee and Sundaresan, 2003), also exhibit sporophytic expression. Genes with sporophytic expression in maternal ovule tissues were excluded from the gene set in the comparison of expression level of wild-type ovules and spl ovules. Consistent with their predicted sporophytic functions, genes required during megagametogenesis, such as PRL (At4g02060), GFA2 (At5g48030), and NOMEGA (At1g78770), were found to have high signal intensities for both wild-type and spl mutant ovules (Supplemental Table III).

Second, because of the high stringent selection criteria to minimize false positives in our microarray analysis, even genes specifically involved in female gametophyte development and function could be eliminated in our analysis if they do not have high expression in the embryo sacs. For example, the genes of the FIE-FIS-MEA Polycomb Group complex are not present in the set of embryo sac genes identified in this study. It is known that MEA and FIS2 are expressed in polar nuclei and central cell by promoter∷GUS fusion analysis (Ohad et al., 1999; Vielle-Calzada et al., 1999; Luo et al., 2000). As mentioned above, we applied stringent criteria for the microarray analysis to minimize the number of false positives. MEA (FIS1, At1g02580) and FIS2 (At2g35670) showed higher expression in wild type versus spl mutants in the late staged ovules, but they did not satisfy some criteria, such as fold change of >2.0 in the case of MEA or higher signal intensity than the background signal of the Affymetrix control genes in the case of FIS2 (Supplemental Table III). In the case of FIE (FIS3, At3g20740), because FIE is expressed also in sporophyte tissues (Luo et al., 2000), it is eliminated in our analysis from the final dataset of female gametophyte genes (Supplemental Table III).

When the embryo sac genes were compared with female gametophyte genes obtained through the study using Ds tagging mutants in Arabidopsis (Pagnussat et al., 2005), expressed sequence tag analysis of maize (Zea mays) embryo sac (, and with carpel-specific genes by transcriptome comparison of floral homeotic mutants (Wellmer et al., 2004), 28 genes matched with our identified genes (Supplemental Table IV). The comparison with our female gametophyte mutant study (Pagnussat et al., 2005) showed that gene At2g34130 corresponded to MEE19, which resulted in maternal effect-arrested zygote and endosperm development, and gene At5g44700 corresponded to EDA23, which resulted in varying arrested stages of embryo sac development. The failure to identify more genes corresponding to the female gametophyte mutants arises from both of the factors discussed above, i.e. sporophytic expression of the gene in maternal ovule tissues and/or very low expression of the gene in the gametophyte.

The genes identified in this study are predicted to be either up-regulated in female gametophytes, as compared to the maternal ovule tissue, or specific for the female gametophyte. The higher fraction of unknown and hypothetical proteins for the genes identified here (33%), as compared to the fraction in the whole genome (21%), suggests that many genes of currently unknown function might have specific functions in the gametophytes. We compared the 225 genes identified here with transcriptome data of sporophytic tissues, using ATH1 Genome Array datasets for seedlings at open cotyledon stage (stage 0.7), leaves (stage 6.0), petiole (stage 3.9), stems (stage 6.1), roots, and root hair zone (stage 1.02) provided by the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre's microarray database ( and reanalyzed by Honys and Twell (2004). As a result, 101 genes (44.9%) of the 225 identified genes were found to have no transcriptome data in sporophytic tissues and appear to be gametophyte-specific genes. Further comparison of the 101 putative gametophyte-specific genes with data from expression studies that contain male gametophytes showed that 17 genes were identified as pollen-specific genes (Honys and Twell, 2004) and nine genes were analyzed as stamen-specific genes representing potential male gametophyte genes (Wellmer et al., 2004). Therefore, of the 101 genes that are not expressed in sporophytic tissues, 19 genes might be transcribed in both gametophytes and 82 genes might be specific to the female gametophyte (Supplemental Table IV). These conclusions are reflected in the results from the promoter∷GUS fusions examined. Out of six promoters that exhibited embryo sac-specific expression within the ovule, five did not show detectable expression in the sporophytic tissues examined, and four (At1g26795, At1g36340, At4g30590, and At5g40260) showed expression in the pollen. Examination of the insertional mutants revealed that none of the six mutant genes resulted in an observable phenotype in the embryo sac. This absence of mutant phenotypes could be due to redundancy. For example, At2g23990, which is the closest relative of At4g30590, was also detected as expressed in embryo sacs in our array analysis (Table II) and therefore might be playing the same role as At4g30590 in the same pathways during embryo sac development. Another of the genes examined, At4g22050, is closely related to two other genes (At1g62230 and At4g04460) of the aspartyl protease family. The gene At5g40260, which we found to be strongly expressed in embryo sacs and pollen, is related to four other Arabidopsis genes (At3g16690, At4g15920, At1g66770, and At5g62850) annotated as members of the nodulin MtN3 family. Similar outcomes were recently obtained by Nawy et al. (2005) in their analysis of genes expressed in the Arabidopsis root quiescent center; they also found that disruptions of identified genes with specific expression in the quiescent center did not yield observable mutant phenotypes, again possibly reflecting the extent of functional redundancy in the Arabidopsis genome.


