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. 2006 Sep;142(1):28–39. doi: 10.1104/pp.106.082115

Wounding Stimulates the Accumulation of Glycerolipids Containing Oxophytodienoic Acid and Dinor-Oxophytodienoic Acid in Arabidopsis Leaves1,[W]

Christen M Buseman 1,2, Pamela Tamura 1, Alexis A Sparks 1, Ethan J Baughman 1,2, Sara Maatta 1, Jian Zhao 1,3, Mary R Roth 1, Steven Wynn Esch 1, Jyoti Shah 1, Todd D Williams 1, Ruth Welti 1,*
PMCID: PMC1557605  PMID: 16844834


Although oxylipins can be synthesized from free fatty acids, recent evidence suggests that oxylipins are components of plastid-localized polar complex lipids in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Using a combination of electrospray ionization (ESI) collisionally induced dissociation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) to identify acyl chains, ESI triple-quadrupole (Q) MS in the precursor mode to identify the nominal masses of complex polar lipids containing each acyl chain, and ESI Q-time-of-flight MS to confirm the identifications of the complex polar lipid species, 17 species of oxylipin-containing phosphatidylglycerols, monogalactosyldiacylglycerols (MGDG), and digalactosyldiacylglycerols (DGDG) were identified. The oxylipins of these polar complex lipid species include oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), dinor-OPDA (dnOPDA), 18-carbon ketol acids, and 16-carbon ketol acids. Using ESI triple-Q MS in the precursor mode, the accumulation of five OPDA- and/or dnOPDA-containing MGDG and two OPDA-containing DGDG species were monitored as a function of time in mechanically wounded leaves. In unwounded leaves, the levels of these oxylipin-containing complex lipid species were low, between 0.001 and 0.023 nmol/mg dry weight. However, within the first 15 min after wounding, the levels of OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG, OPDA-OPDA MGDG, and OPDA-OPDA DGDG, each containing two oxylipin chains, increased 200- to 1,000-fold. In contrast, levels of OPDA-hexadecatrienoic acid MGDG, linolenic acid (18:3)-dnOPDA MGDG, OPDA-18:3 MGDG, and OPDA-18:3 DGDG, each containing a single oxylipin chain, rose 2- to 9-fold. The rapid accumulation of high levels of galactolipid species containing OPDA-OPDA and OPDA-dnOPDA in wounded leaves is consistent with these lipids being the primary products of plastidic oxylipin biosynthesis.

Oxylipins are cyclic or acyclic oxidation products of fatty acids and are effectors in many biological pathways, including plant development and defense responses (Creelman and Mulpuri, 2002; Turner et al., 2002). Jasmonic acid (JA), oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), and other cyclic oxylipins make up the jasmonate family (Creelman and Mulpuri, 2002; Turner et al., 2002; Weber, 2002). The role of JA in defense response was suggested in 1992 (Farmer and Ryan, 1992), when jasmonate synthesis was discovered to occur in response to wounding. More recently it has been demonstrated that OPDA is also capable of signaling and modulating gene expression (Kutchan, 1993; Blechert et al., 1995; Stintzi et al., 2001; Taki et al., 2005). Current understanding is that each plant or plant tissue produces its own oxylipin signature, or specific mixture of various oxylipins that elicit appropriate responses to particular environmental cues (Weber et al., 1997).

JA synthesis begins in the plastid and is completed in the peroxisome. The conversion of precursor linolenic acid (18:3) to OPDA (Fig. 1) occurs in the plastid. The pathway involves formation of a hydroperoxide by a lipoxygenase, formation of an epoxide by allene oxide synthase, and formation of a cyclopentenone ring by allene oxide cyclase to produce OPDA. Alternatively, 12,13-epoxyoctadecatrienoic acid can be converted nonenzymatically to a ketol (Hamberg, 1988). 9S,13S-OPDA is transported from the plastid to the peroxisome, where it is reduced by 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid 10,11 reductase. Subsequently, three cycles of β-oxidation result in shortening of the 18-carbon compound to 12-carbon JA. In 1997, Weber et al. identified dinor-OPDA (dnOPDA; [7S,11S]-10-oxy) as a 16-carbon analog of OPDA, formed from hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3) through the same pathway.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Biosynthetic and proposed biosynthetic pathway for 18-carbon ketols, OPDA, and OPDA-containing MGDG. Analogous pathways are thought to convert 16:3 to dnOPDA and 16-carbon ketols, and dnOPDA to JA via two cycles of β-oxidation. The relationship of OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing MGDG, DGDG, and PG to this process is not clear, as indicated by the question marks, but two possibilities are that (1) trienoic fatty acids are released from galactolipids (or PG), converted to OPDA or dnOPDA, then reincorporated into complex lipids, or (2) conversion of trienoic fatty acids to OPDA or dnOPDA takes place on the complex lipids, and these species are later released.

