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Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.) logoLink to Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)
. 2002 Jul;4(4):295–303. doi: 10.1038/sj.neo.7900251

Classification of Sensitivity or Resistance of Cervical Cancers to Ionizing Radiation According to Expression Profiles of 62 Genes Selected by cDNA Microarray Analysis1

Osamu Kitahara *, Toyomasa Katagiri *, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda , Yoko Harima , Yusuke Nakamura *
PMCID: PMC1531706  PMID: 12082545


To identify a set of genes related to radiosensitivity of cervical squamous cell carcinomas and to establish a predictive method, we compared expression profiles of 9 radiosensitive and 10 radioresistant tumors obtained by biopsy before treatment, on a cDNA microarray consisting of 23,040 human genes. We identified 121 genes whose expression was significantly greater in radiosensitive cells than in radioresistant cells, and 50 genes that showed higher levels of expression in radioresistant cells than in radiosensitive cells. Some of these genes had already known to be associated with the radiation response, such as aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) and X-ray repair cross-complementing 5 (XRCC5) (P<.05, Mann-Whitney test). The validity of the total of 171 genes as radiosensitivity related genes were certified by permutation test (P<.05). Furthermore, we selected 62 genes on the basis of a clustering analysis, and confirmed the validity of these genes with cross-validation test. The cross-validation test also indicates the possibility of making prediction of radiosensitivity for discriminating radiation-sensitive from radiation resistant biopsy samples by predicting score (PS) values calculated from expression values of 62 genes in 19 samples, because the prediction successfully and unequivocally discriminated the radiosensitive phenotype from the radioresistant phenotype in our test panel of 19 cervical carcinomas. The extensive list of genes identified in these experiments provides a large body of potentially valuable information for studying the mechanism(s) of radiosensitivity, and selected 62 genes opens the possibility of providing appropriate and effective radiotherapy to cancer patients.

Keywords: cervical cancer, radiosensitivity, cDNA microarray, gene expression profiles, classification


Although proper diagnosis and effective treatments for cervical cancers are widely available now [1], this disease is still a leading cause of death for women worldwide [2]. Radiotherapy is a generally effective therapeutic method, particularly for patients with cancers at an advanced stage. However, individual patients may show quite different patterns of response against radiotherapy; some can be cured, but others cannot, and the latter may therefore suffer needlessly from severe side effects. Hence, if treatment is to become more patient specific, the molecular mechanism(s) of radiosensitivity need to be clarified.

Several molecular markers that reflect radiosensitivity have been proposed as the result of studies that have involved, for example, transfection of oncogenes such as N-ras, v-myc with H-ras, and v-fos into cultured cells to induce a radioresistant phenotype [3,4]. Activation of c-raf-1 has been positively correlated with radioresistance of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas [5], and certain cell cycle-and apoptosis-related genes also have been correlated with radiosensitivity; e.g., loss or dysfunction of p16 renders melanoma cells resistant to ionizing radiation, whereas expression of exogenous wild-type p16 and p21 in glioblastoma cells can induce radiosensitivity [6,7]. Transfection- or radiation-induced expression of Bcl-2 proteins, which regulate apoptosis, into pro-myeloid cells has introduced a radioresistant phenotype [8,9]; furthermore, expression of Bax, when induced by gamma irradiation, confers radiosensitivity on lymphoid cells, small intestinal epithelial cells [10] and cervical cancer cells [9]. However, although such discoveries have brought partial understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for cellular radiosensitivity, the whole picture remains to be clarified.

Because the complex mechanism of radiosensitivity cannot be explained by a small number of genes, we need to collect genome-wide information about all the genes involved. To that end, we recruited a newly developed technique, cDNA microarray [11], which provides high-throughput analysis of expression profiles by means of small-array slides spotted with cDNAs [12–15].

Here we report a genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis of 23,040 human cDNAs, in biopsy samples from 19 cervical squamous carcinomas (9 of them radiosensitive and 10 radioresistant, classified according to tumor-suppression ratios). We identified 171 genes that were differentially expressed between the two groups; of those, 121 showed elevated expression and 50 showed decreased expression in radiosensitive tumor cells relative to their expression levels in radioresistant cells. In addition, further selected 62 genes showed feasibility of predicting the radiosensitivity of cervical squamous cell carcinomas. These results not only disclose the complex nature of radiosensitivity as regards the response of cervical squamous cell carcinomas to ionizing radiation, but also provide information that should identify novel targets for efforts to expand the effectiveness of radiotherapy.