Our study uses a comparative expression profiling strategy to provide a window into the female gametophyte transcriptome in Arabidopsis and to identify a subset of genes comprising this transcriptome. Nearly one-half of the identified genes have not previously been identified in expression profiling of sporophytic tissues, and there is only a partial overlap with genes identified from the expression profile of pollen. Mutational analysis of these genes will be important to undertake in future studies to understand their precise roles in embryo sac development and function. The low-level signals for many genes, due to the limiting amounts of plant material as well as low expression levels, suggest that a much larger number of genes may be found to be specific for the female gametophyte that are excluded from the list of genes presented here by the stringent criteria used to compile the final gene set. However, the complete unfiltered dataset that has been generated, which is provided as supplemental material and is also available from the laboratory Web site online (, can be used to examine the possibility of female gametophyte expression for any specific gene in the Arabidopsis genome. The biological functions of most Arabidopsis genes remain to be determined, and the expression data in this study can assist in identifying putative functions in the gametophyte that would be missed in studies of sporophytic expression.


Plant Material and Plant Growth Condition

Seeds of Landsberg erecta were directly or after spreading on Murashige and Skoog plates transferred to soil with 16-h-light/8-h-dark cycle at 22°C with 60% humidity. After the spl mutants were selected on Murashige and Skoog kanamycin plates, they were grown on the soil under the condition as described previously (Yang et al., 1999). The maintenance of the spl line and segregation analysis were carried out according to Sundaresan et al. (1995).

Genotyping and Ovule Collection of spl/spl and spl/SPL Plants

To confirm the spl homozygous or heterozygous plants, genotyping was performed using SPL primers SPL-F (T5′-GGCGAGATCCGGACAGAGAC-3′) and SPL-R (5′-AGAAGCGTTAAACATTTGAGGATT-3′) and Ds primers DS 3-3A (T5′-TCGTTTCCGTCCCGCAAGT-3′) or DS 5 to 3A (5′-CGGTCGGTACGGGATTTTCC-3′). PCR was performed in a total volume of 10 μL containing 1× PCR buffer (Fisher Scientific) with 1.5 mm MgCl2, 0.2 mm of each dNTP, 5 pmol of each primer, and 2 units of Taq DNA polymerase for 34 cycles at an annealing temperature of 55°C.

The ovule samples were dissected from placenta of ovaries with needles and collected under dry ice on the basis of the floral stage. The collected ovules were randomly cleared overnight with Hoyer's solution (Liu and Meinke, 1998) to confirm the embryo sac stages. The cleared whole-mount preparations and observation were performed as described by Pagnussat et al. (2005).

