Cleavage of the yeast pre-rRNA at site A(2) in internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) requires multiple snoRNP species, whereas cleavage at site A(3),located 72 nt 3' in ITS1, requires Rnase MRP. Analyses of mutations in the pre- rRNA have revealed an unexpected link between processing at A(2) and A(3). Small substitution mutations in the 3' flanking sequence at A(2) inhibit processing at site A(3), whereas a small deletion at A(3) has been shown to delay processing at site A(2). Moreover, the combination of mutations in cis at both A(2) and A(3) leads to the synthesis of pre-rRNA species with 5' ends within the mature 18S rRNA sequence, at sites between + 482 and + 496. The simultaneous interference with an snoRNP processing complex at site A(2) and an Rnase MPRP complex at site A(3) may activate a pre-rRNA breakdown pathway. The same aberantpre-rRNA species are observed in strains with mutations in the RNA component of Rnase MRP, consistent with interactions between the processing complexes. Furthermore, genetic depletion of the snoRNA, snR30, has been shown to affect the coupling between cleavage by Rnase MRP and subsequent exonuclease digestion.We conclude that an sno-RNP-dependent processing complex that is required for A(2) cleavage and that recognizes the 3' flanking sequence at A(2), interacts with the RNase MRP complex bound to the pre-rRNA around site A(3).
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