Materials and Methods

Tissue Samples

Cervical squamous cell carcinoma tissues were obtained with informed consent from 19 patients who underwent biopsy before radiotherapy at Kansai Medical University, and snap-frozen at -80°C. All cases were at stages IIB to IVB, and were papillomavirus (HPV)-positive. We observed the population of tumor cells in all biopsy samples was over 90% by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Methods for typing of HPV and establishing p53 status were described previously [9].

Radiation Treatments

All 19 patients were treated with radiotherapy after sampling. A total of 30.6 Gy was provided to the whole pelvis, plus an additional dose to parametria with central shielding to complete 52.2 Gy, along with 192Ir high doserate intracavitary brachytherapy. Details have been described elsewhere [9]. Effects of the therapy, including local failure, were checked a month after treatment. Nine patients revealed 100% reduction in tumor size and the remaining 10 showed 0% to 40% reduction (Table 1). The former were classified as a radiosensitive group (complete response; [CR]) and the latter as a radioresistant group (no change [NC]).

Table 1.

Clinical Characteristics of 19 Cervical Squamous Carcinoma Samples.

Sample No. Stage at Diagnosis* Initial Response Tumor Suppression Ratio in Size (%) Age Status at p53

16 IIIB CR 100 69 WT
17 IIIB CR 100 65 WT
23 IIIB CR 100 67 WT
47 IVA CR 100 67 WT
74 IIIB CR 100 77 WT
75 IIIB CR 100 32 WT
81 IVB CR 100 55 WT
83 IIIB CR 100 59 WT
89 IIIB CR 100 63 WT
31 IIIB NC 40 53 WT
35 IIIB NC 19 47 WT
39 IIIB NC 0 70 WT
45 IIIB NC 40 59 WT
52 IVB NC 5 56 WT
53 IVB NC 5 63 WT
55 IVB NC 0 76 WT
85 IVB NC 0 52 WT
87 IVB NC 0 84 WT
96 IVB NC 10 53 WT

Tumors were staged according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics criteria.

CR, tumor suppression ratio of 100%. NC, 50% suppression to +25% growth a month after radiotherapy.

Mutational status of p53. WT, wild type.

RNA Extraction and Amplification

Total RNAs were extracted from each specimen by TRIZOL (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer's protocol. The extracted RNAs were treated for 1 hour at 37°C with 10 U of DNase I (Nippon Gene, Japan) in the presence of 1 U of RNase inhibitor (TOYOBO, Osaka, Japan), to remove any contaminating genomic DNA. After inactivation of DNase at 70°C for 10 minutes, the RNAs were purified with phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, NY) and then precipitated by ethanol. Next, all DNase I-treated RNAs were subjected to T7-based RNA amplification as described previously [16]. Two rounds of amplification yielded 65 to 152 µof amplified RNA (aRNA) from each sample. As a control for comparing gene expression profiles between the CR and NC groups on the microarray, we performed two rounds of T7-RNA amplification using a mixture of poly A+ RNAs from tissues of 12 normal human organs (brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscle, small intestine, spleen, placenta, thyroid, fetal brain, fetal kidney, fetal lung, and fetal liver) purchased from Clontech (Palo Alto, CA) as a control.

Microarray Design, Production, and Hybridization

We selected 23,040 cDNA clones from the UniGene database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Bethesda, MD) (build #131). Our cDNA microarray was constructed essentially as described previously [13]; 2.5 µg of aRNA from each cervical carcinoma was labeled with Cy5-dCTP and the control aRNA was labeled with Cy3-dCTP by a protocol described elsewhere [13]. Hybridization, washing, and scanning were carried out according to published methods [13].

Data Analysis and Selection of Differentially Expressed Genes

Signal intensities of Cy3 and Cy5 from the 23,040 spots were quantified by the Array vision software (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ) and normalized as described previously [12]. In the quantification step, local background correction method was adopted. Because the data were unreliable when intensities fell below 2.5x105 relative fluorescent units or signal to noise ratios were below 3.0 for both Cy3 and Cy5, genes corresponding to those spots were not investigated any further. To investigate genes that were clearly expressed differently between CR and NC tumors, the Mann-Whitney test was applied based on geneexpression values of X, where X=the Cy5/Cy3 signal intensity ratio for each gene and for each sample. U values for Mann-Whitney test were calculated for each gene. Genes with U values lower than 20 or greater than 70 were selected (P<.05 for comparing 9 CR samples vs. 10 NC samples). Because the U values were calculated for each sample in the CR group against each sample in the NC group for each gene based on each X value, genes that have U value lower than 20 indicate upregulated in the CR group compared to the NC group. However, genes that have U value more than 70 indicate upregulated in the NC group compared to the CR group. 297 genes were upregulated in the CR group and 132 genes were upregulated the in NC group. However, because more than half of these genes have small differences in expression level between CR and NC group, the difference might be caused by data fluctuation. Therefore, genes showing differences more than double the median expression value between the two groups (µXCR/µXNC≦0.5 or ≧2.0, where µXCR and µXNC indicate median X values for the CR or NC group, respectively) were defined as radiosensitivity (or radioresistance) related genes. A total of 171 genes were selected (121 were significantly greater in radiosensitive cells than in radioresistant cells, and 50 were higher levels of expression in radioresistant cells than in radiosensitive cells).

