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. 2004 Oct;39(5):1467–1486. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2004.00299.x

Plan, Geographical, and Temporal Variation of Consumer Assessments of Ambulatory Health Care

Alan M Zaslavsky, Lawrence B Zaborski, Paul D Cleary
PMCID: PMC1361079  PMID: 15333118



To quantify contributions of health plans and geography to variation in consumer assessments of health plan quality.

Data Sources

Responses of beneficiaries of Medicare managed care plans to the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS®) survey. Our data included more than 700,000 survey responses assessing 381 Medicare managed care (MMC) contracts over a period of five years.

Study Design

The survey was administered to a nationally representative sample of beneficiaries of Medicare managed care plans.

Principal Findings

Member assessments of their health plans, customer service functions, and prescription drug benefits varied most across health plans; these also varied the most over time. Assessments of direct interactions with doctors and their practices were more affected by geographical location, and these assessments were quite stable over time. A health plan's global rating often changed significantly between consecutive years, but only rarely were there such changes in ratings of care or doctor. Nationally, mean assessments tended to decrease over the study period.


Our findings suggest that ratings of plans and reports about customer service and prescription access are affected by plan policies, benefits design, and administrative structures that can be changed relatively quickly. Conversely, assessments of other aspects of care are largely determined by characteristics of provider networks that are relatively stable. A consumer survey is unlikely to detect meaningful changes in quality of care from year to year unless quality improvement measures are developed that have substantially larger effects, possibly through area-wide initiatives, than historical temporal variations in quality.

Keywords: Quality, health care, small-area variation, variance components, Medicare

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have collected Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS®) survey data from beneficiaries of Medicare managed care plans that provide care to almost 5 million patients (Goldstein et al. 2001). A single vendor has collected the data in consecutive years since early 1998 using a consistent protocol, facilitating comparisons of quality ratings across health plans, geographical regions, and time.

A previous study (Zaslavsky, Landon et al. 2000) found significant variation in Medicare managed care CAHPS scores by region, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), and plan. The most systematic variation occurred for ratings of the plan, and a large fraction of this variation was among plans. For ratings of care, a large fraction of variation was across geographical (MSA and regional) units. This is consistent with our expectation that ratings of plan are largely affected by health plan administrative policies. On the other hand, ratings of care and doctors are determined by general characteristics of the health care delivery system in an area, and networks of health care providers often contract with multiple plans.

Using five consecutive years of available CAHPS data, it is possible to assess how CAHPS scores change over time. The much larger sample size (about eight times that used in previous analyses) also allows more refined estimation of geographical effects, including variation at the state level and substate variations within the same plan. Because CAHPS scores are commonly used to compare plans and evaluate improvement, it is important to know to what extent the scores reflect the quality of the plan at a particular time rather than general characteristics of the area it serves. In this article we address the following questions:

  • How much of the variation in consumer assessments is determined by individual plans, and how much by the region, state, and MSA in which the beneficiary resides?

  • How much do plan scores change from year to year? How much of the year-to-year variation in plan scores is due to changes affecting entire geographical areas?

  • How reliable are estimates of change?

  • How correlated are changes in different measures?


Survey Items

The CAHPS survey for Medicare managed care (Goldstein et al. 2001) was based on the CAHPS 2.0 instrument (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1999; Hargraves, Hays, and Cleary 2003), except in the first year, in which it was based on CAHPS 1.0; additional items are specific to Medicare (Schnaier et al. 1999). It asks respondents to give four global ratings (with a 0–10 response scale) of their plans, the care they received, their personal doctors, and their specialists. We also analyzed responses to 29 other questions (reporting items) that asked about specific aspects of health care, including access to and interactions with personal doctors, office staff, and specialists; availability of other services; and experiences with plan administrative functions. The survey also asked the respondent's age, educational level, and health status. The questions and information on item response rates and means appear elsewhere (Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000; Zaslavsky and Cleary 2002). Two items about making a complaint to the plan and getting a complaint resolved satisfactorily were excluded from the analysis because they were difficult to interpret and had been found in previous analyses to have inconsistent relationships with other items (Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000). We excluded 2001 data from the analysis of two items concerning prescription drugs because those items were changed in that year in ways that made them incomparable to the preceding years.

