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Journal of Bacteriology logoLink to Journal of Bacteriology
. 2006 Jan;188(2):745–758. doi: 10.1128/JB.188.2.745-758.2006

DNA Sequence of a ColV Plasmid and Prevalence of Selected Plasmid-Encoded Virulence Genes among Avian Escherichia coli Strains

Timothy J Johnson 1, Kylie E Siek 1, Sara J Johnson 1, Lisa K Nolan 1,*
PMCID: PMC1347294  PMID: 16385064


ColV plasmids have long been associated with the virulence of Escherichia coli, despite the fact that their namesake trait, ColV production, does not appear to contribute to virulence. Such plasmids or their associated sequences appear to be quite common among avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and are strongly linked to the virulence of these organisms. In the present study, a 180-kb ColV plasmid was sequenced and analyzed. This plasmid, pAPEC-O2-ColV, possesses a 93-kb region containing several putative virulence traits, including iss, tsh, and four putative iron acquisition and transport systems. The iron acquisition and transport systems include those encoding aerobactin and salmochelin, the sit ABC iron transport system, and a putative iron transport system novel to APEC, eit. In order to determine the prevalence of the virulence-associated genes within this region among avian E. coli strains, 595 APEC and 199 avian commensal E. coli isolates were examined for genes of this region using PCR. Results indicate that genes contained within a portion of this putative virulence region are highly conserved among APEC and that the genes of this region occur significantly more often in APEC than in avian commensal E. coli. The region of pAPEC-O2-ColV containing genes that are highly prevalent among APEC appears to be a distinguishing trait of APEC strains.

Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains are the etiologic agents of colibacillosis in birds, an important problem in the poultry industry (7). Along with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and the E. coli strain causing neonatal meningitis or septicemias, APEC strains fall under the category of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) (39). ExPEC strains are characterized by the possession of virulence factors that enable their extraintestinal lifestyle and make them distinct from commensal and diarrheagenic E. coli strains (39). Among APEC strains, the iroBCDEN locus (11), shown to encode the siderophore salmochelin in Salmonella enterica (16), the aerobactin operon (51), and the yersiniabactin operon (21) are iron acquisition systems thought to contribute to virulence. Other putative APEC virulence factors include those contributing to complement resistance, such as the increased serum survival gene (iss) (31, 33, 37); tsh, the temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin gene (34); and the presence of ColV plasmids (37). In fact, it appears that large virulence plasmids, including ColV plasmids, are a defining feature of the APEC pathotype (37, 44).

ColV and ColV plasmids have interested scientists for many years, with Gratia first describing ColV as “principle V” in 1925 (53). ColV plasmids, which encode ColV production, typically range in size from 80 to 180 kb (53) and encode traits such as aerobactin production (51) and complement resistance (31). Unlike other colicins, ColV itself is a small protein that is exported from the cell and behaves more like a microcin, disrupting the formation of cell membrane potential required for energy production (53). The ColV operon consists of genes for ColV synthesis (cvaC) and ColV immunity (cvi) and two genes for ColV export (cvaA and cvaB) (14). Other traits that have been localized to APEC ColV plasmids include iss (22, 48), the aerobactin operon (19, 23, 49, 51), and tsh (10, 23, 49).

ColV plasmids have been long associated with E. coli virulence (53). However, it was found that the production of the bacteriocin colicin V (ColV), the namesake trait of these plasmids, is not itself directly responsible for this association with virulence (36). Therefore, other traits encoded by these plasmids are likely responsible for their contributions to virulence. To date, the nature of this association has not been fully understood.

Several studies have demonstrated a link between APEC virulence and the possession of ColV plasmids (12, 13, 15, 23, 49, 50). In a previous study, we described a large ColV plasmid, from an APEC isolate, possessing the ColV and aerobactin operons iss, tsh, and traT (23, 24). More recently, Tivendale and colleagues (49) described a similar plasmid occurring in an APEC isolate. Such plasmids appear to be widespread among APEC strains, as gene prevalence studies have shown that many of the genes found on ColV plasmids occur in a large percentage of APEC populations (12, 37). In addition, several studies have directly linked ColV plasmids with the ability to cause disease in production animals (45, 55). Despite the importance of these plasmids with regard to APEC virulence, little sequence data exist for them, hindering further attempts to determine the mechanisms of ColV plasmid-mediated virulence in APEC. In the present study, DNA sequencing was performed on an APEC ColV plasmid to facilitate future studies of similar plasmids and their contributions to APEC virulence. Additionally, populations of APEC and avian commensal E. coli were examined for this plasmid's genes of interest using multiplex PCR.


Bacterial strains and plasmids.

pAPEC-O2-ColV was originally derived from APEC O2 (O2:K2) (23), which was isolated from the joint of a chicken with colibacillosis. In a prior study, APEC O2 (23) was mated with E. coli DH5α, an avirulent plasmidless strain, and the resulting transconjugant was used as a source of pAPEC-O2-ColV for the present study. Colinearity was previously demonstrated between the donor and transconjugant using Southern hybridizations, PCR, and agarose gel electrophoresis (23). pAPEC-O2-ColV is a large, conjugative plasmid encoding aerobactin production, ColV production, and complement resistance. Additionally, pAPEC-O2-ColV contains sequences homologous to iss, tsh, and traT (23).

Isolates used for the gene prevalence studies were obtained from a variety of sources within the United States, including Georgia, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Minnesota. Of the 794 isolates in this study, 595 originated from sites of infection from birds diagnosed with colibacillosis (APEC), and the remaining 199 isolates were commensal isolates obtained from fecal swabs of apparently healthy chickens and turkeys.

The positive control strain used for multiplex PCR was APEC O2. E. coli DH5α was used as a negative control for all of the genes studied (40). All bacterial strains and subclones were stored at −70°C in brain heart infusion broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) with 10% glycerol until use (41).

DNA isolation and preparation for PCR.

pAPEC-O2-ColV DNA was initially obtained from a 1-liter culture grown overnight in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) according to the method described previously by Wang and Rossman (52). Total DNA to be used as a template for PCR was obtained from APEC O2 and each of the 794 E. coli isolates using a boiling lysis procedure (22).

Shotgun library construction and sequencing.

