Using representation-theoretic methods, we determine the spectrum of the 2 × 2 system
with A, B ∈ Mat2(ℝ) constant matrices such that A = tA > 0 (or <0), B = −tB ≠ 0, and the Hermitian matrix A + iB positive (or negative) definite. We also give results that generalize (in a possible direction) the main construction.
1. Introduction
It is a natural and important problem to find an efficient and invariant way of studying the spectrum of systems of differential equations. We deal first with the spectral problem of particular systems that are the Weyl quantization of noncommutative quadratic form (that we shall call noncommutative harmonic oscillators) of the kind
where (x, ξ) ∈ ℝ2 ≃ T*ℝ, A, B ∈ Mat2(ℝ) are constant 2 × 2-matrices with A = tA definite, either positive or negative, B = −tB ≠ 0, and A + iB > 0 (or < 0). The Weyl quantization of the above noncommutative quadratic form is
Q(x, Dx): 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2) → 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2), Q(x, Dx): 𝒮′(ℝ; ℂ2) → 𝒮′(ℝ; ℂ2) continuously, and it is important to remark that in the above hypotheses the system Q(x, Dx), as an unbounded operator in L2(ℝ; ℂ2) (with maximal domain B2(ℝ; ℂ2) := {u ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2); xα∂xβ u ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2), ∀α, β, 0 ≤ α + β ≤ 2}) is self-adjoint with discrete spectrum made of eigenvalues μk ∈ ℝ (with finite multiplicities) such that |μk| → +∞ as k → +∞. The main problem in analyzing the spectrum of such systems comes from two sources: the noncommutativity of matrices and the noncommutativity of the quantized variables x and ξ.
Our aim is in the first place to find a systematic way of solving algebraically in L2(ℝ; ℂ2) (that is, taking into account L2-convergence or, at most, 𝒮′-convergence) the above kind of systems. The operator Q(x, Dx) naturally possesses an sl2(ℝ)-action (and more generally a metaplectic group action), due to the Weyl quantization. Hence, the algebraic viewpoint consists of using this sl2(ℝ)-symmetry and the symmetries carried by A and B to develop a method that determines, as a first step, a candidate for an eigenvalue along with the formal sequence of coefficients of a potential eigenfunction belonging to that eigenvalue (in the sense that the eigenfunction has that sequence as coefficients with respect to some Schwartz L2-basis obtained by means of the oscillator representation of sl2(ℝ); this may be thought of as a necessary condition). Then the second step consists of determining which candidate eigenvalues can be actual ones, by studying the convergence properties (in L2 or 𝒮′) of the related formal sequences of coefficients (see ref. 1). In Section 2, we shall give a survey of the results of refs. 2 and 3 described above. As it will be seen below, the key step is to obtain a three-term recurrence system that can be “diagonalized.” In Section 3, we shall next consider a different system of ordinary differential operators and treat the relative spectral problem by employing the tensor-product of the oscillator representation and the vector (standard) representation of sl2(ℝ). That system (which is also interesting, for the most general noncommutative harmonic oscillator is given by A(−∂x2/2) + B(x∂x + 1/2) + C(x2/2) + D, with A = tA, B = −tB, C = tC and D = tD) might look more difficult at first glance than the ones considered in Section 2, because of the presence of a zeroth-order nonconstant matrix-valued term. However, the difficulty is only “virtual,” for the use of the aforementioned tensor product representation of sl2(ℝ) allows one to treat the eigenvalue problem in a completely straightforward way: the above system is just a pair of “harmonic oscillators” in disguise. We shall also exhibit a family of systems parametrized by ɛ ∈ ℝ, which “interpolates” the pair of “harmonic oscillators” and a system of the above type. This family possesses the remarkable property that all the eigenvalues have multiplicity 1, provided ɛ ∉ (1/2)ℤ. This approach will be generalized in ref. 4 to treat more general 2 × 2-systems and higher-rank cases in a unified way.