Permutation Test

To further evaluate the validity of 171 genes selected by Mann-Whitney tests, permutation test was performed as described previously [18], and the probabilities of the genes to be correlated to group distinction, Ps, were also estimated. When each gene was represented by expression vector v(g)=(X1, X2, ..., X19), where Xi denotes the expression level of gene of the ith sample in the initial set of samples, idealized expression patterns were represented by c=(c1, c2, ..., c19), where ci= +1 or 0 according to whether the ith sample belongs to the CR or NC group. The correlation between a gene and a group distinction Pgc was defined as follows: i.e., Pgc=(µCR-µNC)/(σCR+σNC), where µCR (µNC) and σCR (σNC) indicate the means and the standard deviations of log2 X of the gene “g” for each sample in newly defined CR (NC) group. Permutation test was conducted by permuting the coordinates of c 10,000 times. During every permutation, the correlation values, Pgcs, were calculated. These procedures were performed 10,000 times, repeatedly. On the hypothesis that these obtained 10,000 Ag values show ideal normal distribution, P values, which imply probability of the genes to classify the two groups by chance was estimated for each selected 171 gene.

Hierarchical Clustering

These 171 genes were subjected to a hierarchical-clustering protocol using “Cluster” and “Tree view” software written by M. Eisen [17]. Before applying the clustering algorithm, gene-expression values (X) for each gene in each of the 19 samples were log-transformed (log2 X). After that all values in each row and/or column of data were multiplied by scale factor S, so that the sum of the squares of the values in each row and column was 1.0 (a separate S is computed for each row/column). Next, row-wise and column-wise median values were subtracted from the values in each row and/or column data, so that the median value of each row and/or column is 0. Hierarchical clustering was performed using distance metrics based on Pearson correlation and adopting Average Linkage Clustering method.

Cross-Validation Test

The selected 62 genes from 171 genes by clustering experiment were subjected to cross-validation test. Among the total 19 samples tested above, one sample was withheld as test sample and the other 18 samples were used for building predictor according to the method as described previously [18]. Next, predictive score (PS) for test sample was calculated as follow; PS=ΣVg, where Vg=Ag′(Xg-Bg), Ag′ = (µCR′- µNC′)/(σCR′+σNC′), and Bg=(µCR′+µNC′)/2; µCR′ (µNC′) and σCR′(σNC′) indicates the means and standard deviations of log2 X of the gene “g” for each sample in the CR (NC) group defined as predictor samples. Xg denotes the log2 X of the gene “g” for test sample. Finally, the predictor sample and test sample were changed and then PS for new test sample was calculated. This process was performed 19 times, repeatedly.


Identification of Genes Responding to Radiation

We performed cDNA microarray analysis of gene expression in 19 cervical-cancer materials, of which 9 were radiation sensitive and 10 were radiation resistant on clinical grounds. By means of the Mann-Whitney test (P<.05) and subsequent procedures (see Materials and Methods section ), we selected a total of 171 genes (including 74 ESTs) as being differently expressed between CR (complete response) and NC (no change) groups. Of those 171 genes, 121 (including 62 ESTs) revealed increased expression, and 50 (including 12 ESTs) showed decreased expression, in carcinomas belonging to the CR group compared with the NC group (Table 2, A and B). Genes involved in adipogenesis and in the MAP kinase pathway were significantly upregulated in the CR group compared to the NC group; the former included aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), and retinol-binding protein 1 (RBP1; Figure 1A). The latter included mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2 (MAP3K2), G protein beta subunit-like (GBL), and RAB5C (a member of the RAS oncogene family). However, genes that are considered to be associated with repair of breaks in double-stranded DNA, including X-ray repair cross-complementing 5 (XRCC5; Figure 1B) were downregulated in the CR group relative to the NR group. In addition, a number of genes related to DNA repair, transcription, signal transduction, cell skeleton, and adhesion were among those expressed differently in the two groups.

Table 2.

Genes Showing Different Expression Between CR and NC Groups.