Plasmid DNA was sheared, concentrated, and desalted using standard protocols (40). DNA was end repaired (30 min, 15°C; 100-μl reaction mixture consisting of 2 μg sheared DNA, 15 U T4 DNA polymerase, 10 U E. coli DNA polymerase [MBI Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania], 500 μM each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, and 10 μl Yellow Tango buffer [MBI Fermentas]), desalted, and tailed with an extra A residue (30 min, 50°C; 100 μl reaction mixture consisting of 2 μg sheared DNA, 50 μM each dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP, 2 mM dATP, 20 U Taq polymerase [MBI Fermentas], and 10 μl Yellow Tango buffer). A-tailed DNA was then size fractionated by electrophoresis, and the 1.5- to 2.5-kb fraction was isolated and purified using standard methods (40) prior to cloning into pGEM-T (Promega, Madison, WI).

Shotgun sequencing was performed by MWG Biotech, Inc. (Hedersberg, Germany). Briefly, plasmid clones were grown for 20 h in 1.8 ml LB broth supplemented with 200 μg ml−1 ampicillin in deep-well boxes. Plasmid DNA was prepared on a RoboPrep2500 DNA-Prep-Robot (MWG Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany) using the NucleoSpin Robot-96 plasmid kit (Macherey & Nagel, Dueren, Germany) and sequenced from both ends with standard primers using BigDye Terminator chemistry (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The data were collected with ABI 3700 and ABI 3730xl capillary sequencers.

The Universal Genome Walker kit (BD Biosciences Clontech, Palo Alto, CA) was initially used to close remaining gaps by creating inverse primers extending away from known sequences, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Problematic gaps were also subjected to pooled PCR using the technique described previously by Tettelin et al. (48). Amplicons were visualized on a 1% Tris-acetate-EDTA agarose gel run at 9 V/cm for 75 min. Appropriate size markers were also run for comparative purposes. Bands were excised from gels using a clean razor blade, and DNA exposure to ethidium bromide and UV light was kept at a minimum during this procedure. Excised gel fragments were purified using the PCR Clean-up kit (Promega). Purified amplicons were ligated into the pGem-T vector using the T/A Cloning kit (Promega). Ligation products were transformed into competent E. coli JM109 cells (Promega), and transformants were selected on medium containing X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-d-galactopyranoside) (0.004%), IPTG (isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside) (0.5 mM), and ampicillin (100 μg/ml). White colonies were picked and screened for insert size with the Colony Fast-Screen kit (Epicenter Technologies, Madison, WI). PCR was used to verify the presence of the desired insert DNA. Several transformants containing appropriate inserts were selected for each primer-walking reaction to ensure at least eightfold sequencing coverage.

Assembly and annotation.

Sequencing reads were assembled using SeqMan software from DNASTAR (Madison, WI). Open reading frames (ORFs) in the plasmid sequence were identified using GeneQuest from DNASTAR (Madison, WI), followed by manual inspection. Translated ORFs were then compared to known protein sequences using BLAST (NCBI, August 2005). Those with more than 25% identity, covering more than 60% of the matching protein sequence, were considered matches. Hypothetical proteins with more than 25% identity to one or more previously published proteins were classified as conserved hypothetical proteins, and ORFs with less than 25% identity to any published sequences were classified as hypothetical proteins. The G+C content of individual ORFs was analyzed using GeneQuest (DNASTAR). Insertion sequences (ISs) and repetitive elements were identified using IS FINDER (

Gene prevalence studies.

Previously, Rodriguez-Siek et al. (37) examined 451 APEC and 104 avian commensal E. coli isolates for the presence of traits associated with ExPEC virulence. The present study expanded upon that work by adding 144 APEC and 95 commensal E. coli isolates to the isolate set and by screening all 794 isolates for eight additional plasmid-associated genes. Isolates were examined for the presence of pAPEC-O2-ColV-associated genes using several multiplex PCR panels. The genes studied included iss; tsh; cvaA, cvaB, and cvaC of the ColV operon; iutA of the aerobactin operon; iroN of the salmochelin operon; sitA of the sit ABC iron transport operon; hlyF; ompT, a gene encoding an outer membrane protease (37); eitA and eitB (E. coli iron transport), genes of a putative ABC iron transport system; and etsA and etsB (E.coli transport system), genes of a putative ABC transport system contained within pAPEC-O2-ColV.

All primers, annealing temperatures, and expected amplicon sizes are listed in Table 1. Primers were obtained from Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA). Genes were amplified in three multiplex panels using a modified version of the multiplex PCR technique described previously by Rodriguez-Siek et al. (37, 38). PCR was performed with Amplitaq Polymerase Gold (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Conditions used for PCR were as follows: 5 min at 94°C; 30 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 60°C, and 3 min at 72°C; and a final extension step of 10 min at 72°C. Amplicons were visualized on 2.0% Tris-acetate-EDTA agarose gels alongside a 1-kb ladder (Promega). Reactions were performed three times, and if an amplicon of the predicted size was produced in two of the three reactions, the isolate was considered positive for that gene.


Primers used in gene prevalence studies

Primer Gene Sequence (5′-3′) Tannealing (°C)a Amplicon size (bp) Reference or source

Tannealing, annealing temperature.

Statistical analysis.

The null hypothesis that the proportion of APEC isolates possessing each gene examined was equal to the proportion of avian commensal E. coli isolates containing the same gene was tested using a Z test on the difference between the proportions (46). Additionally, this test was used to examine codon usage between genes of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV and Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655 (3). The χ2 test was used for a univariate analysis of the significance of associations between two genes occurring in APEC (46). Gene pairs were classified as associated if they possessed a statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) χ2 value and as highly associated if they possessed a P value of ≤0.0001.


Sequencing of pAPEC-O2-ColV.

The focus of this study was pAPEC-O2-ColV, a ColV plasmid occurring in APEC strain O2. In addition to pAPEC-O2-ColV, APEC O2 also possesses pAPEC-O2-R, a 101-kb multidrug resistance plasmid that was sequenced in a previous study (25). Previously, pAPEC-O2-ColV was cotransferred with pAPEC-O2-R into the plasmidless, avirulent strain E. coli DH5α (Fig. 1), resulting in a transconjugant showing an increase in complement resistance and virulence towards chick embryos compared to the recipient strain (23). The recipient strain that acquired APEC O2's plasmids also became resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin, trimethoprim, a quaternary ammonium compound, sulfamethoxazole, and silver nitrate, all of which are encoded on pAPEC-O2-R (23, 24). It was this multidrug-resistant transconjugant, containing both APEC O2 plasmids, that served as a source of the pAPEC-O2-ColV DNA used in the present study.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Agarose gel electrophoresis of supercoiled plasmid DNA from the donor strain, APEC O2 (lane 1), E. coli DH5α, the recipient strain (lane 2), and their transconjugant (lane 3). Note that the donor and transconjugant contain pAPEC-O2-R and pAPEC-O2-ColV.

