In vitro splicing of SUP4 pre-tRNATyr and SUP4 pre-tRNAArchEuka Tyr. 32P-labeled tRNA precursors were incubated in cell-free extracts or with purified splicing endonucleases, electrophoresed in 8 M urea–10% polyacrylamide gels and exposed to PhosphorImager. (Lanes 1–6) SUP4 pre-tRNATyr (93 nt long); (lanes 7–12) SUP4 pre-tRNAArchEuka Tyr (96 nt long). (Lanes 1,7) Nonincubated control; (lanes 2,8) incubation with nuclear extracts of X. laevis oocytes prepared en masse; (lanes 3,9) incubation with nuclear extracts of X. laevis oocytes prepared manually; (lanes 4,10) incubation with purified X. laevis splicing endonuclease; (lanes 5,11) incubation with purified M. jannaschii endonuclease; (lanes 6,12) incubation with S. cerevisiae cell-free extract. “2/3” indicates intermediates in which the 5′-half or 3′-half tRNA is still joined to the intron. The identity of the products was verified by sequencing.