Volume 70, no. 8, p. 4261-4272, 2002. Repeated sequencing has determined that the IS1151 sequences associated with the plasmid cpe gene of some type A isolates are not defective; therefore, the following corrections should be made.
Page 4269, column 1, lines 6-15 from bottom: “Sequencing of the ∼1.1-kb cpe-IS1151 PCR product amplified from isolate F4013 DNA confirmed the presence of sequences resembling IS1151 ∼0.3 kbp downstream of the F4013 plasmid cpe gene (Fig. 1). The amplified F4013 sequences were determined to be ∼90% homologous to IS1151 but appear to be defective, as they contain several nonsense mutations. In addition, this sequencing analysis revealed that the region of F4013 DNA containing IS1151-like sequences also has an overlapping ORF (in a different reading frame from IS1151) sharing partial amino acid homology with transposase 11” should read “Sequencing of the ∼1.1-kb cpe-IS1151 PCR product amplified from isolate F4013 DNA confirmed the presence of sequences resembling IS1151 ∼0.3 kbp downstream of the F4013 plasmid cpe gene (Fig. 1). The amplified F4013 sequences were determined to be ∼90% homologous to IS1151.”
Page 4270, column 2, line 2 from bottom: “(which are defective)” should be deleted.