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. 2004 Aug;39(4 Pt 1):985–1004. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2004.00268.x

Economic Profiling of Primary Care Physicians: Consistency among Risk-Adjusted Measures

J William Thomas, Kyle L Grazier, Kathleen Ward
PMCID: PMC1361048  PMID: 15230938



To investigate whether different risk-adjustment methodologies and economic profiling or “practice efficiency” metrics produce differences in practice efficiency rankings for a set of primary care physicians (PCPs).

Data Source

Twelve months of claims records (inpatient, outpatient, professional, and pharmacy) for an independent practice association HMO.

Study Design

Patient risk scores obtained with six profiling risk-adjustment methodologies were used in conjunction with claims cost tabulations to measure practice efficiency of all primary care physicians who managed 25 or more members of an HMO.

Data Collection

For each of the risk-adjustment methodologies, two measures of “efficiency” were constructed: the standardized cost difference between total observed (standardized actual) and total expected costs for patients managed by each PCP, and the ratio of the PCP's total observed to total expected costs (O/E ratio). Primary care physicians were ranked from most to least efficient according to each risk-adjusted measure, and level of agreement among measures was tested using weighted kappa. Separate rankings were constructed for pediatricians and for other primary care physicians.


Moderate to high levels of agreement were observed among the six risk-adjusted measures of practice efficiency. Agreement was greater among pediatrician rankings than among adult primary care physician rankings, and, with the standardized difference measure, greater for identifying the least efficient than the most efficient physicians. The O/E ratio was shown to be a biased measure of physician practice efficiency, disproportionately targeting smaller sized panels as outliers.


Although we observed moderate consistency among different risk-adjusted PCP rankings, consistency of measures does not prove that practice efficiency rankings are valid, and health plans should be careful in how they use practice efficiency information. Indicators of practice efficiency should be based on the standardized cost difference, which controls for number of patients in a panel, instead of O/E ratio, which does not.

Keywords: Physician profiling, economic profiling, practice efficiency, risk-adjustment, observed-to-expected ratio, standardized cost difference

Managed care plans in the United States are increasingly using paid claims records to monitor and judge the physicians who provide services to plan members. The motivation for economic, or “practice efficiency,” profiling, as this is termed, is primarily financial—physicians identified as being inefficient are considered to be wasteful of health plan resources, and these physicians can be encouraged to change their practice styles or they can be dropped from the plan's provider network (Sandy 1999; Nickerson and Rutledge 1999; Litton, Sisk, and Akins 2000). Vendors and clients (primarily health plans) of profiling systems consider a physician to be efficient if total claims costs of services provided to managed patients are no greater than costs expected for those patients, given the patients' demographic characteristics and health conditions. “Inefficient” physicians are those for whom actual claims costs exceed the expected amounts.1

When several physicians are involved in providing care to a patient, it is often quite difficult to determine from claims records which of the physicians ordered a particular service, prescribed a particular drug, or even admitted the patient to a hospital. Because of this attribution problem, economic profiling appears to be used most frequently in managed care plans that require primary care physicians (PCPs) to serve as gatekeepers. In these plans, the PCPs are assumed responsible for all costs incurred on behalf of the patients they manage, regardless of whether they themselves performed or even ordered the services. And with this assumption, attribution of responsibility is not an analytic problem.

Even though dozens of firms offer profiling software and services to health plans, there are relatively few methodologies that can be used for risk-adjusting physician profiles, that is, for estimating patients' expected costs. And nearly all profiling vendors use one or more of these established methodologies. In the project reported here, our purposes were to determine whether some risk-adjustment methodologies used for physician profiling are more accurate than others, and whether risk-adjustment differences lead to different judgments about PCP practice efficiency. Our findings on accuracy of risk-adjustment methodologies are presented in Thomas, Grazier, and Ward (2002). Here, we describe findings related to levels of agreement among PCP practice efficiency rankings when, for a common set of PCPs, patients' expected costs are estimated using different risk-adjustment methodologies and two different measures of practice efficiency.

For our analyses, we used the membership and claims databases of an independent practice association HMO that serves the five counties of Southeast Michigan. Six profiling system vendors/developers agreed to work with us on the project, to either make their risk-adjustment software available, or to process our data through their software and return the risk-adjusted results to us. A detailed description of each of the participating methodologies is provided in our project report (Thomas, Grazier, and Ward 2002). The methodologies are:

Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACGs Version 4.5, 2000) from Johns Hopkins University. Adjusted clinical groups cluster health plan members having similar comorbidities into groups that have similar resource requirements and clinical characteristics. The ACG Case-Mix System then uses a branching algorithm to place each patient into one of 82 discrete, mutually exclusive categories based on the mix of clinical groups experienced during the time period under study (Johns Hopkins University 2000).

