Pupils' self-scored arithmetic performance: a practical procedure for maintaining accuracy1
Now at the Sir James Whitney School, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, K8P 1B2.
See NAPS document no. 03189 for 36 pages of supplementary material. Order from ASIS/NAPS c/o Microfiche Publications, P.O. Box 3513, Grand Central Station, New York, New York 10017. Remit in advance for each NAPS accession number. Institutions and organizations may use purchase orders when ordering, however, there is a billing charge for this service. Make checks payable to Microfiche Publications. Photocopies are $9.00. Microfiche are $3.00 each. Outside the United States and Canada, postage is $3.00 for a photocopy or $1.00 for a fiche. The authors wish to thank Bob Oliver, Michael Henderson, Carl Branston, the CPRI school, and the London schools for their co-operation. This research was supported by Canada Council.
Keywords: arithmetic performance, token economy, self-recording, students