β-Glucans are the main components of the fungal cell wall. Fission yeast possesses a family of β-glucan synthase-related genes. We describe here the cloning and characterization of bgs3+, a new member of this family. bgs3+ was cloned as a suppressor of a mutant hypersensitive to Echinocandin and Calcofluor White, drugs that interfere with cell wall biosynthesis. Disruption of the gene is lethal, and a decrease in Bgs3p levels leads to rounded cells with thicker walls, slightly reduces the amount of the β-glucan, and raises the amount of α-glucan polymer. These cells finally died. bgs3+ is expressed in vegetative cells grown in different conditions and during mating and germination and is not enhanced by stress situations. Consistent with the observed expression pattern, Bgs3-green fluorescence protein (GFP-Bgs3p) was found at the growing tips during interphase and at the septum prior to cytokinesis, always localized to growth areas. We also found GFP-Bgs3p in mating projections, during the early stages of zygote formation, and at the growing pole during ascospore germination. We conclude that Bgs3p localization is restricted to growth areas and that Bgs3p is a glucan synthase homologue required for cell wall biosynthesis and cell elongation in the fission yeast life cycle.
Fission yeast, with its well-defined cylindrical shape, provides an ideal system to study cell morphogenesis. In optimal conditions, cell growth is achieved in a polarized fashion by tip elongation along the main axis, which remains constant in diameter. At the onset of mitosis, polarized cell growth abates and septum deposition occurs in the middle of the cell, followed by medial fission (37). Starvation induces haploid cells of opposite mating types to mate in pairs, forming diploid zygotes. The zygotes then undergo meiosis to form four rounded haploid spores, which germinate in a polarized fashion when nutrient conditions improve (49). The job of the cell wall is to preserve the osmotic integrity of cells and determine cellular morphology during tip elongation, septation, mating, sporulation, and germination growth (18). In all of these morphogenetic changes, continuous cell wall polymer synthesis is required for viability. The fact that such processes lack homologous counterparts in mammalian cells makes cell wall biosynthetic enzymes an attractive, and in some cases essential, antifungal target (14).
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell wall is an extracellular matrix with a layered organization consisting of an outer layer of glycoproteins (9 to 14% α-galactomannan) and an inner layer of carbohydrate polymers. This carbohydrate layer is mainly composed of 1,3-β-glucan (48%) interwoven into a fibrillar network with 1,3-α-glucan (18 to 28%), although it also contains some 1,6-β-glucan (2%) (27). Among the polysaccharides, 1,3-β-glucans are the most prevalent, and it is generally accepted that they are the main structural components responsible for cell wall rigidity (27). In situ localization of three different types of β-glucan has indicated that 1,6-β-branched 1,3-β-glucan and 1,6-β-glucan are located throughout the glucan layer (less-dense layer), whereas the linear 1,3-β-glucan is located exclusively in the primary septum of dividing cells (16).
The enzyme complex that catalyses the synthesis of 1,3-β-glucan chains is 1,3-β-glucan synthase (GS). GS activity has been characterized mainly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (33). Based on studies of mutants resistant and hypersensitive to GS inhibitors, gene disruption experiments, and biochemical characterization, the following model has been proposed (reviewed in reference 4 and 10). S. cerevisiae GS is composed of at least two proteins: (i) the putative catalytic subunit, a large-molecular-size (>200-kDa) polypeptide with 16 transmembrane domains encoded by two genes, FKS1 and FKS2 (11, 17, 32), and (ii) a small GTP-binding subunit, Rho1p, which stimulates GS activity in its prenylated form (12, 40). FKS1 expression is cell cycle regulated and more abundant during vegetative growth, whereas FKS2 expression is calcineurin dependent and important for efficient sporulation (32, 50). A third FKS homologue, FKS3, is dispensable and is not necessary for growth or sporulation (A. Ram, cited as a personal communication in reference 45). Genes with strong homology to FKS1 have been identified from the fungal pathogens Candida albicans (GSC1, GSL1, and GSL2), Aspergillus nidulans (fksA), Aspergillus fumigatus (AfFks1), Cryptococcus neoformans (CnFKS1), Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (PbFKS1), and Pneumocystis carinii (Pcgsc-1) (for a review, see reference 10).
At least four genes sharing homology with 1,3-β-GS catalytic subunits have been identified in S. pombe. cps1+/bgs1+, bgs2+, bgs3+ (the present study), and bgs4+ (cosmid c1840). Of these, Cps1/Bgs1p is presumably involved in the assembly of the septum-polymer 1,3-β-glucan, although no catalytic activity has been directly demonstrated to date. Certain mutations in bgs1+ confer hypersensitivity to cyclosporine and papulacandin B, an inhibitor of 1,3-β-GS (20), whereas other mutants are unable to assemble the division septum (23, 26). It has recently been shown that Bgs1p is localized to the cell division site in a manner dependent on the actomyosin ring and the septation-inducing network (25). In addition, Bgs1p has been localized to the sites of growth (6). Bgs2p is a sporulation-specific GS required for proper ascospore wall maturation (24, 29). bgs2Δ sporulating diploids show a defect in GS activity and fail to assemble the cell wall properly, resulting in a failure to develop viable ascospores (29). The presence of two more genes encoding 1,3-β-GS isoforms suggests that each may perform a distinct function. Alternatively, even though Bgs1p seems to be important for septation and Bgs2p is necessary for sporulation, it is possible that these other two isoforms perform overlapping roles in cell wall assembly. GS activities are regulated in a complex manner by the activities of the Rho family GTPases and protein kinase C (reviewed in reference 1). Under- or overproduction of these regulators dramatically affects S. pombe morphology and cell wall integrity. In contrast, almost nothing is known about how the various components are organized into a functional unit subsequent to their synthesis.
Here we report the characterization of bgs3+. We present evidence that bgs3+, which encodes a β-GS homologue, is essential for cell growth. Bgs3p is always found in the growth areas and cannot be substituted by overproduction of any of the other GS homologues, suggesting a unique role for Bgs3p in the biosynthesis of 1,3-β-glucans where new cell wall deposition is necessary.
Strains, media, and chemicals.
The genotypes of the S. pombe strains used in the present study are listed in Table 1. Complete yeast growth medium (YES), selective minimal medium (MM) supplemented with the appropriate requirements, and sporulation medium (SPA) have been described elsewhere (34). Echinocandin LY280949 (Ech; Lilly Company) (41) was stored at −20°C in a stock solution (2.5 mg/ml) in 50% ethanol and was added to the medium after an autoclaving step at the corresponding final concentration. Calcofluor White (Cf) was prepared (15 mg/ml) in water with a few drops of 10 N KOH, filter sterilized, and added as described above to MM medium or to YES medium, the latter previously buffered with 50 mM potassium hydrogen phthalate (pH 6.1). General yeast cultures and genetic manipulations were as described previously (34). Escherichia coli DH5α was used for plasmid propagation. E. coli CJ236 and MV1190 were used for in vitro site-directed mutagenesis. Luria-Bertani and 2xYT media (43) were supplemented with 50 μg of ampicillin or 25 μg of kanamycin/ml when appropriate.