A. Genes Showing Relatively Higher Expression in Radiosensitive Carcinoma Cells than in Radioresistant Cells
Category Unigene ID (build #131) Gene Symbol Gene Name U CR/NC P Locus

DNA repair Hs.3248 MSH6 mutS (E. coli) homolog 6 13 2.0 0.003 2p16
Signal transduction Hs.76578 PIAS3 protein inhibitor of activated STAT3 10 4.5 0.000 1q21
Hs.29203 GBL G protein beta subunit-like 11 2.8 0.044 16
Hs.479 RAB5C RAB5C, member RAS oncogene family 12 2.8 0.001 17q21.2
Hs.28827 MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2 12 2.4 0.002 2
Hs.85155 BRF1 butyrate response factor 1 (EGF-response factor 1) 14 2.4 0.003 14q22-q24
Hs.74615 PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 14.5 3.3 0.023 4q11-q13
Hs.77439 PRKAR2B protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type II, beta 15 5.9 0.009 7q22-q31.1
Hs.83070 GRB14 growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 17 9.8 0.042 2q22-q24
Transcription Hs.66394 RNF4 ring finger protein 4 6 5.1 0.000 4p16.3
Hs.8858 BAZ1A bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 1A 9 5.0 0.031 14q12-q13
Hs.155321 SRF serum response factor (c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor) 9 2.0 0.038 6pter-6q15
Hs.289068 TCF4 transcription factor 4 15 >2.2 0.048 18q21.1
Hs.760 GATA2 GATA-binding protein 2 15 2.0 0.011 3q21
Hs.316 DDX6 DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 6 16 3.3 0.009 11q23.3
Hs.301963 HOXD8 homeo box D8 17 3.3 0.038 2q31-q37
Hs.228059 TIF1B KRAB-associated protein 1 19 2.0 0.029 5
Adipogenesis Hs.76392 ALDH1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1, soluble 15.5 14.1 0.018 9q21
Hs.101850 RBP1 retinol-binding protein 1, cellular 19 2.1 0.018 3q23
Cytoskeleton Hs.7645 FGB fibrinogen, B beta polypeptide 9 4.4 0.018 4q28
Hs.75279 LAMA2 laminin, alpha 2 (merosin, congenital muscular dystrophy) 10 5.2 0.040 6q22-q23
Hs.75445 SPARCL1 SPARC-like 1 (mast9, hevin) 15 4.0 0.004 7
Hs.97266 PCDH18 protocadherin 18 16 5.9 0.006
Hs.11494 FBLN5 fibulin 5 16 4.0 0.008 14q32.1
Hs.6441 TIMP2 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 17 2.8 0.033 17q25
Hs.79914 LUM lumican 17 2.2 0.035 12q21.3-q22
Hs.108896 LOC51084 lambda-crystallin 18 4.7 0.022 13cen3q14.2
Hs.20072 MIR myosin regulatory light-chain interacting protein 19 2.4 0.015 6p23-p22.3
Immune system Hs.1244 CD9 CD9 antigen (p24) 8 2.2 0.001 12p13
Hs.74631 BSG basigin 8 2.2 0.001 19p13.3
Hs.502 ABCB3 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 3 11 2.1 0.009 6p21.3
Hs.24395 SCYB14 small inducible cytokine subfamily B (Cys-X-Cys), member 14 (BRAK) 17 5.0 0.007 5q31
Proteolysis Hs.173091 UBL3 ubiquitin-like 3 15 2.5 0.016 13q12-q13
Hs.75275 UBE4A ubiquitination factor E4A (homologous to yeast UFD2) 19 3.8 0.047 11
Tumor related Hs.81988 DAB2 disabled (Drosophila) homolog 2 (mitogen-responsive phosphoprotein) 16 2.4 0.003 5p13
Hs.75462 BTG2 BTG family, member 2 16 2.1 0.028 1q32
Peptide hormone Hs.134932 UCN urocortin 9 11.3 0.017 2p23-p21
Others and ESTs Hs.150926 FPGT fucose-phosphate guanylyltransferase 10 2.1 0.009 1
Hs.74566 DPYSL3 dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 18 2.6 0.015 5q32
Hs.101735 DKFZP564J102 DKFZP564J102 protein 19 3.0 0.042 4
Hs.74571 ARF1 ADP-ribosylation factor 1 19 2.9 0.015 1q42
Hs.56874 HSPB7 heat shock 27-kDa protein family, member 7 (cardiovascular) 4 2.5 0.005 1p36.23-p34.3
Hs.74376 NOE1 olfactomedin-related ER localized protein 7 22.4 0.028 9
Hs.112569 GAN giant axonal neuropathy (gigaxonin) 12 2.6 0.001 16q24.1
Hs.7535 LOC55871 COBW-like protein 13 2.3 0.001 2
Hs.20597 LCP host cell factor homolog 13 2.0 0.002
Hs.24948 SNCAIP synuclein, alpha interacting protein (synphilin) 14 7.0 0.003 5q23.1-q23.3
Hs.108725 LOC51660 HSPC040 protein 15 3.0 0.005 6
Hs.49912 LOC55895 22-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein-like 15 2.7 0.015
Hs.78103 NAP1L4 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 17 7.0 0.009 11p15.5
Hs.111779 SPARC secreted protein, acidic, cys align="char"teine-rich (osteonectin) 17 2.2 0.020 5q31.3-q32