Burden of Illness Score (BOI Version PRS 4.6, 2001) from MEDecision, Inc. This system is based on MEDecision's Practice Review System (PRS), which partitions care into episodes of illness and assigns services, severity levels, and medications to these episodes. The BOI Score is a linear-scaled measure that indicates relative health care cost risks associated with the particular mix of episodes experienced by a patient during a defined time period (Anderson and Gilbert 2002).

Clinical Complexity Index (CCI Version 3.6, 1997) from Solucient, Inc. The CCI methodology considers age, severity, comorbidity, hospital admissions, and categories of diagnoses (acute, chronic, mental health, and pregnancy) to assign patients into mutually exclusive CCI risk categories. Although the system provides for 1,418 different categories, 95 percent of patients fall into just 45 of these (Solucient 1999).

Diagnostic Cost Groups (DCGs Version 5.1, 2000) from DxCG, Inc. The DCG system includes a whole family of multiple linear regression models. For this study, we utilized the all encounter, hierarchical model (DCG/HCC) for a commercial population, which uses data on age, sex, and all diagnoses—inpatient and outpatient—to explain patients' health care expenditures for the period under study. In our analyses, we used the DCG retrospective risk measure, together with patients' age/sex categories (DxCG Inc. 2002).

Episode Risk Groups (ERGs Version 4.2, 2001) from Symmetry Health Systems, Inc. Like BOI Score, ERGs are episode-based. The episodes underlying ERGs are created using Symmetry's Episode Treatment Groups (ETG™) methodology, a basic illness classification system that uses a series of clinical and statistical algorithms to combine related services into more than 600 mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories. For a given patient, episodes experienced during a time period are mapped into 119 Episode Risk Groups, and then a risk score is determined based on age, gender, and mix of ERGs. For our analyses, we used the ERG retrospective risk score (Symmetry Health Data Systems 2001).

General Diagnostic Groups (GDGs Version 1.0, 2000) from Allegiance LLC. General Diagnostic Groups were developed using the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research's Clinical Classification Software (CCS). CCS aggregates individual ICD-9-CM codes identified on health care claims into 260 broad diagnosis categories for statistical analysis and reporting. The GDG system then lumps together CCS categories considered to be clinically similar and to have similar associated per-patient charges into 57 diagnostic categories. These 57 diagnostic categories are used as dummy variables in a multiple regression model for predicting health care costs (Cowen et al. 1998).

Although CCI and the two episode-based methodologies include utilization data as independent predictors of risk, our analyses (not reported here) found that these systems were not different from the other three systems in terms of accuracy of member cost predictions (Thomas, Grazier, and Ward forthcoming).



The data used in this study included Blue Care Network of Michigan member and claims files (inpatient, outpatient/professional, and pharmacy) for July 1, 1997, to June 30, 1998. For this study period, the HMO had 156,280 continuously enrolled members, all having the same benefit package. Of this total, 127,004 (81.3 percent) had at least one claim; and 115,856 members (74.1 percent) had at least one provider encounter that resulted in an identified diagnosis. Because the participating risk-adjustment systems treat nonusers and pharmacy-service-only users differently,2 we chose to limit our analyses to the members who had at least one identified diagnosis during the study period and could therefore be classified by all of the risk-adjustment methodologies.

Member Standardized Actual Costs

For each member who had at least one identified diagnosis during the study period—the fundamental unit of analysis for the study—we calculated total health care costs as the sum of submitted amounts on the member's pharmacy, professional and outpatient services claims, and the sum of paid amounts on the member's inpatient services claims. Because the health plan uses a diagnosis related group (DRG)-based payment system for hospital services, hospital payments were considered to be a more appropriate measure for these calculations than hospital charges.

Claims costs reflect not only quantity and mix of services delivered, but also the prices paid for those services. Hence, some of the cost variation in our data base was associated with price differences among providers. Since the purpose of our study was to investigate effects of differences in risk-adjustment, price related variation in the data was considered to represent “noise.” To enhance our ability to detect true differences among risk-adjustment methodologies, we developed standard prices, such that a given service would be priced at the same level across all providers. The price standardization methodology is described in Thomas, Grazier, and Ward (2002). After summing standardized claims costs for each member, member costs were truncated, or “top-coded,” at $25,000 to minimize potentially distorting effects of high cost outlier patients on physician profiles.3 In the discussion below, we refer to these top-coded totals as members' “standard cost.”


