Fig. 4.
Memory performance for recognition of lag10 words on the continuous recognition task (CRT) at baseline and during drug administration and final recognition memory at the end of the study day. The first two points (Base CRT% and Drug CRT%) represent the percent correct recognition of lag10 words presented 33 s previously on the CRT. The final point, Recog DRUG words, is recognition of lag10 words presented during Drug CRT. Note that propofol (PRP) demonstrates a steeper slope, or greater information loss, of initially acquired material when compared with thiopental (THP) or dexmedetomidine (DEX). Propofol also demonstrates a sedative effect, as exemplified by low performers. Subjects in this category, regardless of drug, never acquired words during presentation and did not have any recognition of them, despite exposure to these stimuli during responsiveness. The small box in the upper right corner represents performance on CRT at baseline and recognition of these baseline words at the end of the day. There was no difference among groups overall by analysis of variance at baseline. FA = false alarm rate.