Applications of the study of the spectrum of N × N noncommutative harmonic oscillators are in the field of lower bounds and hypoellipticity of systems of pseudodifferential operators (see refs. 5–10).
We finally remark that the spectral problem for Q(x, Dx) can be translated into a family of Fuchsian type third-order equations with four regular singularities, in the complex unit disk (see ref. 11). We believe that the results on the multiplicity of the spectrum of Q(x, Dx) may provide a crucial information to determine the monodromy of the ordinary differential equation discussed in ref. 11.
2. Study of the Spectrum of Q
The condition that the Hermitian matrix A + iB be definite, either positive or negative, is equivalent to requiring that det A > (pf(B))2, and also equivalent to requiring that the operator Q(x, Dx) be elliptic, i.e., det Q(x, ξ) ≠ 0 for (x, ξ) ≠ (0, 0), det Q(x, ξ) being positively homogeneous of degree 4 in (x, ξ). Hence, Q(x, Dx), as an unbounded operator with domain (maximal domain)
for any given ϕ ∈ 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2), has a discrete spectrum made of real eigenvalues with finite multiplicities, diverging (in absolute value) to +∞.
Since B = ±pf(B)J, and by the commutativity of J with SO(2), one can easily reduce the study of Q to that of
where, after possibly conjugating by K, we may assume α, β > 0. We may thus suppose A = I(α, β), B = J. Set ℓ = > 0, and define
1 |
Since [Ψ(ℓ), Ψ†(ℓ)] = I, putting
yields that H, X+, X− satisfy the commutation-relations of sl2(ℝ)
2 |
This gives in fact the tensor product of the oscillator representation and the two-dimensional trivial representation of sl2(ℝ). For v ∈ ℂ2∖{0}, set
Since X− annihilates ξ0(v) [ξ0(v) is a lowest-weight vector], ξN(v) is a weight vector of H with weight N + 1/2, and it also follows that whenever v and w are nonzero vectors such that 〈v, w〉ℂ2 = 0, {ξN(v), ξN(w)}N∈ℤ+ is an orthogonal basis of L2(ℝ; ℂ2). The operator Q(α,β) is unitarily equivalent to (ℓ/)Q̃, where Q̃ := A1/2HA1/2. The problem is therefore to understand the structure of the spectrum of Q̃. There are now (at least) two ways of studying the spectral problem for Q̃: (1) studying the equivalent problem of finding λ and η such that (H − λA−1)η = 0 (the twisted eigenvalue problem); and (2) studying directly the eigenvalue problem (Q̃ − λI)η = 0. In both cases, the key point is to get an appropriate recurrence formula that allows one to control the coefficients of the eigenfunctions. (One can easily see that an expansion in terms of the usual Hermite functions is not “convenient” for this purpose.) As we shall explain below, we get a system of recurrence equations that, by suitable rotations, can be diagonalized into a scalar three-term recurrence equation (this is highly nontrivial, for we do not know a priori that that is possible). We remark that the crucial point is the choice of the basis to be used in the discussion. Since A−1 = σ+I + σ−KJ, A1/2 = μ+I + μ−KJ, in both problems 1 and 2 the action of the operator K appears. Since K does not commute with H (whereas J does), what is missing here is the explicit formula for the action of K on the ξN(v) in terms of the ξ. Set ξNj = ξN(ej), j = 1, 2, where {e1, e2} is the canonical basis of ℂ2, and, for v+ := [−i 1], define ξN+ := ξN(v+).
Lemma 2.1. The set Bmix := {ξN+, KξN+}N∈ℤ+ is an orthogonal basis of L2(ℝ; ℂ2).
As the system preserves parity, we shall consider hereafter only the even case.
Dealing with Problem 1.