HMO membership and claims data were processed through the risk-adjustment software of each of the participating systems. System output files yielded the following member specific risk categorization data for members included in our analyses:

  • For ACGs, members were assigned to 78 discrete ACG categories;

  • For BOI, members were assigned a linear scaled risk score that ranged from 5 to 40,585 with a mean value of 792;

  • For CCI, members were assigned to 327 discrete CCI categories, 36 of which accounted for 90 percent of HMO members;

  • For DCGs, each member was assigned a retrospective risk score mapped into 25 ordinal scaled categories; members were also assigned to 31 age/sex categories;

  • For ERGs, members were assigned a retrospective risk score mapped into 26 ordinal scaled retrospective risk categories;

  • For GDGs, members were assigned to one or more of 57 diagnostic category variables.

PCP-Level Analyses

Primary care physician panels were the primary unit of inference in the study. We limited our analyses to those that contained at least 25 patients, and these were divided into two groups:

  • Mostly adult panels (661) managed by family practitioners, general practitioners, and internal medicine specialists who served a combined total of 79,959 patients (we refer to these as adult care PCPs), and

  • Pediatricians (143) serving a total of 20,796 patients.

For each of the 100,755 members served by these two groups of physicians, risk categories/scores were used to develop six expected costs estimates according to procedures described elsewhere (Thomas, Grazier, and Ward 2002). With these expected costs, we then calculated, for each risk-adjustment methodology, two alternative measures of practice efficiency for each PCP. The first measure was the ratio of observed to expected costs, and it is calculated as:

graphic file with name hesr_268_e1.jpg

where yk is average standardized actual costs for physician k, graphic file with name hesr_268_e2.jpg is average expected cost for physician k according to the ith risk adjustment methodology, and O/Eki is the observed-to-expected ratio for the kth PCP according to the ith risk-adjustment system. Although, to our knowledge there are no published data to document this, our discussions with profiling vendors and clients suggest that O/E ratio is the measure typically used to characterize practice efficiency in physician profiling systems.

The second measure of PCP practice efficiency was the standardized difference between average standardized actual cost and average expected cost for patients managed by the physician. Using Zki to represent the standardized cost difference (SCD) for the kth physician according to the ith risk-adjustment measure,

graphic file with name hesr_268_e3.jpg

where yk and graphic file with name hesr_268_e4.jpg are as defined above, σi is the standard deviation of average expected costs associated with the ith risk-adjustment system across all panels, and Nk is the number of patients in the panel of the kth PCP. The concept underlying this measure is that panels may be considered to consist of random samples of patients drawn from a population having health care costs with mean equal to graphic file with name hesr_268_e5.jpg and standard deviation equal to σi. According to the Central Limit Theorem, the distribution of sample means can be considered approximately normal with a mean of graphic file with name hesr_268_e6.jpg and standard deviation of graphic file with name hesr_268_e7.jpg, with Nk representing sample size. Thus a panel's SCD score measures its mean cost in terms of number of standard deviations above or below the population mean. For both adult care physicians and pediatricians in our sample, SCD values were found to average 0.0±0.1 with standard deviations ≤2.0 for all risk-adjusted measures. Had the sample mean distributions been perfectly normal, we would have expected mean values of 0.0 and standard deviations of 1.0.

With each of these two measures, adult care PCPs and pediatric PCPs were ranked from most efficient (lowest Zki and O/Eki) to least efficient (highest Zki and O/Eki) according to each of the risk-adjustment systems. High (low) outliers were defined arbitrarily as the 10 percent having the highest (lowest) scores. We also investigated outlier thresholds of 5 percent and 20 percent. Separately for adult care PCPs and pediatric PCPs and each pair of risk-adjustment systems, we calculated:

  • Percentage agreement on low-outlier PCPs, defined as the fraction of low-outliers identified by one system that are also identified by the other system,

  • Percentage agreement on high-outlier PCPs, defined as the fraction of high-outliers identified by one system that are also identified by the other system, and

  • Weighted kappa measure of agreement among PCP decile rankings of the two systems. To calculate weighted kappa, PCP rankings (1 to 661 for adult care PCPs and 1 to 143 for pediatricians) were recoded into deciles, and for each pair of recoded rankings analysis of variance was used to determine the proportion of variance (weighted kappa) in the one ranking explained by the second ranking (Landis and Koch 1977).


Results of pair-wise level-of-agreement analyses are summarized in Table 1.4 For SCD- and O/E-based measures, the table shows average pair-wise levels of agreement between each risk-adjusted ranking and other risk-adjusted rankings. Average percentage agreement is shown for high outlier and low outlier identification, and average weighted kappa values indicate level of agreement across the 10-decile range.5 For internal medicine, general medicine, and family medicine physicians, levels of agreement on identification of high outliers are higher when based on SCD rankings, while agreement on low outlier identification is higher with O/E-based rankings. For these adult care physicians, average weighted kappa values indicate that overall agreement between pairs of rankings is moderate, according to criteria of Landis and Koch (1977), and that overall levels of agreement are similar for the two types of rankings. These same patterns hold for pediatric practice efficiency rankings. However, average levels of agreement on identification of high outliers are higher—with both SCD- and O/E-based measures—than those for adult care physicians. Overall agreement between pairs of pediatric rankings is also greater; average weighted kappa values are all in what Landis and Koch (1977) consider the “substantial agreement” range.