In 2001, Stelmach and coworkers determined that 80% to 90% of the OPDA in unstimulated Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) shoots is esterified in complex lipid species. They purified and identified a novel OPDA-containing galactolipid, 1-OPDA, 2-16:3 monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG). More recently, Hisamatsu and colleagues (2003, 2005) have chemically characterized four additional OPDA-containing galactolipids isolated from Arabidopsis leaves. These compounds are 1-OPDA, 2-dnOPDA MGDG (annotated by these authors as Arabidopside A), OPDA-OPDA MGDG (Arabidopside B), 1-OPDA, 2-dnOPDA digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG; Arabidopside C), and OPDA-OPDA DGDG (Arabidopside D). The relationship between esterified OPDA or dnOPDA and the free fatty acid forms of these compounds has not yet been elucidated. Figure 1 shows two possibilities for this relationship. One potential metabolic route includes the release of trienoic fatty acids (18:3 and 16:3) from galactolipids, followed by the free fatty acids being converted in three steps to OPDA and dnOPDA, which could then be incorporated into galactolipids. The second potential pathway is the conversion of 18:3 and 16:3 to OPDA and dnOPDA, while these acyl groups remain esterified to the galactolipids or phosphatidylglycerol (PG), followed by the release of OPDA and dnOPDA as free fatty acids.

In this work, we take advantage of recent advances in electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) methods to identify 13 additional OPDA-, dnOPDA-, and/or related ketol-containing MGDG, DGDG, and PG species, in addition to the one identified by Stelmach et al. (2001) and the four identified by Hisamatsu and colleagues (2003, 2005). In particular, we utilize the collisionally induced dissociation (CID) and time-of-flight (TOF) capabilities of a hybrid quadrupole (Q)-TOF mass spectrometer to rapidly identify acyl chains present in a complex mixture of lipids. This method facilitates the choice of acyl groups for acyl precursor scanning, which is used to identify the parent polar complex lipids (precursors) containing each acyl chain. The presence of each of these polar complex lipid species is confirmed by accurate mass analysis of the acyl fragments of the original and hydrogenated polar complex lipids. Furthermore, a quantitative method for oxylipin-containing galactolipids was developed, based on scanning for intact molecular precursor ions of characteristic fatty acyl moieties produced by CID. In the quantitative method, the levels of oxylipin-containing galactolipids are measured directly from unfractionated lipid extracts.

The levels of seven OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing species are examined in Arabidopsis leaves, unstimulated, and during their response to wounding. We show that various oxylipin-containing species are synthesized and degraded at different rates. Identification of the additional oxylipin-containing species, development of a quantitative method for their analysis, and our kinetic observations lay the groundwork for further studies aimed at clarifying the biosynthetic pathway and role of complex lipids containing oxylipins in plants.


Detection of Oxylipins by CID-TOF Analysis

Fatty acyl species present in wounded and unwounded Arabidopsis leaves were identified with an ESI Q-TOF hybrid mass spectrometer. Subjecting a plant-derived lipid extract, ionized by ESI in negative ion mode, to CID in the collision cell of a Q-TOF mass spectrometer without selecting precursor lipid species (i.e. with radio frequency/direct current mass selection in the Q off) produces a spectrum that includes acyl anions of fatty acids derived from both free fatty acids and complex lipids (Figs. 2 and 3). This experiment is accomplished by increasing the voltage offset on the collision to 35 V while acquiring data in MS1 mode (no precursor selection), thus activating all ions produced at once. We call this analysis CID-TOF here to distinguish it from traditional product ion analysis also performed with the Q-TOF mass spectrometer. Accurate mass data produced by the TOF analyzer can be correlated with chemical formulas to identify the acyl anions present (Table I). CID-TOF analysis provides a reproducible and excellent semiquantitative view of acyl species present. It can only be considered semiquantitative, mainly because the propensity of an acyl species in a polar diacyl glycerolipid to form an anion depends on its position (Murphy, 1993). For example, phospholipids typically produce acyl anion peaks from the 2 position approximately twice as readily as from the 1 position (Murphy, 1993). Thus, because biological lipids typically contain diacyl lipids with specific fatty acyl chains nonrandomly distributed between the 1 and 2 positions, a CID-TOF spectrum will provide a somewhat biased representation of the total acyl species in the mixture, with overrepresentation of the more easily produced acyl anions. CID-TOF analysis does, however, provide an excellent starting point for sample to sample comparisons.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

CID-TOF spectra of anions from lipids of unwounded (A) and wounded (B; after 5 h) Arabidopsis leaves. Unselected molecular ions in an extract were subjected to CID and analyzed with a TOF analyzer. Table I provides additional information about each peak. Note that the spectra are expanded 10× from approximately m/z 262 to 273 and 5× from 290 to 310. Insets show ranges in which there are two peaks at similar m/z.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

CID-TOF spectra of anions from lipids of unwounded (A) and wounded (B; after 5 h) Arabidopsis leaves after catalytic hydrogenation. Unselected molecular ions in an extract were subjected to CID and analyzed with a TOF analyzer. Table I provides additional information about each peak. Note that the spectra are expanded 20× from approximately m/z 262 to 282 and 5× from 290 to 310. Insets show areas in which there are two peaks at similar m/z.

Table I.

Identification by TOF analysis of major anionic fragments, produced by CID in the negative mode, in the m/z range 230 to 310 in an extract from wounded Arabidopsis, and identification of the fragments in the m/z range 250 to 320 in a hydrogenated extract from wounded Arabidopsis

In each case, the mass calibration was locked by setting m/z of the glycerol-Gal fragment produced by MGDG and DGDG to its theoretical value of 253.0923.

