Newer insulins and easier blood glucose monitoring have greatly improved the ability to obtain excellent control of blood glucose levels with less risk of hypoglycemia. In type 1 diabetes, insulin pump therapy remains the optimal approach with the most flexibility, especially with the ultra-fast-acting analogs lispro or aspart. Otherwise, once- or twice-daily dosing with the long-acting analog glargine provides excellent basal coverage, and lispro or aspart at meals provides bolus coverage, all in the attempt to mimic physiological insulin secretion. For type 2 diabetes, although oral agents continue to be a mainstay of therapy, it is clear that many patients require insulin to attain the goal A1c of < 6.5%. Once-daily glargine is now used more commonly after 1-2 oral agents have failed, and it typically takes the place of sulfonylureas. The future will likely have better systems for continuous glucose monitoring and novel therapies to control glucose through agents that affect gut hormones.
The treatment of diabetes was revolutionized by Banting and Best in the 1920's by the extraction of insulin from animal pancreases. Supplemental insulin administration remains the treatment for insulin deficiency, which characterizes type 1 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, relative insulin deficiency occurs in the face of insulin resistance. In the fasting state, hepatic glucose output is matched by a continuous basal level of insulin, which maintains normal glucose levels. Many diabetes patients experience a "dawn phenomenon" in which glucose levels rise quite high in the early morning due to increased hepatic glucose output in response to rising levels of hormones, such as cortisol, that peak in the early morning. Disposal of a glucose load after a meal requires a rapid increase in insulin levels. It is often difficult to use subcutaneous insulin injections to match this rapid physiological insulin peak. The reasons include location and timing. In the normal physiological state, pancreatic insulin enters the portal vein and affects the liver first, where it is removed quickly by binding and degradation. Subcutaneously administered insulin, on the other hand, appears in the peripheral circulation first and is present for a long time, measured in hours. If one gives enough insulin to deal with the immediate postmeal glucose peak, then there is a risk of later hypoglycemia.[1-4]
Type 1 diabetic patients usually do not present the problem of insulin resistance, but often lack counterregulatory hormones and have very little or no endogenous insulin production. It is difficult to use subcutaneous insulin to duplicate the exquisitely timed insulin-release characteristics of the pancreas in response to changes in glucose levels. Amylin, which is cosecreted with insulin and affects a number of functions, including gastric emptying, is also deficient in type 1 diabetes. Thus, many type 1 diabetic patients have brittle glucose values, ranging from very high values to hypoglycemia. Improvement of glucose control has been proven to reduce the frequency of retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.[5,6]
The goal in managing glucose levels is to achieve normoglycemia, meaning an HbA1c less than 6.5%, a fasting glucose below 100 mg/dL, postprandial glucose below 140 mg/dL, and the avoidance of hypoglycemia. Most patients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes present with various combinations of insulin deficiency and insulin resistance. Effective glycemic control is usually quite complex. Treatment must be individualized, with a variety of techniques to manage the features of each patient's glucose profile.
Typically, oral hypoglycemics are the initial treatment for type 2 diabetic patients. With an increasing duration of diabetes, multiple oral hypoglycemic agents in combination are usually required. The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) demonstrated a progressive loss of insulin-secretory capacity as diabetes progressed. As a result, in many type 2 diabetic patients, insulin injections are eventually needed to supplement levels of insulin that are relatively inadequate to overcome the insulin resistance.
The advent of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) with fingerstick devices and glucose oxidase test strips made it possible for patients to obtain immediate, precise feedback on their glucose levels. Thus, they were able to modify their insulin dosages much more precisely and with less risk of hypoglycemia. SMBG has dramatically improved the ability of patients to control their glucose levels.