Hs.75887 COPA coatomer protein complex, subunit alpha 17 2.0 0.028 1q23-q25
Hs.129872 SPAG9 sperm-associated antigen 9 17 2.9 0.001 17
Hs.62041 NID nidogen (enactin) 17 11.3 0.032 1q43
Hs.83834 CYB5 cytochrome b-5 18 3.6 0.040 18q23
Hs.29981 SLC26A2 solute carrier family 26 (sulfate transporter), member 2 19 2.8 0.001 5q31-q34
Hs.17930 BING4 BING4 19 2.9 0.000 6p21.3
Hs.6113 STAU staufen (Drosophila, RNA-binding protein) 19 2.0 0.002 20q13.1
Hs.11951 ENPP1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 19.5 >50 0.047 6q22-q23
Hs.172870 ESTs 4 >50 0.000
Hs.29664 Human DNA sequence from clone 682J15 on chromosome 6p11.22.3. 6 15.1 0.001
Hs.12365 KIAA1427 KIAA1427 protein 7 >50 0.004
Hs.107515 ESTs 7 3.5 0.000
Hs.40583 Homo sapiens clone TCBAP1028 mRNA sequence 7 4.3 0.004
Hs.115315 ESTs 7 2.2 0.037
Hs.176092 ESTs, moderately similar to myosin-binding protein H [H. sapiens] 7 7.5 0.000
Hs.125291 ESTs 7 10.0 0.000
Hs.85053 H. sapiens clone 24440 mRNA sequence 8 11.2 0.000
Hs.188228 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ11003 fis, clone PLACE1002851 9 4.0 0.002
Hs.296772 Human DNA sequence from clone RP1-292B18 10 4.1 0.001
Hs.83724 Human clone 23773 mRNA sequence 10 6.8 0.033
Hs.124558 EST 10 2.8 0.008
Hs.120399 ESTs 10 8.2 0.016
Hs.116464 ESTs 11 3.4 0.014
Hs.281434 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ14028 fis, clone HEMBA1003838 11 2.9 0.031
Hs.191271 ESTs 11 5.5 0.003
Hs.26676 FLJ10850 hypothetical protein FLJ10850 11 4.8 0.004 20pter-20q12
Hs.292162 ESTs 11 >50 0.007
Hs.181304 13CDNA73 putative gene product 11 >50 0.000 13
Hs.98265 ESTs 11 10.9 0.000
Hs.126857 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ12936 fis, clone NT2RP2005018 11 20.5 0.014
Hs.95071 ESTs 11.5 >50 0.001
Hs.110373 ESTs 12 4.7 0.007
Hs.114453 ESTs 12 2.6 0.005
Hs.15725 LOC51278 hypothetical protein SBBI48 12 2.7 0.003 1p36.13q41
Hs.291979 ESTs, Highly similar to pre-mRNA splicing SR protein rA4 12 4.6 0.019
Hs.113082 KIAA0443 KIAA0443 gene product 13 6.3 0.019 X
Hs.116117 EST 13 2.2 0.003
Hs.24391 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ13612 fis, clone PLACE1010833 13 5.9 0.034
Hs.23120 H. sapiens cDNA: FLJ21421 fis, clone COL04123 13 2.1 0.007
Hs.116585 ESTs 13 2.0 0.014
Hs.49476 H. sapiens clone TUA8 Cri-du-chat region mRNA 14 10.8 0.010
Hs.112745 EST 14 2.1 0.029
Hs.21851 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ12900 fis, clone NT2RP2004321 14 2.7 0.001
Hs.13809 ESTs 14 2.8 0.007
Hs.61268 ESTs 14 >50 0.032
Hs.8469 ESTs 15 2.0 0.049
Hs.11365 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ12145 fis, clone MAMMA1000395 15 2.1 0.006
Hs.107812 ESTs, Weakly similar to SPOP [H. sapiens] 15 2.8 0.027
Hs.25329 ESTs 15 4.4 0.033
Hs.178730 ESTs 16 2.3 0.000
Hs.112607 ESTs 16 2.6 0.023
Hs.27497 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ11756 fis, clone HEMBA1005595 16 2.5 0.002
Hs.29356 ESTs 16 2.0 0.024
Hs.158688 IF2 KIAA0741 gene product 16 4.6 0.042 2
Hs.23617 FLJ20531 hypothetical protein FLJ20531 17 2.8 0.041
Hs.44159 LOC51105 CGI-72 protein 17 13.7 0.003 8
Hs.23650 ESTs, Weakly similar to AAB47496 NG5 [H. sapiens] 17 3.3 0.041
Hs.133081 ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H. sapiens] 17 24.6 0.011
Hs.191379 ESTs 17 6.1 0.003
Hs.72363 H. sapiens mRNA for FLJ00116 protein, partial cds 17.5 >50 0.038
Hs.173094 H. sapiensmRNA; cDNA DKFZp564H142 (from clone DKFZp564H142) 17.5 6.0 0.006
Hs.179891 ESTs, Weakly similar to prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha subunit [H. sapiens] 18 2.5 0.005
Hs.22860 ESTs 18 2.3 0.011
Hs.12867 ESTs 18 2.3 0.005
Hs.200332 FLJ20651 hypothetical protein FLJ20651 18 3.8 0.004 9p24.1-9q22.33
Hs.273186 LOC56997 hypothetical protein, clone Telethon(Italy_B41)_Strait02270_FL142 18 2.8 0.041 1
Hs.30643 ESTs 18 5.7 0.018
Hs.11805 ESTs 19 3.1 0.038
Hs.22505 FLJ10159 hypothetical protein FLJ10159 19 2.7 0.025 6
Hs.127407 ESTs 19 5.6 0.011
B. Genes Showing Relatively Higher Expression in Radioresistant Carcinoma Cells than in Radiosensitive Cells
Category Unigene ID (build #131) Gene Symbold Gene Name U CR/NC P Locus

