Large-scale changes in RNA secondary structure, such as those that occur in some of the spliceosomal RNAs during pre-mRNA splicing, have been proposed to be catalyzed by ATP-dependent RNA helicases. Here we show that deproteinized human U4/U6 spliceosomal RNA complex, which has the potential for extensive intermolecular base pairing, contains a cis-acting element that promotes its dissociation into free U4 and U6 RNAs. The destabilzing element corresponds to the bae of putative intramolecular stem in U6 RNA that includes the 3' three-quarters of the molecule. Oligonucleotides expected to compete for U6 RNA 3' stem formation promote assembly of the human U4/U6 RNA complex under conditions that otherwise result in dissociation of the U4/U6 complex. Truncation of the putative 3' stem-forming sequences in U6 RNA by oligonucleotide-directed RNase H cleavage increases the melting temperature of the U4/U6 RNA complex by almost 20 degree C, to a level commensurate with its intermolecular base-pairing potential. We conclude that the stability of the competing human U6 RNA intramolecular 3' stem, combined with a low activation energy for conformational rearrangement, causes the human U4/U6 RNA complex to be intrinsically unstable despite its base-pairing potential. Therefore a helicase activity may not be necessary for disassembly of the human U4/U6 complex during activation of the spliceosome. We propose that a previously identified base-pairing interaction between U6 and U2 RNAs may stabilize the human U4/U6 RNA complex by antagonizing U6 RNA 3' stem formation.
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