A normal muscle at rest emits no detectable electric current, but in action, in diseases of the muscle and in denervation it emits electric impulses characteristic of these states. The impulses can be amplified and studied through the sonic and oscilloscopic patterns they create. These patterns are sufficiently different so that simple atrophy of disuse can be distinguished from the denervation that may be associated with it. Since denervation can be localized to individual muscles and thence to the nerves controlling them, electromyography serves much the same function as myelography, with comparable accuracy and with greater safety and simplicity. It aids in the diagnosis of several muscular diseases of children and adults.
Because electromyographic changes due to injury do not appear until 18 to 21 days later, a study made soon after injury can either disclose or rule out preexisting lesions. Then a later study indicating denervation is objective evidence that any disability is due to the injury in question.
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