DNA repair Hs.84981 XRCC5 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 5 73 0.39 0.034 2q35
Signal transduction Hs.155924 CREM cAMP responsive element modulator 71 0.48 0.020 10p12.1-p11.1
Hs.118520 LOC55970 G-protein gamma2 subunit 73 0.40 0.015 1
Hs.34780 DCX doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin) 74 0.48 0.012 Xq22.3-q23
Hs.7138 CHRM3 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 3 77 0.50 0.034 1q41-q44
Hs.250857 CAMK2G calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma 85 0.41 0.009 10q22
Transcription Hs.168005 TIF1GAMMA transcriptional intermediary factor 1 gamma 72 0.38 0.000 1p13.1
Hs.21771 WHSC2 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 2 73 0.47 0.021 4p16.3
Hs.172280 SMARCC1 SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated, actin-dependent regulator of chromatin 74 0.38 0.005 3p23-p21
Hs.110457 WHSC1 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 78 0.45 0.005 4p16.3
Hs.78580 DDX1 DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 1 73 0.32 0.032 2p24
Translation Hs.129673 EIF4A1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, isoform 1 78 0.43 0.001 17p13
Glycolysis Hs.2795 LDHA lactate dehydrogenase A 75 0.39 0.036 11p15.4
Cytoskeleton Hs.821 BGN biglycan 71 0.24 0.026 Xq28
Hs.172928 COL1A1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 74 0.46 0.007 17q21.3-q22
Hs.90408 NEO1 neogenin (chicken) homolog 1 78 0.48 0.006 15q22.3-q23
Immune system Hs.516 CCR1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 71 0.28 0.039 3p21
Hs.198253 HLA-DQA1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1 72.5 0.32 0.007 6p21.3
Hs.75498 SCYA20 small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 20 73 0.18 0.041 2q33-q37
Hs.833 ISG15 interferon-stimulated protein, 15 kDa 78 0.25 0.042 1
Proteolysis Hs.61153 PSMC2 roteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 2 73 0.49 0.032 7q22.1-q22.3
Apoptosis Hs.93213 BAK1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 73 0.36 0.006 6p21.3
Hs.278602 API5 apoptosis inhibitor 5 74 0.46 0.013 11
Others and ESTs Hs.75593 UROS uroporphyrinogen III synthase 71 0.13 0.041 10q25.2-q26.3
Hs.108196 LOC51659 HSPC037 protein 71 0.37 0.027 16
Hs.64595 AASDHPPT aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase 71 0.44 0.033 11q22
Hs.286049 PSA phosphoserine aminotransferase 72 0.47 0.009 9
Hs.93659 ERP70 protein disulfide isomerase-related protein 73 0.26 0.036 10
Hs.2281 CHGB chromogranin B (secretogranin 1) 75 0.31 0.011 20pter-p12
Hs.110099 CBFA2T3 core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 3 75 0.33 0.009 16q24
Hs.4747 DKC1 dyskeratosis congenita 1, dyskerin 75 0.40 0.003 Xq28
Hs.83848 TPI1 triosephosphate isomerase 1 77 0.43 0.040 12p13
Hs.75799 PRSS8 protease, serine, 8 (prostasin) 77 0.13 0.045 16p11.2
Hs.143600 GPP130 type II Golgi membrane protein 77 0.35 0.024 3
Hs.13565 T-STAR Sam68-like phosphotyrosine protein, T-STAR 78 0.44 0.013 8q24.2
Hs.169476 GAPD glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 80 0.47 0.042 12p13
Hs.114366 PYCS pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 87 0.24 0.006 10q24.3
Hs.43445 PARN poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (deadenylation nuclease) 90 0.35 0.003 16p13
Hs.137556 H. sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434A132 71 0.18 0.004
Hs.65403 LOC51323 hypothetical protein 71 0.50 0.003 6pter-6q15
Hs.164285 ESTs, Weakly similar to Afg1p [S. cerevisiae] 72 0.44 0.026
Hs.26675 ESTs 74 0.32 0.012
Hs.11641 H. sapiens cDNA: FLJ21432 fis, clone COL04219 74 0.50 0.000
Hs.14846 H. sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564D016 75 0.38 0.009
Hs.283127 ESTs 75 0.36 0.032
Hs.63224 ESTs 75 0.16 0.038
Hs.227591 ESTs, Weakly similar to AF1488561 unknown [H. sapiens] 76 0.50 0.017
Hs.11156 LOC51255 hypothetical protein 76 0.21 0.005 2
Hs.133207 H. sapiens mRNA for KIAA1230 protein, partial cds 77 0.42 0.011
Hs.201925 H. sapiens cDNA FLJ13446 fis, clone PLACE1002968 80 0.47 0.015