Approximately 2,000 shotgun clones of pAPEC-O2-ColV were arrayed, sequenced, and assembled using the SeqMan program contained within the LaserGene package (DNASTAR).Assembly and subsequent gap closure resulted in the generation of three contiguous sequences: a 93,609-bp region containing numerous virulence-associated genes (Table 2 and Fig. 2), a 48,458-bp region encompassing the full transfer region of pAPEC-O2-ColV (Table 3), and a 37,428-bp region containing genes mostly encoding hypothetical proteins of unknown function (Table 4). The sizes of the three contiguous sequences generated totaled 179,495 bp. Several efforts were made to close remaining gaps between contiguous sequences, including the use of pooled PCR with inverse primers extending away from the ends of the contiguous sequences, long-range PCR in an effort to span gaps and repetitive elements, and genomic walking from the ends of the contiguous sequences. Regardless of the method used, large identical repetitive elements prevented total gap closure. Restriction maps, generated from study of similar ColV plasmids (1, 53), were used to orient the contiguous sequences and close the remaining gaps. Based on all these data, a circular map of pAPEC-O2-ColV was created (Fig. 3), but PCR efforts to close the final three gaps, all of which involved IS1 elements and their flanking sequences, were unsuccessful.


Predicted coding sequences of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV

Coding region Coordinates Closest protein match GenBank match (accession no.) % Identity
sitA 475-1389 Periplasmic iron-binding protein NP_753508 98
sitB 1389-2216 Iron transport protein, ATP-binding component NP_753507 98
sitC 2213-3049 Iron transport protein, inner membrane component NP_753506 98
sitD 3068-3925 Iron transport protein, inner membrane component NP_707259 96
orf5 4557-4294 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_863027 100
orf6 4500-4760 Conserved hypothetical protein CAH64819 100
orf7 4827-5099 Hypothetical protein
orf8 5283-5549 Hypothetical protein
shiF 6865-6002 Putative membrane transport protein CAH64817 92
shiG 6758-7186 Conserved hypothetical protein AAD44745 89
iucA 7189-8970 Aerobactin biosynthesis protein CAA53707 98
iucB 8971-9918 N-Hydroxylysine acetylase (aerobactin synthesis) CAH64815 100
iucC 9918-11660 Aerobactin biosynthesis protein CAH64814 100
iucD 11657-12934 l-Lysine 6-monooxygenase CAE55773 99
iutA 13016-15217 Ferric aerobactin receptor CAE55774 99
orf16 15342-15563 Hypothetical protein
insA 15597-15872 IS1 ORF 1 AAO49621 100
insB 15791-16294 IS1 ORF 2 AAO49620 100
orf19 16819-16472 Conserved hypothetical protein AAO49619 100
orf20 17475-17119 Putative transposase AAO49618 100
orf21 17516-17812 Conserved hypothetical protein AAR05705 100
repA 18221-19198 RepFIB replication protein AAO49616 99
int 20223-19483 Site-specific integrase AAR05703 100
hlyF 22659-20906 Avian hemolysin AAO49613 99
orf25 23048-23332 Hypothetical protein
ompT 24374-23421 Outer membrane protein, protease precursor P58603 74
orf27 24478-24867 Hypothetical protein
orf28 25498-25235 Hypothetical protein
orf29 26063-25647 Transposase NP_754365 71
orf30 26108-26359 Conserved hypothetical protein CAD58552 77
orf31 26340-26582 Hypothetical protein
etsA 27778-28965 ABC transporter, efflux pump protein EAM16000 50
etsB 29067-30902 ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein NP_716452 56
etsC 30906-32276 ABC transporter, outer membrane component NP_716543 59
orf35 33002-32658 Hypothetical protein
orf36 33051-33452 IS4 NP_415755 85
orf37 33323-33832 Putative transposase AA008349 73
orf38 34660-35448 Hypothetical protein
orf39 35450-37711 Conserved hypothetical protein CAG75082 87
orf40 37928-37677 Hypothetical protein
orf41 39513-38464 Putative transposase YP_026156 89
orf42 40416-40045 Hypothetical protein
orf43 41196-40927 Hypothetical protein
orf44 42870-41431 Putative transposase CAD09789 98
orf45 43330-43013 Conserved hypothetical protein AAP42494 100
orf46 44656-43463 Conserved hypothetical protein AAP42493 100
insD 46016-45111 IS2 transposase NP_755496 99
orf48 46384-45974 Conserved hypothetical protein within IS2 NP_709899 100
iss 47031-47339 Increased serum survival and complement resistance AAD41540 100
orf50 47634-47377 Hypothetical protein
orf51 48216-48506 Conserved hypothetical protein AAP42476 99
orf52 48546-49208 Conserved hypothetical protein AAP42475 95
orf53 50016-50285 Conserved hypothetical protein AAP42495 100
iroB 50436-51599 IroB, glycosyltransferase NP_753168 100
iroC 51613-55398 IroC, ABC transporter protein AAN76099 100
iroD 55502-56731 IroD, ferric enterochelin esterase AAN76100 100
iroE 56816-57772 IroE, hydrolase AAN76101 100
iroN 59994-57817 IroN, siderophore receptor AAN76093 100
orf59 60246-60509 Hypothetical protein
orf60 61702-60920 Phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase NP_753137 98
ybbA 62405-62064 Conserved hypothetical protein BAA75101 79
ybaA 62745-62464 Conserved hypothetical protein BAA75100 90
orf63 62812-63186 Hypothetical protein
cvaA 64264-65175 Colicin V secretion protein CAA40743 100
cvaB 65150-67264 Colicin V secretion protein CAA40744 100
cvaC 67745-67434 Colicin V synthesis protein CAA40746 100
cvi 67959-67723 Colicin V immunity protein CAA40745 100
orf68 68150-68896 Conserved hypothetical protein CAA11512 98
orf69 69217-69966 Conserved hypothetical protein CAA11511 93
orf70 70443-70949 Putative IS element AAG56195 100
orf71 71078-71479 Conserved hypothetical protein CAA11510 100
orf72 71463-71981 Conserved hypothetical protein CAA11509 100
orf73 72143-73732 Putative transposase NP_933162 66
orf74 73916-74506 Hypothetical protein
orf75 74758-74456 Hypothetical protein
orf76 74971-75228 Hypothetical protein
orf77 75664-75215 Conserved hypothetical protein AAF76758 99
tsh 79906-75773 Temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin CAA11507 99
orf79 80523-80029 Conserved hypothetical protein CAA11506 100
insN 80511-80915 IS911 transposase NP_414789 97
orf81 80872-81999 IS30 transposase CAC39292 99
orf82 82145-82510 IS91 transposase CAD87831 100
orf83 82465-82743 Conserved hypothetical protein within IS91 NP_707640 92
orf84 82979-83989 Putative invertase AAR07688 80
orf85 84382-84675 Hypothetical protein
orf86 85105-84623 Hypothetical protein
eitA 85516-86514 ABC iron transporter, periplasmic-binding protein CAC48456 45
eitB 86514-87551 ABC iron transporter, permease protein NP_793040 57
eitC 87548-88312 ABC iron transporter, ATP-binding protein CAB92552 83
eitD 88324-89556 ABC iron transporter, membrane protein CAG74456 68
orf91 89891-89634 Colicin E2 immunity protein AAN28374 86
orf92 90227-89892 Truncated colicin E2 structural protein AAN28373 74
orf93 90221-90466 Hypothetical protein
orf94 90611-91033 Hypothetical protein
orf95 91950-91540 Conserved hypothetical protein JC5053 88
orf96 92302-91916 Truncated IS629 transposase AAK18492 99
orf97 92564-92223 Conserved hypothetical protein AAG56914 95
orf98 92632-93411 Putative transposase AAG18473 100

