The Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) , an extensive source of biomedical knowledge developed and maintained by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) is being currently used in a wide variety of biomedical applications. The Semantic Network, a component of the UMLS is a structured description of core biomedical knowledge consisting of well defined semantic types and relationships between them. We investigate the expressiveness of DAML+OIL, a markup language proposed for ontologies on the Semantic Web, for representing the knowledge contained in the Semantic Network. Requirements specific to the Semantic Network, such as polymorphic relationships and blocking relationship inheritance are discussed and approaches to represent these in DAML+OIL are presented. Finally, conclusions are presented along with a discussion of ongoing and future work.
The Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) project was initiated in 1986 by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Its goal is to help health professionals and researchers use biomedical information from different sources1. It consists of three main knowledge repositories: (a) The UMLS Metathesaurus, which provides a common structure for more than 95 source biomedical vocabularies. It is organized by concept, which is a cluster of terms (e.g., synonyms, lexical variants, translations) with the same meaning. (b) The UMLS Semantic Network2, which categorizes these concepts through semantic types and relationships. (c) The SPECIALIST lexicon contains over 30,000 English words, including many biomedical terms. Information for each entry, including base form, spelling variants, syntactic category, inflectional variation of nouns and conjugation of verbs, is used by the lexical tools11. The 2002 version of the Metathesaurus contains 871,584 concepts named by 2.1 million terms. It also includes inter-concept relationships across multiple vocabularies, concept categorization, and information on concept co-occurrence in MEDLINE.
The UMLS Semantic Network is highly suited for representation using DAML+OIL5 constructs as it has a rich semantic structure and an underlying meta-model consistent with the DAML+OIL specification. In this paper, we investigate the expressiveness of DAML+OIL constructs for representing the knowledge contained in the Semantic Network. The results of this work will also be applied to the UMLS Metathesaurus.
The recognition of the key role that ontologies are likely to play in the future of the Web has led to the extension of Web markup languages in order to facilitate content description and the development of web ontologies, e.g., XML Schema7, RDF4 and RDF Schema8. However, more expressive power is both necessary and desirable in order to describe data in sufficient detail, and enable automated reasoning, e.g., determine semantic relationships between syntactically different terms. The DAML+OIL language5 is designed to describe the structure of a domain. It takes an object oriented approach, with the structure of the domain being described in terms of classes and properties. An ontology consists of a set of axioms that assert characteristics of these classes and properties. We now present a discussion on the various constructs in DAML+OIL with their foundations in Description Logics (DLs)9.
DAML+OIL is, in essence equivalent to a very expressive DL, with a DAML+OIL ontology corresponding to a DL terminology. As in a DL, DAML+OIL classes can be names (URIs) or expressions. A variety of constructors (or operators) are provided for building class expressions. The expressive power of the language is determined by the class (and property) constructors provided, and by the kinds of axioms allowed. Table 1 summarizes the constructors used in DAML+OIL expressed using the standard DL syntax. In the RDF syntax, the expression Bacterium ∩ Virus would be written as:
Table 1.
Constructor | DL Syntax | Example |
intersectionOf | C1 ∩ … ∩ Cn | Bacterium ∩ Animal |
unionOf | C1 ∪ … ∪ Cn | Bacterium ∩ Virus |
complementOf | ⌝C | ⌝ Plant |
oneOf | {x1,…, xn} | {aspirin, tylenol} |
toClass | ∀P.C | ∀ partOf.Cell |
hasClass | ∃ P.C | ∃ processOf.Organism |
hasValue | ∃P.{x} | ∃treatedBy{aspirin} |
minCardinalityQ | ≥ n P.C | ≥ 2 hasPart.Cell |
maxCardinalityQ | ≤ n P.C | ≤ 1 hasPart.Tissue |
cardinalityQ | = n P.C | = 1 partOf.Cell |
<daml:Class rdf:about=”#Virus”/>
The meanings of the first three constructors from Table 1 are just the standard boolean operators on classes. The oneOf constructor allows classes to be defined by enumerating their members. The toClass and hasClass constructors correspond to slot constraints in a frame-based language.
The class ∀P.C is the class, all of whose instances are related via the property P only to resources of type C, while the class ∃P.C is the class, all of whose instances are related via the property P to at least one resource of type C. The hasValue constructor is just shorthand for a combination of hasClass and oneOf. The minCardinalityQ, maxCardinalityQ and cardinalityQ constructors (known in DLs as qualified number restrictions) are generalizations of the hasClass and hasValue constructors. The class ≥ n P.C (≤ n P.C, = n P.C) is the class all of whose instances are related via the property P to at least (at most, exactly) n different resources of type C. The emphasis on different is because there is no unique name assumption wrt to resource names (URIs) and it is possible that many URIs could name the same resource.
