CG3511 encodes a unique and highly conserved peptidyl prolyl isomerase protein. (A) The KE1-1 mutant contains a two-nucleotide substitution and a single-base-pair deletion in the transcript of CG3511-RA, when compared to wild type. A partial sequence of the transcript between nucleotides 545 and 600 is shown, with the changes present in the KE1-1 mutant given in boldface type. (B) Protein sequence alignment of CG3511 and its predicted human ortholog KIAA0073. Identical residues are shaded in black, similar residues are shaded gray. The WD domains and prolyl isomerase domain predictions are graphically represented above the alignment by hatched bars and solid bars, respectively. An asterisk denotes the location of the first frameshifted residue in the KE1-1 mutant. (C) Conservation of predicted proteins and domains encoded by the KE1-1 allele, wild-type CG3511, and selected eukaryotic orthologs. PPIL1 represents the next closest PPIase to CG3511 and is shown for comparison. The organization of WD motifs and the peptidyl prolyl isomerase within the proteins is depicted by boxes. Percentage sequence identities throughout the proteins and within the conserved peptidyl prolyl isomerase domains are shown.