To clarify the practice of withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food from elderly patients with dementia in nursing homes.
Qualitative, ethnographic study in two phases.
10 wards in two nursing homes in the Netherlands.
35 patients with dementia, eight doctors, 43 nurses, and 32 families.
The clinical course of dementia was considered normal and was rarely reason to begin the artificial administration of fluids and food in advanced disease. Fluids and food seemed to be given mainly when there was an acute illness or a condition that needed medical treatment and which required hydration to be effective. The medical condition of the patient, the wishes of the family, and the interpretations of the patients' quality of life by their care providers were considered more important than living wills and policy agreements.
Doctors' decisions about withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food from elderly patients with dementia are influenced more by the clinical course of the illness, the presumed quality of life of the patient, and the patient's medical condition than they are by advanced planning of care. In an attempt to understand the wishes of the patient doctors try to create the broadest possible basis for the decision making process and its outcome, mainly by involving the family.
What is already known on this topic
Debate has focused on whether it is beneficial to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food from patients with advanced dementia
What this study adds
The course of dementia, the patient's quality of life, and the patient's current medical condition influence doctors' decision making more than advanced planning of care
Doctors try to create the broadest possible basis for the decision making process and its outcome, mainly by involving the family
In 1997 there was widespread discussion in the Netherlands about the practice of withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food from patients with advanced dementia. This arose from a complaint about the staff of a nursing home who had deliberately allowed a patient with dementia to dehydrate. The patient's family had been told that this was common practice in the advanced stages of the disease. The family had the patient admitted to hospital, where he improved after an infusion of fluid. A few days later he was reportedly sitting up in bed and eating.
Withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food, especially in incompetent patients in nursing homes, has also been the subject of discussion in the United Kingdom and the United States.1–4 Whether the artificial administration of fluids and food is beneficial to patients with advanced dementia has been debated.5–8
As a result of the debate in the Netherlands, the minister of public health, welfare, and sports commissioned this study. We aimed to determine the decision making process behind withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food in incompetent patients.9 Within this category, patients with dementia are an important group; 47% of people over 85 years have Alzheimer's disease.10 We focused on key factors in the decision making process, trajectories for the illness, advanced planning of care, and the presumed wishes of the patient.
Our qualitative ethnographic study was conducted in two phases.11,12 Data were collected through observation of the participants of two nursing homes. Informed consent was obtained from the management teams of the two homes, the doctors, the nursing staff, and representatives (mostly relatives) of the patients.
The first phase of the study (October 1998 to April 1999) was carried out by RP who worked full time for 7 months in a nursing home (201 beds) in a rural part of the eastern Netherlands. RP conducted formal interviews, attended patients' funerals, and interviewed a few of the bereaved families. The second phase of the study (December 1999 to February 2001) was carried out by AT in a nursing home (210 beds) in the more urbanised western Netherlands.
RP had investigated the practice of withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food by the staff full time for 7 months, but we found that the time frame was too short to understand decision making when illnesses had longer trajectories, and the attitudes of the other professionals were not sufficiently clear. Therefore we increased the study period for phase 2 to 14 months on a part time basis, 3 days a week. AT focused on the doctors and other healthcare professionals, the perspectives of all involved, formalities in planning care in advance (policy agreements and living wills), and the course of the illness long term. Retrospective information on prospective cases was supplied from the medical notes and interviews. AT attended meetings, had informal conversations, and conducted interviews.
Because of the media attention surrounding the practice of withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food, the staff of both nursing homes were initially conscious of the researchers. The researchers observed but did not participate in the decision making process about withholding fluids and food. The findings and conclusions were submitted to the participants and discussed in formal interviews conducted at the end of both phases.13
Overall, 35 of the patients (28 women) on the 10 included wards were candidates for the withholding of the artificial administration of fluids and food, especially those with advanced disease. Their age ranged from 61 to 98 years. Four patients were in a ward for those needing supervision only, 12 in a ward for patients needing care for daily activities only, and 19 in a ward for patients needing nursing care. It was not possible for the researchers to follow patients on more than five wards, and the sample size was based on this observation. Eight doctors (five male, three female), 32 families, and 43 nurses were observed in the decision making process.