Experimental m/z from (Wounded) Theoretical m/z Difference (ppm) Formula Interpretation
Figure 2
    235.0820 235.0818 +0.9 C9H15O7 Glycero-Gal − water
    241.0104 241.0113 −3.7 C6H10O8P Inositol-P − water
    249.1846 249.1855 −3.6 C16H25O2 16:3
    (253.0923) 253.0923 +0.0 C9H17O8 Glycero-Gal
    253.2164 253.2168 −1.6 C16H29O2 16:1
    255.2320 255.2324 −1.6 C16H31O2 16:0
    263.1656 263.1647 +3.4 C16H23O3 dnOPDA
    277.2155 277.2168 −4.7 C18H29O2 18:3
    279.2317 279.2324 −2.5 C18H31O2 18:2
    281.1733 281.1753 −7.1 C16H25O4 16-carbon ketol
    281.2471 281.2481 −3.6 C18H33O2 18:1
    291.1968 291.1960 +2.8 C18H27O3 OPDA
    309.2065 309.2066 −0.3 C18H29O4 18-carbon ketol
Figure 3
    (253. 0923) 253.0923 +0.0 C9H17O8 Glycero-Gal
    255.2311 255.2324 −5.1 C16H31O2 16:0
    267.1970 267.1960 +3.7 C16H27O3 Hydrogenated dnOPDA
    283.2614 283.2637 −8.1 C18H35O2 Stearic acid (18:0)
    295.2275 295.2273 +0.7 C18H31O3 Hydrogenated OPDA
    313.2359 313.2379 −6.3 C18H33O4 Hydrogenated 18-carbon ketol

The spectra shown in Figure 2 show the total acyl species present from such an analysis before and 5 h after wounding of Arabidopsis leaves. Species that increase in amount after wounding include prominent anions with mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) 263.1656 and 291.1968 and smaller peaks at m/z 281.1733 and 309.2065. The best matches between these masses and chemical formulas for the two largest peaks are C16H23O3 and C18H27O3 (Table I). Whereas typical fatty acid anions contain two oxygen atoms, these anions contain three oxygen atoms, suggesting that these anions are derived from oxylipin species.

Table II shows oxylipin species described in the literature with anion formulas corresponding to those detected. There are three described oxylipin anions with the formula C18H27O3. Catalytic hydrogenation, which removes only carbon-carbon double bonds, was used to identify the oxylipins present from among these oxylipins. After hydrogenation of the mixture, prominent peaks at nominal m/z 263 and 291 disappeared and new peaks appeared at m/z 267.1970 and 295.2275 (Fig. 3; Table I). As shown in Table II, of the described oxylipins with anion formulas of C18H27O3, only one, OPDA, gains only 4 atomic mass units (amu) upon hydrogenation. Similarly, hydrogenation of the peak at m/z 263 to 267 is consistent with identification of that peak as dnOPDA and not a 16-carbon analog of either ketotrienoic acid or colnelenic acid. The peak at m/z 309.2065 is consistent with a chemical formula of C18H29O4. This formula is consistent with the presence of either or both characterized 18-carbon ketols, 12-oxo-13-hydroxy-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid (12,13-α-ketol) and 9-hydroxy-12-oxo-10(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid (γ-ketol), which can be formed nonenzymatically from allene oxide (Hamberg, 1988; Ziegler et al., 2000; Fig. 1), as well as with HPOTE and di-HOTE. Hydrogenation resulted in a peak at 313.2359; this mass would be expected when two carbon-carbon double bonds are lost during catalytic hydrogenation, consistent with the identification of the peak at m/z 309.2065 as α- or γ-ketol, but not HPOTE or di-HOTE, although the data do not rule out the presence of complex lipids containing small amounts of these other oxylipin components. The low magnitude of the m/z 281.1733 (Fig. 2) did not allow detection of a corresponding hydrogenated acyl species via CID-TOF analysis.

Table II.

Previously described oxylipin anions with chemical formulas identified in Figure 2, and their predicted formulas and masses after catalytic hydrogenation

The shorthand used in this table indicates total carbons: number of double bond equivalents-oxygen atoms. Double bond equivalents include carbon-carbon double bonds, carbon-oxygen double bonds, and rings. The double bond equivalent does not include the carbonyl of a fatty acid; i.e. a saturated fatty acid would be listed as having no double bonds. The left-hand side of the table shows oxylipin species described in the literature with the chemical formulas detected in the spectra shown in Figure 2. The right-hand side of the table shows the acyl species that would be formed from the species on the left after catalytic hydrogenation. The bold type indicates the species that were actually detected (Fig. 3).

Naturally Occurring Oxylipins with Chemical Formulas Identified in Figure 2
Oxylipins Potentially Formed after Catalytic Hydrogenation
Mass of Anion Detected Formula Shorthand Potential Compound References Showing Structure Mass of Anion Formula Shorthand
291.1960 C18H27O3 18:4-O OPDAa Creelman and Mulpuri (2002) 295.2273 C18H31O3 18:2-O
291.1960 C18H27O3 18:4-O Keto-octadecatrienoic acid (13-KOTE shown; other isomers possible)b Blée and Joyard (1996); Vollenweider et al. (2000) 297.2430 C18H33O3 18:1-O
291.1960 C18H27O3 18:4-O Colnelenic acidc Weber et al. (1999) 299.2586 C18H35O3 18:0-O
309.2066 C18H29O4 18:3-2O α- or γ-Ketol acid (α-ketol shown; see Fig. 1 for γ-ketol)d Blée (1998) 313.2379 C18H33O4 18:1-2O
309.2066 C18H29O4 18:3-2O Hydroperoxy-octadecatrienoic acid (13-HPOTE shown; other isomers possible)e Blée and Joyard (1996); Hamberg et al. (2003) 315.2535 C18H35O4 18:0-2O
309.2066 C18H29O4 18:3-2O Dihydroxy-octadecatrienoic acid (2,13-diHOTE shown; other isomers possible)f Hamberg et al. (2003) 315.2535 C18H35O4 18:0-2O
263.1647 C16H23O3 16:4-O dnOPDAg Creelman and Mulpuri (2002) 267.1960 C16H27O3 16:2-O
263.1647 C16H23O3 16:4-O Keto-16:3 269.2117 C16H29O3 16:1-O
263.1647 C16H23O3 16:4-O 16-Carbon analog of colnelenic acid 271.2273 C16H31O3 16:0-O
281.1753 C16H25O4 16:3-2O 16-Carbon ketol 285.2066 C16H29O4 16:1-2O
281.1753 C16H25O4 16:3-2O Hydroperoxy-16:3 287.2222 C16H31O4 16:0-2O
281.1753 C16H25O4 16:3-2O Dihydroxy-16:3 287.2222 C16H31O4 16:0-2O