Table 1.

Average Levels of Agreement (%) of PCP Practice Efficiency Rankings: by Risk-Adjustment System, Physician Type, and Practice Efficiency Measure*

Practice Efficiency Measure

SCD Score O/E Ratio

Physician Specialty Risk-Adjustment System Agreement High Outliers Agreement Low Outliers Weighted Kappa Agreement High Outliers Agreement Low Outliers Weighted Kappa
Family Medicine, General Medicine, and Internal Medicine ACGs 54 49 0.56 44 53 0.56
BOI Score 55 47 0.56 46 58 0.57
CCI 54 44 0.52 44 53 0.52
DCGs 58 53 0.59 48 57 0.59
ERGs 57 47 0.59 45 56 0.60
GDGs 56 42 0.51 48 52 0.52
Pediatrics ACGs 77 49 0.70 65 57 0.73
BOI Score 67 44 0.66 53 58 0.66
CCI 69 47 0.67 67 51 0.68
DCGs 71 37 0.67 61 59 0.69
ERGs 71 46 0.63 60 59 0.67
GDGs 69 34 0.61 51 46 0.62

Average pair-wise levels of agreement between each risk-adjusted ranking and other risk-adjusted rankings. High- and low-outlier thresholds defined at 10%.

In the analyses presented in Table 1, high outliers were defined as those above the 90th percentile of the practice efficiency distribution, and low outliers as those below the 10th percentile. In Table 2, we show how outlier threshold definition influences levels of agreement between pairs of practice efficiency measures. In general, for both adult care and pediatric PCPs, with both SCD and O/E measures of practice efficiency, average levels of agreement on identification of outlier physicians are lower when outlier thresholds are defined at 5 percent than when thresholds are defined at 10 percent, and they are lower when thresholds are defined at 10 percent than when defined at 20 percent. This is true both for high outlier agreement and low outlier agreement. For pediatricians, there are two exceptions to this general pattern: levels of SCD measure agreement for high outlier pediatricians are not consistently different when outlier thresholds are defined at 10 percent and at 20 percent; and levels of O/E measure agreement for low outlier pediatricians are actually somewhat higher when outlier thresholds are defined at 5 percent than when defined at 10 percent. Also, the pattern observed in Table 1, that SCD measured practice efficiency is associated with higher levels of agreement on high outlier identification and lower levels of agreement on low outlier identification, continues to hold for the alternative outlier threshold definitions considered here.

Table 2.

Average Levels of Agreement (%) of PCP Practice Efficiency Rankings: by Physician Type, Practice Efficiency Measure, Risk-Adjustment System, and Cost Outlier Threshold*

High Outlier Threshold Low Outlier Threshold

Physician Specialty Practice Efficiency Measure Risk-Adjustment System 5% 10% 20% 5% 10% 20%
Family Practice, General Practice, and Internal Medicine Standardized Cost Difference ACGs 46 54 64 44 49 62
BOI Score 49 55 63 42 47 59
CCI 45 54 62 38 44 61
DCGs 52 58 63 45 53 62
ERGs 52 57 63 42 47 61
GDGs 45 56 63 35 42 55
O/E Ratio ACGs 35 44 60 44 53 67
BOI Score 32 46 59 53 58 66
CCI 35 44 55 48 53 66
DCGs 37 48 60 48 57 69
ERGs 36 45 62 50 56 68
GDGs 42 48 59 48 52 62
Pediatrics Standardized Cost Difference ACGs 53 77 73 40 49 61
BOI Score 55 67 69 46 44 63
CCI 50 69 75 31 47 63
DCGs 55 71 72 43 37 62
ERGs 60 71 66 34 46 64
GDGs 58 69 72 23 34 49
O/E Ratio ACGs 50 65 74 60 57 68
BOI Score 55 53 73 63 58 66
CCI 55 67 74 57 51 66
DCGs 61 61 71 66 59 67
ERGs 60 60 72 63 59 69
GDGs 46 51 70 46 46 59

Average pair-wise levels of agreement between each risk-adjusted ranking and other risk-adjusted rankings

To investigate influence of practice efficiency metric on high- and low-outlier designations, for each risk-adjustment methodology we partitioned adult PCP outliers into (a) those identified by both types of practice efficiency measure, (b) those identified only on the basis of SCD score, and (c) those identified only on the basis of O/E ratio.6 In Table 3, we show descriptive statistics for adult PCP panels in each of these categories. The same data for adult care PCP panels identified as low outliers are shown in Table 4

Table 3.