Survey Procedures

The CAHPS Medicare Managed Care (CAHPS-MMC) surveys were conducted in early 1998 (asking about 1997 experiences) and in September–December of 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 (asking about experiences in the same year). From each plan, or from several geographic strata within large plans, 600 members (or the entire enrollment, if fewer) were sampled. Sampled beneficiaries were mailed a questionnaire and, if necessary, a replacement questionnaire. They were then contacted by telephone if they had not yet responded and a telephone number could be obtained. Further details appear elsewhere (Goldstein et al. 2001; Zaslavsky et al. 2001; Zaslavsky, Zaborski, and Cleary 2002).


For our analyses, we discarded cases whose mailing addresses fell outside the contract service area (CSA, the area in which the plan had agreed to accept enrollment under the given contract) for the corresponding contracts. For the random effects models we also dropped the lowest-level groupings with very small samples, to simplify the calculations and avoid giving weight to areas or years in which a plan was barely represented. This criterion required a plan by state by MSA sample size of at least 50 cases and a plan by state by year sample size of at least 200 cases.

We use the term “plan” to refer to an MMC contract. A few health plans had multiple contracts in the same state that were consolidated starting with the 2000 survey. For consistency over the study period and to group contracts that were likely to be under a common administrative structure, we recoded the contract identifiers for all years to that of the consolidated contract. Remaining unconsolidated contracts were treated as distinct units because we were unable to determine when they had unified administrations, networks, and management policies. In all analyses, we treated contracts as nested within states. A few contracts (from 1 to 16 in each year) had substantial enrollment in more than one state; in those cases we treated the parts in each state as if they were distinct contracts.

We determined the state and MSA of residence of each respondent, assigning an entire county to an MSA if any part fell within that MSA. The non-MSA (rural) part of the state was treated as a single geographical unit equivalent to an MSA. Estimates omitting the rural respondents were very similar and are not reported.

Analyses of sources of variation were conducted using linear mixed models (Snijders and Bosker 1999). The three variables that were important case-mix adjustors in CAHPS-MMC (age, educational level, and self-reported health status) (Zaslavsky et al. 2001) were entered with coefficients fixed across plans, areas, and years, thus controlling for predictable effects of respondent characteristics (which also are related to survey nonresponse) on scores. Variance components for random effects were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation using SAS PROC MIXED (SAS Institute Inc. 1999).

We could not conduct the full analyses of both spatial and temporal variation within a single model because our software could not estimate simultaneously all the random effects required. We therefore fit two models with different specifications of the random components. The first model included effects for region (10 CMS regions), state, and MSA within state, as well as for plan and the interaction of plan and MSA within state. This model can be expressed mathematically as


where yrsmpk represents the response to an item from subject k enrolled in plan p and residing in MSA m, both within state s in region r, and β′xrsmpk is the (vector) product of case-mix coefficients by individual-level covariates. The remaining terms represent random effects, each with expectation 0 and variances σ2α, σ2γ, σ2δ, σ2λ, σ2κ, and σ2ɛ respectively. The variance components σ2α, σ2γ, σ2δ, σ2λ, σ2κ, represent the variation in responses attributable to the various levels of geography and the plan as identified by the indices of the random effects. The final component σ2ɛ quantifies the residual variation of individual responses after controlling for all of the other effects. The second mixed model included effects for state, MSA, and plan and interactions of each with the year of the survey, in a similar form. By including interactions with time, this model adjusts for changes in the distribution of enrollment across plans or areas over time.

For each model, we calculated the total explained variation, excluding the individual-level error variance σ2ɛ, and the percentage of this total attributable to each of the random effects in the model. We also calculated the percentage of variance explained by the model random effects, as a fraction of total variance including individual-level error σ2ɛ. For the second set of models, we summarized the variation over time of each main effect (state, plan, and MSA) using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) defined as σ2EFF/(σ2EFF2EFF*YEAR), where EFF represents any of the three main effects (a persistent effect) and EFF*YEAR the interaction of that effect with time (the corresponding varying effect). Thus, if ICC=1 the corresponding effect (of plan, state, or MSA) is completely stable over time; conversely, if ICC=0, the corresponding effect is independent each year. A combined ICC was defined by summing the three main effect variance components, summing the three time interaction components, and then applying the definition of ICC to the combined components. We also plotted time trends in selected variables, adjusted for changes in geographical composition and case mix, using main effects of time from the same model.