Table 2 (next page, bottom) summarizes the axioms allowed in DAML+OIL. These axioms make it possible to assert subsumption or equivalence wrt classes or properties, the disjointness of classes, the equivalence or non-equivalence of individuals (resources), and various properties of properties. A crucial feature of DAML+OIL is that subClassOf and sameClassAs axioms can be applied to arbitrary class expressions. The last two rows of Table 2 refer to DAML+OIL constructs domain/range, which identify the domain and range classes of the various properties. Their DL constructors are as shown. We shall discuss later in the paper, various approaches to represent domains and ranges and the impact it might have on the complexity of the reasoning process. DAML+OIL also allows properties of properties to be asserted. It is possible to assert that a property is unique (i.e., functional) and unambiguous (i.e., its inverse is functional). It is also possible to use inverse properties and assert that a property is transitive.
Table 2.
Axiom | DL Syntax | Example |
subClassOf | C1 ⊆ C2 | Human ⊆ Animal ∩ Biped |
sameClassAs | C1 ≡ C2 | Man ≡ Human ∩ Male |
subPropertyOf | P1 ⊆ P2 | part_of ⊆ physically_related_to |
samePropertyAs | P1 ≡ P2 | has_temperature ≡ has_fever |
disjointWith | C1 ⊆ ⌝ C2 | Vertebrate ⊆ ⌝ Invertebrate |
sameIndividualAs | {x1} ≡ {x2} | {heart_attack} ≡ {myocardial_infarction} |
differentIndividualFrom | {x1} ⊆ ⌝{x2} | {aspirin} ⊆ ⌝ {tylenol} |
inverseOf | P1 ≡ P2− | has_evaluation ≡ evaluation_of |
transitiveProperty | P+ ⊆ P | part_of+ ⊆ part_of |
uniqueProperty | T ⊆ ≤ 1 P | T ⊆ ≤ 1 has_mother |
unambiguousProperty | T ⊆ ≤ 1 P | T ⊆ ≤ 1 is_mother_of− |
domain | T ⊆ ∀ P−.C
∃ P.T ⊆ C |
T ⊆ ∀ has_evaluation.Finding
∃ evaluation_of.T ⊆ Finding |
range | T ⊆ ≡ P.C | T ⊆ ∀ evaluation_of.OrganismAttribute |
We now present a DAML+OIL representation of a small portion of the UMLS Semantic Network2. The Semantic Network types are represented using DAML+OIL A simplified version, after removing namespaces related markup of some of the Semantic Network types is presented below.
<daml:Class rdf:ID=”Organism”/>
<daml:Class rdf:ID=”Fungus”/>
<daml:Class rdf:ID=”Virus”/>
<daml:Class rdf:ID=”Bacterium”/> ...
Relationships in the Semantic Network are represented using the DAML+OIL object properties. It may be noted that many relationships in the Semantic Network are polymorphic, i.e., they have multiple domains and ranges (e.g., part_of, disrupts) and will be discussed in the next section.
<daml:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=”property_of”>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource=”#Organism”>
<daml:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=”process_of”>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource=”#Organism”>
Axioms in the Semantic Network originate from the following sources.
The type inheritance hierarchy.
The property inheritance hierarchy.
Inverse relationship constraints
Rewriting of domain and range constraints.
The type hierarchy in the Semantic Network can be represented as a collection of subclass axioms. Some examples (in the DL syntax) are:
Fungus ⊆ Organism
Virus ⊆ Organism
Bacterium ⊆ Organism
Animal ⊆ Organism
Plant ⊆ Organism ...
The relationships in the Semantic Network also form a hierarchy, i.e., some relationships are sub-relationships of other relationships. This can be expressed using the subPropertyOf construct in DAML+OIL as illustrated below:
part_of ⊆ physically_related_to
contains ⊆ physically_related_to
property_of ⊆ conceptual_part_of
conceptual_part_of ⊆ conceptually_related_to
location_of ⊆ spatially_related_to
All relationships in the Semantic Network have inverse relationships defined for each other. This is represented using the inverseOf construct in DAML+OIL as illustrated below:
Asymmetric properties:
part_of ≡ has_part−
evaluation_of ≡ has_evaluation−
process_of ≡ has_process−
Symmetric properties:
co-occurs_with ≡ co-occurs_with−
adjacent_to ≡ adjacent_to−
One strategy of handling multiple domains and ranges of properties (discussed later) is to use property restrictions to represent them by their DL equivalents (illustrated in Table 2). A rewriting for the relationship property_of is as follows:
T ⊆ ∀ property_of.Organism (range constraint)
T ⊆ ∀ has_property.OrganismAttribute (domain constraint)
or ∃ property_of.T ⊆ Organism (in case the property_of− did not exist)
The exercise of representing the Semantic Network using DAML+OIL constructs lead us to two areas where the preferred representation choice is not obvious, viz., representation of polymorphic relationships, and blocking inheritance of properties down some subclass links.
