We have developed a systematic methodology using corpus-based text analysis followed by human review to assign “consumer-friendly display (CFD) names” to medical concepts from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Metathesaurus®. Using NLM MedlinePlus® queries as a corpus of consumer expressions and a collaborative Web-based tool to facilitate review, we analyzed 425 frequently occurring concepts. As a preliminary test of our method, we evaluated 34 analyzed concepts and their CFD names, using a questionnaire modeled on standard reading assessments. The initial results that consumers (n=10) are more likely to understand and recognize CFD names than alternate labels suggest that the approach is useful in the development of consumer health vocabularies for displaying understandable health information.
Consumer health informatics applies methods and tools from multiple disciplines, including computer science, medicine, information science, and nursing, towards empowering patients to become active participants in managing personal healthcare issues. It has the potential to transform the healthcare system [1]. Researchers are investigating a range of applications, including online consumer access to medical records, patient-clinician messaging, medical data entry by patients, and patient decision-support tools. Despite the increasing availability of these tools, consumers continue to have difficulty finding, understanding, and applying the information provided [2].
Health literacy is a significant barrier to accessing health information [3]. While educating consumers and improving providers’ communication skills are long-term solutions, other strategies are necessary to address current consumer health information needs.
One approach is to link common health-related language to professional medical concepts through consumer health vocabularies (CHVs), reviewed by Zielstorff [4]. Unlike traditional terminologies, built from expert and domain sources and intended to be prescriptive, CHVs are experiential and descriptive of everyday usage by consumers in making sense of health-related topics and issues.
In this paper, we describe a systematic approach for CHV development that combines corpus-based text analysis and human review. The paper will focus on an important CHV subtask: identifying “consumer-friendly display (CFD) names.” That is, expressions (i.e., words or phrases) describing medical concepts likely to be recognized by most consumers. A preliminary evaluation of CFD names is reported, independent of context. Note that selection of consumer-friendly names for other tasks, such as display names within context, information retrieval, and extraction of consumer expressions, are not addressed here.
While differences between the language of laypersons and professionals in the medical domain have been studied (e.g., [5–7]), we recently embarked on the development of an open-source first-generation CHV1 to bridge the vocabulary gap. As a first step, a method for systematically identifying CFD names for medical concepts was developed.
The medical domain is intimidating to many consumers. Even highly literate consumers may stumble over medical jargon. Luckily, many health-related concepts may be represented by terms that are more familiar to lay people, such as tumor (neoplasm) and burp (eructation). Thus, identifying and using CFD names may facilitate communication.
The problem of layperson language has also been addressed in other domains. For instance, labor statistics terms used by specialists are often not understood by the public. Haas and Hert [8] created the LAB-STAT crosswalk to link consumer language to professional concepts within that domain.
Identifying CFD names is a variation of a long-recognized vocabulary problem. Variability in names of objects or concepts is common in everyday language and influences factors such as personal experience, knowledge, and membership in discourse groups [9]. From a literacy perspective, text comprehension is impeded by unfamiliar words or phrases or those having distinct connotations. The goal of the CFD name task is to find a single well-known, unambiguous label for each medical concept.
In fact, health literacy experts have created substitute word lists of CFD names [10]. However, such lists typically contain only several hundred names, serving as examples and teaching aids. Although CFD names exist in medical vocabularies, there have not been systematic efforts to differentiate them from technical terms. A few studies have evaluated consumer knowledge of medical terms directly, using brief questionnaires (e.g., [11]) and found that patients typically misunderstand common medical terms.
The most direct and authentic way to identify CFD names is to ask a representative sample of consumers to review lists of expressions and record recognition accuracy and frequency. However, given the diversity among healthcare consumers and the vast number and range of health-related concepts, the resources required are likely to be prohibitive.
Text analysis provides a feasible alternative. In the study we report here, frequently occurring expressions submitted to a consumer health information site as queries were collected. We made an underlying assumption that search frequency correlates with recall and recognition. That is, the more frequently an expression occurs in submitted search strings, the greater the likelihood that typical users of that Web site would be familiar with the expression. Because frequency alone is insufficient for identifying CFD names (e.g., due to word sense ambiguity), human review is also required.
We developed a two-step approach to investigate CFD names. In the first step, we mapped frequently used consumer expressions to the Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Metathesaurus® (2004AA), using lexical processes. In the second step, we reviewed expressions matched to common UMLS concepts, discussed candidate names, and voted on CFD names. To evaluate the CFD names, we used a questionnaire based on the Test of Functional Health Literacy Assessment (TOFHLA) [12].
