An oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) that includes elements found in secondary structures at the 5'- and 3'- ends of adenoassociated virus 2 virion DNA was synthesized by ligation of three overlapping ODNs. The most stable secondary structure was calculated to be branched, with a 61 bp duplex stem, terminating in a three-way junction with 9 bp arms. The electrophoretic mobility of the ODN is slower than expected for normal duplex DNA of the same size, suggesting a bent or branched conformation. CD spectra indicate that the ITR structure is largely B form DNA, although there is a slight blue shift compared to the spectra of the isolated stem and loop elements. Thermal melting experiments indicate that the hairpin is significantly more stable than the isolated stem and loop elements. Singular value decomposition of UV spectra obtained as a function of temperature indicates that four species contribute to changes in the spectra upon denaturation, indicating that the melting is not a simple two-state process. Characterization of the branched ODN by differential scanning calorimetry permits estimation of the enthalpy of melting by a model-free analysis, yielding DeltaHcal= 614 kcal mol-1. This value agrees with the enthalpy computed for the most stable secondary structure.
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