Polymorphic Relationships
Polymorphic relationships are relationships whose arguments, i.e., domain and range, can be instances of multiple classes, and the instances of domains and ranges have to be associated with each other. For example, consider a property P as follows:
domain(P) = D1 and range(P) = R1
domain(P) = D2 and range(P) = R2
where D1, D2, R1, R2 are classes that may be disjoint with each other s.t if (x,y) ∈ P, then:
either x ∈ D1, y ∈ R1 or x ∈ D2, y ∈ R2
but not x ∈ D1, y ∈ R2 or x ∈ D2, y ∈ R1
According to DAML+OIL Semantics5, multiple domains and ranges are interpreted as intersections of their respective class expressions. In that case, domain(P) = D1 ∩ D2 and range(P) = R1 ∩ R2 then, x ∈ D1 ∩ ⌝ D2 , y ∈ R1 ∩ ⌝R2 is an example of a missed model.
We now present different approaches to represent polymorphic relationships.
Domain/Range Factorization
This is a simple and special case of multiple domains and ranges, where each class in the domain is associated with each class in the range, i.e.
∀i ∀j domain(P) = Di and range(P) = Rj
In this case, the domain/range constraints can be specified as follows:
domain(P) = D1 ∪ … ∪ Dm (1 ≤ i ≤ m)
range(P) = R1 ∪ … ∪ Rn (1 ≤ j ≤ n)
Consider the relationship analyzes:
analyzes(DiagnosticProcedure, BodySubstance)
analyzes(LaboratoryProcedure, BodySubstance)
analyzes(DiagnosticProcedure, Chemical)
analyzes(LaboratoryProcedure, Chemical)
The domain/range constraints can be specified as:
domain(analyzes) = DiagnosticProcedure ∪ LaboratoryProcedure
range(analyzes) = BodySubstance ∪ Chemical
Property Renaming Approach
This approach involves renaming the property for each pair of domain and range classes specified and specifying subPropertyOf relationships. Consider a property P, s.t.
for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, domain(P) = Di and range(P) = Ri
For each i, create a property Pi, s.t
domain(Pi) = Di and range(P) = Ri
assert the constraint, Pi ⊆ P
assert P ⊆ P1 ∪ … ∪ Pn
Consider the relationship contains:
contains(BodySpaceOrJunction, BodyPartOrganOrOrganComponent)
contains(BodySpaceOrJunction, BodySubstance)
contains(BodySpaceOrJunction, Tissue)
contains(EmbryonicStructure, BodySubstance)
contains(FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure, BodySubstance)
Renaming leads to the creation of new properties:
domain(contains1) = BodySpaceOrJunction
contains1 ⊆ contains
domain(contains5)= FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure
range(contains5) = BodySubstance
contains5 ⊆ contains
Finally, the following constraint is asserted
contains ⊆ contains1 ∪ ... ∪ contains5
Property Restrictions Approach
The final approach for expressing domain and range constraints, is for each class belonging to the domain of a property P, we assert a toClass property restriction on the class. Consider a property P, s.t.
domain(P) = D1 and range(P) = R1
domain(P) = D2 and range(P) = R2
The following axioms can be asserted:
D1 ⊆ ∀ P.R1
D2 ⊆ ∀ P.R2
For each concept C ϶ C ⊆ ⌝ (D1 ∪ D2), assert the constraint: C ⊆ ≤ 0 P
The example discussed above can be represented as:
BodySpaceJunction ⊆
∀contains.(BodySubstance ∪ Tissue ∪ BodyPartOrganOrOrganComponent)
EmbryonicStructure ∪ ∀ contains.BodySubstance
FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure ⊆ ∀ contains.BodySubstance
For each C ⊆
⌝(BodySpaceOrJunction ∪ EmbryonicStructure ∪ FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure)
assert C ⊆ (≤ 0 contains)
This appears to be the most feasible of all the approaches discussed so far, though a comparative analysis of the complexities is required.
Blocking inheritance of Relationships
In some cases, we needed to block the inheritance of relationships to the subtypes of a semantic type to prevent nonsensical conclusions. The type in question might either be the domain or the range of a relationship.
