We compared the efficiency of PCR amplification using primers containing either a nucleotide analog or a mismatch at the 3' base. To determine the distribution of bases inserted opposite eight different analogs, 3' analog primers were used to amplify four different templates. The products from the reactions with the highest amplification efficiency were sequenced.Analogs allowing efficient amplification followed by insertion of a new base at that position are herein termed 'convertides'. The three convertides with the highest amplification efficiency were used to convert sequences containing C, T, G and A bases into products containing the respective three remaining bases. Nine templates were used to generate conversion products, as well as non-conversion control products with no base change. We compared the ability of natural bases to convert specific sites with and without a preconversion step using nucleotide analog primers. Conversion products were identified by a ligation detection reaction using primers specific for the converted sequence. We found that conversions resulting in transitions were easier to accomplish than transversions and that sequence context influences conversion. Specifically, primer slippage appears to be an important mechanism for producing artifacts via polymerase extension of a 3' base or analog transiently base paired to neighboring bases of the template. Nucleotide analogs could often reduce conversion artifacts and increase the yield of the expected product. While new analogs are needed to reliably achieve transversions, the current set have proven effective for creating transition conversions.
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