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Drawing of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV, drawn to scale. The ruler below the image indicates sizes in kilobase pairs. The locations of primers used for PCR are shown immediately below the ruler, and below that are prevalences of the individual genes of the region among APEC strains. The layers of dotted lines are the prevalences of groupings of virulence region genes among APEC strains. For instance, sitA and iutA occur individually in 86% and 80% of the APEC strains tested, respectively; they occur together in 74% of the APEC strains tested. However, sitA, iutA, and hlyF only occur together in 68% of the APEC strains tested. Based on these prevalence data, it appears that this virulence region is composed of two subregions, one that is conserved among the APEC strains used in this study and the other that is more variable in occurrence. The divide between these two subregions appears to occur within the cvaB gene. Genes are color coded as follows: orange, sit operon; red-orange, aerobactin operon; light blue, repA; dark blue, hlyF and ompT; maroon, etsABC; red, iss; purple, salmochelin operon; green, ColV operon; blue, tsh; turquoise, eitABCD; yellow, mobile elements.


Predicted coding sequences of the transfer region of pAPEC-O2-ColV

Coding region Coordinates Closest protein match GenBank match (accession no.) % Identity
insB 1208-942 Partial IS1 element NP_707996 98
orf100 1863-2141 Hypothetical protein
orf101 2393-2878 Hypothetical protein
orf102 3382-2927 Hypothetical protein
orf103 3328-3897 Conserved hypothetical protein (partial) YP_190157 98
orf104 3737-4972 Conserved hypothetical protein (partial) YP_190157 97
psiB 5199-5633 Plasmid SOS inhibition protein B YP_190156 99
psiA 5630-6349 Plasmid SOS inhibition protein A YP_190155 100
orf107 7732-7247 Conserved hypothetical protein YP_190150 84
orf108 7826-8233 Conserved hypothetical protein (partial) YP_190149 100
orf109 8046-8759 Conserved hypothetical protein (partial) YP_190149 94
orf110 9373-9056 Conserved hypothetical protein AAO49513 100
orf111 9705-9394 Conserved hypothetical protein YP_190148 85
traM 9982-10365 TraM conjugative protein YP_190147 100
traJ 10561-11243 TraJ conjugative protein YP_190146 100
traY 11248-11568 TraY conjugative protein AAL23481 84
traA 11621-11965 TraA fimbrial protein precursor CAA31973 92
traL 11980-12291 TraL conjugative protein AA049518 100
traE 12313-12879 TraE conjugative protein YP_190142 97
traK 13273-12809 TraK (partial) NP_052950 74
traB 13601-15030 TraB (internal join) YP_190140 100
traP 14962-15534 TraP conjugative protein YP_190139 98
traV 16094-16609 TraV conjugative protein YP_190136 98
traR 16792-16965 TraR conjugative protein YP_190135 100
yfhA 16958-17431 YfhA YP_190134 100
traC 18242-20872 TraC conjugative protein YP_190131 99
traW 21252-21905 TraW conjugative protein AAO49528 99
traU 21905-22873 TraU conjugative protein YP_190128 100
trbC 22879-23520 TrbC conjugative protein BAA97958 99
traN 23517-25325 TraN conjugative protein YP_190126 99
trbE 25349-25609 TrbE conjugative protein YP_190125 94
traF 25602-26345 TraF conjugative protein YP_190124 100
trbA 26361-26708 TrbA conjugative protein YP_190123 100
traQ 26827-27111 TraQ conjugative protein YP_190122 100
trbB 27198-27641 TrbB conjugative protein YP_190121 100
trbJ 27571-27933 TrbJ conjugative protein YP_190120 99
traH 27930-29306 TraH conjugative protein YP_190119 100
traG 29372-32125 TraG conjugative protein YP_190118 100
traS 32140-32643 TraS conjugative protein NP_052977 79
traT 32576-33406 TraT conjugative protein YP_190117 100
traD 33659-35857 TraD conjugative protein AAT85682 97
traI 35857-41127 TraI conjugative protein YP_190115 99
traX 41147-41893 TraX conjugative protein YP_190114 100
yieA 41952-41812 YieA YP_190113 100
finO 42915-43475 FinO fertility inhibition protein YP_190112 100
orf144 43604-43816 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_052985 100
yigB 44049-44522 YigB YP_190110 100
orf146 44815-45405 Conserved hypothetical protein YP_190108 98
repB 45645-45905 RepB replication protein AAP79039 100
repA1 46355-45936 RepA1 replication protein AAO49555 99
repA3 45999-46184 RepA3 replication protein CAA23641 99
orf150 46299-47054 Hypothetical protein
repA4 47417-47665 RepA4 replication protein AAO49650 89
orf152 47757-47984 Hypothetical protein


