Figure 4.
Wing phenotypes caused by loss of Presenilin, Notch, or Delta function are enhanced by mutations in γ-Tub23C. (A) Wild type. (B) γ-Tub23Cbmps4/+ wings display small- to moderate-sized bumps (arrow points to small bump), usually along wing veins, and occasional nicking (not shown). (C) Psn9/Psn143 wings show slight vein thickening at the wing margin. (D) γ-Tub23Cbmps4/+; Psn9/Psn143 wings display notching and enhanced vein thickening compared to C. (E) N81k1/+ wings have distal notching and wing vein thickening. (F) N81k1/+; γ-Tub23Cbmps4/+ wings have enhanced notching (dorsal, ventral, and distal) compared to E and both thickened and ectopic veins. (G) DleA7/+ wings show some vein thickening as well as small amounts of ectopic vein. (H) γ-Tub23Cbmps4/+; DleA7/+ wings develop more ectopic vein and have mildly enhanced wing vein thickening compared to G.