Characteristrics of Family Medicine, General Medicine, and Internal Medicine Panels Identified as High Outliers, by Risk-Adjustment System and Practice Efficiency Measure*

Risk-Adjustment System Practice Efficiency Measure Number PCP Panels Identified Number Patients per Panel Standardized Cost per Patient Expected Cost per Patient SCD Score O/E Ratio
ACGs Both 51 119.6 $3,835 $2,699 4.01 1.43
(65.7) ($844) ($619) (1.23) (0.16)
SCD Score Only 16 191.0 $4,306 $3,564 3.11 1.21
(136.7) ($1,080) ($857) (0.45) (0.04)
O/E Ratio Only 16 57.5 $3,151 $2,346 2.12 1.35
(18.3) ($442) ($380) (0.34) (0.07)
BOI Score Both 45 112.0 $3,896 $2,748 3.87 1.42
(66.6) ($882) ($612) (1.12) (0.11)
SCD Score Only 22 159.6 $4,151 $3,363 3.20 1.23
(85.9) ($910) ($723) (0.62) (0.04)
O/E Ratio Only 22 45.0 $3,451 $3,068 2.08 1.37
(20.7) ($597) ($801) (0.39) (0.06)
CCI Both 40 111.2 $4,253 $3,205 3.80 1.33
(65.3) ($839) ($621) (0.97) (0.07)
SCD Score Only 27 184.3 $3,868 $3,257 2.89 1.19
(89.6) ($821) ($727) (0.44) (0.04)
O/E Ratio Only 27 48.5 $3,438 $2,682 1.91 1.28
(20.3) ($631) ($503) (0.39) (0.03)
DCGs Both 50 114.5 $4,163 $3,090 3.70 1.35
(68.5) ($890) ($654) (0.89) (0.12)
SCD Score Only 17 186.5 $4,070 $3,432 2.93 1.19
(92.0) ($668) ($559) (0.46) (0.03)
O/E Ratio Only 17 46.6 $3,236 $2,445 1.93 1.33
(12.1) ($440) ($405) (0.33) (0.07)
ERGs Both 43 94.8 $4,411 $3,344 3.35 1.32
(46.5) ($830) ($659) (0.67) (0.09)
SCD Score Only 24 201.6 $3,885 $3,267 2.92 1.19
(85.9) ($583) ($498) (0.56) (0.02)
O/E Ratio Only 24 44.2 $3,529 $2,766 1.72 1.28
(13.9) ($849) ($706) (0.34) (0.05)
GDGs Both 45 115.4 $3,875 $2,882 3.25 1.35
(74.1) ($845) ($619) (0.78) (0.12)
SCD Score Only 22 198.2 $3,965 $3,337 2.86 1.19
(113.3) ($698) ($600) (0.52) (0.03)
O/E Ratio Only 22 49.0 $3,143 $2,411 1.69 1.31
(23.8) ($743) ($605) (0.39) (0.09)

High-outlier thresholds defined at 10%. Sample consisted of 661 PCP panels, with average cost per panel of $3,038 (standard deviation=$801) and average number of patients per panel of 121 (standard deviation=88)

Table 4.

Characteristrics of Family Medicine, General Medicine, and Internal Medicine Panels Identified as Low Outliers, by Risk-Adjustment System and Practice Efficiency Measure*

Mean (Standard Deviation)