U, indicates Mann-Whitney statistics. CR/NC, difference ratio between median expression values for each group. P, permutational P value. Genes used for calculating predictive scores are noted in bold type.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Differential gene expression between the radiosensitive group (CR; 9 samples) and the radioresistant group (NC; 10 samples) with significant difference (P<.05). U indicates the Mann-Whitney test statistic. Expression levels (Ex=Cy5 signal intensity from cancer sample/Cy3 signal intensity from control), of two genes are plotted here. Median Ex values for each group of tumors are denoted by horizontal lines. (A) Retinol-binding protein 1 (RBP1; U=19); (B) X-ray repair cross-complementing 5 (XRCC5; U= 73).

Permutation Test

To evaluate the validity of the 171 genes selected as radiosensitivity-related genes, permutation test was performed as described in the Materials and Methods section. Expression levels of each 19 samples in both groups for each gene were permuted (randomly scrambled) 10,000 times. Pgc values were calculated using µCR, µNC, σCR, and σNC values derived from newly classified CR group and NC group during every permutation. Large absolute values of Pgc indicate a strong correlation between the gene expression and the class distinction, whereas the sign of Pgc being positive or negative corresponds to gene “g” being more highly expressed in the CR or NC group. After the 10,000 times permutation, the probabilities of the genes to be correlated to group distinction, Ps, were estimated under the hypothesis that these 10,000 Pgc values show ideal normal distribution (Table 2, A and B). As a result, all of the selected 62 genes showed P values >.05 without exception. Hence, it was proved that these selected 171 genes were to be radiosensitivity predictive gene under the confidence of P<.05.

Hierarchical Clustering

Of these 171 genes were subjected to hierarchical clustering as described in the Materials and Methods section. This procedure clearly separated the two groups from each other, except for tumor No. 47 (data not shown). To achieve complete separation, we selected 62 genes that showed greater than 2.0 standard deviations of expression values among all 19 samples. Cluster analysis using these 62 genes achieved complete separation of the groups (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Expression patterns of 62 genes across 19 samples of cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Red or green colors indicate higher or lower expression, respectively, relative to the mean signal intensity of a given gene across 19 tumor samples; black, same expression level with mean value; gray, no expression detected (intensities of both Cy3 and Cy5 were below cut-off values). Each row represents each gene and each column a cervical squamous cell carcinoma sample. Single and double triangles indicate the gene-expression profiles of TCF4 and BAK1, respectively.

Cross-Validation Test

Cross-validation test was performed to examine whether the 62 genes were crucial for classifying CR and NC groups and whether they could predict the group for test samples. Among the 19 samples, 18 samples were used for group predictor and 1 sample was used as the test sample. The sample sets of predictor and test sample were changed 19 times and PS for each 19 samples was calculated as described in the Materials and Methods section (Figure 3 and Table 3). Threshold line for PSs to discriminate CR or NC group were settled at the half point between average PS values of the CR group and that of the NC group: -12. As shown in Figure 3, PSs for samples in CR and NC groups were clearly separated, except for sample No.74 (error ratio was 5.3% (=1 sample/19 samples)).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Predictive score (PS) for radiosensitive and radioresistant groups by cross-validation test. Details of the calculation method were noted in the Materials and Methods section. A dashed line indicates the threshold.