Since the action of H on the KξN involves both the ξ and Kξ, we use both bases Bcan+ := {ξ2N1, ξ2N2}N∈ℤ+ and Bcan+,K := {Kξ2N1, Kξ2N2}N∈ℤ+ at the same time, and the fact that they are related by K. The latter means that if ({aN}N∈ℤ+, {bN}N∈ℤ+) are the coordinates of a solution η to the twisted eigenvalue problem with respect to the basis Bcan+, and ({cN}N∈ℤ+, {dN}N∈ℤ+) those of η with respect to the basis Bcan+,K, then there exists an involutive linear function
Using K̃, we get a nonconstant matrix-coefficient system of recurrence equations in ℂ4 for the (aN, bN, cN, dN) that can be reduced to two recurrence systems for (aN, bN) and (cN, dN) plus a linear relation between (aN, bN) and (cN, dN). At this point there exists an explicitly known constant matrix M0(ℓ) such that (1/) M0(ℓ) ∈ SO(2), where
we arrive at the recurrence equations
where N ∈ ℤ+, v−1 = w−1 = 0 and
The key point now is the compatibility condition: Suppose λ gives rise to a solution ({aN}N∈ℤ+, {bN}N∈ℤ+) to (P1Nλ) that defines a function u1 := ∑N=0+∞ (aNξ2N1 + bNξ2N2) ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2), then with ({aN}N∈ℤ+, {bN}N∈ℤ+) we associate, in an algebraic fashion through (P3Nλ), a solution ({cN}N∈ℤ+, {dN}N∈ℤ+) to (P2Nλ) that corresponds to a function u2 := ∑N=0+∞ (cNKξ2N1 + dNKξ2N2) ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2), for which u1 = u2iff K̃(({aN}N∈ℤ+, {bN}N∈ℤ+)) = ({cN}N∈ℤ+, {dN}N∈ℤ+). In this and only in this case, η = u1 = u2is a solution to the twisted eigenvalue problem.
To study the recurrence (P1Nλ), we first observe that by virtue of the initial condition v−1 = 0, it is actually a scalar recurrence, depending only on the initial condition v0 ∈ ℂ2. At this point, all the solutions to (P1Nλ) [and hence to (P2Nλ)] are of the form h(λ) ⊗ v0, for some sequence h(λ) = {hN(λ)}N∈ℤ+ ∈ ℂℤ+ depending only on λ. One next sees that it is possible to construct, for λ ∈ ℝ, only two kinds of solutions: the ones for which there exists N0 such that hN(λ) = 0 for all N ≥ N0 + 1 [such solutions are called finite-type (λ, N0)-solutions] that are hence obviously associated with Schwartz candidates as solutions to the twisted eigenvalue equation; the ones that are not of finite type, for which there exists N0 ≥ 0 such that hN(λ) = 0 for every N ≤ N0 − 1 and hN(λ) ≠ 0 for infinitely many N ≥ N0 [one sets h−1(λ) ≡ 0]. The latter solutions are not in general associated with any reasonable distribution in 𝒮′(ℝ; ℂ2) unless λ satisfies an equation of the kind qN0(λ) = fN0(λ), where qN0 is a suitably defined rational function and fN0 is a suitably defined continued fraction [both depending on Λ2N(λ) and d2N(λ)], case in which the associated function is actually a Schwartz function [such solutions are called infinite-type (λ, N0)-solutions]. Notice that the algebraic-companion solutions k(λ) ⊗ w0 to (P2Nλ), algebraically obtained from a solution h(λ) ⊗ v0 of (P1Nλ) (of finite or infinite type) through (P3Nλ), are automatically associated with Schwartz functions. Hence, for a fixed λ that gives rise to finite-type or infinite-type solutions, we get at least two solutions, for we have the freedom of the choice of v0 ∈ ℂ2. On the other hand, the aforementioned compatibility condition rules out that freedom: if one defines for h(λ)(≠ 0) of finite or infinite type
then dimℂ Wλ(h) ≤ 1. The reason why Wλ(h) might be zero-dimensional (corresponding to v0 = w0 = 0) comes from the fact that the operator K̃ acts in a highly unknown fashion, and we cannot a priori conclude that a solution h(λ) ⊗ v0 to (P1Nλ) and the algebraic companion k(λ) ⊗ w0 relative to (P2Nλ) are related (for the same λ) through the compatibility condition.
