Post-transcriptional methylation of ribose at position O-2' is one of the most common and conserved types of RNA modification. Details of the functional roles of these methylations are far from clear, although in tRNA they are involved at position 34 in regulation of codon recognition and in eukaryotic rRNAs they are required for subunit assembly. Experimental difficulties in the mapping of ribose methylations increase with RNA molecular size and the complexity of mixtures resulting from nuclease digestion. A new and relatively rapid approach based on tandem mass spectrometry is described in which any of four ion reaction pathways occurring in the mass spectrometer can be monitored which are highly specific for the presence of 2'-O -methylribose residues. These pathways emanate from further dissociation of ribose-methylated mononucleotide (Nmp) ions formed in the electrospray ionization region of the mass spectrometer to then form the base, methylribose phosphate or PO(3)(-)anions. The mass spectrometer can be set for detection of generic ribose methylation (Nm) in oligonucleotides, selectively for each of the common methylated nucleo-sides Cm, Gm, Am or Um or for specific cases in which the base or sugar is further modified. By direct combination of mass spectrometry with liquid chromatography the method can be applied to analysis of complex mixtures of oligonucleotides, as for instance from synthetic or in vitro reaction mixtures or from nuclease digests of RNA. An example is given in which the single ribose-methylated nucleoside in Escherichia coli 16S rRNA (1542 nt), N(4),O-2'-dimethylcytidine, is detected in 25 pmol of a RNase T1 digest and localized to the fragment 1402-CCCGp-1405 in a single 45 min analysis.
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