Complex Lipids Containing dnOPDA, OPDA, and Ketols

Precursor scanning with an ESI triple-Q mass spectrometer was used to discover the complex lipid species that contain the oxylipin species found in lipid extracts of wounded Arabidopsis. Figure 4 shows peaks identified in the range m/z 740 to 830; peaks in the range m/z 740 to 1,050 are shown in Supplemental Figure 1. In Figure 4, sections A and B depict precursor ions of head group-derived fragments, while sections C to G depict precursor ions of specific acyl anions. Section A shows a scan specific for PG species. Section B depicts lipid species containing a fragment of m/z 235, which corresponds to the mass of a negative ion of glycero-Gal minus a water molecule. Thus, this section represents MGDG and DGDG species. Due to the presence of ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) in the infusion solvent, both [M − H] and [M + OAc] ions are formed, and each MGDG molecular species is represented by two peaks, although some of the MGDG [M + OAc] peaks are at higher m/z than shown in Figure 4. Sections C and D depict the lipid species containing the normal acyl species 16:3 and 18:3, respectively, while sections E to G depict the lipid species containing dnOPDA, OPDA, and the 18-carbon ketol, respectively. It was not possible to use precursor scanning to elucidate the species containing a 16-carbon ketol because the 16-carbon ketol has the same nominal mass (m/z 281) as the normal chain acyl species oleic acid (18:1). Thus, a scan for precursors of m/z 281 would depict those lipid species containing either a 16-carbon ketol or 18:1. The difference in the scales of sections C and D (in the 108 range) as compared to sections E and F (106 range) and section G (105 range) indicates the greater prominence of the normal chain species (i.e. 16:3 and 18:3; sections C and D) relative to the oxylipin species (dnOPDA, OPDA, and ketols; sections E–G).

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Discovery scans: precursor scanning of an unfractionated extract from wounded Arabidopsis. All scans were performed in the negative mode. The peak designations were verified by determination of the exact masses of the acyl product ions as indicated in Supplemental Table I. Most peaks indicate the [M − H] ions, while peaks indicated by labels in parentheses indicate the [M + OAc] adducts of MGDG. A, Scan for precursors of m/z 227 indicates PG species (Welti et al., 2003). B, Scan for precursors of m/z 235, a glycero-galactose minus water fragment, indicates MGDG. C, Scan for precursors of m/z 249 or the acyl anion of 16:3. D, Scan for precursors of m/z 277 or the acyl anion of 18:3. E, Scan for precursors of m/z 263 or the acyl anion of dnOPDA. F, Scan for precursors of 291 or the acyl anion of OPDA. G, Scan for precursors of m/z 309 or the acyl anion of the ketols derived from 18:3. The marked species are MGDG unless explicitly designated as PG. Note the relative scales of the sections. In addition, please note that sections A to F have breaks in the vertical scales. The same scales are used in Supplemental Figure 1.

Sections E to G, in combination with the previous sections, provide tentative identification for each putative oxylipin molecular species by identifying the nominal masses of its acyl chains. The indicated species account for most, but not all, of the complex lipid species in this m/z range containing the investigated oxylipins. The peak identifications shown in Figure 4, as well as additional identifications indicated in Supplemental Figure 1, were confirmed by Q-TOF (accurate mass) analysis of product (acyl) ions in extract fractions. Before performing the Q-TOF analysis, the extract was fractionated by silicic acid chromatography to produce fraction 2, enriched in MGDG, and fraction 3, enriched in PG. DGDG was enriched in both fractions 2 and 3. Using fractionated material for the product ion analysis reduced the number of lipid species present, allowing more certain identification of acyl pairs. The discovery scans implied that the PG peaks at m/z 755 and 757 (A) contained OPDA (F), and their m/z values indicated that the acyl species paired with OPDA were palmitoleic (16:1) and palmitic (16:0) acids, respectively. Product ion analysis of these species in PG-containing fraction 3 indicated that both OPDA and 16:0 were indeed present in the species at m/z 757 and OPDA and 16:1 were present in the species at m/z 755 (Supplemental Table I). The latter species is depicted in Figure 5. Similarly, each of the MGDG and DGDG species listed in Table III were identified by product ion mass analysis of the [M − H] ions in fractions 2 and 3 using Q-TOF MS, and detailed results of these analyses are shown in Supplemental Table I.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Three of the OPDA-containing lipid species from leaves of wounded Arabidopsis. Please note that the acyl position assignments and the assignment of the double bond position in the 16:1 acyl chain are not based on mass spectral data in this work. The assignments utilized in producing this figure reflect the work of others (Hisamatsu et al., 2003, 2005), knowledge of the 16- and 18-carbon acyl positional specificity in plastidically produced lipids, and knowledge of the structure of 16:1 typically found in plastidically produced PG (Miquel et al., 1998; Somerville et al., 2000).

