NEUROSCIENCE. For the article “Functional characterization of a nonclassical nicotine receptor associated with inositolphospholipid breakdown and mobilization of intracellular calcium pools,” by Marianne Garnier, Marek Lamacz, Marie ChristineTonon, and Hubert Vaudry, which appeared in number 24, November 22, 1994, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (91, 11743–11747), the authors note that “A regrettable mistake has been made in the preparation of the nicotine solutions used throughout this study. One microliter of nicotine was erroneously considered to be equivalent to 1 μg of nicotine; however, it was equal to 1 mg. Thus, all the concentrations of nicotine used in our study were 1,000 times higher than reported. The authors apologize for the erroneous information that may have misled other investigators.”
Marianne Garnier Marek Lamacz Marie Christine Tonon Hubert Vaudry