Predicted coding sequences of the hypothetical region of pAPEC-O2-ColV

Coding region Coordinates Closest protein match GenBank match (accession no.) % Identity
orf153 311-168 Hypothetical protein
insB 478-287 Partial IS1 transposase AAO49620 90
orf155 1007-831 Hypothetical protein
orf156 1208-1047 Hypothetical protein
orf157 1437-1721 Partial transposase NP_753136 84
orf158 1723-1983 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_753135 91
orf159 2086-1964 Hypothetical protein
orf160 2419-2285 Hypothetical protein
orf161 3782-2820 Putative kinase AAG54666 94
orf162 5360-3861 Hypothetical protein
orf163 6438-5473 Conserved hypothetical protein AAC73424 90
orf164 6354-6653 Hypothetical protein
orf165 6740-6994 Hypothetical protein
yahF 8447-6898 Conserved hypothetical protein AAG54664 82
yahE 9255-8407 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_752377 60
yahD 9946-9341 Putative transcription factor AAC73421 71
yahB 10336-11265 Putative transcriptional regulator NP_757373 84
orf170 11691-11533 Hypothetical protein
orf171 12012-12263 Hypothetical protein
orf172 12521-12366 Hypothetical protein
orf173 12666-12427 Conserved hypothetical protein within IS911 AAG58804 66
insB 13119-13622 IS1 transposase AAO49620 100
orf175 13778-13557 Hypothetical protein
orf176 14742-15032 Hypothetical protein
insD 16596-15622 IS2 transposase AAX22093 91
orf178 17398-17066 Hypothetical protein
orf179 17453-17674 Hypothetical protein
orf180 18722-17832 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756620 91
orf181 20020-18800 Putative permease NP_756621 94
orf182 20435-20046 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756622 91
yahI 21408-20452 YahI, putative carbamate kinase NP_756623 96
yahG 22876-21401 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756624 96
yahF 24448-22822 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756626 97
orf186 25338-24477 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756627 96
orf187 26014-25646 Conserved hypothetical protein NP_756628 95
orf188 26590-26955 Hypothetical protein
repB 28232-27501 RepB replication protein CAA77820 68
orf190 28386-28237 Hypothetical protein
orf191 28472-28299 Hypothetical protein
orf192 28736-28605 Hypothetical protein
orf193 29045-30058 ParA partitioning protein AAC82736 97
orf194 30055-31026 ParB partitioning protein AAC82737 91
umuC 32287-31346 UmuC UV protection protein AAL23540 93
orf196 32292-32480 Hypothetical protein
orf197 32589-32422 Hypothetical protein
orf198 32836-35281 Hypothetical protein
insB 36147-35644 IS1 transposase AAO49620 99
orf200 36811-36479 Conserved hypothetical protein BAA22516 88
insC 37166-36801 IS2 conserved hypothetical protein AAL57520 100

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

Circular genetic map of pAPEC-O2-ColV, drawn to scale. Arrows indicate predicted genes and their directions of transcription. Yellow arrows indicate virulence-associated genes. Blue arrows indicate genes involved in plasmid transfer and maintenance. Red arrows indicate genes involved in plasmid replication. Gray arrows indicate genes of unknown function. Black arrows indicate mobile genetic elements. Orange slashes indicate gaps in contiguous sequence that were unable to be resolved due to IS1 elements.

The 93-kb putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV was found to contain tsh, a temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (34); the ColV operon, encoding ColV production (14); iss, the increased serum survival gene involved in complement resistance (18, 23, 33); ompT, an outer membrane protease (37); and hlyF, a putative hemolysin previously identified in an APEC strain (GenBank accession no. AF155222) (Table 2). It also contained several operons associated with iron acquisition including the salmochelin operon, a siderophore iron acquisition system (16); the aerobactin operon, another siderophore system (6); and the sit operon, an ABC transport system (57). Other genes not previously identified as occurring in APEC were also found within this contiguous sequence, including etsA and etsB (E. coli transport system, a novel set of genes identified in this study), genes of a putative ABC transport system; shiF and shiG, genes previously found on a pathogenicity island (PAI) of Shigella flexneri (30); and four genes, eitA to eitD (E. coli iron transport), also novel genes identified in this study, that may encode a putative iron uptake system.

The F-like transfer region of pAPEC-O2-ColV spanned 31,911 bp and contained 30 genes (Table 3). A second replicon of pAPEC-O2-ColV that closely resembles the RepFIIA plasmid replicon (GenBank accession no. M16167) separated the F-like transfer region from the putative virulence region on its 5′ end. On the 3′ end of the transfer region were approximately 38 kb of genes, encoding hypothetical proteins or conserved hypothetical proteins, for which no functional assignment was available. Overall, the three contiguous sequences of pAPEC-O2-ColV contained 201 predicted ORFs (Tables 2 to 4). Of these coding regions, 47% were found to be of unknown function and 25% were ORFs sharing no significant identity with any available database proteins.

The putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV was found to begin with the sit ABC transport system, which was followed by the iutABCD and iutA genes of the aerobactin operon and then the RepFIB replicon, containing the repA gene (Fig. 2) (42). Adjacent to the RepFIB region on its 3′ end were the insertion sequence IS1, a site-specific integrase, and etsABC, three genes novel to APEC and sharing protein identity with a putative ABC transport system found in Shewanella oneidensis (17) (Table 2). Following etsABC were an assortment of intact and partial IS elements, including IS4 and IS2, followed by iss and the iroBCDEN genes of the salmochelin operon. Adjacent to the salmochelin operon on its 3′ end were the cvaABC and cvi genes of the ColV operon and tsh. tsh was surrounded by mobile genetic elements, including a large putative transposase on its 5′ end and IS911, IS30, IS91, and an invertase on its 3′ end. Following these mobile elements on the 3′ end of tsh were the eitABCD genes, novel to APEC and sharing protein identity with a putative ABC iron transport system from the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae (4). An intact ColE2 immunity gene, a partial ColE2 structural gene, and remnants of an IS629 element flanked this system on its 3′ end.