Strain list
Strain | Genotypes | Source |
PN22 | h−leu1-32 | S. Moreno |
GI1 | h+leu1-32 ehs2-1 | This work |
MS38 | h−leu1-32 ade6M210 ura4D-18 his3D1 | This work |
MS75 | h+/h−leu1-32/leu1-32 ade6M210/ade6M216 ura4D-18/ura4D-18 his3D1/his3D1 | This work |
MS300 | h+/h−leu1-32/leu1-32 ade6M210/ade6M216, ura4D-18/bgs3::ura4+ his3D1/his3D1 | This work |
MS301 | h−leu1-32 ade6M210 ura4D-18 his3D1 41 nmt-bgs3+-ura4+ | This work |
MS302 | h−leu1-32 ade6M210 ura4D-18 his3D1 GFP-bgs3+-ura4+ | This work |
BG30 | h+leu1-32 nmt-bgs3+-kan | This work |
MS37 | h+leu1-32 his3D1 | This work |
HVP365 | h90leu1-32 | H. Valdivieso |
SM11 | h−leu1-32 cdc10-129 | S. Moreno |
PN35 | h+leu1-32 ura4D-18 cdc25-22 | S. Moreno |
PPG313 | h+leu1-32 ade6M216 orb6-25 | P. Pérez |
PPG324 | h−leu1-32 tea1-50 | P. Pérez |
MS170 | h+leu1-32 cps8-188 | J. Ishiguro |
Cloning of the bgs3+ gene.
ehs2-1 mutants (strain GI1) were transformed with a fission yeast genomic library constructed in plasmid pDB248 (15); 30,000 Leu+ transformants were selected and replated on medium containing 4 μg of Ech/ml to select for plasmids conferring drug resistance. The screening yielded eight transformants resistant to Ech; six of them were also resistant to Cf. Six plasmids (each from one transformant) rescued the Ech- or Cf-hypersensitive phenotype. They all contained the same 12.5-kb insert. One plasmid, pBG1, was chosen for restriction analysis (Fig. 1). Fragments of the insert were subcloned into pAL-KS (20) and assayed for the ability to complement drug hypersensitivity when reintroduced into strain GI1. Activity was localized to an approximately 9.8-kb SpeI-SpeI fragment subcloned in pAL-KS (pBG17). To identify a smaller active subclone, it was necessary to replace the ClaI site by a SacII site by site-directed mutagenesis, followed by digestion of the plasmid created with SacII and religation to obtain an insert of ∼8 kb in plasmid pJR33 (Fig. 1). The DNA sequence of the fragment contained in pJR33 was performed with custom-synthesized primers purchased from Isogen. Sequencing was performed on a ABI 377 sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Inc.) by using the Taq DyeDeoxy terminator cycle sequencing kit, as supplied by the manufacturer. The DNA sequence reported here has been deposited in the EMBL database under accession number AJ249371. To check whether bgs3+ was the gene affected by the ehs2-1 mutation, we subcloned a SalI-ClaI fragment from pBG1 into the SalI-SmaI sites of the integrative vector pJK148 carrying the leu1+ marker. The plasmid obtained was linearized with EcoRI and transformed into the PN22 strain. Integrants were isolated and tested for stability. A cross between the SalI-ClaI integrant strain and the ehs2-1 strain revealed 4PD, 12NPD, and 20T, out of 36 tetrads, indicating that they were different loci.
FIG. 1.
(A) Restriction map and subcloning of a DNA fragment that complements the ehs2-1 mutant phenotypes. The ClaI* site originally in the sequence was substituted by a SacII site by mutagenesis. The arrow represents the predicted bgs3+ ORF. The ability of subclones to complement ehs2-1 mutant phenotypes is indicated as either “+” (rescue) or “−” (no rescue). (B) Complementation of Ech- and Cf-hypersensitive phenotypes by plasmid pJR33. GI1 (h+ leu1-32 ehs2-1) cells were transformed with pJR33 or pAL, and transformants were streaked out onto MM plates in the presence or absence of Ech (1 μg/ml) or Cf (1 mg/ml). Plates were incubated at 28°C for 4 days.
Gene disruption of bgs3+.
The bgs3::ura4+ disruption construct was a three-step process. The 5′-noncoding region of the bgs3+ open reading frame (ORF) nucleotides (nt) −1970 to +25 was obtained via PCR by inserting the ApaI and SalI sites, one at each end, and was ligated into the same sites of the SK vector to yield pJR34. The 3′-flanking region of the bgs3+ ORF (nt 5481 to 7470) was obtained by PCR, inserting the PstI and BamHI sites as described above, and was cloned into the same sites of pJR34 to yield pJR35. A 1.7-kb SalI-PstI fragment containing the ura4+ gene was cloned into the same sites of pJR35, creating pBG40. bgs3+ gene disruption was accomplished by using the 5.7-kb fragment from pBG40 cut with ApaI and BamHI and transforming the MS75 diploid strain. Transformants were replica plated five consecutive times on YES medium in order to eliminate the cells that had not integrated the construct. The correct integration was then analyzed by PCR by using the following oligonucleotides: M13 (5′-CTGGTGGCCTTAGGTA-3′) in the ura4+ gene, B53 (5′-GGTTATTAAAGCAAATTGCAC-3′) upstream from nt −2235 and therefore external to the disruption cassette, and B11 (5′-GGTGAATCATAAGCATCC-3′) in the bgs3+ gene. Correct integrations were also confirmed by genomic Southern blotting. In both cases, tetrad analysis of the heterozygous diploid disclosed two viable (Ura−) and two unviable spores, indicating that the bgs3+ gene is essential for viability.
Shutoff and overexpression of the bgs3+ gene.
For shutoff and overexpression, we made use of the regulatable nmt promoters (13, 31). To overexpress bgs3+, a nmt3X-bgs3+-Kanr strain was constructed by fusion of the nmt promoter to the bgs3+ ORF by a PCR-based method with the primers 5′-GGAACTCTTTGGATAACAAAGCGACATTGGGAACGTGGCAATTCTGTCGTGGTTTATAAAGTGAATCTTGGTGAATTCGAGCTCGTTTAAAC-3′, 5′-GAATTTATGGTAGCATCATCGCTAAGGATTTGAATAGAAGAAGATGGCGAATGCTCACCCTTTTTATAATCCATCATGATTTAACAAAGCGACTATA-3′, and the pFA6a-kanMX6-P3nmt1 modules described elsewhere (3). For shutoff, a ura4+-41nmt1-bgs3+ strain was constructed by using plasmid pMS54 and the one-step gene replacement. pMS54 is an SK-based vector containing a 2-kb fragment with 5′ bgs3+ sequences (cloned in the SpeI site of the multiple cloning site), the ura4+ marker fragment cloned in BamHI-PstI, and the 41nmt1 promoter (cloned in PstI-SalI), followed by a 3-kb fragment of bgs3+ ORF (nt −3 to +2670) cloned in the SalI-KpnI sites. A SacI-KpnI fragment was used to transform a diploid strain (MS75), and correct integration was analyzed by PCR and Southern blotting. We then selected for haploids in MM without thiamine and uracil.