Let us define
(and analogously the sets ∑0− and ∑∞− relative to the odd case). One has also the following description of ∑0+: upon defining polynomials j2N ∈ ℝ[λ] inductively by the recurrence formula
j−2(λ) = 1, j0(λ) = d0(λ) [they appear as determinants of particular Jacobi matrices (see ref. 2)], then
(and analogously in the odd case). Put ∑0 := ∑0+ ∪ ∑0−, ∑∞ := ∑∞+ ∪ ∑∞−, and for λ ∈ ∑0 ∪ ∑∞ define Vλ+ := {u ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2); Q̃(x, Dx)u = λu and u is even} and Vλ− := {u ∈ L2(ℝ; ℂ2); Q̃(x, Dx)u = λu and u is odd}. It is important to notice that at this point we do not know as yet that the Vλ± are eigenspaces belonging to λ (because we do not know as yet that any given λ in ∑0 ∪ ∑∞ is an eigenvalue). Thus, as proved in ref. 2, we have the following theorem (that might be thought of as the first half of Theorem 2.4 below).
Theorem 2.2. One has
Dealing with Problem 2.
In this case, the key ingredients for dealing directly with problem 2 are the formula
and the use of the basis Bmix (see Lemma 2.1). Again, we restrict to the even-eigenfunction case. Hence, consider the equation (Q̃ − λI)η = 0, with η of the form η = ∑N=0+∞ (aNξ2N+ + bNKξ2N+). Upon setting a−1 = b−1 = 0, zN := ℓ−2N (1 − iℓ)N (μ−aN − iμ+bN), we get the recurrence equations
i.e., exactly the recurrence equations (P2Nλ). It is a key observation now, and the reason why the basis Bmix is of fundamental importance, that the compatibility condition is automatically satisfied. Hence, since λ ∈ ∑0 ∪ ∑∞ gives rise to Schwartz solutions to the eigenvalue equation, it follows from (P2Nλ) = (P2Nλ)′ that λ ∈ Spec(Q̃). Thus Spec(Q̃(x, Dx)) = ∑0 ∪ ∑∞. Now, since any finite-type (λ, N0 + 1)-solution of (P1Nλ) corresponds to a finite-type (λ, N0)-solution of (P2Nλ), and hence of (P2Nλ)′, we have the following crucial fact.
Lemma 2.3. One has ∑0+ ⊂ ∑∞+ and ∑0− ⊂ ∑∞−.
As a consequence of this approach and of Theorem 2.2 above, we get, as proved in ref. 3, the following rather complete description.
Theorem 2.4. One has
Remark 2.5: In general ∑0± ≠ ∅ (see ref. 2).
3. A New System
As an example of some possible directions of generalization of the system defined by the operator
(see Eq. 1), we propose here the spectral problem relative to the operator
i.e., the study of the equation
Notice that, as an unbounded operator in L2(ℝ; ℂ2) with domain B2(ℝ; ℂ2), Qvect(x, Dx) is self-adjoint with compact resolvent (this again by virtue of the global ellipticity of its principal part). It seems quite nontrivial to obtain the eigenvalues of Qvect(x, Dx). We want to show that exploiting the oscillator representation allows one to solve the spectral problem. Notice that Qh(x, Dx) is unitarily equivalent (through a symplectic scaling) to Q(,)(x, Dx) (in the notations of Section 2). The main problem here is to treat the zeroth-order part of Qvect(x, Dx). That seems difficult, but that is not the case, by virtue of the tensor product representation of sl2(ℝ) to be constructed below. Hence, let {H, X+, X−} be the basis of sl2(ℝ), which satisfies Eq. 2. Put
Then it is clear that [ψ, ψ†] = 1, and hence the map ω: sl2(ℝ) → Endℂ (𝒮(ℝ))
gives the oscillator representation of sl2(ℝ) on 𝒮(ℝ). Because the action of sl2(ℝ) leaves the parity invariant, we have
the irreducible decomposition of ω. Put ω± := ω|𝒮±(ℝ). Then v0 = e−x2/2 (resp. ψ†v0) gives the lowest weight vector of the irreducible representation of (ω+, 𝒮+(ℝ)) (resp. of (ω−, 𝒮−(ℝ))) (see ref. 12). Let (π, V) (V ≃ ℂ2) be the vector representation of sl2(ℝ):
We have the following proposition.