Overall, this putative virulence region was found to encode two siderophore systems, three putative ABC transport systems, and ColV production and was found to contain iss, hlyF, ompT, tsh, and the RepFIB replicon. Thus, pAPEC-O2-ColV appears to be a member of the IncFIB incompatibility group, based upon BLAST homology and alignment with proteins of the RepFIB replicon. The overall G+C content of the cluster was 48%. Analysis of individual ORFs within this putative virulence region revealed that the 45-kb region from hlyF through cvi possessed a G+C content of 46%, and its 5′- and 3′-flanking regions possessed G+C contents of 52% (Fig. 4).

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

G+C content of individual ORFs within the 93.6-kb virulence cluster of pAPEC-O2-ColV. Dashed lines indicate the average G+C contents of regions of the virulence cluster. Three regions could be discerned based on proximity, gene prevalence, and G+C content (Table 4). The first, running from sitA through int, had an average G+C ratio of 52%. The second region from hlyF through cvi had an average G+C ratio of 46%. The final region, running from ORF67 through IS629, had an average G+C content of 52%. The conserved portion of the virulence cluster contained these first two regions, while the variable portion of the cluster was composed of part of the second region and all of the third region.

Comparative genomics of cluster-related sequences revealed some interesting deviations from previously published patterns. For instance, the aerobactin operon was found to be chromosomally integrated in other pathogens, such as within the SHI-2 and SHI-3 PAIs of Shigella strains (30, 35) and within the chromosome of UPEC strain CFT073 (54). Similarly, the sit iron transport system also appeared to be chromosomally located in other strains, including within a PAI of Salmonella (20) and on the chromosome of UPEC strain CFT073 (54). Comparison of the virulence cluster with previously published sequences from a UPEC transmissible plasmid, p300 (47), and PAI III from UPEC strain 536 (8) revealed that the salmochelin operon was conserved among all three regions. iss was found near the salmochelin operon in a highly conserved arrangement within p300, and tsh and remnants of the ColV operon were also found within portions of PAI III536. Codon usage analysis was performed to test the hypothesis that different patterns of usage occur between genes of the E. coli chromosome andgenes of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV. When frequency distributions for each codonwere examined, 50 out of the 62 codons in pAPEC-O2-ColV's putative virulence region had distributions significantly different from those in E. coli K-12 strain MG1655. A bias was also observed towards rare codons in genes of the putative virulence region, with higher frequencies observed towards AUA (Ile), AGA (Arg), CGA (Arg), CGG (Arg), and CCC (Pro).

Prevalence of plasmid-related genes in avian E. coli.

Multiplex PCR was used to examine 595 APEC and 199 avian commensal E. coli strains for the presence of 13 genes found within the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV. Results indicated that all of the genes examined were significantly more likely to be found among the APEC isolates than among the commensal isolates (Table 5). Representative genes of the salmochelin, sit, and aerobactin operons, as well as iss and hlyF, occurred in 80% or more of APEC isolates; the putative iron transport genes etsA and etsB occurred in 74.3% of the APEC isolates examined; the putative ABC iron transport system genes eitA and eitB occurred in 38.8% of the APEC isolates examined; cvaA and the 5′ end of cvaB occurred in 72.5% and 73.9% of the APEC isolates; and cvaC, tsh, ompT, and the 3′ end of cvaB occurred in more than 60% of the APEC isolates. Among the avian commensal E. coli isolates, the least prevalent gene sequences were the 3′ end of cvaB as well as cvaC, occurring approximately 19% of the time. iroN, hlyF, iss, etsA, etsB, eitA, eitB, ompT, cvaA, and the 5′ end of cvaB all occurred approximately one-quarter of the time among the commensal isolates. iutA, tsh, and sitA occurred 34%, 41%, and 48% of the time, respectively. None of the genes surveyed occurred more than 50% of the time among avian commensal E. coli isolates, and all of the genes surveyed were found in APEC isolates significantly more often than in the commensal isolates.


Comparison of gene prevalence between APEC and avian commensal E. coli isolates

Gene % of isolates containing gene
Z score P value
APEC (n = 595) Avian commensal E. coli (n = 199)
sitA 86.0 47.7 11.04 <0.0001
iroN 85.4 25.1 16.12 <0.0001
hlyF 81.7 27.1 14.28 <0.0001
iss 80.0 26.1 13.98 <0.0001
iutA 79.5 34.2 11.92 <0.0001
etsA 74.3 25.1 12.37 <0.0001
etsB 74.3 25.1 12.37 <0.0001
cvaB (5′) 73.9 26.1 12.03 <0.0001
cvaA 72.5 25.6 11.75 <0.0001
ompT 67.2 24.1 10.63 <0.0001
cvaC 64.4 19.1 11.10 <0.0001
tsh 62.2 40.7 5.31 <0.0001
cvaB (3′) 61.2 19.1 10.31 <0.0001
eitA 38.8 23.6 3.89 <0.0001
eitB 38.8 23.6 3.89 <0.0001

Gene prevalences were also plotted along the map of the putative virulence region (Fig. 2) to determine if a pattern in the occurrence of these genes could be discerned. Based on the resulting plot, it appeared that the putative virulence region could be split into “conserved” and “variable” portions. The “conserved” portion spanned the area from sitA through the 5′ end of cvaB. All of the genes of this region screened via PCR occurred individually in more than 67% of the APEC isolates tested and together in 59% of the APEC strains tested. The remainder of the putative virulence region, running from the 3′ end of cvaB through eitA, appeared to be more variable among APEC isolates. The genes within this portion of the putative virulence region occurred less often individually than those of the “conserved” portion, and they occurred together in only 26% of the APEC isolates. Additionally, a univariate analysis of the significance of associations between gene pairs was performed for all genes assayed with multiplex PCR. Based on resulting P values obtained using a χ2 plot, gene pairs were defined as unassociated (P > 0.05), significantly associated (P≤ 0.05), or highly associated (P ≤ 0.0001) (Table 6). Out of 105 possible gene combinations, 84 were classified as highly associated, 16 were classified as significantly associated, and only 5 were classified as unassociated. All of the gene combinations that were not highly associated involved genes of the “variable” portion of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV.