Epitope tagging.
For epitope tagging, we used a 115-bp NotI-NotI DNA fragment containing three repeats of the hemagglutinin (HA) epitope (48). pJR33 was modified to create a NotI site at nt 5478 of the bgs3+ coding sequence (pBG5), allowing in-frame insertion of the HA epitope at amino acid Glu-1826 of the Bgs3p (pBG11). pBG11 fully rescued the lethality of the bgs3Δ strains.
Strains containing a chromosomal copy of bgs3+ tagged with the green fluorescence protein (GFP-bgs3+) were obtained by one-step gene replacement. First, the GFP was fused to the N terminus of Bgs3p to make pMS60. pMS60 was obtained by introducing a NotI site at amino acid −2 of the Bgs3p (pJR33) and cloning the GFP in that site. pMS60 fully rescued the lethality of the bgs3Δ strains. Then, a SacI-KpnI fragment from pMS60 containing the bgs3+ promoter and the GFP-Bgs3p was subcloned into the PstI-KpnI sites of pMS54 (described above) to yield pMS65. A SacI-KpnI fragment of pMS65 was used to transform a haploid strain MS38, and correct integration of the fusion protein was analyzed by PCR and Southern blotting.
Cell wall analysis.
For enzymatic lysis of cell suspensions, early-logarithmic-phase cells grown in MM at 28°C (with or without thiamine) were collected, washed with 50 mM citrate phosphate buffer (pH 5.6), suspended in a small volume of the same buffer, and adjusted to an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 4.0. Cell suspensions were treated with Novozyme 234 (200 μg/ml) at 28°C with shaking. The OD600 was monitored at the indicated times and then normalized relative to the absorbance of a control sample of each strain without enzyme at each time point.
For labeling and fractionation of cell polysaccharides, exponentially growing cultures incubated at 28°C in MM (with or without thiamine) were diluted with the same medium, supplemented with d-[U-14C]glucose (3 μCi/ml), and incubated overnight. Total glucose incorporation was monitored by measuring radioactivity in trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material. Cells were harvested in the early logarithmic phase, supplemented with unlabeled cells as the carrier, washed twice with 1 mM EDTA, and broken with glass beads in a Fast-Prep, with three 20-s spins at a speed setting of 6. Cell walls were purified by repeated washing and differential centrifugation (once with 1 mM EDTA, twice with 5 M NaCl, and twice with 1 mM EDTA) at 1,000 × g for 5 min. Finally, the purified cell walls were heated to 100°C for 5 min. Cell wall samples were extracted with 6% NaOH for 60 min at 80°C and neutralized with acetic acid. Precipitation of the galactomannan fraction from the neutralized supernatant was performed with the Fehling reagent, adding unlabeled yeast mannan as the carrier. Other samples of the cell wall suspension were incubated with Zymolyase 100T (250 μg of enzyme and a cell volume equivalent to 150 μl of the initial cell culture; Seikagaku Kogyo Co.) in 50 mM citrate phosphate buffer (pH 5.69) for 36 h at 30°C. Samples without enzyme were included as controls. After incubation, samples were centrifuged and washed with the same buffer. One milliliter of 10% trichloroacetic acid was added to the pellets, and their radioactivity was measured. The pellets were considered as the 1,3-α-glucan fraction, and supernatants were considered as the β-glucan-plus-galactomannan fraction. β-Glucan was also calculated as the radioactivity remaining after subtraction of galactomannan and 1,3-α-glucan from total cell wall incorporation. All determinations were carried out in duplicate, and data for each strain were calculated from three independent cultures.
Enzyme preparation and 1,3-β-GS assays were performed basically as described previously (29).
Western blotting.
Bgs3-HAp expressed in S. pombe cells was detected by Western blotting. Cell extracts were prepared from 108 log-phase cells, suspended in 100 μl of lysis buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8], 100 mM NaCl, and 0.1% Triton X-100 containing 100 μM p-aminophenyl methanesulfonyl fluoride and 1 μg of pepstatin, leupeptin, and aprotinin/ml), and broken with glass beads on a FastPrep FP120 apparatus (Savant; Bio 101) twice, with a 15-s pulse at a speed of 5. The resulting homogenates were collected, and the glass beads and bulky debris were removed by centrifugation at low speed (5,000 × g for 20 s at 4°C). Protein amounts were quantified by using the protein assay kit from Bio-Rad. One volume of 2× loading buffer (42) was added to each sample. Samples were denatured by boiling for 5 min, and equivalent amounts of each sample (50 μg) were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-7.5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After electrophoresis, proteins were blotted onto an Immobilon-P membrane (Millipore) and incubated with anti-HA immunoglobulin (12CA5; Boehringer Mannheim), and immunodetection was accomplished by using the ECL detection kit (Amersham Corp).
The localization of GFP-Bgs3p was visualized in living cells. For Cf staining of cell walls and septum, 1 ml of cells was harvested, washed once with 1 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and resuspended in 100 μl of PBS with Cf at 20 μg/ml for 5 min at room temperature. For nucleus staining, 1 ml of cells was fixed with paraformaldehyde (4%), washed three times with PBS (1 ml), and resuspended in 10 μl of PBS containing DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole). Samples were observed under a Leica DM RXA microscope.
For electron microscopy, cells from strain MS301, treated or not treated with thiamine for 24 h, were washed and fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M potassium phosphate (pH 7) for 1 h. Cells were embedded in agar and treated with 1% osmium tetroxide for 2 h. Fixed cells were washed and dehydrated through a graded series of acetone (10 to 100%) and then embedded in Spurr resin. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and Reynold's lead citrate and examined under a Zeiss EM900 electron microscope. Images were processed with Adobe Photoshop software.
Cloning of S. pombe bgs3+ by complementation of the ehs2-1 mutant.
To identify the fission yeast genes involved in glucan biosynthesis, we started a search for mutants hypersensitive to the cell wall inhibitors Cf and Ech (5). The rationale behind this approach is that mutants with a weakened cell wall cannot withstand the additional disturbance caused by these drugs and die at lower concentrations of the antifungal agents than cells with a normal cell wall (22).