Risk-Adjustment System Practice Efficiency Measure Number PCP Panels Identified Number Patients per Panel Standardized Cost per Patient Expected Cost per Patient SCD Score O/E Ratio
ACGs Both 31 136.9 $2,154 $3,044 −3.42 0.71
(74.9) ($396) ($599) (1.18) (0.07)
SCD Score Only 35 238.1 $2,571 $3,090 −2.71 0.83
(102.8) ($489) ($546) (0.50) (0.02)
O/E Ratio Only 35 52.3 $2,057 $2,746 −1.70 0.75
(20.6) ($461) ($539) (0.29) (0.05)
BOI Score Both 42 142.9 $2,149 $2,989 −3.30 0.72
(81.7) ($507) $595 (0.84) (0.06)
SCD Score Only 24 252.0 $2,805 $3,374 −3.00 0.83
(114.3) ($602) $681 (0.44) (0.02)
O/E Ratio Only 24 52.2 $1,893 $2,581 −1.69 0.73
(18.1) ($445) $556 (0.40) (0.05)
CCI Both 45 136.5 $2,305 $3,320 −4.03 0.70
(84.0) ($496) ($669) (1.26) (0.08)
SCD Score Only 21 228.9 $2,647 $3,205 −2.87 0.83
(130.9) ($428) ($507) (0.48) (0.03)
O/E Ratio Only 21 54.0 $1,973 $2,681 −1.84 0.73
(28.3) ($514) ($632) (0.44) (0.05)
DCGs Both 46 139.1 $2,125 $2,948 −3.23 0.72
(94.8) ($403) ($531) (1.02) (0.06)
SCD Score Only 20 259.5 $2,602 $3,132 −2.96 0.83
(104.9) ($397) ($445) (0.63) (0.03)
O/E Ratio Only 20 46.9 $1,998 $2,690 −1.64 0.74
(19.0) ($482) ($570) (0.31) (0.05)
ERGs Both 46 137.3 $2,124 $2,928 −2.96 0.73
(93.7) ($434) ($642) (1.05) (0.06)
SCD Score Only 20 266.9 $2,495 $2,965 −2.53 0.84
(119.2) ($440) ($500) (0.44) (0.02)
O/E Ratio Only 20 55.0 $1,896 $2,494 −1.47 0.75
(27.7) ($481) ($531) (0.23) (0.05)
GDGs Both 43 127.3 $2,437 $3,365 −3.28 0.73
(75.4) ($614) ($805) (1.02) (0.06)
SCD Score Only 23 209.0 $3,137 $3,698 −2.65 0.85
(99.1) ($792) ($853) (0.44) (0.03)
O/E Ratio Only 23 53.3 $1,861 $2,542 −1.68 0.73
(22.0) ($391) ($471) (0.42) (0.05)

Low-outlier thresholds defined at 10%. Sample consisted of 661 PCP panels, with average cost per panel of $3,038 (standard deviation=$801) and average number of patients per panel of 121 (standard deviation=88)

Table 3 shows that with the ACG risk-adjusted measures, 51 of the 67 adult PCPs (76 percent) identified as high outliers on the basis of SCD score were also identified as high outliers with O/E ratios. Although agreement between the two types of measures on high-outlier identity was lower with the other risk-adjustment systems studied, even the lowest rate of agreement (with ERGs) exceeded 64 percent. However, the most interesting aspect of the data in Table 3 is not the high rate of agreement between SCD score and O/E ratio. Rather, it is the characteristics of the PCP panels on which the two measures differ. Compared to panels identified as high outliers only with O/E ratio, those identified with SCD score include larger numbers of patients, and have larger average standardized costs and larger expected costs. Across all 661 adult PCP panels included in this analysis, the mean number of patients per panel is 121.0, with standard deviation equal to 87.7. Sizes of panels identified as high outliers by both measures are not very different from this overall average—mean panel sizes range from 119.6 for ACG high outliers to 94.8 for ERG high outliers. But the mean size of high outlier panels identified only with SCD score range from a low of 159.6 for BOI Score risk adjustment up to 201.6 with ERGs. For O/E ratio-identified high outliers, on the other hand, mean panel sizes are in the 44.2 to 57.5 range. Why are these panel sizes so different? The SCD measure describes a panel's mean standardized actual cost in terms of number of standard deviations above or below the mean of the sampling distribution. While cost ratios (right-most column of Table 3) of panels identified as high outliers on the basis of O/E ratio are higher than those of panels identified using SCD score, the standardized actual costs of these panels are not as deviant—in terms of number of standard deviations from the sampling distribution mean—as those of panels identified as high outliers using SCD score. For example, for ACG-identified high outliers, those identified only on the basis of SCD score have standardized actual costs that are, on average, 3.11 standard deviations above the mean, while standardized actual costs of those identified only on the basis of O/E ratio are 2.12 standard deviations above the mean. With the other risk-adjustment systems (except for BOI Score) mean standardized actual costs of panels identified as high outliers on the basis of O/E ratio only are less than 2.0 standard deviations above the mean.

Table 4 presents characteristics of panels identified as low outliers. This table shows less agreement between the two types of measures on low-outlier identification (from 47 percent [ACGs] to 70 percent [DCGs and ERGs]) than seen in Table 3 for high-outlier identification. However, the very strong panel-size pattern seen in Table 3 is not only present in Table 4, it is even stronger. For low outlier panels, mean numbers of patients for panels identified only on the basis of SCD score range from 209. 0 (GDGs) to 266.9 (ERGs), while for those identified using O/E ratio only mean sizes vary between 46.9 (DCGs) and 55.0 (ERGs). Again, the O/E ratio measure is more likely to identify smaller panels as cost outliers. And patterns of mean SCD scores and mean O/E ratios are similar to those in Table 3 as well. Although mean O/E ratios of panels identified as low outliers on the basis of O/E ratio are smaller than those of panels targeted by SCD score, when sample size is taken into account the degree to which standardized actual costs for the O/E-identified panels deviate from their expected values is less than that of SCD-identified low outlier panels.