Table III.

Lipid molecular species identified by accurate mass product ion analysis of fractionated extracts from wounded Arabidopsis (Supplemental Table I)

The assignments of position are based on previous work showing that in species containing 16- and 18-carbon acyl chains, the 16-carbon acyl species are at position 2 (Miquel et al., 1998). Position assignments are not based on the mass spectral data. These identifications were confirmed by analysis of catalytically hydrogenated molecular species (Supplemental Table II).

[M − H] Ion of m/z Interpretation
PG 755 OPDA/16:1
757 OPDA/16:0
MGDG 759 OPDA/16:3
759 18:3/dnOPDA
777 18-Carbon ketol/16:3
777 18:3/16-carbon ketol
787 OPDA/18:3
791 18-Carbon ketol/dnOPDA
791 OPDA/16-carbon ketol
805 18:3/18C ketol
819 OPDA/18C ketol
DGDG 949 OPDA/18:3
967 18:3/18C ketol
981 OPDA/18C ketol

Identifications were further substantiated by analysis of unfractionated and fractionated wounded Arabidopsis leaf extracts that were subjected to catalytic hydrogenation. Precursor scanning of a catalytically hydrogenated, unfractionated extract of wounded Arabidopsis (Supplemental Fig. 2) and Q-TOF product ion analysis of the catalytically hydrogenated and fractionated extract (Supplemental Table II) reveal the expected, hydrogenated product of each of the species identified in Table III and Supplemental Table I. These data are consistent with the notion that the oxylipin acyl species in the plastid-localized complex lipids include the same acyl species (OPDA, dnOPDA, and a ketol or ketols) that were found to be increased during wounding by CID-TOF MS scanning of wounded Arabidopsis leaf extracts.

Interestingly, two of the most prominent OPDA-containing MGDG species were the dioxylipin-containing species, OPDA-dnOPDA (Fig. 4, E and F) and OPDA-OPDA (F), while the largest DGDG species was OPDA-OPDA (Supplemental Fig. 1F, peaks o and o'). These are the species denoted by Hisamatsu et al. (2003, 2005) as Arabidopsides A, B, and D, respectively, and two of these lipid species are depicted in Figure 5. The species denoted by Hisamatsu et al. (2005) as Arabidopside C, OPDA-dnOPDA DGDG (Supplemental Fig. 1, ArC and ArC' in sections E and F), was also detected in the discovery scans.

Levels of OPDA and dnOPDA-Containing Galactolipids after Wounding

Precursor scanning was used to quantify the levels of the major OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing galactolipid molecular species in leaves without wounding and after mechanical wounding of the leaves. Stearoyl (18:0)-18:0 MGDG and 18:0-16:0 MGDG, prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of purified MGDG, served as internal standards for MGDG quantification, and 18:0-18:0 DGDG and 18:0-16:0 DGDG, similarly prepared, served as internal standards for DGDG quantification.

In unwounded leaves, the level of each of the major OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing galactolipid molecular species was low, at less than 25 pmol per mg of leaf dry weight (Fig. 6). Upon wounding, the levels of these species, in particular the amounts of the species containing two oxylipins, rose sharply in the first 15 min (Fig. 7). OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG rose about 200-fold, OPDA-OPDA MGDG rose over 400-fold, and OPDA-OPDA DGDG rose over 1,000-fold in the first 15 min, while OPDA-16:3 MGDG, 18:3-dnOPDA MGDG, OPDA-18:3 MGDG, and OPDA-18:3 DGDG rose 9-, 3-, 2-, and 7-fold, respectively. Between 15 and 45 min after wounding, the levels of OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG and OPDA-OPDA MGDG increased another 1.2- to 1.4-fold each while the levels of OPDA-16:3 MGDG, 18:3-dnOPDA MGDG, OPDA-18:3 MGDG, and OPDA-18:3 DGDG each rose 2- to 5-fold. Between 45 min and 20 h after wounding, levels of all the OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing galactolipid species dropped 0% to 60% with the decrease tending to be more pronounced for the species with two oxylipin chains. Still, at 20 h after wounding, OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG was increased about 100-fold, OPDA-OPDA MGDG was increased 300-fold, and OPDA-OPDA DGDG was increased 600-fold over the level in nonwounded tissues, while OPDA-16:3 MGDG, 18:3-dnOPDA MGDG, OPDA-18:3 MGDG, and OPDA-18:3 DGDG were increased 21-, 5-, 4-, and 18-fold. Figure 8 shows the ratios of measured species containing two oxylipin chains to measured species containing one oxylipin chain at each time point. This view of the data highlights the rapid increase in dioxylipin species, as compared to monooxylipin species, immediately after mechanical wounding.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Levels of OPDA and dnOPDA-containing galactolipids in unwounded Arabidopsis. Error bars are sd, n = 5.

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Levels of the major oxylipin-containing MGDG and DGDG species during response to wounding in Arabidopsis leaves. Wounded leaves were collected at the time points indicated, lipids were extracted, and galactolipids containing esterified oxylipins were analyzed using multiple acyl precursor scanning. A, MGDG species. B, DGDG species. The zero time point represents unwounded plants. Error bars are sd, n = 5.