In the present study, we cloned the gene that complements the hypersensitivity of one of these mutants: the ehs2-1 mutant (for Ech hypersensitive). ehs2-1 was unable to grow at 1 μg of Ech or 0.1 mg of Cf/ml (Fig. 1B), whereas the wild-type strain was able to withstand concentrations of 7.5 μg of Ech and 1.5 mg of Cf/ml. In addition, the mutant cells showed a lytic thermosensitive phenotype at 37°C, which was suppressed when an osmotic stabilizer (1.2 M sorbitol) was added to the medium (data not shown). The ehs2-1 mutant was transformed with a fission yeast genomic library constructed in plasmid pDB248 (15). Thirty thousand transformants were screened for complementation of the Ech-hypersensitive phenotype. The screening yielded eight rescuing plasmids. Six plasmids contained the same fragment of DNA (see Materials and Methods). One of those plasmids, pBG1, containing a 12.5-kb insert was able to complement the Ech- and Cf-hypersensitive phenotypes and was chosen for restriction analysis (Fig. 1A). The smallest subclone able to complement ehs2-1 was the 8-kb SacII-SpeI (pJR33) (Fig. 1). Sequencing of this fragment revealed a large uninterrupted ORF of 5,481 nt. The protein sequence predicted from this fragment showed strong homology with the S. cerevisiae FKS1 and FKS2 and with the S. pombe cps1+/bgs1+ and bgs2+ genes. We named the gene bgs3+ because it was the third homologue at that time. Recently, a fourth homologue has appeared in the database (SPCC1840.02C), and we refer to it as Bgs4p. Bgs3p is also related to GSs from other organisms, but it has no particularly close homologue among the known proteins. Sequence identity values range between the highest (54 and 53% with S. pombe Bgs1p and Bgs4p, respectively) and the lowest (41 and 42% with C. albicans Fks1p and Gsl1p, respectively). As with the other Fks proteins, Bgs3p predicts an 210.8-kDa integral membrane protein with a cytoplasmic N terminus and 16 transmembrane helices. Bgs3p does not contain the proposed UDP-glucose-binding motif QXXRW, although it does have a region with limited homology to BscAp, the catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase from Acetobacter xylinum spp. (45).
To determine whether bgs3+ was the true ehs2+ gene or whether it was acting as an extragenic multicopy suppressor of ehs2-1, we constructed an integrative plasmid with a fragment of pBG1 (SalI-ClaI) and integrated it in the genome of a wild-type strain. We then crossed the integrant strain (Leu+) with an ehs2-1 mutant of opposite mating type and found a high proportion of recombinants between the bgs3+ locus (Leu+) and the hypersensitive phenotypes defined by the ehs2-1 mutation (see Materials and Methods). The results indicated that bgs3+ is not the structural gene that complements the ehs2-1 mutation. Also, the bgs3+ gene failed to complement the lytic phenotype at 37°C of the ehs2-1 mutants, in support of the notion that they are different genes.
The bgs3+ gene is essential for germination and vegetative growth.
To investigate the phenotype resulting from complete deletion of the bgs3+ gene, we constructed a diploid strain of the genotype bgs3::ura4+/bgs3+ in which a copy of bgs3+ was deleted and replaced by the ura4+ gene (described in Materials and Methods). Tetrad analysis showed two viable and two unviable spores (Fig. 2A), and all of the viable spores produced ura-null colonies. Microscopic observation of the unviable spores showed that most of them germinated to form rounded cells that undergo 0 to 3 cell divisions before growth stops (Fig. 2B). Similar results were obtained when spores bearing the bgs3::ura4+ mutant allele were allowed to germinate in a medium containing 1.2 M sorbitol. Therefore, bgs3+ is essential for cell viability and is also required for germination.
FIG. 2.
(A) Bgs3p is essential for cell viability. Tetrads from a bgs3::ura4+/bgs3+ strain were dissected on YES medium and incubated at 28°C for 4 days. (B) Terminal phenotype of the bgs3-null mutants. Spores prepared from the bgs3::ura4+/bgs3+ strain were inoculated in YES medium for 12 to 16 h, fixed, and stained with DAPI and Cf to visualize nuclei and the cell wall, respectively. The arrows indicate Cf-stainable material.
To further characterize the terminal phenotype of the bgs3-null mutants, bgs3::ura4+ spores were germinated in rich liquid medium for 12 h and stained with Cf and DAPI to visualize cell walls and nuclei. The bgs3::ura4+ germinating spores were refringent, lemon shaped, and arrested with 1 or 2 nuclei. In cells with one nucleus, only one of the poles was stained with Cf, whereas in spores bearing two nuclei a structure similar to a septum was detected in the middle. However, no spores were seen with Cf staining on both poles (Fig. 2B). It seems that bgs3-null spores fail to elongate and resume growth as wild-type spores do. They are able to undergo mitosis and assemble structures similar to a septum, but they are incapable of maintaining longitudinal growth and polarity.
It remained possible that the phenotype associated with the null mutant might be a peculiarity associated with spore germination. To investigate Bgs3p function during vegetative growth, we constructed a bgs3+ gene under control of the thiamine-regulatable and reduced-expression-rate nmt1 promoter P41 nmt (13). This construct was integrated into the genome of a wild-type diploid strain (MS75), the endogenous bgs3+ promoter being replaced by the P41 nmt promoter (see Materials and Methods). We selected for haploids (nmt-bgs3+) in MM without uracil and thiamine. When bgs3+ was expressed in the absence of thiamine, this strain was perfectly viable, showing a generation time of 3 h at 28°C, similar to the strain used as a control. Cells displayed a normal cell morphology (Fig. 3A). In contrast, when thiamine was added to repress bgs3+ expression, we observed changes in cell morphology. At 13 h after thiamine addition, the percentage of rounded cells increased (Table 2); these cells were also shorter and wider. Whereas 100% of the cells grown in MM without thiamine was distributed in the 7- to 14-μm length range, the rounded cells were distributed between 6 and 10 μm. Later on in the time course, at 24 h after thiamine addition, the growth rate slowed down and finally stopped, and the cells became rounded and refringent, with most of them showing a monopolar pattern of growth (Fig. 3A). These experiments indicated that Bgs3p is necessary to maintain cell growth and morphology.
FIG. 3.