Table 3.

Predictive Scores to Classify Radiosensitive Group and Radio Resistant Group.

Sample No. PS

16 36
17 30
23 38
47 0.6
74 -15
75 31
81 25
83 26
89 13
31 -48
35 -40
39 -54
45 -35
52 -62
53 -34
55 -70
85 -32
87 -42
96 -30

PS, predictive score. CR, radiosensitive group. NC, radioresistant group.


cDNA Microarray analysis is a powerful tool for obtaining comprehensive information about expression of thousands of genes in cancer cells [12–15]. By combining this technology with statistical analysis, we identified 171 genes that showed different expression patterns between two distinct clinical groups and, therefore, were likely to reflect differences in the response of cervical cancer cells to radiotherapy. To examine the validity of 171 genes selected as radiosensitivity-related genes, random permutation test was performed by calculating Pgcs, and P values for each gene were evaluated. After 10,000 times permutation test, P values for all of the 171 genes were lower than .05, indicating that these genes were significantly correlated to radiosensitivity. Furthermore, in a clustering analysis, the expression profiles of these 171 genes were able to classify each of 19 tumor samples, except for one, to the appropriate group (radiosensitive or radioresistant). However, when the cluster analysis was limited to 62 genes having greater than 2.0 standard deviations of expression level across the 19 samples, all tumors were properly classified into their respective groups. To further evaluate the validity of 62 genes selected as radiosensitivity-related genes, we carried out cross-validation test. After 19 times cross-validation test, each PS value for each sample that belonged to the CR (or NC) group showed higher (or lower) value than threshold line. This study not only supports the feasibility of these 62 genes as radiosensitivity-related genes, but also indicates the possibility of predicting radiosensitivity for discriminating radiation-sensitive from radiation-resistant biopsy samples by PS values calculated from expression values of 62 genes. However, further study with additional tumor samples would be required to apply these genes for predicting radiosensitivity of tumors in patients before therapy begins.

Because all of the cervical cancer samples we used in this study were human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive, p53 as well as RB functions were likely to be eliminated by the viral protein [19]. Hence, the set of genes listed here may be associated with a cell-death pathway independent of p53. Radiation kills tumor cells mainly as a result of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA [20]. If cells are defective in their DNA-repair systems, especially as regards DSB repair, they should be more susceptible to cell death. The gene product of XRCC5, Ku80, a protein that binds double-stranded DNA and a component of DNA-dependent protein kinase holo enzyme, is involved in DSB repair [21]. XRCC5-deficient cells and Ku80-knockout mice are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation [22,23]. Therefore, the higher expression of this gene we observed in radioresistant cancer cells accords with its physiological function. XRCC5 would be one of the most crucial genes for determining the fate of cells under the genotoxic stress caused by irradiation. We also observed a relatively higher level of expression of lactate dehydrogenase (LDHA), which aids glycolysis under hypoxic conditions [24] in radioresistant cells. Cells in fact become radioresistant under hypoxic conditions [25], and a high level of LDHA expression could be an important mechanism conferring radioresistance.

In radiosensitive cells, we found elevated expression of adipogenesis-related genes including ALDH1 and RBP1. The product of ALDH1 is involved in retinoic acid (RA) synthesis [26] and RBP1 is a transporter of retinol. Cervical carcinoma cells treated with RA before irradiation are reported to become radiosensitive [27]; furthermore, RA induces TRAIL expression and causes apoptosis [28]. Therefore, elevated expression of these genes may induce RA synthesis and, thereby, encourage apoptosis after radiation.

Our list of 171 genes should be useful not only as an aid to understanding the mechanism of radiosensitivity, but also as a means to expand the possibilities for effective radiotherapy. For example, if some novel drugs could block gene products that are involved in radioresistance, or if genes that induce apoptotic signals after radiation could be exogenously introduced, the effectiveness of radiotherapy would be increased. In addition, the 62 selected genes might prove of great benefit for diagnosing radiosensitivity of individual cervical cancers, to provide opportunities for selecting appropriate treatment (personalized medicine) for each patient.


We appreciate the help of Hiroko Bando, Noriko Nemoto, and Noriko Sudo in fabricating the cDNA microarray.



predictive scoring


amplified RNA


complete response


no change


aldehyde dehydrogenase


X-ray repair cross-complementing 5


retinol-binding protein 1


double-strand break



This work was supported in part by Research for the Future Program Grant No. 00L01402 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


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