To summarize the results of these analyses for the 29 reporting items, they were assigned to groups, based on previous plan-level analyses (Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000; Zaslavsky and Cleary 2002): access to care and the doctor's office, interactions with the doctor, access to plan-provided services and equipment and to prescription medications, interactions with the plan's customer service functions, vaccinations, and a single item on advice to quit smoking. Percentages of explained variance were averaged across the items in each group.

We evaluated the detectability of temporal changes by calculating t statistics for the change between consecutive years in each plan's ratings and report composites (the mean of the plan's scores for each group of items). We subtracted the mean for all plans in the year from each year's scores, thus evaluating changes in relative ratings of plans. We calculated standard errors that take into account the partially overlapping sets of respondents for different items (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1999). This analysis considered each pair of consecutive years and used all plans that had at least 350 survey responses in both years of the pair.

We also investigated whether changes from year to year in the four rating items were correlated. For each pair of consecutive years, we calculated the covariance matrix Sy,y+1 of the changes between years of plan means for the four ratings. We also calculated the mean (across plans) covariance matrix of sampling error of plan means for the two years, Vy and Vy+1 (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1999). We then corrected S for sampling error by subtracting estimated sampling error, Sy,y+1(Vy+Vy+1), and converted this corrected estimate into a correlation matrix (Zaslavsky 2000).


Sample Description

The total sample size over five years was 705,848 and a total of 381 contracts were represented, with an average of 239 in each year (Table 1). The number of contracts increased over the first three years of the study and then declined, possibly due to the impact of the Balanced Budget Act of 1999 (Achman and Gold 2002). Response rates to the survey ranged from 75.3 percent in year one to 83.9 percent in year five; analyses of response rates appear elsewhere (Zaslavsky, Zaborski, and Cleary 2002). About 2.0 percent of the cases were excluded because their addresses were outside the CSA in each of years one to three, and about 1.0 percent in years four and five (in which most such cases had been removed from the sampling frame before the survey). The criterion for minimum sample sizes excluded 20,053 cases from the variance component analyses (2.8 percent of the sample).

Table 1.

Response Rates, Number of Respondents, and Number of Contracts in the Medicare Managed Care CAHPS Survey over Five Years

Year Response Rate Respondents in CSA Number of Contracts
1997 75.30 88,369 182
1998 80.98 135,152 255
1999 81.90 162,478 303
2000 82.73 174,118 257
2001 83.93 145,731 198


1. “Number of contracts” is the number of distinct contracts with CMS, after combining contracts that were consolidated in 2000.

2. “Respondents in CSA” excludes respondents whose address was outside the contract service area of the surveyed contract.

Geographical and Plan Effects

Table 2 shows estimates of variance components for area, plan, and the interaction of plan with MSA within state, as well as the percent of total measure variability that was explained by these effects. Percent explained variation was largest by far for the item “getting prescriptions through the plan” (explained variation=28 percent), probably because responses to this item largely reflected a plan-determined benefit rather than individual experiences. The percentage of variance explained was also large (about 5 percent) for ratings of plan, as was the mean percentage for the customer service items. In these cases, most of the explained variation was attributable to the plan effect, which accounted for more than half of the variation in each of the items in these groups.

Table 2.