Lethal phenotype of the P41 nmt-bgs3+ shutoff mutants. Cells grown at 28°C in MM were supplemented with thiamine to repress the nmt promoter. (A) Cell morphology of P41 nmt-bgs3+ grown without thiamine (−T) or with thiamine (+T) for 24 h. Nomarsky (upper panel) and fluorescence micrographs of Cf-stained cells (lower panel) are shown. (B) Electron microscope sections of P41 nmt-bgs3+ cells grown without thiamine (−T, upper left panel) or with thiamine (+T, upper right and lower panels) as described for panel A. Bars (0.6 and 0.4 μm). Magnification, ×12,000 (upper left and lower panels) and ×20,000 (upper right panel). (C) Composition of the cell wall in the P41 nmt-bgs3+ shutoff mutants. The relative levels of [14C]glucose radioactivity incorporated into each cell wall polysaccharide (white, α-glucan; gray, β-glucan; black, galactomannan) are shown for the wild type (PN22) with thiamine or the nmt-bgs3+ mutant (MS301) at different times after thiamine addition. Values are the means of three independent experiments with duplicate samples. Standard deviations for the total carbohydrate values are shown. (D) Susceptibility to Novozyme (200 μg/ml), a cell wall-degrading enzymatic complex, of P41 nmt-bgs3+ shutoff mutant cells grown in the presence of thiamine (+T) or in the absence of thiamine (−T) for 24 h. The OD600 was monitored at the indicated times, with the absorbance of a control untreated sample of the strain grown previously (+T or −T) at each time point taken as 100%.
Percentage of rounded cells of strain nmt-bgs3+ grown in MM with or without thiamine
Strain (treatment) | % Rounded cellsa at:
13 h | 15 h | 17 h | 19 h | 21 h | 23 h | |
nmt-bgs3+ (+thiamine) | 6.72 | 11.7 | 8.93 | 14.56 | 31.36 | 48.23 |
nmt-bgs3+ (−thiamine) | 0.36 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.17 | 0.2 |
Two hundred cells were scored in each case.
Bgs3p depletion causes an unbalanced cell wall composition.
To visualize cell wall material, mutant cells depleted for Bgs3p (grown in MM plus thiamine for 24 h) were stained with Cf (Fig. 3A). The cells exhibited fluorescence throughout the cell wall, but the signal was more intense at one of the poles, with some cells having a cap of Cf-stainable material. The same cells grown in MM without thiamine showed fluorescence mainly at the septum (Fig. 3A). We used electron microscopy to examine cells of strain MS301 that had been in MM under repressed or derepressed conditions for 24 h. At least 20 sections of cells grown under each condition were examined. The cell wall ultrastructure of cells grown in the absence of thiamine displayed a thinner-electron transparent layer surrounded by an electron-dense layer similar to that described previously in wild-type cells (Fig. 3B) (16). In contrast, many cells grown in the presence of thiamine (bgs3+ off) showed very thick walls; although the three-layer structure was maintained, the electron transparent layer containing mainly α- and β-glucans was strongly thickened (Fig. 3B). Some cells showed a cell wall enlargement at the poles. To identify this material more precisely, cell wall constituents were isolated and characterized after cells were grown in the presence of radioactive glucose during the repression of the nmt promoter as described above (Fig. 3C). For each time point, the cells were fed with 14C-labeled glucose 12 h before cell wall analysis (see Materials and Methods). As shown in Fig. 3C, incorporation of radioactive glucose into the cell wall of nmt-bgs3+ in the absence of thiamine (time zero) was similar to that of wild type but was considerably higher than that of the wild type after 36 h in the presence of thiamine (from 36 to 48% of total glucose incorporated; Fig. 3C). A slight decrease in the amount of β-glucan was detected 24 h after thiamine addition (77%), whereas the amount of α-glucan was >2-fold higher compared to wild-type cells. This effect was even more remarkable after 36 h, when the amount of β-glucan changed slightly but the amount of α-glucans was threefold higher. Additionally, the amount of galactomannan showed a modest decrease, leading to a drastic alteration in the β/α glucan ratio. These changes were solely due to the bgs3+ shutoff because thiamine addition per se did not cause major alterations in the cell wall composition of wild-type S. pombe (Fig. 3C). These findings suggest that the carbohydrate synthesis of bgs3+ shutoff mutant cell walls (rounded cells) was reduced in β-glucan but enhanced in α-glucan and that α-glucan was the main component of this wall. To confirm the above results, we performed a cell wall resistance test by using the Novozyme enzymatic complex, regularly used to obtain S. pombe protoplasts. In this experiment, Novozyme 234 was used as a source of α-glucanases. Cells of strain MS301 (nmt-bgs3+) grown for 24 h in MM with or without thiamine as described above were incubated in the presence of Novozyme (200 μg/ml) at 28°C (described in Materials and Methods). When bgs3+ was repressed (with thiamine), the cells were considerably more resistant to the degrading enzymatic complex than in the absence of thiamine (bgs3+ on) (Fig. 3D). These results indicate that the bgs3+ mutation alters the pattern of cell wall synthesis, rendering the cells more resistant to degradation, probably as a response of a survival compensatory mechanism.
We next measured the specific activity of 1,3-β-GS in vitro before and after thiamine addition and found that it was not appreciably decreased (data not shown). In this scenario, although β-glucan polymer is diminished, other GSs would continue to produce cell wall glucan, masking the lack of function of bgs3+. It could also be speculated that the activity measured in vitro (radioactivity incorporation into a linear 1,3-β-glucan polymer) would not correspond to the activity of the enzyme in vivo since this enzyme could be involved in the synthesis of branched 1,3-β-glucan.
Overexpression of bgs3+ is lethal.
To examine the phenotypes arising from the overexpression of bgs3+, the nmt1 promoter was integrated in the genome in front of the bgs3+ gene initiator methionine (ATG) (see Materials and Methods). It was found that overexpression of bgs3+ was toxic to the cells and that growth was not restored when an osmotic stabilizer (1.2 M sorbitol) was added to the medium (data not shown). We examined cell morphology in nmt-bgs3+ cells 20 h after induction (promoter on). Some cells had an asymmetric shape in which one end of the cell had swollen abnormally to produce tadpole- or round-bottom flask-shaped cells (data not shown). To examine the deposition of cell wall material, these cells were stained with Cf. Cell wall stainable material was observed in engrossed septa and in cells that had lost their integrity. After 30 h of derepression, most of the cells showed a terminal phenotype, becoming spherical and with multiple septa (data not shown).
We also measured the level of cell wall components and 1,3-β-GS activity in cells in which the expression of Bgs3p was upregulated (nmt1-bgs3+ on, after 22 h in the absence of thiamine). Neither the level of β-glucan nor GS activity was significantly altered (data not shown). To rule out the possibility that limiting conditions of other factors involved in glucan synthesis might be unable to properly activate the bgs3+ gene in vitro, we overexpressed the regulatory subunit of GS in S. pombe, encoded by the rho1+ gene (2), together with bgs3+. Overexpression of rho1+ (under control of the nmt1 promoter) increased wild-type GS activity >2-fold, although no further increase in activity was observed after the overexpression of both genes (data not shown).
Expression of Bgs3p under different growth conditions.