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Ratios of measured galactolipid species containing two oxylipins and galactolipid species containing one oxylipin. For MGDG, ([OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG] + [OPDA-OPDA MGDG])/([OPDA-16:3 MGDG] + [18:3-dnOPDA MGDG] + [OPDA-18:3 MGDG]) and for DGDG, (OPDA-OPDA DGDG)/(OPDA-18:3 DGDG) are plotted as a function of the time after wounding. The zero time point represents unwounded plants. Error bars are sd, n = 5.


This work utilizes CID-TOF and traditional product ion spectra from a Q-TOF mass spectrometer, plus discovery scans on a triple-Q mass spectrometer, to identify and quantify numerous plastid complex lipid species containing oxylipins. In all, 18 (17, plus partially characterized Arabidopside C) molecular species of MGDG-, DGDG-, and PG-containing oxylipins were identified, including the five described previously (Stelmach et al., 2001; Hisamatsu et al., 2003, 2005). The major species detected were galactolipids containing OPDA and dnOPDA. In addition, ketol acids were found to be increased during wounding and were found to be present in MGDG and DGDG molecular species. This is a powerful combination of MS methods for identification and quantification of species of complex polar lipids.

Dramatic Increases of OPDA and dnOPDA Galactolipids after Wounding

Each of seven major OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing species was found to increase rapidly upon wounding. Species containing two OPDA or dnOPDA chains rose 200- to 1,400-fold, while species with a single OPDA or dnOPDA chain rose 6- to 30-fold. Compared to previous data on the levels of a single species, OPDA-16:3 MGDG, after wounding (Stelmach et al., 2001), these data are very similar, but the time course in this study tends to indicate faster production of the OPDA-containing species after wounding. Stelmach et al. (2001) determined that the level of OPDA-16:3 MGDG rose to about 20 μg per g fresh weight. If dry weight (minus lipids) were 7% of fresh weight, then 20 μg OPDA-16:3 MGDG/g fresh weight would correspond to about 0.4 nmol/mg dry weight, which is the level measured in this study. In the study by Stelmach et al. (2001) the highest level of OPDA-16:3 MGDG was found to occur at about 10 h, while in this study, OPDA-16:3 MGDG rose insignificantly between 45 min and 4 h after wounding and decreased somewhat by 20 h after wounding.

The presence of the ketol acids in the galactolipids (Table I) suggests that a minor portion of the epoxyoctadecatrienoic acid formed during wounding is hydrolyzed nonenzymatically and that the nonenzymatic pathway contributes to the formation of esterified oxylipin species. Nonenzymatic reactions of epoxyoctadecatrienoic acid result in 85% to 90% α- and γ-ketols, and 10% to 15% racemic (9S,13S and 9R,13R) OPDA (Hamberg, 1988; Ziegler et al., 2000). Thus, the relatively low level of the 18-carbon ketol acid in comparison to OPDA in wounded leaves (Fig. 2B; m/z 309 versus 291) implies that the major pathway is the enzymatic synthesis of OPDA, presumably by allene oxide synthase. On the other hand, the formation of free α-ketol has been shown to increase in response to exposure to the jasmonates, JA and dnOPDA (Weber et al., 1997).

Potential Metabolic Pathways for Oxylipin-Containing Polar Lipids

The discovery that MGDG and DGDG species containing two OPDA chains or an OPDA and a dnOPDA chain (as depicted in Fig. 5) are the major species formed in the initial response to wounding could imply that lipoxygenase acts directly on plastid-localized lipid species (Fig. 1, right-hand side), rather than on free fatty acids released from these lipids. Although the most abundant lipoxygenase in plastids, LIPOXYGENASE2, appears to be required for JA synthesis (Bell et al., 1995) and seems to act on free fatty acids, especially 18:3, at least in barley (Hordeum vulgare; Bachmann et al., 2002), it has been demonstrated that a lipoxygenase from soybean (Glycine max) can act directly on intact phospholipids (Brash et al., 1987; Tokumura et al., 2000). 18:3-16:3 MGDG is the most abundant polar complex lipid species in wild-type Arabidopsis leaves, and 18:3-18:3 MGDG and 18:3-18:3 DGDG are the next most abundant galactolipid species. Thus, the high levels of OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG production and next highest levels of OPDA-OPDA DGDG and OPDA-OPDA MGDG production after wounding are consistent with the notion of direct conversion of esterified 18:3 and 16:3 to OPDA and dnOPDA, respectively. Lipoxygenase might be more likely to act on two acyl chains on the same lipid than on two acyl chains on distinct molecules, due to the proximity of the second acyl substrate in an intact polar complex lipid. If the dioxylipin species are produced on the intact plastid polar complex lipids, then decreases with time of dioxylipin species and concomitant increases in species with a single oxylipin chain may result from a deacylation of the dioxylipin species, followed by reacylation with a normal-chain fatty acid.

