The P1 phage replication protein RepA contacts an otherwise inaccessible thymine N3 proton by DNA distortion or base flipping. Lyakhov I.G., Hengen P.N., Rubens D., Schneider T.D. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001;29:4892–4900. doi: 10.1093/nar/29.23.4892.
The P1 phage replication protein RepA contacts an otherwise inaccessible thymine N3 proton by DNA distortion or base flipping
I.G.Lyakhov, P.N.Hengen, D.Rubens and T.D.Schneider
Nucleic Acids Res. (2001) 29, 4892–4900
In Figure 3, the gel mobility shift assay lanes 15 and 26 were identical but mirror images. In the original gel the lanes have the same extraneous marks and were almost indistinguishable, so the wrong one was chosen for lane 26. The corrected figure is given here. This correction does not change any results of the paper.