Proposition 3.1. Put ρ(H) := Qvect(x, Dx),
Then (ρ, 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2)) defines a representation of sl2(ℝ). Furthermore, ρ is equivalent to the tensor product representation (ω ⊗ π, 𝒮(ℝ) ⊗ ℂ2). In fact, the operator exp(x2 J/2) defines the intertwining operator between these representations:
where, recall, ω ⊗ π(Y) = ω(Y) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ π(Y) [we have here identified 𝒮(ℝ) ⊗ ℂ2 with 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2)]. In particular, the system defined by the operator Qvect(x, Dx) is unitarily equivalent to the system defined by the operator ω ⊗ π(H).
Proof: All the statements follow from the fact
Details are left to the reader.
Using the irreducible decomposition of the tensor product representation ω ⊗ π we have the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2. Put ξ0± := ex2J/2 ϕ0± and ξ1± := ex2J/2 ϕ1±, where
Define, for N ≥ 0, ξ0,N± := ρ(X+)N ξ0±, ξ1,N± := ρ(X+)N ξ1±. Then
Remark 3.3: As an sl2(ℝ)-module, the above theorem implies the irreducible decomposition of (ρ, 𝒮(ℝ; ℂ2)):
where the closure refers to the 𝒮-topology (the same decomposition holds for L2(ℝ; ℂ2) with closure in the L2-topology). In particular, ξ0+, ξ1+ and ξ0−, ξ1− give the lowest-weight vectors of the irreducible summands, respectively. The L2-structure of Spec(Qvect(x, Dx)) is given by
Furthermore, the proof of the above theorem gives the following result (see ref. 4).
Theorem 3.4. Let
The system Qɛ(x, Dx) interpolates systems Qh(x, Dx) and Qvect(x, Dx), it has spectrum given by the numbers 2N + 1/2 ± ɛ (with even relative eigenfunctions) and 2N + 3/2 ± ɛ (with odd relative eigenfunctions), where N ∈ ℤ+, with multiplicity one for any N ≥ 0 when ɛ ∉ (1/2)ℤ.
Remark 3.5: We remark that the eigenfunctions of Qɛ(x, Dx) do not depend on ɛ (see ref. 4). This is the main reason why we think the eigenfunction basis of Qɛ may serve as a useful tool for studying more general systems.
We shall give further generalizations in ref. 4. One of our main motivations is to provide a class of examples whose spectral problems can be explicitly solved in a unified way. Indeed, if we take any unitary transformation U(x) in place of ex2J/2 in Proposition 3.1, we may write down a number of examples that look more difficult, but that actually are obviously all unitarily equivalent to system Qvect(x, Dx). Moreover, it is also quite interesting to consider the eigenvalue problem for
even for the special case C = A, for one may write
(A and C are real self-adjoint matrices, B real skew-adjoint).
We thank the Department of Mathematics of University of Reims (Reims, France) for their kind hospitality. A.P. was in part supported by the Department of Mathematics of University of Reims, and M.W. by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No. 11440010 from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan.
This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.
Article published online before print: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.011393898.
Article and publication date are at www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.011393898
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