Our analysis and results are based on four types of data13: the researchers made comprehensive notes of their observations and informal conversations; formal interviews were taped and fully transcribed; the researchers had access to the medical and nursing records of the patients for which their representatives had given consent; and the researchers kept a diary of their own behaviour and attitudes, distinct from their comprehensive notes.
Data were analysed per patient by both researchers, resulting in 35 case studies, which contained detailed descriptions of illness trajectories, the decision making process, the participants, and communication between the participants. Completed case studies were read repeatedly to identify patterns. The cases studies were then compared and similarities and differences between topics analysed.14 We resolved discrepancies through discussion. Saturation of data was reached after 21 cases; the identified patterns were checked with the last 14 cases.
Advanced planning of care
The family was involved from the moment a patient was admitted to the nursing home. This was achieved by holding regular meetings, starting shortly after admission, in which the deterioration and subsequent management of the patient were discussed (box B1).
Box 1.
Conversation with family of patient with dementia
Often these conversations resulted in policy agreements, which were recorded in the patient's notes. Few patients had a written living will; in specific situations they did not want their life prolonged or wanted euthanasia. These wishes were recorded.
Illness processes
Trajectory 1: the slow downward curve
When dehydration resulted from dementia there was hardly ever a decision to give fluids and food artificially. Slow deterioration was considered a natural course of the disease, in which patients would not benefit from the artificial administration of fluids or food. Patients were, however, given other types of non-medical support, including special dietary provisions, and extra attention was paid to the way food was given. This trajectory took place mainly in a care context whereas the tasks depended largely on the nursing staff.
The decisions to withhold fluids and food in this illness trajectory seldom led to problems: caregivers and family expected the slow deterioration because it could be seen and, from the conversations with the doctors, they were prepared (box B2). There was usually mutual agreement not to prolong the patient's life unnecessarily, because it was considered that hydration would not improve the quality of the patient's life and further exposure to the disease process.
Box 2.
Conversation with the family about the onset of advanced dementia
Trajectory 2: the interruption
Acute illness such as an infection or depression often interrupted the slow deterioration from dementia (15 of 35 cases). This accelerated deterioration was usually considered to be reversible and medically treatable.
When acute illness was accompanied by dehydration, in most cases (15 times in nine patients) a decision was made to rehydrate the patient (14 times by hypodermoclysis in eight patients: one patient was treated four times, three patients twice, and four patients once). If fluids were given artificially this happened only in combination with medical treatment (box B3). The argument was that “if you say A, you've also got to say B.” This trajectory was characterised by a medical context.
Box 3.
Fluids given in combination with medical treatment
In the case of brief acute illnesses or when the patient was in a poor condition or in end stage dementia, doctors were more reluctant to begin medical treatment, including the artificial administration of fluids and food. One doctor said that “patients are vulnerable—each period of treatment makes it more difficult to treat again. At a certain point it's no longer beneficial.” In such situations the illness process was considered to be irreversible. If doctors anticipated this, they prepared the family by warning that more treatment wouldn't help, which was recorded in the patient's notes.
Unexpected fluctuation in the illness process: the dynamics
The decision to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food was mainly dictated by the medical condition of the patient and the presence of acute illness. The course of the illness process, however, seemed difficult to predict. Some patients became suddenly ill and died, whereas those who were expected to die recovered unexpectedly, even after simple treatment (box B4). For individual patients various and even different decisions were made to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food.
Box 4.
The amazing recovery of Mrs R
Decision processes
Living will and policy agreements
The patients were unable to make a choice for themselves about treatment, yet their wish was a factor in the decision making process. A written living will influenced the decision to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food. Although euthanasia was not possible, the living will was considered to represent the patient's wish not to prolong his or her life, which was respected. Written agreements were considered useful for dialogue with families, subsequent conversations, and locums. Unexpected fluctuations in the patient's condition, however, influenced previous policy agreements; the doctors stated they mainly focused on the recent and current wellbeing (including prognosis) and quality of life of their patients.
Current verbal and non-verbal wishes
Some patients with early dementia clearly expressed their death wishes verbally, sometimes confirmed by the family (box B5). There also seemed to be non-verbal expressions of wishes; patients who gave the impression they were tired of life or even wanted to die—for example, by refusing food or drink (box B6).