Percent of Explained Variance Attributable to Geographical Factors and Plan

Plan MSA MSA*Plan State Region Explained/Total
 Health plan 55 7 14 24 0 5.1
 Health care 36 20 11 24 9 1.9
 Doctor 31 18 19 29 3 1.7
 Specialist 39 20 14 13 14 1.3
 Happy with personal MD 35 16 23 26 0 3.0
 Doctor knows important facts 27 18 18 27 9 0.4
 MD understands health problems 39 24 5 16 16 0.6
 Easy to get referral 41 8 20 9 21 2.3
 Get advice by phone from doctor's office 30 21 15 22 13 2.4
 Routine care as soon as wanted 43 20 13 11 13 2.9
 Care for illness as soon as wanted 38 17 10 16 20 2.0
 Get needed care 38 15 7 12 29 1.3
 Delays in care waiting for approvals 43 11 11 20 16 3.1
 Long wait past appointment time 26 20 18 8 28 4.6
 Summary of Access Reports 36 17 14 17 16 2.3
 Office staff courteous and respectful 47 21 7 7 17 1.2
 Office staff helpful 33 27 12 12 15 1.2
 Doctor listens carefully 30 22 13 28 8 1.0
 Doctor explains things 28 22 17 24 9 0.7
 Doctor shows respect 31 24 12 20 13 1.0
 Doctor spends enough time with you 30 25 13 20 11 1.2
 Summary of Doctor Reports 33 24 12 19 12 1.1
 Got special medical equipment 48 14 8 10 21 2.6
 Problem getting therapy 52 15 3 15 16 3.5
 Problem getting home healthcare 29 26 9 14 21 3.4
 Plan provided all help needed 59 15 2 9 15 1.6
 Summary of Services Reports 47 17 5 12 18 2.8
 Problem getting prescription drugs 68 1 21 9 2 5.2
 Get prescriptions through plan 48 11 6 36 0 28.0
 Summary of Prescriptions Reports 58 6 13 22 1 16.6
Customer Service
 Problem getting information 69 3 14 13 0 3.3
 Problem getting help on telephone 68 1 8 20 3 4.9
 Customer service helpful 66 1 8 19 6 4.7
 Problem with paperwork 55 3 9 25 8 6.0
 Summary of Customer Service Reports 65 2 10 19 4 4.7
 Flu shot last year 36 26 10 19 9 1.9
 Ever had a pneumonia shot 49 26 12 9 4 3.3
 Summary of Vaccinations Reports 43 26 11 14 6 2.6
Advised to quit smoking 17 20 10 25 28 1.3
Mean across all items 43 16 12 18 12 3.6


1. Limited to Plan/MSA/State units with at least 50 observations and Plan/State/Year units with at least 200 observations.

2. Each entry (excluding the last column) represents the magnitude of a variance component as a percentage of total variance for all effects included in the table.

3. “Explained/Total” represents the percentage of the total variance of individual-level responses that is explained by all effects included in the table.

4. Percentages in some rows do not total to 100 percent due to roundoff error.

5. The 10 CMS regions were defined as follows: New England (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire), New York / New Jersey (New York, New Jersey), Mid-Atlantic (Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia), South Atlantic (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee), East Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin), Midwest (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska), Mountain (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming), Southwest (Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana), Pacific (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada), Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington).

Conversely, the least variation was explained by model effects for the care, doctor and specialist ratings, and for reports on interactions with doctors (mean=1 percent), access to care (mean=2 percent), and advice to quit smoking, indicating that variation in responses to these items largely reflected experiences of individual plan members or the practices of individual doctors. These items had the smallest percentage of variation attributable to the plan effect as well, with relatively strong geographical effects at the MSA, state, or regional level. The vaccinations and services groups were intermediate both in fraction of variance explained and the part of that variance attributable to the plan.

The distribution of explained variance across geographic levels varied across items, but summarizing across all items, about equal shares were explained by state and MSA (18 percent and 16 percent, respectively), with a lesser share explained by region. Regional effects were substantial only for reports on access, doctor communications, services, and advice to quit smoking and for ratings of specialists. Conversely, an average 43 percent of the explained variation was attributable to the plan. The interaction of plan by MSA represents the variation of scores for a given plan across parts of a state. This effect was always smaller than the main effect for plan (mean=12 percent compared to 43 percent), indicating that each health plan had fairly consistent effects on quality across the areas it served within a state. However, the variance explained by the interaction exceeded half the plan component for ratings of doctors, suggesting that these might have been affected by variations across the local networks providing services for the plans.

When the county was substituted for the MSA as the smallest geographical unit, very similar results were obtained. In models including both county and MSA main effects and plan interactions, the MSA variance components were generally larger than the county components, indicating that assessments for counties within the same MSA tend to be similar (data not shown).

Geographical effects on the ratings and composites by MSA are mapped in an online appendix to this article available at The maps reveal distinct regional patterns in assessments of health plans and care.

Variation over Time in Geographical and Plan Effects

Table 3 shows estimates of variance components for the interactions of year with plan, MSA, and state. Although the geographic effects were specified slightly differently in this model, the variance shares for plan, MSA, and state (combining main effects and time interactions) were comparable to those in the first model (Table 2). (The omitted region component was absorbed into the state component, and the omitted plan by MSA interaction was absorbed into the plan and MSA components.) Conclusions regarding the relative influence of the plan on the various measures are also similar to those presented in Table 2.

Table 3.