The management of glucose levels in the type 1 diabetic patient is often complicated by wide glucose excursions, sometimes referred to as "brittle" diabetes. Therefore, frequent SMBG and multiple daily injections of insulin or use of an insulin pump, usually before each meal, are essential to achieve good glycemic control. It is a formidable challenge for the patient, the physician, and the rest of the diabetes team, including the nurse, dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator, and others, to carry out these programs of tight glycemic control. However, the benefits of tight control, in terms of prevention of complications, are worth the effort, the risks, and the expense. Therefore, intensive insulin regimens need to be offered to all type 1 diabetic patients and are the standard of care.
In giving insulin therapy to both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients, the issues are overall dose amounts and the timing of insulin delivery. Fortunately, there have been a number of developments that improve our capability to deliver insulin with better timing characteristics. With regard to short-acting insulin, lispro insulin (Humalog) and insulin aspart (Novolog) are synthetic products with an exchange of amino acids in the polypeptide chains that make up insulin. As a result of these changes, lispro and aspart insulin are more quickly absorbed from subcutaneous tissue and disappear more quickly.[7-11] Thus, it is possible to give a dose much closer (often 10-15 minutes) to mealtime than with regular insulin, and there is less risk of hypoglycemia at a later time.[12-14] It is also easier to give larger doses than with regular insulin, creating higher peaks to deal with postmeal glucose levels with less risk of hypoglycemia.
Lispro/aspart insulin has largely replaced regular insulin in the management of mealtime glucose levels in type 1 diabetes. Lispro/aspart insulin is effectively used in insulin infusion pumps[15,16] and in pregnant diabetic women.[17] However, there are certainly patients who require a longer insulin peak post meals. In these patients, regular insulin may still have a place and even longer acting insulins may be needed.
On the other end of the insulin-action spectrum, it is necessary to have a long-acting injected insulin that provides a basal insulin level. This basal level must remain low between meals to avoid hypoglycemia. NPH and Lente insulin, and even Ultralente insulin, have definite peak-and-trough levels that may be unpredictable and contribute to unexpected hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The advent of glargine insulin, another insulin analog, affords us an insulin with very consistent, long-acting flat insulin levels. Glargine insulin carries several amino acid modifications, in particular, 2 arginine substitutions, which result in precipitation at physiological pH. As a result of this precipitation, a depot of insulin is formed resulting in a slow release of insulin into the circulation. Glargine insulin is given as a once-daily injection and maintains a relatively constant insulin level over a 24-hour period. Thus, there are fewer peaks of intermediate-acting insulin at unplanned times as with NPH, Lente, or Ultralente (Figure 1).
The use of glargine may afford smoother control in the type 1 diabetic patient.[18,19] It is also very useful as a supplemental insulin dose in type 2 diabetic patients in whom oral hypoglycemic combinations no longer can meet targets.[20,21] Occasionally, in type 1 diabetic patients, glargine seems to wear off in less than 24 hours and has to be given twice daily for optimal control.
Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion of Insulin
The administration of insulin by continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin (CSII) has great advantages in terms of permitting the programmed timing of insulin levels. At present, insulin pumps are available, which permit preprogrammed delivery of basal insulin profiles as well as quick premeal infusion of bolus insulin doses. Insulin pumps typically deliver insulin through an indwelling subcutaneous catheter, which must be changed every 48-72 hours. Modern insulin pumps have proven safe and effective in a wide variety of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients, representing all ages and education levels, and are very well accepted by patients. Implanted pumps have also been developed.[22-24] The implanted pumps deliver insulin directly into the peritoneal cavity and then to the portal venous system, thus allowing a first pass in the liver before the peripheral circulation, similar to that of normal physiological pancreatic insulin. However, the catheters have tended to clog over time, and the need to change the internal catheter surgically on an annual or more frequent schedule has constituted an impediment to dissemination of the implanted pumps.[25,26]
The great revolution in insulin pump use will be the advent of automated glucose feedback control. The algorithms to administer insulin in response to glucose levels are successful in maintaining target levels.[27,28] The problem has been the lack of continuous glucose monitoring feedback. The ability to sample minute amounts of skin fluid for glucose promises to remedy this problem. An external glucose oxidase electrode has been developed and used successfully by Medtronic MiniMed, named the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS). The present-day device is similar in appearance to an insulin pump and does require a similar indwelling subcutaneous catheter.[29,30] The device is downloaded at the end of 3 days of use and provides a retrospective tracing of approximately 288 blood glucose values for each of the 3 days. Analysis of this can help both the patient and the physician to better manage meals, exercise, and high and low blood glucose levels, and to improve glucose control with less hypoglycemia.[31-33] The device has not yet been approved for use by patients to control their insulin pump delivery, but we expect this evolution in the next few years.
