Short regions of (-)-strand brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA3, proscripts, were shown to direct accurate in vitro synthesis of (+)-strand subgenomic RNA by the BMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), facilitating characterization of the sequences and/or structures directing subgenomic RNA synthesis. Proscripts retaining fewer than 8-nt of an 18-nt polyuridylate tract located just upstream of the core promoter sequence (French R, Ahlquist P, 1988, J Virol 62:2411-2420; Marsh LE, Dreher TW, Hall TC, 1988, Nucleic Acids Res 16:981-995) directed dramatically less synthesis of 26-nt or longer products. Original levels of RNA synthesis were not restored by replacement of the 3' polyuridylate tract with polyadenylate, polycytidylate, or polyguanylate tracts, or by movement of the polyuridylate tract to the 5' end of the proscript. The polyuridylate tract presumably binds some component(s) required for RdRp activity because the addition of poly(U) [but not poly(C)] RNA to RdRp reactions decreased RNA synthesis significantly. Quite surprisingly, deletions of the polyuridylate tract in proscripts directing synthesis of 24-nt or shorter products had little or no detrimental effect on subgenomic RNA synthesis, correlated with their inability to form a computer-predicted stem-loop present in longer proscripts requiring the polyuridylate tract. Successive 3' and 5' deletions demonstrated that the minimal elements required for accurate initiation of subgenomic RNA synthesis are within a proscript of 22-nt.
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