Domain Blocking
The inheritance of a relationship is blocked for a subclass of a domain class. Consider the following example:
domain(process_of) = BiologicFunction
range(process_of) = Organism
If the relationship is inherited, we would have
domain(process_of) = MentalProcess
range(process_of) = Plant
A Plant is not a sentient being and cannot have a MentalProcess. Hence, we block the inheritance of the relationship process_of to MentalProcess by expressing the domain constraint as:
domain(process_of) = BiologicFunction ∩ ⌝MentalProcess
Alternatively, we can use property restrictions and rewriting of the domain constraints as follows:
MentalProcess ⊆ ≤ 0 process_of
Using qualified cardinality (maxCardinalityQ):
BiologicFunction ∩ ⌝MentalProcess ⊆ ≤ 0 process_of Plant
Rewriting of the domain constraint gives:
∃process_of.T ⊆ (BiologicFunction ∩ ⌝MentalProcess)
Range Blocking
The inheritance of a relationship is blocked for a subclass of a range class. Consider the following example:
domain(conceptual_part_of) = BodySystem
range(conceptual_part_of) = FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure
If the relationship is inherited, we would have
domain(conceptual_part_of) = BodySystem
range(conceptual_part_of) = Cell
A BodySystem cannot be a part of Cell. Hence, we block the inheritance of the relationship
conceptual_part_of to Cell by :
range(conceptual_part_of) = FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure ∩ ⌝Cell
Alternatively, we can use property restrictions and rewriting of the range constraints as follows:
Cell ⊆ ≤ 0 has_conceptual_part where
has_conceptual_part ≡; conceptual_part_of−
Using qualified cardinality (maxCardinalityQ):
BodySystem ⊆ ≤ 0 conceptual_part_of (FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure ∩ ⌝Cell)
Rewriting the range constraint gives:
T ⊆ ∀ conceptual_part_of. (FullyFormedAnatomicalStructure ∩ ⌝Cell)
In general, Consider a domain (range) class D (R) with subclasses D1, …, Dk, (R1, …, Rk), to which the property P needs to be inherited and subclasses Dk+1, …,Dn (Rk+1, …, Rn), for which it needs to be blocked. The above examples can be summarized as:
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, domain(P) = [D ∩ ⌝(∪ Di)]
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, Di ⊆ ≤ 0 P (using cardinality)
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, [D ∩ ⌝ (∪ Di)] ⊆ ≤ 0 P R (qualified card)
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, ∃P.T ⊆ [D ∩ ⌝ (∪ Di)] (definition)
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, range(P) = [R ∩ ⌝ (∪ Ri)]
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, Ri ⊆ ≤ 0 P− (using cardinality)
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, D ⊆ ≤ 0 P [R ∩ ⌝ (∪ Ri)] (qualified card)
∀i, k+1 ≤ i ≤ n, T ⊆ ∀P.[R ∩ ⌝(∪ Ri)] (definition)
We investigated the adequacy of the representational constructs in DAML+OIL for representing the knowledge in the Semantic Network. Though the DAML+OIL specification was adequate for our needs, there were multiple ways of representing the same knowledge. We investigated approaches for representing polymorphic relationships and identified two possible extensions to the DAML+OIL specifications:
Support for operations such as union, intersection, etc. on properties (as illustrated in the property renaming approach). However this might lead to tractability problems.
The ability to modify the meta-model. For example, the relationship part_of is a frequently occurring relationship in the biomedical domain, and there might be value in including it as a DAML+OIL construct with the same status as the subClassOf construct.
The main motivations for a formal representation of biomedical knowledge are: (a) creation and maintenance of consistent biomedical terminology; (b) enabling translations of concepts across multiple autonomous vocabularies; and (c) improved specification of queries for information retrieval. An instance of the latter is the annotation of MEDLINE documents using descriptors built with concepts from the MeSH vocabulary. For example, the semantics of the keyword “mumps” can be specified by the MeSH descriptor (Mumps/CO AND Pancreatitis/ET). This semi-formal descriptor can be used to improve text retrieval by use as a label or as part of a query. It can also be expressed using a DL concept like ∃complication.Mumps ∩ ∃etiology.Pancreatitis, enabling inferences during query answering.
These inferences can help recognize inconsistent (empty) concepts/relationships, and faulty subclass/sub-property relationships for terminology creation and consistency management6. They also enable inference of concept equivalence for matching of search queries and document annotations. These inferences can also be used to merge vocabularies/ontologies into a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, given inter-vocabulary relationships12. Concept translations across vocabularies can then be determined by navigation in the merged graph10.
Acknowledgements are due to Alexa McCray for enlightening discussions on the Semantic Network and Olivier Bodenreider and Patti Brennan for comments on the draft.
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