evolution. For the article “Gene evolution at the ends of wheat chromosomes,” by Deven R. See, Steven Brooks, James C. Nelson, Gina Brown-Guedira, Bernd Friebe, and Bikram S. Gill, which appeared in issue 11, March 14, 2006, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (103, 4162>–4167; first published March 6, 2006; 10.1073/pnas.0508942102), the authors note that in Fig. 4, the genome designations for the chromosomes incorrectly appeared as A, B, and C, due to a printer’s error. The corrected figure and its legend appear below.
Fig. 4.
Distribution trend in NSH wESTs in deletion bins along chromosome arms. Bars represent negative log10 of P values resulting from a χ2 test for each bin that tested the null hypothesis that the proportion, with respect to that chromosome arm, of NSHs mapping to that bin is equal to that of all ESTs mapping to that bin. Bars extend to right for bins in which NSH frequency exceeds expectation and to left for those in which it is lower than expectation (asterisks indicate that the bin contained no observed NSHs).