RNA Extraction, Probe Preparation, and Array Hybridization

Total RNA was extracted from ovule samples collected on the basis of the developmental stages using the RNeasy Plant Mini kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's protocols. The yield and RNA purity were determined by the ratio of absorbencies at 260 nm/280 nm wavelengths. RNA integrity was checked by running 1 μL of every RNA preparation on the glyoxylated RNA gel (Sambrook and Russell, 2001). The first- and second-strand cDNAs were synthesized from 5 μg total RNA using the MessageAmp RNA kit (Ambion), which is based on the manual of Dr. James Everwine (Van Gelder et al., 1990). Biotin-labeled target cRNAs were prepared by cDNA in vitro transcription using the BioArray High-Yield RNA transcript labeling kit (Enzo Biochem) and cleaned using GeneChip Sample Cleanup Module (Affymetrix). The 15 μg labeled target cRNAs were fragmented and hybridized with Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Arrays for 16 h at 45°C as described in the Affymetrix GeneChip expression analysis technical manual. The hybridizations and scanning were carried out at the University of California Davis Microarray Facility.

Data Acquisition and Statistical Analysis

Raw data were processed with Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0. The raw data were converted into numbers by calculations of the PM-only model (Li and Wong, 2001a) using dChip program version 1.3 ( Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was calculated to examine the relation between microarrays using package R program version 1.6.1 (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996). Microsoft Excel (Microsoft) was used in the calculation of P value by Student's t test and management of the microarray data.

Plant Transformation

To construct the promoter∷GUS cassettes for six genes (At1g26795, At1g36340, At2g20070, At4g22050, At4g30590, and At5g40260), promoter fragments were amplified by PCR using primers (Supplemental Table V) and inserted into EcoRI and NcoI sites upstream of the GUS gene (Jefferson, 1987) of pRITA. The NotI fragments from these plasmids were subcloned into pMLBART for transferring into plants. For plant transformation, the vectors were transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain ASE (Fraley et al., 1985). Transformations were performed on wild-type Landsberg erecta or Columbia-0 by floral dip procedures (Clough and Bent, 1998). The seeds obtained from the T0 promoter∷GUS transformants were selected by spraying 0.1% Basta, and Basta-resistant plants of the T1 generation were analyzed for the presence of the transgene by PCR using the primers of Basta-resistance gene, BA-F (5′-CCGTACCGAGCCGCAGGAAC-3′) and BA-R (5′-CAGATCTCGGTGACGGGCAGGAC-3′), and were self-crossed to collect seeds of T2 generation.

GUS Assays and Image Processing

For the expression analysis of GUS fused with promoter, the seeds of the T2 generation from each transformant were germinated on soil without sterilization, and then they were selected with 0.1% Basta. Inflorescences from soil-grown plants were transferred to microtiter well containing 1 mL of GUS staining solution (50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 10 mm EDTA, 0.1% Triton X-100, 2 mm potassium ferricyanide, 2 mm potassium ferrocyanide, 1 mg/mL X-Gluc). The microtiter dish was placed under vacuum for 10 min in desiccators. After release of the vacuum, the dish was covered with aluminum foil and incubated at 37°C overnight (Sundaresan et al., 1995). The solution was removed, and the tissues were cleared in 0.85% sodium chloride/70% ethanol at room temperature. For detection of weak GUS expression, GUS staining was performed under the absence of potassium ferricyanide and ferrocyanide, too. To see clear and specific GUS expression, the potassium ferricyanide and ferrocyanide concentrations were readjusted in the range of 1.3 to approximately 10 mm. The pistils were dissected with needles and cleared in Hoyer's solution (Liu and Meinke, 1998), and the cleared ovules were observed under a Zeiss Axioplan imaging 2 microscope under differential interference contrast optics. Images were captured on an Axiocam HRC CCD camera (Zeiss) using the Axiovision program (version 3.1). All images were processed for publication using Adobe Photoshop CS (Adobe Systems).

Supplementary Material

Supplemental Data


We thank Dr. D. St. Clair and Dr. S. Subrahmanyan for invaluable advice on the statistical analysis; Dr. J. Bowman, Dr. C. Gasser, and D. Skinner for helpful discussions; and the University of California Davis School of Medicine Microarray Core Facility for microarray hybridizations and scanning.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF2010 program grant no. 0313501 to V.S.). H.-J.Y. received fellowship support from Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF).

The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ( is: Venkatesan Sundaresan (


The online version of this article contains Web-only data.

Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at


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Articles from Plant Physiology are provided here courtesy of Oxford University Press