We have discovered a useful new reagent for mutation detection, a novel nuclease CEL I from celery. It is specific for DNA distortions and mismatches from pH 6 to 9. Incision is on the 3'-side of the mismatch site in one of the two DNA strands in a heteroduplex. CEL I-like nucleases are found in many plants. We report here that a simple method of enzyme mutation detection using CEL I can efficiently identify mutations and polymorphisms. To illustrate the efficacy of this approach, the exons of the BRCA1 gene were amplified by PCR using primers 5'-labeled with fluorescent dyes of two colors. The PCR products were annealed to form heteroduplexes and subjected to CEL I incision. In GeneScan analyses with a PE Applied Biosystems automated DNA sequencer, two independent incision events, one in each strand, produce truncated fragments of two colors that complement each other to confirm the position of the mismatch. CEL I can detect 100% of the sequence variants present, including deletions, insertions and missense alterations. Our results indicate that CEL I mutation detection is a highly sensitive method for detecting both polymorphisms and disease-causing mutations in DNA fragments as long as 1120 bp in length.
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