Percent of Explained Variance Attributable to Plan, MSA and State, and to Interactions of Each with Year

Plan Plan*Year MSA MSA*Year State State*Year
 Health plan 49 10 10 5 24 1
 Health care 40 3 20 4 33 0
 Doctor 39 6 22 3 29 0
 Specialist 47 4 23 0 26 1
Summaries for Report Item Groups
 Access 39 6 19 4 31 1
 Doctor 38 4 24 3 31 1
 Vaccinations 46 6 28 1 17 2
 Customer service 57 14 4 2 22 1
 Services 50 3 19 0 28 0
 Prescriptions 53 8 15 2 17 5
 MD advised to quit smoking 25 0 23 0 53 0
Mean across all items 44 6 18 2 28 1

1. Limited to Plan/MSA/State units with at least 50 observations and Plan/State/Year units with at least 200 observations.

2. Each entry represents the magnitude of a variance component as a percentage of total variance for all effects included in the table.

3. Intraclass correlation can be calculated from these results as in following illustration based on rating of health plan:

For plan effect, ICC=(plan effect)/(plan effect+plan*year interaction)≈49/(49+10)≈83%.

Combined ICC=(sum of main effects)/100%≈ 49+10+24≈83%.

Variance components for change over time (interactions with year) were much smaller than the corresponding main effects, indicating that all of the scores were stable from year to year. The overall intertemporal ICC, combining all variance components, ranged from .68 to 1.00 (mean=.90) for individual items and from .83 to .95 for groups of report items. The intertemporal ICC was larger for state than for plan for each rating and group of reports except for prescriptions, signifying that the state effects are more stable over time. In particular, for the access, doctor, and services groups, and care, doctor, and specialist ratings, the ICCs for state effects ranged from .97 to .99. The contribution of MSA effects to variation over time was always smaller than that of plan effects.

The lowest ICCs were in the same domains for which the effect of the plan is strongest, overall rating of plan (.84), customer service functions (mean=.83), and prescription drugs items (mean=.85). Thus, these items had the greatest year-to-year variation, consistent with the hypothesis that they primarily measure functions that are most directly controlled by the plans and could be modified most readily from year to year. The low ICC for state effects for the prescription items might indicate that when prescription benefits changed, there was a tendency for them to change simultaneously for plans in the same state. The ICCs for the other rating items, and the mean ICCs for the other groups of reports, were greater than .90, indicating that these were relatively stable over time. Scores for services and advice to quit smoking were particularly stable.

Another way to assess the stability of plan scores is to calculate how much the means typically differ between two plans (within the same state and MSA) in the same year, and for the same plan between years. For rating of plan and the customer service items, the typical (one standard deviation) difference between plans in the same year would be more than twice as large as the change for the same plan in consecutive years. For access and doctor reports and ratings, the typical difference between plans would be about three times the typical change between years. Thus, scores tend to be stable compared to the cross-sectional variation among plans.

To illustrate secular trends, we plotted unadjusted and adjusted means for rating of plan, rating of doctor, and getting prescription drugs through the plan (Figure 1). Adjusted and unadjusted patterns were very similar. Ratings of plan dropped sharply from 1999 to 2001. (Customer service reports followed a very similar pattern.) Ratings of doctor also trended downward over the five years (similar to reports on interactions with doctors). For these variables, the overall decline approximated one standard deviation of the plan effect in the mixed model. Reports on getting prescription drugs dropped sharply between 1999 and 2000. All but two measures declined from the first to last year in which they appeared in the survey.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Trends in Selected CAHPS Measures, 1997–2001

Adjusted rates are from the mixed models including time effects and are adjusted for plan and area effects and individual case-mix effects. The vertical scale for adjusted rates is shifted to match the unadjusted rates in the last year of each series. Error bars are for the difference of each year's adjusted mean from the final year's mean. The final year for “getting prescriptions” is 2000 (Year 4) because 2001 data were incomparable.

Statistical Significance of Changes between Years

Table 4 presents changes between consecutive years in the mean ratings and report composites, relative to mean trends. For rating of plan, there were a substantial number of significant changes; 7.6 percent, 22.6 percent, 36.4 percent, and 40.7 percent of plans, in the four pairs of years, had significant changes. For ratings of doctor, care, and specialist, on the other hand, there were fewer significant changes (on average 7.4 percent); only slightly more than the 5 percent that would be expected to appear due to random sampling variation. The prescription drugs composite had the largest number of significant changes in each year. These average rates, however, conceal considerable diversity in reliability, because a number of plans with large enrollments and extended service areas were allocated larger than average samples and therefore were measured more reliably. Thus, for some plans relatively small changes would be significant. Reliability is also affected by the varying number of respondents to the different groups of items; for example, over 90 percent of survey respondents provided a rating of plan but only about half rated their care (Zaslavsky and Cleary 2002).