Box 5.
Verbal expression of wishes
Box 6.
Non-verbal expression of wishes
A patient's behaviour and attitude was also considered by the staff to be a non-verbal expression; if giving the impression of being happy, this was interpreted as “a will to live.” The opposite was also the case; if a patient's quality of life was poor for months despite drugs, the decision to not treat was made when they developed pneumonia with dehydration.
Although the ways in which a patient's wishes were expressed were recorded by the doctors, important unexpected changes did occur. For instance, one patient who was thought to have a death wish, got out of bed after a few weeks. She said nothing about wanting to die, and gave the impression of enjoying life. When she developed pneumonia a year later, it was decided together with her son not to keep to the former policy agreement but to treat her with antibiotics and hypodermoclysis.
Control of staff and adaptation of family
The care context of the slow downward curve (trajectory 1) depended on the nursing staff. Against that the staff rarely participated in the decision making process for withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food; they were informed and their opinions sought, but the doctors made the decisions. Nurses influenced the doctors by questioning decisions and expressing their concerns.
The doctors' decisions were mostly influenced by their reaction to the patient's condition and the patient's family. The family had a considerable influence, formally as legal representatives; however, it was more their emotional response to the patient's condition that was taken into consideration. The doctors explicitly considered the families' feelings and preferences. If a patient did not give the impression of suffering, and a family needed more time, then treatment was provided.
Doctors and the families commonly had a long relationship. During discussions with the families, the doctors made decisions on the basis of the families' reactions to the illness process and its outcome (see boxes B1 and B2). It was more difficult for locums and the doctors of patients who had recently arrived in the nursing home to make these assessments (box B7). The doctors considered the wishes of the families, but in the end they had control over treatment.
Box 7.
Decision making in favour of the family by locum doctor
Patients with dementia follow two illness trajectories, which entail decisions about whether to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food. Doctors in nursing homes consider the deterioration from dementia (trajectory 1) to be the normal, irreversible course of the disease. Therefore in advanced dementia it is rarely considered beneficial to give fluids and food artificially. In our study this usually only happened if there was an acute illness or a condition that needed medical treatment (trajectory 2) and required rehydration to be effective.
Care providers strove to comply with the wishes of their patient (reconstruction of patient's wish).15 Patients' living wills seemed of limited importance; policy agreements were useful in the decision making process and for dialogue with the family. But in the end the medical condition of the patient, the wishes of the family (considerable attention was paid to helping the family adjust to the prevailing circumstances), and the interpretations of the patients' quality of life by their care providers were the most important criteria for withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food.
Doctors are constantly faced with uncertainties about what the patient wants (a question of interpretation), and therefore they struggle in deciding what is medically best. Unexpected fluctuations in the disease and presumed life wishes of patients force doctors to continue to ask themselves this question. To reduce this uncertainty they try to create the broadest possible basis for the decision making process and its outcome, mainly by involving the family.
The two illness trajectories had different contexts and concerned different professionals: the second trajectory was characterised by medical decision making by the doctors and the first trajectory by care from the nursing staff. The care context seemed the most vulnerable: more staff were involved and the borderlines for what was involved in care were less clear. The care context is sensitive to continuity and communication problems; at present there is a scarcity of nurses in the Netherlands, which leads to unfilled posts and temporary workers.
Methodological considerations
We identified repeated patterns of decision making in the practice of withholding the artificial administration of fluids and food from elderly patients with dementia in nursing homes. We assume that our findings are generalisable because the patterns were observed in two nursing homes in different regions and by two researchers working independently. Further ethnographic research is needed to confirm the generalisability of our findings.11
The findings are important because the doctors' attitude towards policy agreements explained their preference for concentrating on the patient's quality of life. Although written living wills were helpful, they were insufficient. Because of the dynamic course of dementia, the current medical condition of the patient and his or her wishes must be taken into consideration when deciding whether to withhold the artificial administration of fluids and food.
Funding: This study was funded by grants to the value of €297 000 (£186 932; $293 466) from the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports, the Netherlands.
Competing interests: None declared.
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