Another device attempting automated, minimally invasive glucose monitoring is the GlucoWatch. Again, the principle is that of subcutaneous fluid sampling, in this case by reverse iontophoresis. The device sits on the wrist and samples many times during a 12-hour period and provides values via an electric current, which brings up fluid for measurement. Use of the GlucoWatch has been limited by discomfort and local skin irritation, shut down by heat or humidity, and related to technical problems.[34-37]
Clearly, the use of wireless communication between a continuous glucose sampling device and an insulin pump is the next step. It will make possible truly automatic glucose regulation, a closed-loop system or an "electromechanical pancreas." We expect that external insulin pumps coupled with effective glucose feedback will be available within the next 5 years. This will make the concept of the "artificial pancreas" a reality. These devices will be more expensive as compared with present-day treatment approaches, both in the initial hardware costs and in ongoing supplies, but will be an excellent value if they really provide optimal glycemic control.
The coming of inhaled insulin could offer a novel approach to the management of diabetes. Insulin is a relatively small peptide that can be absorbed by the mucosal surface. The lungs provide an enormous surface area for absorption. Only a fraction of inhaled insulin is actually absorbed. It was always believed that variable absorption would lead to erratic glucose levels. The development of dry microparticulate powders has improved homogeneous, reproducible absorption. The rapid absorption and disappearance of inhaled insulin provide excellent timing, similar to that of lispro and aspart insulin. As a result, inhaled insulin at meals does permit good control of glucose levels without excessive hypoglycemia (Figure 2).[38,39]
Inhaled insulin is short-acting with timing characteristics similar to lispro insulin. Thus, its use must be coupled with a long-acting insulin to maintain appropriate basal levels. Glargine insulin used with inhaled insulin is a most promising combination for type 1 diabetic patients. It is expected that most such patients could be managed with 1 glargine insulin shot daily and multiple inhalations of short-acting insulin.
To be sure, glucose control with inhaled insulin taken before meals is likely to be less optimal than that achievable with glucose feedback-controlled continuous insulin delivery. Furthermore, there are significant questions as to possible long-term effects on the lungs. A large amount of immunogenic protein is delivered to the lung surface with inhaled insulin. If inhaled insulin is proven safe in long-term studies, we expect that its use will be driven by patient demand. Present-day inhaled insulin delivery systems are large and cumbersome. The systems will, no doubt, develop improved usage characteristics. Yet, patients, even today, are highly enthusiastic about the concept of needleless insulin administration. This enthusiasm is clearly a matter of personal perception. Obviously, an insulin pump requires a needlestick only once in a 24-72-hour period. Yet, there does appear to be a remarkable desire to obtain the inhaled devices.
We expect that the innovations in insulin management and glucose feedback will make it possible to control glucose levels much closer to the goal of normal HbA1c in type 1 diabetes. We also expect that the use of supplemental insulin with oral agents, which reduce resistance to insulin, will achieve this goal in type 2 diabetes In the 21st century, we expect to see the benefits of normalization of glucose levels on the serious microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes.
The author received a grant from the Association of Diabetes Investigators to support the preparation of this manuscript. This grant was partially supported by unrestricted educational grants from Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Takeda, and Sanofi-Synthelabo.
This article is supported by an independent educational grant from Pfizer, Inc.
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