The very rapid and very large increase in levels of the OPDA-dnOPDA and OPDA-OPDA species lend credence to the assertion that these species are created on the intact galactolipids rather than via the free fatty acid pathway (Fig. 1). OPDA-dnOPDA and OPDA-OPDA galactolipids rose 200- to 1,000-fold in the first 15 min after wounding, while free OPDA has been shown to rise from 3- to 15-fold in the first several hours after wounding (Weber et al., 1997; Stelmach et al., 2001; Stintzi et al., 2001). Other free fatty acids, such as 18:3, also increase upon wounding, though to a lesser extent, about 2-fold (Zien et al., 2001). While the production of dioxylipin galactolipid species alternatively might be driven by high levels of free OPDA and dnOPDA in relation to other fatty acyl species in the time frame soon after wounding, this is difficult to envision, given the unimpressive increase in OPDA relative to other free fatty acids. In addition, free OPDA is present at relatively low absolute levels after wounding as compared to OPDA-dnOPDA and OPDA-OPDA galactolipids. Using the estimate of dry weight minus lipid being equal to 7% of fresh weight, OPDA levels after wounding range from 0.035 to 0.085 nmol/mg dry weight (minus lipid; Weber et al., 1997; Stelmach et al., 2001; Stintzi et al., 2001), as compared to peak levels of more than 2.5 nmol/mg dry weight (minus lipid) for the most prevalent oxylipin-containing galactolipid species, OPDA-dnOPDA MGDG. Thus, while these data do not exclude the possibility that OPDA and dnOPDA are synthesized in their free forms and incorporated into the plastid membrane lipids, the rapid and large increase favors the hypothesis that intact galactolipid molecules are the substrates for OPDA and dnOPDA formation, rather than the oxygenated species being formed as free fatty acids, followed by incorporation into galactolipids. The enzymes involved in production of complex plastid lipid species containing oxylipins remain to be elucidated. Analyses of lipid species levels in mutants with alterations in enzymes catalyzing acylation and deacylation reactions are in progress.

In a wounded leaf, galactolipid species containing OPDA represent several percent of the total galactolipids (typically totaling approximately 100 nmol/mg dry weight). If OPDA- and dnOPDA-containing polar complex lipid species are precursors of free OPDA and dnOPDA, then these species may serve as a reservoir for the production of free OPDA and dnOPDA at later times. It is also plausible that these lipids, with their folded-back acyl chains, might create a drastic alteration of plastid membrane structure that could affect the function of other membrane components.


A combination of MS methods has been used to discover acyl chains present in complex lipid mixtures, to discover the polar complex lipid species containing each of these chains, to verify the presence of particular complex lipid species, and to quantify the polar complex lipid species in unfractionated lipid extracts. The ability to quantify specific, oxylipin-containing, polar complex lipid species will facilitate our understanding of the physiological roles of these prominent plant lipids.


Plant Material

Leaves from approximately 7-week-old Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia plants were used for identification and kinetic analysis of the lipid species. Seeds were sown in Metro-Mix 360 soil (Scotts Company) and allowed to equilibrate in a 4°C chamber, covered with clear plastic for 72 h. The plants were transferred to a growth chamber at 22°C and 60% humidity with a 12/12 photoperiod at 210 μmol m−2 s−1. The plants were covered with clear plastic for 1 week, were left partially uncovered for 72 h, and then were uncovered for the remainder of the growth period. Two weeks after the seeds were sown, seedlings were thinned so that four or five plants remained, equidistant, in each 3-inch square pot. Miracle-Gro water soluble all purpose plant food (Scotts Company) was applied every 3 weeks, beginning at the time the seeds were sown, according to manufacturer's instructions.

Wounding Treatment, Sampling, and Lipid Extraction

Wounding was performed as described by Laudert and Weiler (1998). Five to six leaves of each rosette were crushed using a hemostat so that approximately 10% of the total leaf area was wounded. Care was taken to not crush the midvein. At the indicated time after wounding, three to five wounded leaves were collected and immediately immersed in 75°C isopropanol containing 0.01% butylated hydroxytoluene. Extractions were continued as described by Welti et al. (2002). The solvent from each sample was evaporated and the sample was dissolved in 1 mL chloroform. Lipid amounts were normalized to dry weight, as measured after extraction of the lipid (Welti et al., 2002). Five replicate samples were collected for each experimental time point.

Chromatographic Fractionation

Activated silicic acid (Unisil, Clarkson Chemical) was mixed with chloroform and packed into a column (1.5 cm diameter, 40 mL column volume). Crude extract containing lipid from 144 mg dry weight of Arabidopsis leaves in chloroform was allowed to bind to the column and was then eluted in five fractions: fraction 1, chloroform:acetone (1:1, v/v), 200 mL; fraction 2, acetone, 400 mL; fraction 3, chloroform:methanol (19:1, v/v), 400 mL; fraction 4, chloroform:methanol (4:1, v/v), 400 mL; and fraction 5, chloroform:methanol (1:1, v/v), 800 mL (Christie, 1982). This scheme resulted in the elution of MGDG primarily in fraction 2, PG primarily in fraction 3, and DGDG in both fractions 2 and 3. The major phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine) were eluted primarily in fractions 4 and 5. The solvent was evaporated from each fraction, and fractions were dissolved in chloroform before mass spectral analysis in chloroform:methanol:300 mm ammonium acetate (60:133:7, v/v).

Catalytic Hydrogenation

Crude lipid extract was evaporated and dissolved in ethyl acetate/methanol (1:1, v/v) with platinum (IV) oxide at 1% by lipid weight. The suspension was subjected to >1 atm H2 at 25°C for 6 h. Hydrogenated lipid was centrifuged to remove platinum residue, and the supernatant was evaporated and dissolved in chloroform.