At this point we sought to determine how the gene was regulated during changes in the growth conditions of the cells and at different stages of the yeast life cycle. Previous studies addressing other GS isoforms had suggested that Bgs2p would be absent during vegetative growth and would be strongly induced under sporulation conditions (29) and that Bgs1p would be present in vegetative growth and that its levels would not fluctuate appreciably in the cell cycle (25). Nothing is known about Bgs4p levels of expression. To achieve this goal, Western blot experiments were carried out on protein extracts obtained from the MS38 wild-type strain bearing an epitope-tagged version of Bgs3p (pBG11; see Materials and Methods) and grown under different conditions. The anti-HA monoclonal antibody specifically recognized a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of ca. 200 kDa (Fig. 4A) in cells growing exponentially in glucose-rich medium (YES). Neither a parallel treatment of the cells with 20 mM CaCl2 nor a heat shock treatment for 4 h at 39°C led to any significant variation in the amount of Bgs3p. Bgs3p was also present in extracts from cells grown to saturation (stationary-phase cells) and in cells growing in low-glucose medium (0.1% glucose, 3% glycerol). Similar results were obtained with extracts from MM or from MM without nitrogen for 10 h (Fig. 4A). In summary, the levels of Bgs3p were essentially unaffected by the presence of different media or growth conditions.
FIG. 4.
Expression levels of Bgs3p under different growth conditions. Total cell extracts (50 μg) were prepared from wild-type cells containing the bgs3+-HA on a plasmid (pBG11), run on an SDS-7.5% PAGE gel, and immunoblotted with anti-HA antibody. The band corresponds to a polypeptide of ca. 200 kDa (Bgs3p) and was absent in a control sample without pBG11. (A) Total proteins were obtained from cultures grown at 28°C to mid-log phase in YES under the indicated conditions. For the “minus (−) nitrogen” lane, proteins were obtained from cells grown at 28°C in MM without nitrogen for 12 h. For low-glucose medium, glucose (3%) was substituted by glycerol (3%) in the YES medium, leaving 0.1% glucose. (B) Protein levels of Bgs3p in wild-type (h90) cells carrying the Bgs3HAp incubated under sporulation conditions for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 24 h. The germination sample was obtained from a 3-day sporulation culture of the same strain incubated in YES rich medium for 6 h.
We next analyzed protein samples from cells from strain HVP365 (h90) carrying Bgs3HAp incubated under sporulation conditions for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 24 h. After Western blot analysis, Bgs3p was found to be expressed in mating at about the same level as in the vegetative cycle; it was almost undetectable during sporulation and appeared again in germinating cells (the sample was taken after 6 h of germination in rich medium) (Fig. 4B).
We therefore considered the possibility that the level of Bgs3p might be regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner. To address this issue, we prepared a synchronous population of S. pombe cells by arrest and release of the cdc25-22 mutant bearing the epitope-tagged version of Bgs3p. We found that the levels of Bgs3p did not vary appreciably along the course of this experiment (data not shown).
Bgs3-GFPp fusion localizes to growing areas of the cell wall under different developmental conditions.
With a view to determining the intracellular distribution of Bgs3p in vivo, we added the GFP sequence to the N terminus of the bgs3+ gene (see Materials and Methods). Cells of strain MS302, with the GFP-tagged version of the bgs3+ gene integrated under its own promoter, were fully viable and grew with a generation time similar to that of wild-type cells. The cells were grown in YES medium, and fluorescence was monitored by microscopy. As shown in Fig. 5A, Bgs3p mainly localized to two regions: cell tips and the medial region. In a newly born cell, just after cytokinesis, Bgs3p still localized to the new end at which the septum had previously been formed (Fig. 5A, arrow 2). It then moved to the old end. Upon NETO (new-end take off [37]), Bgs3p was seen at the new end and thereafter persisted at both ends (Fig. 5A, arrowhead 4). At mitosis, cells were simultaneously visualized for GFP and Cf. Bgs3p localized to the region of the cell that overlapped with Cf staining (Fig. 5B). In septating cells Bgs3p staining seemed to be double in width. This observation suggested staining of the plasma membrane, in agreement with the predicted behavior of a membrane protein like the other members of the S. pombe GS family (25).
FIG. 5.
Localization of Bgs3p in S. pombe cells. (A) Cells expressing functional GFP-tagged Bgs3p from a chromosomal integration were visualized in vivo under the fluorescence microscope. Bgs3p was localized to the medial region during cytokinesis (arrowheads 1 and 2) and to the growing ends during monopolar and bipolar growth (arrowheads 3 and 4). (B) The localization of cell wall material (Cf staining) and GFP-Bgs3p is shown in cells at different stages of cytokinesis. The cells represent different stages of cell wall deposition, the top one being the least advanced and the bottom being the most advanced. (C) Fluorescence micrographs of different S. pombe strains transformed with plasmid pMS60 (GFP-Bgs3p) and grown in MM at 28°C and then for 4 h at 36°C. (a) Wild type; (b) cdc10-129; (c) cdc25-22; (d) cps8-188; (e) orb6-25; (f) tea1-50.
To further characterize the cell cycle-regulated presence of Bgs3p at the growing tips, GFP-Bgs3p was expressed in the cell cycle thermosensitive mutants cdc10-129 and cdc25-22. When cultured at 36°C, cdc10-129 cells were arrested in G1, and cell growth was polarized to one of the tips, whereas cdc25-22 cells were arrested at the end of G2, with both ends of the cell actively growing (38). pMS60 was transformed into these cells, after which the cultures were incubated for 3 to 4 h at the restrictive temperature and visualized. GFP-Bgs3p accumulated at the only growing tip in cdc10-129 cells (Fig. 5Cb), whereas in cdc25-22 mutant cells it appeared at both tips (Fig. 5Cc). In both cases, staining was also seen in patches inside the cells. This could be a consequence of the ectopic expression of GFP-Bgs3p from a plasmid.
We also examined the localization of GFP-Bgs3p at the restrictive temperature in three polarity mutants transformed with pMS60. tea1-50 mutant cells mislocalize one of the two growing poles and become branched (30); orb6-25 mutants become spherical (47), and cps8-188 mutant cells are depolarized due to changes in the actin structure and distribution at the restrictive temperature (36°C) (19). In orb6 and tea1 mutants, after 5 h at 36°C GFP-Bgs3p was still localized to the new growing tips (Fig. 5Ce and f). In cps8 mutants, Bgs3p localization at the growing tips was much broader and often distributed across the whole of the cell surface (Fig. 5Cd). These results suggested that correct actin localization is essential for the correct localization of Bgs3p. However, cells treated with Latrunculin A (a poison that depolymerizes actin) for 10 min or 1.5 h show a Bgs3p localization similar to that seen in cells without treatment (data not shown). This suggests that even though Bgs3p requires polarized secretion to be delivered, actin is not required to maintain Bgs3p localization once it has become attached to the membrane.