Table 4.

Statistical Significance of Changes in Relative Ratings of Plans (Plan Mean Score Minus Mean of All Plans) between Pairs of Years

1997 to 1998 1998 to 1999 1999 to 2000 2000 to 2001

Decrease No Significant Change Increase Decrease No Significant Change Increase Decrease No Significant Change Increase Decrease No Significant Change Increase
Plan 5 145 7 18 144 24 46 136 32 37 99 31
Doctor 4 146 7 10 168 8 12 191 11 10 148 9
Care 2 152 3 9 167 10 6 200 8 9 151 7
Specialist 0 155 2 6 170 10 6 201 7 2 160 5
Access 27 113 17 14 160 12 8 192 14 7 148 12
Doctor 2 150 5 7 175 4 7 198 9 8 150 9
Service 20 123 14 5 179 2 7 198 9 4 159 4
Prescriptions 32 101 24 27 136 23 52 131 31
Customer 37 93 27 12 161 13 23 168 23 17 135 15
Vaccination 14 157 15 11 188 15 15 136 16
Advised to quit smoking 4 150 3 3 178 5 6 200 8 3 161 3
Total 157 186 214 167

Note: Changes are classified as significant decrease (t<−2), no significant change (−2≤t≤+2), or significant increase (t>+2).

Correlations among Changes

After restricting the analyses to plans that had at least 350 respondents in pairs of years, analyses were based on 157, 186, 214, and 167 plans for pairs of consecutive years. Due to the smaller sample sizes and number of plans in 1997, estimates for the 1997–1998 correlations were insufficiently reliable to be reported, as were those for the specialist ratings (answered by only 51 percent of unit respondents). Correlations for the remaining rating variables in the other three pairs of years (after correction for sampling error) appear in Table 5. Correlations between changes in care ratings and those for either doctor or plan were higher (.64 to .94) than those between changes in doctor and plan ratings (.31 to .51). This result is consistent with previous cross-sectional findings that the plan and doctor ratings characterize distinct dimensions of consumer experiences, while the care rating combines the two (Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000).

Table 5.

Estimated Correlations of Change for Three Ratings Items, between Consecutive Years

Rating of Plan by Rating of Doctor Rating of Plan by Rating of Care Rating of Doctor by Rating of Care
1998 to 1999 0.51 0.70 0.84
1999 to 2000 0.39 0.64 0.77
2000 to 2001 0.31 0.65 0.94


Understanding which aspects of quality vary most by plan, market, and state and over time can help to identify the most appropriate focus of quality interventions. As in our previous study (Zaslavsky, Landon et al. 2000), ratings of plan varied more than other ratings, and most of the variation in ratings of plan and reports on customer service (a strong predictor of plan ratings [Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000; Zaslavsky and Cleary 2002]) and obtaining prescription drugs was attributable to the individual plan. The rating of the plan is likely to be driven largely by plan-specific administrative structures and rules (Wagner et al. 2001), while access to prescription drugs is strongly influenced by the plan's benefits design (Zaslavsky, Beaulieu et al. 2000). Conversely, most variation in ratings and reports about health care providers was attributable to geographic factors. These measures are affected by the style of medical practice associated with networks of providers in various areas (which often overlap across plans), and therefore vary mainly by geographic area. The substantial quality variation across MSAs, even within the same plan (manifested as a plan–MSA interaction) might reflect the influence of the local networks of providers who serve a plan's customers in each of the areas in which it operates. In a previous study (Solomon et al. 2002), most of the variation in consumer assessments of primary care within a geographical area was attributable to the medical practice sites, with relatively little effect of health plans.

For most measures the variation among states was larger than the variation among MSAs within states, quantitatively supporting the appropriateness of the state as a unit for evaluation of health care quality. Furthermore, some measures (particularly those related to access and obtaining special services) exhibited substantial regional variation, indicating that contiguous states tended to be similar with respect to these aspects of quality. The state is a natural unit, particularly for Medicare, because (1) it is the unit within which most contracts are defined, (2) quality control and improvement functions of the Medicare Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs, formerly known as Peer Review Organizations or PROs) operate at the state level, and (3) it is the main unit of geography for comparative reporting of consumer assessments back to consumers and plans. However, there was also substantial substate variation, for the system as a whole (MSA effect) and for particular plans (interaction of plan by MSA). Thus, it might be worthwhile to report assessments for substate parts of large plans, where sample sizes permit.

