. 1950 Sep;40(9):1101–1108. doi: 10.2105/ajph.40.9.1101
Nutrition and Dietary Habits of Aging Women *,†
Margaret A Ohlson
, Lois Jackson
, Jean Boek
, Dena C Cederquist
, Wilma D Brewer
, Edna G Brown
Margaret A Ohlson
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Lois Jackson
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Jean Boek
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Dena C Cederquist
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Wilma D Brewer
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Edna G Brown
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Contribution No. 1, Subproject 1 “The Nutritional Status and Dietary Needs of Older People” of the North Central Region Coöperative Project NC-5 “Nutritional Status and Dietary Needs of Population Groups.” Authorized for publication as Journal Article No. 1113 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. This work was supported in part by a grant made by the National Dairy Council, acting on behalf of the American Dairy Association.
Presented at a Joint Session of the Epidemiology, Food and Nutrition, Health Officers, and Statistics Sections of the American Public Health Association at the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting in New York, N. Y., October 27, 1949.
PMCID: PMC1528745 PMID: 15432801