Correlation of gene pairs among 595 APEC strains isolated from poultry

Gene % of APEC isolates possessing both genesa
iroN hlyF iss iutA etsA etsB cvaB (5′) cvaA ompT cvaC tsh cvaB (3′) eitA eitB
sitA 78.9a** 75.7** 74.4** 73.9** 69.2** 69.2** 68.2** 67.1** 60.4* 59.4** 58.9** 56.4* 36.9** 36.9**
iroN 76.9** 77.7** 75.4** 69.6** 69.6** 68.2** 66.9** 60.9** 61.7** 57.4** 56.7** 35.4* 35.4*
hlyF 74.4** 71.5** 72.0** 72.0** 66.1** 64.7** 57.4* 58.6** 54.9** 56.1** 35.3* 35.3*
iss 72.0** 67.7** 67.7** 65.4** 64.2** 57.2** 59.7** 54.6** 55.2** 33.8* 33.8*
iutA 69.6** 69.6** 66.2** 64.4** 57.4** 61.1** 57.8** 55.3** 37.0** 37.0**
etsA 74.5** 63.7** 61.9** 52.9* 57.6** 54.5** 53.3** 36.3** 36.3**
etsB 63.7** 61.9** 52.9* 57.6** 54.5** 53.3** 36.3** 36.3**
cvaB (5′) 73.9** 53.4* 55.9** 52.6** 62.1** 32.9** 32.9**
cvaA 53.1* 55.2** 50.9** 61.6** 32.1* 32.1*
ompT 47.9** 41.8 47.4** 26.5 26.5
cvaC 45.6** 50.1** 29.5** 29.5**
tsh 52.6* 34.8** 34.8**
cvaB (3′) 27.2 27.2
eitA 39.4**

*, Statistically significant correlation among a gene pair (P ≤ 0.05); **, highly significant correlation among a gene pair (P ≤ 0.0001).

In an effort to explain the differences in prevalence between the “conserved” and “variable” portions of the putative virulence region, the sequence was examined for mobile elements positioned in such a way that they could render the variable region mobile and subject to loss from the cluster. It was not readily apparent from this examination how insertion sequence-mediated transposition might have produced the observed gene prevalences (Fig. 2 and Table 7).


Regions of the putative virulence region of pAPEC-O2-ColV delineated by proximity, similarity in gene prevalence, and G+C content

Expanse of region Prevalence of genes of expanse occurring together (%) Average G+C content of expanse (%) Associated mobile elements within expanse
sitA-hlyFa 68 52 IS1, int
etsA-cvaB (5′ end)a 67 46 IS4, IS2
cvaB (3′ end)-eitAb 26 52 IS911, IS30, IS91, IS629
Overall 22 48 IS1, int, IS4, IS2, IS911, IS30, IS91, IS629

“Conserved” portion of putative virulence region.


“Variable” portion of putative virulence region.

So too, it was thought that a G+C analysis of these regions might identify regions of the putative virulence region that share a common origin (Fig. 4). The overall G+C content for the contiguous sequences of pAPEC-O2-ColV was 49.2%. The G+C content of the putative virulence region was 48%. Based on G+C analysis of individual ORFs within the putative virulence region, three distinct regions could be discerned. These regions included one region running from sitA through int, with an average G+C content of 52%; one region running from hlyF through cvi, with an average G+C content of 46%; and a third region running from a putative insertion sequence on the 3′ end of cvi through IS629, with an average G+C content of 52%. The first two regions composed the “conserved” portion of pAPEC-O2-ColV's putative virulence region, while a part of the second region and all of the third region comprised the region's “variable” portion. Therefore, it appeared that the conserved portion of the putative virulence region may be composed of two regions of diverse origins.


ColV plasmids have long been associated with the virulence of E. coli in general (2, 45, 53) and APEC in particular (9, 10, 13, 15, 23, 24, 49, 55, 56). Interestingly, their association with virulence is not due to their namesake trait of ColV production (36), indicating that genes other than those involved in ColV production must be responsible for this association. Remarkably, despite the long recognition of the association of ColV plasmids and virulence, a ColV plasmid has never been sequenced in its entirety. Here, the first sequence of a ColV plasmid is presented, revealing a 93-kb putative virulence region containing numerous known or putative virulence genes that may account for the association of ColV plasmids with virulence. This region contains several genes or operons previously described as putative APEC virulence factors, including tsh (34), the salmochelin operon (11), and iss (18, 23, 31, 37, 49). This cluster also contains three iron acquisition and transport systems in addition to the salmochelin operon. The sit operon is an ABC transport system, involved in the metabolism of iron and manganese, originally identified in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (57) and more recently identified in APEC using genomic subtractive hybridization and signature-tagged mutagenesis (28, 43). However, this study is the first report of sit occurring near the aerobactin operon on a ColV plasmid. Two additional putative ABC transport systems are found within the cluster, eitABCD and etsABC. This is also the first report of these systems occurring in E. coli. eitABCD shares low translated protein identity to an iron transport system from the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae (4), and etsABC shares identity to an ABC transport system found in Shewanella oneidensis (17). Further work is in progress to determine the functionality of these putative ABC transporters. This putative virulence region also possesses several other genes whose roles have not yet been determined, including shiF, shiG, hlyF, ompT, and several genes which, when translated, encode hypothetical proteins.

Of particular interest is the presence of four sets of genes previously associated with iron acquisition and transport within this 93-kb putative virulence region. Such apparent redundancy suggests that iron acquisition plays an important role in APEC virulence. In addition to the potential iron acquisition and transport systems of APEC O2 presented in this study, this strain also possesses the fyuA and irp2 genes of the yersiniabactin operon and ireA, both of which have been associated with iron acquisition and ExPEC virulence (21, 36, 37). In order to understand APEC's virulence mechanisms, it would seem important to determine if these iron acquisition systems really areredundant or if they have nonoverlapping, specific purposes, such as ensuring that E. coli has an adequate iron supply throughout the different stages of infection. For example, it has been suggested that the sit operon only acts as an iron uptake system during intracellular infection, because this is the only host location in which iron is at a concentration suitable for the ABC transport system to function effectively (5). However, sit, like many of these systems, may be multifunctional, effecting transport of different compounds, such as manganese, at various stages of infection (5). Further studies to assess these iron acquisition and transport genes, their functionality, the conditions of their expression, and their importance to APEC virulence at all stages of infection could prove very helpful in understanding the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis.