Multiple Acyl Precursor Scans

An automated ESI-MS/MS approach was used and data acquisition and analysis were performed as described previously (Welti et al., 2002; Wanjie et al., 2005) with minor modifications. Briefly, unfractionated lipid extracts were introduced by continuous infusion into the ESI source on a triple-Q MS/MS (API 4000, Applied Biosystems). Sequential precursor scans of acyl anions in the galactolipid mass range (740–1,050 amu) of the extracts produced a series of spectra with each spectrum revealing a set of lipid species containing either a common head group or specific fatty acyl chain. When scans were to be used for quantification purposes, internal standards, 16:0-18:0 MGDG (2.01 nmol), 18:0-18:0 MGDG (0.39 nmol), 16:0-18:0 DGDG (0.49 nmol), and 18:0-18:0 DGDG (0.71 nmol), were added. The internal standards were prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of MGDG and DGDG purified (separately) from unwounded Arabidopsis (Christie, 1982). Each of the components, i.e. 18:0-18:0 MGDG and 18:0-16:0 MGDG (and the same species in DGDG), were quantified by gas chromatography of the fatty acid methyl esters. 18:0-18:0 MGDG, 18:0-16:0 MGDG, 18:0-18:0 DGDG, and 18:0-16:0 DGDG can be used as internal standards because the biological samples do not contain these fully saturated compounds.

Samples were introduced using an autosampler (LC Mini PAL, CTC Analytics AG) fitted with the required injection loop for the acquisition time and presented to the ESI needle at 30 mL/min. The collision gas pressure was set at 4 (arbitrary units), the source temperature (heated nebulizer) was 100°C, the interface heater was on, −4.5 kV was applied to the electrospray capillary, the curtain gas was set at 20 (arbitrary units), and the two ion source gases at 45 (arbitrary units). The collision energy was −45 V with nitrogen in the collision cell, declustering potential was −100 V, entrance potential was −10 V, and exit potential was −20 V. The mass analyzers were adjusted to a resolution of 0.7 amu full width at half height. For each spectrum, 36 continuum scans were averaged in multiple channel analyzer mode. The background was subtracted, the data were smoothed, and peak areas integrated using a custom script and Applied Biosystems Analyst software.

Data Handling and Quantification of Galactolipid Species

The m/z and peak area data were sorted using Microsoft Excel to find peaks within each fatty acyl precursor spectrum corresponding to each target galactolipid molecular species. Peak areas were corrected for precursor ion isotopic distribution (Han and Gross, 2001). Peak areas of the same precursor from its two acyl precursor scans were added, except when the precursor had two of the same acyl chain, in which case, the peak area was used directly. The total peak areas for each species were quantified in comparison to a standard line in a plot of total peak area versus m/z, created with isotopically corrected data from two galactolipid internal standards, 16:0-18:0 MGDG and 18:0-18:0 MGDG (for quantification of MGDG species), or 16:0-18:0 DGDG and 18:0-18:0 DGDG (for quantification of DGDG species).

Q-TOF MS/MS and CID-TOF MS Analysis

ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS and ESI-CID-TOF MS spectra were acquired with a Micromass Q-TOF-2 tandem mass spectrometer (Micromass). The TOF analyzer was tuned for maximum resolution (10,000 resolving power) with argon in the collision cell. Micromass MassLynx software was used as the operating software. All TOF spectra were acquired with daily mass calibration.

For Q-TOF analysis, samples containing silicic acid-fractionated lipids were infused directly in chloroform:methanol:300 mm ammonium acetate in water (60:133:7, v/v) at 30 μL/min into the ESI source of the Q-TOF. Negatively charged precursor target peaks, selected by the Q tuned to transmit at 0.8 amu full width at half height, were subjected to product ion scanning in the negative ion mode. The collision energy was 35 V. For CID-TOF MS analysis, radio frequency/direct current mass selection in the Q is turned off, while the collision cell remains at 35 V offset. Unfractionated samples in chloroform:methanol:300 mm ammonium acetate in water (60:133:7, v/v) were infused at 20 μL/min into the ESI source.

The unselected precursor ions were subjected to CID at 35 V in the negative mode.

Both Q-TOF and CID-TOF mass spectra were mass corrected by locking the m/z to the determined theoretical m/z of the ion formed from a head group fragment with an exact mass of m/z 253.0923 in MGDG (in both Q-TOF and CID-TOF modes) and m/z 397.1346 (in Q-TOF mode) in DGDG. With the locked mass value set, the exact masses of product ions were calculated to ten thousandths of an amu. Chemical formulas for the product ions were determined using the Micromass MassLynx chemical formula tool. Each designated chemical formula match was the best match for a formula containing the indicated elements. Deviations between the detected m/z and theoretical m/z, calculated by the chemical formula tool, of the best-matched chemical formula were determined.

Supplementary Material

[Supplemental Data]


We would like to thank Dr. Giorgis Isaac for critical reading of the manuscript. We would also like to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments.


This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (grant nos. MCB 0455318 and DBI 0520140). Support of the Kansas Lipidomics Research Center was from the National Science Foundation's EPSCoR program (grant no. EPS–0236913) with matching support from the State of Kansas through Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation and Kansas State University, as well as from Core Facility Support from the National Institutes of Health (grant no. P20 RR016475) from the INBRE program of the National Center for Research Resources. Accurate mass analysis was performed at the University of Kansas Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, using a Micromass Q-TOF2, which was purchased with funds from the University of Kansas, the University of Kansas Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, and Kansas National Science Foundation EPSCoR. This is contribution 06–180–J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.

The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ( is: Ruth Welti (


The online version of this article contains Web-only data.


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Supplementary Materials

[Supplemental Data]

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