1 The haemodynamic mechanism of action of guanfacine 4 mg intravenously was investigated in resting conditions and during exercise for up to 20 h after administration of the drug. Cardiac output and pulmonary arterial pressure were determined by the Swan-Ganz thermodilution method. Blood pressure was measured directly.
2 During and immediately after intravenous administration of guanfacine, blood pressure peripheral resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure increased (in keeping with an α-sympathomimetic effect of the compound), whereas heart rate and cardiac output decreased.
3 Subsequently blood pressure fell as a result of a decrease in cardiac output. From the third hour peripheral resistance decreased, whereas cardiac output increased again, sometimes exceeding the control value.
4 During exercise blood pressure was reduced from the third hour after administration, as in resting conditions, as a result of the reduction in peripheral resistance.
5 In resting conditions guanfacine reduced heart rate at the beginning and during the whole course of the investigation, whereas during exercise a reduction in heart rate was only demonstrable for 1 h after administration of the drug.
6 Side-effects noted included fatigue, drowsiness and bradycardia.
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