The pattern shown in Tables 3 and 4 is strong, and it is consistent for all of the risk-adjusted rankings. This pattern is not an artifact of our data or of our methodology. Rather, it is a straightforward consequence of the statistical property that the standard deviation of a sampling distribution is equal to the population standard deviation divided by the sample size. The SCD calculations reflect this property; the O/E ratio calculations do not.

Finally, in Table 5 we look at the combined effects of choice of risk-adjustment methodology and choice of practice efficiency measure on consistency of (a) high-outlier and (b) low-outlier identification with 10 percent outlier thresholds. In both parts of the table, percentages shown on the diagonals represent proportions of outliers identified by both types of practice efficiency measures with the designated risk-adjustment systems. Off the diagonal, percentages indicate proportions of outliers identified by row-designated risk-adjusted O/E ratio measures that are also identified by the column-designated risk-adjusted SCD measures. For high outliers, off-diagonal percentages range from 32.8 percent to 50.7 percent, and for low outliers the range is 25.8 percent to 47.0 percent. Thus, a health plan using its claims data to profile primary care physicians with GDG-adjusted O/E ratios might identify as high outliers fewer than 33 percent of the PCPs than it would identify if it were to use ERG-adjusted SCD scores. Further, 67 percent of the high outlier PCPs identified by the GDG-O/E ratio measure are not high outliers according to the ERG-SCD measure. And only about a quarter of low outliers identified on the basis of ACG risk-adjustment and SCD practice efficiency measurement would be identified if CCI-adjusted O/E ratios were to be used with the same claims data.

Table 5.

Degree of Agreement (%) on Outlier Designation for Family Medicine, General Medicine, and Internal Medicine Physicians by Risk-Adjustment System and Type of Practice Efficiency Measure*

(a) Designated High Outliers

Risk-Adjustment System and Practice Efficiency Measure SCD Score

O/E Ratio ACG 76
BOI 39 67
CCI 36 46 60
DCG 51 51 46 75
ERG 40 40 45 49 64
GDG 43 45 37 37 33 67

Discussion And Conclusion

With SCD score and outlier thresholds set at 10 percent, different risk-adjusted rankings agreed on identities of 50 percent to 60 percent of the least efficient family medicine, general medicine, and internal medicine physicians. With outlier thresholds of 20 percent, agreement between pairs of risk-adjusted rankings was consistently above 60 percent. For pediatricians, high-outlier levels of agreement were in the 65 percent to 75 percent range with both 10 percent and 20 percent outlier thresholds. Are these levels of agreement good? Are they satisfactory? From a purely statistical standpoint, 65 percent to 75 percent agreement is quite good. Over the whole range of pediatric PCP practice efficiency rankings, agreement among the six different risk-adjustment systems represented what Landis and Koch (1977) consider to be “substantial agreement.” But whether “substantial agreement” is good, or good enough, or even satisfactory, depends entirely on how the ranking information is used. The problem with lack of agreement, any lack of agreement, is that—as noted above—we do not have information on the validity of any of the rankings. If different risk-adjustment methodologies identify the same set of PCPs as high outliers, the set possesses “concurrent validity,” and this agreement gives us confidence that the identified physicians indeed are the least efficient. If, however, different systems identify different physicians, we cannot have similar confidence in any of the identified sets, because there is no way for us independently to know which of the systems' rankings, if any, is correct. Moreover, physician profiling vendor clients are unlikely to use multiple systems and produce multiple rankings in order to establish concurrent validity. Instead, clients will normally license and use a single profiling methodology. And even though our analyses suggest that 50 percent to 60 percent of adult PCPs identified by their system as being high outliers are likely to be identified by other profiling systems as well, the client has no way to know which of the identified outliers are the ones that multiple systems would agree on. Thus the profiling client must deal with practice efficiency rankings knowing that, in all likelihood, 40 percent to 50 percent of PCPs identified as high outliers are actually not among the least efficient 10 percent of primary care physicians. Is this level of information of adequate quality for providing confidential feedback to physicians on their own practice efficiency performance? In our opinion, the information is sufficient for this purpose. Is the information adequate for taking punitive action against the low efficiency physicians, perhaps dropping them from the health plan's provider panel? We think that it is not.