The fact that Bgs3p is always localized to the growing tips and septum prompted us to examine other situations in which new cell wall material is synthesized, such as the sexual differentiation process and germination. Upon nitrogen starvation, diffusible mating pheromones induce the polarized cell growth of cells of the opposite mating type toward one another (36). To examine Bgs3p localization during the conjugation process, a homothallic h90 strain (HV365) was transformed with plasmid pMS60 and starved for nitrogen. GFP-Bgs3p staining became concentrated at the projection tip during pheromone-induced polarization, and the initial stages of cell fusion (Fig. 6A). GFP-Bgs3p appeared to be localized in a double-ring-like structure, probably associated with the cell membrane projection. Immediately before karyogamy, cell wall degradation occurs, and the cell wall expands at the fusion point in order to form the zygote; apparently, at this point Bgs3p localization appears broader. Immediately before both nuclei fused, GFP-Bgs3p fluorescence was less intense but was still present on both sides of the fusion neck (Fig. 6A). In S. pombe, diploid zygotes enter meiosis and sporulation immediately, a process requiring the formation of a new cell wall around the developing ascospores (49). Careful scrutiny of the sporulation process revealed that the fluorescence signal was completely absent from the spore periphery and the membrane sacs in which the spore wall later forms (data not shown). Finally, asci were digested with helicase to remove the ascus envelope, and ascospores carrying the plasmid pMS60 were selected for leucine prototrophy and allowed to regenerate in liquid MM for 6 to 10 h. As expected, GFP-Bgs3p was always found toward the growing tip, localized in a polar fashion (Fig. 6B).
FIG. 6.
GFP-Bgs3p localization during pheromone-induced conjugation steps (A) and in germination (B). The homothallic h90 strain (HV365) was transformed with plasmid pMS60 and starved for nitrogen. (A) A series of ordered paired panels, each pair showing GFP-Bgs3p fluorescence (top) and Cf images (bottom) of the same cells, are seen. Bgs3p was concentrated at the projection tip during pheromone induced polarization and early fusion (columns a and b). Next, cell wall remodeling takes place during this stage, and Bgs3p localization became broader and more diffuse (columns c and d); finally, staining almost disappears (column e). (B) shows GFP-Bgs3p fluorescence in haploid spores bearing plasmid pMS60 after 4 h of germination. Bgs3p localization is predominantly polarized to the growing tip.
Complementation of the bgs3Δ lethal phenotype by other GS homologues.
To test for possible genetic complementation between bgs3+ and the other GS homologous genes, we decided to express the GS homologous genes under control of their own promoters in a bgs3Δ background. Plasmids pCP1 (cps1+/bgs1+), pMS5 (bgs2+-HA), pJG1 (bgs4+), and pAL-KS (empty vector) were transformed in the diploid strain bgs3Δ/bgs3+ (MS300). Diploids bearing each plasmid were obtained, but after sporulation we were not able to rescue any progeny of the bgs3::ura4+ genotype (data not shown). This lack of complementation could be a consequence of the genes being expressed in specific situations because the experiments were performed in multicopy plasmids under control of their own promoters. To rule out this possibility, we decided to express the GS homologues in plasmids under control of the medium level nmt promoter P41 nmt (13). pJG22 (pREP41X-cps1+/bgs1+), pMS24 (pREP41X-bgs2+-HA), pJG18 (pREP41X-bgs4+), and pREP41X (empty vector) were used for the complementation experiments. We also expressed the bgs2+ gene (sporulation-specific GS) under control of the bgs3+ promoter, pMS62. None of the plasmids was able to rescue the haploid bgs3Δ mutant. As a control, we used pBG16 (pREP41X-bgs3+), a plasmid that was able to rescue bgs3Δ lethality.
Conversely, overexpression of bgs3+ under control of the nmt promoter (pREP3X-bgs3+) or under its own promoter (pBG11) did not rescue the growth defect of a cps1-12 mutant strain (20) nor the lytic phenotype of a cwg1-1 mutant at the restrictive temperature (37°C), i.e., a point mutation in the bgs4+ gene (42; J. C. Ribas, unpublished data). These results suggested that ectopic expression of cps1+, bgs2+, and bgs4+ failed to support the lack of function of Bgs3p and that bgs3+ was not able to suppress the defect associated with mutations in other GS homologues.
Cf interacts with 1,4-β-glucans, such as chitin and cellulose, and probably also with 1,3-β-glucans to form fluorescent complexes. This interaction disorganizes polymer assembly (35). Echs are naturally occurring lipopeptide antibiotics that inhibit 1,3-β-glucan synthesis (9). Therefore, by searching for mutants hypersensitive to both compounds, we attempted to raise the number of mutants affected in the assembly of β-glucans (5). bgs3+ was cloned indeed by complementation of the Ech-hypersensitive phenotype of one such mutant, ehs2-1 (to be described elsewhere), and also complemented hypersensitivity to Cf. We soon found that bgs3+ was not the wild-type allele of the ehs2-1 mutant. This is not a rare event in S. pombe cloning since there are no centromeric plasmids available and the libraries are based on multicopy plasmids. In certain specific situations a higher number of copies of the gene may be toxic to cells, although currently we do not have any data to confirm whether this is indeed the case.
S. pombe has four GS-related genes, bgs1+ to bgs4+, and to date the two best characterized display essential functions in different situations. Thus, bgs1+ is essential for septum assembly (25, 26), although it may be required for cell wall synthesis in other events (6) and bgs2+ is required for cell wall spore maturation (24, 29). It is of interest to know whether the other two genes bgs3+ and bgs4+ play independent essential functions or whether they share overlapping nonessential individual functions, as is the case for FKS1 and FKS2 in S. cerevisiae.
Several lines of evidence indicate that bgs3+ is an essential gene that could be involved in cell wall assembly during elongation. First, Bgs3p is essential for spore viability and lethality was not rescued in the presence of 1.2 M sorbitol. bgs3::ura4+ germinating spores were refringent, lemon shaped, and arrested with one or two nuclei but failed to elongate. In addition, all our attempts to obtain a bgs3Δ haploid strain, either by direct transformation of haploid wild-type cells or by maintaining bgs3Δ haploids with episomal copies of bgs3+ and later selecting for bgs3Δ haploids without the bgs3+ plasmid, were unsuccessful. Second, when the bgs3+ promoter was substituted by the regulatable and reduced expression promoter P41 nmt in the chromosome, cells grown in the presence of thiamine (promoter off) were shorter and wider and finally died. The terminal phenotype of these cells was similar to the one previously seen in the bgs3Δ spores. Thus, Bgs3p appears to play a role in the survival of spores and vegetative cells and is probably important for the maintenance of cell shape and the establishment of cell polarity.
Cellular localization of Bgs3p.