Most measures trended downward between 1997 and 2001, in many cases substantially, even after removing the effects of plan departures from the Medicare market. The sharp decline in reports on getting prescription drugs in 2000 might reflect the many plans dropping or restricting those benefits in that year. The decline in ratings could represent disillusionment with managed care among Medicare beneficiaries, and perhaps a reaction to increasing restrictions imposed by plans facing financial pressures that did not allow them to continue to extend the generous benefit designs and care management policies that initially attracted members to managed care. However, because we do not have a comparable series of data from beneficiaries in fee-for-service Medicare, we cannot establish whether these trends were particular to managed care or conversely occurred in traditional Medicare as well.

Differences among plans in most ratings and report items were fairly stable. There was more change from year to year in ratings of plan overall and in reports on customer services and access to prescription drugs, the domains that are most sensitive to the specific policies of the plan. These scores might change more because it is easier for a plan to change its benefits design and administrative structures and policies than to change its network or to modify the practices of health care providers, especially when each plan contributes only a fraction of each provider's caseload.

Differences among states were extremely stable from year to year for all measures except access to prescription drugs. The somewhat larger changes in state effects for prescription drug items may reflect the incentives for plans in a state to change their prescription benefits simultaneously: a plan that retains a more generous benefit than its competitors is likely to be subject to adverse selection.

Plan scores on rating of plan, prescription drugs, and customer service commonly changed significantly between years, but other scores less often changed significantly. The changes between years tend to be smaller than differences among plans within a single year and therefore are more difficult to measure reliably. Future analyses should determine whether the reliability of estimates of change could be improved by combining many items into a single change score, or by using a panel design that samples the same respondents in consecutive years to improve the precision of estimates of change, as in the Current Population Survey. Also, effects of quality improvement efforts might be best measured using items that are specially designed to detect changes in the targeted aspects of quality.

Understanding the levels at which variation in quality occurs, particularly over time, helps to identify the levels at which quality interventions might be most effective. The stability of scores in domains related to direct medical care suggests that most plans have not yet implemented quality improvement programs that dramatically affect these scores, although perhaps some plans have. The large geographical component of quality is particularly stable over time. Thus, quality differences across areas might be resistant to improvement without system-wide initiatives that are broader than what any single plan is able to implement, while conversely the plan might be the wrong locus for quality improvement except for areas like customer service over which it has the most control. This finding is consistent with the literature documenting large geographical variations in medical practice style and procedure utilization, particularly for the elderly population, with substantial cost implications but no visible clinical rationale or benefit for outcomes (Wennberg and Gittelsohn 1973; Gatsonis et al. 1995; Fisher et al. 2003a, b). Future research should address relationships of consumer assessments to these variations in practice and other measurable characteristics of the local health care system such as physician supply and reimbursement levels.

A previous study found significant differences in Medicare CAHPS scores associated with plan characteristics (Landon, Zaslavsky, and Cleary 2001); the impact of organizational structures spanning several contracts within the same state or in different states bears further study. Further research also could examine the experiences reported by beneficiaries who disenrolled from plans (excluded from the main CAHPS managed care survey) and the impact on variation of the declining number of plans remaining in the Medicare managed care market (Achman and Gold 2002). The Medicare managed care plans that we studied had a single payer, operated under identical regulations, enrolled members from the same population, and received reimbursements under a common geographically based structure. We might expect greater variation in the more segmented commercial market, although it is not obvious how this would affect the relative variation within and between geographical areas.

Health plans, purchasers, and consumers will be interested in trends forplans and areas. The results we have presented here should help in the interpretation of longitudinal CAHPS data.


We thank Matthew Cioffi for expert preparation of datasets, Marc Ciriello for assistance with document preparation, and Elizabeth Goldstein and Amy Heller of CMS and the other members of the CAHPS-MMC project team for their efforts and expertise in conducting the surveys on which these analyses are based.


This research was supported by a grant from the Commonwealth Fund to Paul D. Cleary and by a contract (#500-95-007) with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).


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