While our results do not allow us to identify any particular risk-adjusted ranking as being more or less valid than other rankings, we are able to make a definite statement about the type of measure that should be used for profiling primary care physicians. Standardized cost difference provides a more accurate measure of PCP practice efficiency than the more commonly used O/E ratio. When physician rankings are based on the ratio of observed to expected costs, smaller panels are more likely and larger panels less likely to be identified as outliers than they would be if panel size were taken into account. 7 Depending upon risk-adjustment methodology, 24 percent to 40 percent of high outliers and 30 percent to 53 percent of low outliers identified using an O/E ratio of PCP practice efficiency must be considered to be false positives. This specificity problem occurs because the degree of random variation present in panel average costs varies inversely with the square root of panel size, and the O/E ratio measure fails to consider this relationship. Further, it compounds measurement problems associated with choice of risk-adjustment methodology, leading to potential false positive rates in excess of 60 percent for high outlier PCPs and 70 percent for low outliers. Because all needed data—average standardized actual cost, average expected costs, and number of patients—are readily available, panel SCD score can be calculated as easily and quickly as O/E ratio, and this source of potential error in PCP rankings can be eliminated. Although the SCD is more valid and reliable than O/E ratio, it is likely to be more difficult to explain to policymakers and those who use the efficiency results. Nevertheless, the extra work and creativity required in devising explanations are justified by improvements in decisions.

Potential generalizability of our findings may be influenced by several factors. Our analyses were performed with data from a single health plan, and there is no assurance that these data are typical of other plans. However, neither is there reason to believe that these data are in any way unique, or that characteristics of the plan, provider network, or patients would have influenced the findings. On the other hand, it is likely that several aspects of our methodology may have affected levels of agreement observed between pairs of risk-adjusted rankings:

  • Prior to our analyses, we standardized claims costs in order to remove variability associated with service pricing differences. Had these costs not been standardized, levels of agreement between rankings might have been different than those presented in our tables.

  • •We limited our analyses to HMO members who were enrolled for the entire 12-month study period. Had we included part-year members, it is likely that expected costs estimates would have been less reliable, and that levels of agreement between rankings would have been different than those presented in our tables.

  • •We restricted our analyses to members who during the study period had at least one provider encounter that resulted in a diagnosis. Had we included nonusers in our analyses, or included members who used only pharmacy services, levels of agreement would have been lower than shown here because different risk-adjustment systems treat these two member categories in different ways.

Finally, although we also have used the terms economic profiling and practice efficiency, we must repeat that the definition of efficiency used in this paper reflects the use of the term by profiling vendors and clients, and it is not the common definition accepted by health economists. Economists consider “efficiency” to be the relationship between quantity and mix of health care inputs and final health outcomes obtained (Palmer and Torgerson 1999). In contrast, “efficiency” in the physician profiling context refers to the relationship between the costs of inputs used to care for patients and the expected costs of those inputs, given the patients' identified diagnoses. Patient outcomes are not considered in this definition.

(b) Designated Low Outliers
Risk-Adjustment System and Practice Efficiency Measure SCD Score

O/E Ratio ACG 47
BOI 38 64
CCI 26 35 68
DCG 36 41 47 70
ERG 39 45 33 41 70
GDG 29 30 44 39 39 65

High- and low-outlier thresholds defined at 10%


The study was supported by grant no. 36874 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) Program, and by Grant 243-II/99 from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation


We recognize that economists consider this definition of “practice efficiency” inappropriate (Palmer and Torgerson 1999). However, we use this definition here because it reflects the current terminology of dozens of commercial software vendors and hundreds of health plans.


The ACG system classifies nonusers and pharmacy-only users into one common ACG category; the DCG system assigns them a common risk score; both the CCI system and the GDG system ignore them; the BOI system assigns risk scores to pharmacy-only users, but ignores nonusers; and the ERG system assigns non-zero risk scores to some pharmacy-only users, but not to others.


We also looked at two other methods for dealing with high-cost outlier patients: top-coding costs at $50,000, and trimming from our analyses all patients whose costs exceeded $20,000. Analytical results obtained when using these methods did not differ from those presented here. Tables of results for the top-coded at $50,000 and trimmed at $20,000 analyses are available from the authors upon request.


With the exception of Table 2, all results presented in this section relate to outlier thresholds defined at 10 percent.


Detailed tables showing pair-wise agreement statistics between each risk-adjusted ranking and each of the other rankings are available from the authors upon request.


We performed these analyses only for adult PCP rankings, since there was no reason to suspect that the influence of practice efficiency metrics would differ between adult and pediatric primary care physicians. In these analyses, the outlier threshold was 10 percent.


Although we did not perform the analysis, it likely we could have obtained the same results by using hierarchical Bayesian modeling (Bronskill et al. 2002; Austin et al. 2001) to risk adjust panels while simultaneously controlling for panel size.



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