While many individual APEC virulence factors have been identified on large plasmids (10, 19, 49), this is the first report, to our knowledge, of a plasmid-encoded putative virulence region among APEC strains or on a ColV plasmid. Previously, Rodriguez-Siek et al. (37) examined 451 APEC and 104 commensal E. coli isolates for the possession of more than 35 different ExPEC virulence-associated genes. Among the genes examined were iss, cvaC, tsh, sitA, iutA, ompT, and iroN, all found on pAPEC-O2-ColV. The present study expanded that research through the addition of isolates and gene targets to the screening procedures. The genes added to this study included those of the etsABCD cluster, the eitABC cluster, the ColV operon, and hlyF. Many of the genes of this region, including iss, iroN, iutA, sitA, and hlyF, occurred in more than 80% of the APEC isolates and in only about 25% of the avian commensal E. coli isolates examined (Table 5). These results are striking and support the idea that this putative virulence region may be a widespread characteristic of APEC. However, this region does not appear to be intact in all APEC strains, as the prevalence studies show that genes within the “variable” portion of this region (the 3′ ends of cvaB, cvaC, tsh, eitA, and eitB) occur less often than genes of the “conserved” portion of the region, including sitA, iroN, iss, iutA, hlyF, etsA, etsB, cvaA, and the 5′ end of cvaB. Also, it is possible that some genes of this putative virulence region might be found elsewhere in the APEC genome, such as on non-ColV plasmids or within PAIs on the bacterial chromosome. Indeed, alternative locations for some of these genes have been identified in UPEC strains. For instance, UPEC strain 536 contains PAI III536, which shows some similarity to pAPEC-O2-ColV in both sequence and gene arrangement, leading us to hypothesize that this virulence cluster might be located on the bacterial chromosome in some APEC isolates (8). Interestingly, this UPEC PAI contains the salmochelin operon, tsh, and remnants of the ColV operon, suggesting the possibility that this PAI originated as a ColV plasmid that integrated into the chromosome in a fashion similar to that described previously by Oelschlaeger et al. (32). Also, the iro-iss region of pAPEC-O2-ColV shows 99.9% sequence identity with a UPEC non-ColV plasmid (47), further supporting the idea that the cluster can occur in different locations in the E. coli genome. Indeed, previous studies have demonstrated that ColV plasmids readily integrate into the bacterial chromosome to form Hfr strains and that these cointegrates lose the ability to produce ColV (26). Results of our gene prevalence studies also support this possibility, revealing “conserved” and “variable” portions of the putative virulence region that join within the cvaB gene. Analysis of UPEC PAI III536 showed that it contained remnants of the ColV operon and that it contained a truncated cvaB gene. These results, along with the above-described observations, cause us to speculate that cvaB might be a breakpoint during the integration of ColV-associated sequences into other locations in the bacterial genome. Indeed, our gene prevalence data indicate that cvaA and the 5′ end of cvaB occur among APEC isolates at rates similar to that of the “conserved” portion of the putative virulence region, while the 3′ end of cvaB and its downstream genes occur among APEC isolates at much lower rates (Fig. 2).

Thus, ColV plasmids might be an evolutionary intermediate for the development of chromosomal PAIs that contain APEC virulence factors (26, 32). Gene prevalence data obtained from this study and that of Rodriguez-Siek et al. (37) support this model of APEC evolution. That is, several isolates can be found that might serve as examples for each stage of development from ColV-encoded virulence traits through PAI-encoded virulence traits. For example, among our collection of APEC isolates, some isolates containing cvaC of the ColV operon and all other virulence genes sought in this study were found, suggesting that these isolates contain plasmids similar to pAPEC-O2-ColV. Also, examples of isolates possessing all of the genes in this study except those of the ColV operon are also found, suggesting that these genes may occur on non-ColV plasmids or within the bacterial chromosome. Isolates can also be found among the APEC strains with PAI III536-like patterns. That is, there are APEC strains containing the salmochelin operon, tsh, and cvaA and the 5′ end of cvaB but lacking the 3′ end of cvaB and other components of the putative virulence region.

With regard to characterizing the APEC pathotype, of particular interest is the “conserved” portion of the putative virulence region encompassing sitABCD, the aerobactin and salmochelin operons, hlyF, the etsABC transport system, ompT, iss, cvaA, and the 5′ portion of cvaB. Selected genes within this span of sequence appear to be highly conserved among APEC isolates, occurring in about 75% or more of the APEC isolates examined. This conserved portion of this putative APEC virulence region may be a defining feature of the APEC pathotype and perhaps a requirement for APEC virulence, regardless of whether or not it occurs on ColV plasmids. Further study will be needed to assess the role of this region in the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis.

The transfer region of pAPEC-O2-ColV flanks the 3′ end of the putative virulence cluster and bears strong similarities to the transfer region of the F plasmid (27). This region is found on the 3′ end of an IS1 element following two genes involved in plasmid maintenance and stability, psiA and psiB (29). Downstream of this region, and separating it from the 5′ end of pAPEC-O2-ColV's virulence cluster, is a 45-kb stretch of DNA that bears no significant matches within the GenBank databases. This region is noteworthy due to its novel nature, and further work is required to determine the functions of the hypothetical proteins it encodes and their role, if any, in APEC virulence.

In sum, DNA sequencing of pAPEC-O2-ColV, a ColV virulence plasmid occurring in APEC O2, revealed the location of many APEC virulence genes (putative or known), several genes or operons novel to E. coli, and a variety of mobile genetic elements within a putative 93-kb virulence cluster. Portions of this putative virulence region commonly occurred among APEC isolates but not avian commensal E. coli isolates. Genes occurring in the “conserved” portion of this region may occur in the absence of an intact ColV operon in some avian E. coli isolates, which may provide hints as to the evolutionary development of ColV plasmids and chromosomal PAIs. The presence of this virulence cluster appears to discriminate most APEC isolates from commensal E. coli isolates, indicating that this region may prove useful as a target for identification of pathogenic E. coli. Genes within this region likely account for the long association of ColV plasmids with virulence.

The DNA sequence of pAPEC-O2-ColV also contained an intact F-like transfer region and a 45-kb region of novel DNA encoding a number of hypothetical proteins. pAPEC-O2-ColV possesses two plasmid replicons, RepFIB and RepFIIA, as reported elsewhere previously (1). In addition to encoding ColV production, the plasmid also contains an immunity gene towards the bacteriocin ColE2. This plasmid also possesses five copies of the insertion sequence IS1 and two copies of IS2, which likely play an important role in the plasmid's evolution. Overall, this 180-kb ColV plasmid is a mosaic of virulence genes, novel genes, transfer genes, and mobile genetic elements. Further work is needed to determine the roles that certain components of this plasmid have in APEC virulence.


We thank Soren Schubert from the Max von Pettenkofer Institut and Shelley Payne from the University of Texas for providing control strains for these studies.


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