Bgs3p was expressed during vegetative growth, and its levels did not vary significantly throughout the cell cycle. It was expressed with no significant variations, in different media and different growth conditions, and its levels were not enhanced by stress situations. Thus, protein levels do not appear to determine Bgs3p function during the mitotic cycle. Instead, other factors, such as its intracellular localization and/or activation of the enzymatic complex, might be important for regulating the function of Bgs3p. However, we did detect some changes during sexual development, Bgs3p was present in the early steps (3 and 6 h) of mating, after which the protein disappeared in sporulation (12 and 24 h in SPA) and reappeared during germination.
Bgs3p localization changed at different stages of the cell cycle. Bgs3p localizes to the growing poles during interphase and to the division septum during cytokinesis. It was also associated with the cell tip projection “shmoo,” with the fusion neck at early steps of zygotes formation and with the growing pole early in germination. All of these regions correspond to the sites at which cell surface structures are growing or being actively remodeled.
The predicted bgs3+ product is a membrane-bound enzyme, and this could be related to the kind of staining pattern that we observed with the fusion protein GFP-Bgs3p at the growing tips, especially during cytokinesis. Previous and ongoing work has suggested that proteins such as Mok1p, Rho1p, Rho2p, Pck2p, and Pck1p, which are involved in α- and β-glucan synthesis, are localized to the growing sites and are intimately associated with the actin cytoskeleton (1, 21, 44). Bgs3p localizes similar to the actin patches during the cell cycle (28), and the results reported here with the cdc10-109 and cdc25-22 mutants suggest that the position of Bgs3p is dependent on polarized growth. In polarity mutants such as tea1-50 and orb6-25, Bgs3p localizes to the new growing surface, whereas in an actin point mutant cps8-188, Bgs3p is not properly localized, displaying fluorescence all over the cell membranes. This observations suggest that Bgs3p localization depends on the F-actin cytoskeleton.
The location of GFP-Bgs3p during the early stages of primary septum formation differs from the Bgs1p one. In the case of Bgs1p, colocalization experiments clearly indicate that the cell wall material of the primary septum, stained with Cf, lags behind the GFP-Bgs1p signal (6). In contrast, with Bgs3p the GFP signal at the septum level is always behind the corresponding signal of the Cf-stained material. This observation favors the hypothesis that Bgs3p may be involved in the synthesis or assembly of cell wall material corresponding to the secondary septum. The simultaneous observation of Bgs1p and Bgs3p labeled with different GFP tags will be required to clarify this point.
Downregulation and upregulation of Bgs3p causes severe cellular defects.
In the long term, Bgs3p depletion causes cell death concomitantly with several interesting phenotypes. (i) Cells are shorter and wider, showing a terminal refringent phenotype, although they do not lyse. (ii) Cells have thicker walls, as shown by a higher incorporation of glucose in vivo, and by electron microscopy. (iii) Finally, the cell wall composition of Bgs3p-depleted cells is slightly reduced in β-glucan content but very enhanced in α-glucan and, as a consequence, is more resistant to degradation by Novozyme than is the wild type.
The modest reduction in the β-glucan content could account for the contribution of Bgs3p to cell wall glucan synthesis, although here we failed to distinguish which type of glucan was reduced. It has recently been shown that mutations in Fks1p affect the cell wall contents of both 1,3-β- and 1,6-β-glucan in S. cerevisiae (8). Therefore, as discussed above, our bgs3 shutoff mutant could be altered in the 1,3-β-glucan polymer, which might serve as a 1,6-β-glucan or a 1,3-α-glucan acceptor. The high levels of α-glucan seen in the bgs3 shutoff mutant could be a consequence of improper or deficient attachment of this polymer, which in this situation becomes upregulated and forms a highly thickened cell wall, or could be part of a general compensatory response that occurs to retain at least partial cell wall integrity. Compensatory mechanisms have been widely described in S. cerevisiae cell wall mutants (39), but have not been addressed in S. pombe. Alternatively, Bgs3p could be a glucan transporter. The fact that the reaction mechanism of 1,3-β-glucan synthesis has not been elucidated, the lack of clear similarities with other polymerizing β-glycosyltransferases (7), and a predicted membrane topology that is reminiscent of bacterial and eukaryotic transport proteins (11) together suggest the possibility that Bgs3p (as well as other members of the GS family) may be a GS component involved in the transport of 1,3-β- and/or 1,6-β-glucan across the plasma membrane.
Overexpression of bgs3+ did not elicit any general increase in cell wall biosynthesis and was not correlated with any increase in the β-glucan content or in the GS activity. This result was not surprising and indicates that the enzyme probably functions in a multiprotein complex and that a higher amount of one of the subunits is not sufficient to generate a higher amount of the enzyme product. A similar situation has been described for the chitin synthase complex in S. cerevisiae, in which overproduction of CHS3 (the catalytic subunit of the complex which makes most of the chitin found in the cell) is not translated into an increase in the amount of chitin. In this sense, transporters, activators, and the necessary proteins for the localization of the catalytic subunit must be overproduced simultaneously for a rise in the amount of chitin to occur (46).
From a common structure to different functions in vivo.
Addressing the biological relevance of the different GS catalytic subunit homologues in fission yeast is difficult due to unknown substrate specificities and our poor knowledge of the architecture and the linkages between different polymers. Cps1p/Bgs1p does play an essential role in the assembly of the primary septum (23, 25, 26), although recent localization data could open a new role for Bgs1p in cell wall elongation (6). Bgs2p is required for ascospore wall maturation (24, 29) and bgs4+ is the structural gene of the cwg1-1 mutant isolated as a GS-defective conditional mutant and is essential for viability (42; Ribas, unpublished).
Bgs3p is important for cell wall extension during polar growth and for the assembly of the secondary septum, although its depletion does not promote cell lysis. Therefore, Bgs3p may be responsible for some transglycosylation reaction involved in the biosynthesis of the 1,6-β-branched 1,3-β-glucan, the main cell wall component distributed throughout the less-dense layer of the cell wall, including the secondary septum.
The results from complementation studies suggest that ectopic expression of cps1+/bgs1+, bgs2+, and bgs4+ failed to rescue the viability of bgs3Δ cells and that the overexpression of bgs3+ was not able to suppress the defect associated with mutations in other GS homologues. All of the observations described above, together with the essential role of each bgs gene, suggest that different GS activities perform essential nonoverlapping functions in the synthesis or transport of different β-glucan polymers. Further studies on the biochemical specificity of each isoform will be required to unravel the precise function of each GS activity or gene.
We thank H. Valdivieso and C. Roncero for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank C. Belinchon for help with microscopy and J. C. Ribas and P. Pérez for plasmids, strains, and helpful discussions.
V.M. and E.C. acknowledge support from a fellowship granted by the MEC (Spain). This work was supported by grants BIO98-0814, BIO2001-1663 from the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain), and CS17/01 from the Junta de Castilla y León and by a contract with Lilly SA (Spain).
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