1. Candidate Name Generation
We generated candidate CFD names using automated text analysis and mapping procedures. For the text analysis, we used a corpus of all queries submitted to NLM MedlinePlus® [13] over a 12-month period (October 2002–03). MedlinePlus query logs represent one of the largest and most diverse corpora of consumer-generated, health-related expressions.
The logs were preprocessed to filter out (1) non-English terms, using the UMLS Specialist® lexicon to identify words in English; (2) multiple queries from the same IP address, which indicates machine-generated strings; and (3) redundant, identical strings submitted from the same IP within 5 minutes. We then mapped the remaining queries to the UMLS using lexical processes similar to MMTx2, including removal of non-alphanumeric characters, stemming, normalization, and truncation.3
All expressions mapped to a UMLS concept were considered to be CFD name candidates (except those manually identified as improper mappings, resulting from aggressive stemming and normalization). Synonyms listed in the Metathesaurus but not found in the log data were not considered candidates, except for UMLS preferred terms. Thus, only mapped expressions from MedlinePlus queries and UMLS preferred terms were manually reviewed.
Spontaneous consumer utterances (e.g., transcripts of patients’ self-described medical histories) would provide an ideal source of candidate CFD names. Because such source material is difficult to obtain, we used MedlinePlus query logs, recognizing the limitations (e.g., queries submitted by professionals, expressions copied from professional or media sources).
2. Collaborative Name Review
We collaboratively reviewed candidate names to select CFD names. An ideal CFD name satisfies three criteria: (1) usefulness to consumers (frequency of usage); (2) clarity; and (3) readability (use of familiar words). As discussed, although usage frequency is an indicator of familiarity, human review is essential for the final determination. During multiple rounds of collaborative review, we developed a process for selecting CFD names, as described below.
a. Concept Usefulness
Some concepts were determined to be too vague or obscure for a CHV. For example, “testing” (C0039593) is vague and “Cancer Genus” (C0998265) is obscure. No CFD name was considered for such concepts (stop concepts).
b. Concepts as Modifiers
The review of modifier concepts as a class, such as “acute” (C0205178) and “Red color” (C0332575), was deferred because the semantics of modifiers is frequently context-sensitive and difficult to define (e.g., redness as a normal or pathological state; degree of redness).
c. Term Validity
Some expressions were too vague or ambiguous for a CHV (e.g., of, in). No stop terms were considered as candidate CFD names.
d. Mapping Appropriateness
Expressions resulting from improper lexical mappings (e.g., described by Divita et al [14]) were disqualified as candidate CFD names. For example, the mapping of the expression depression to the concept “Cancer patients and suicide and depression” (C0812393) was deemed incorrect; these was no evidence from the log data that consumers actually used the expression to represent the concept. Similarly, liver for “Liver brand of Vitamin B 12” (C0721399) was considered to be inappropriately mapped. Note that several methods were used to determine the “intended meaning” of expressions: reviewing the context of queries containing the expressions, including referring to general and medical dictionaries intended for laypersons, and searching the Web for common usage patterns.
e. Assignment of CFD Names
We attempted to select expressions that unambiguously refer to UMLS concepts and are “familiar” to or easily understood by consumers (i.e., “consumer friendly”). That is, exposure to a preferred display name should trigger unambiguous and appropriate mental associations with the underlying medical concept.
For example, “Cancer” is the CFD name for “Malignant Neoplasms” (C0006826) because it is (1) the most frequently used expression mapped to the concept; (2) semantically unambiguous; and (3) a common word. In contrast, although “Medicine” occurs frequently, it potentially refers to several UMLS concepts (e.g., “Pharmaceutical Preparations” (C0013227), “Science of Medicine” (C0025118)). In all cases, reviewers had to apply personal judgment.
f. Creation of CFD Names
If no candidate names were appropriate, CFD names were proposed by reviewers. For example, since “Diethylstilbestrol” does not occur frequently and its acronym “DES” does, but is ambiguous and not highly readable, the CFD name “Diethylstilbestrol (DES)” was created.
Six reviewers identified CFD names independently. Disagreements were resolved through discussion. Because the concepts and expressions that occur at a higher frequency are indicators of greater utility to consumers, the review process began with the highest frequency concepts. Only candidate names that occurred at least 10 times in the log data were reviewed.
Since the process involved multiple participants from geographically distributed locations and consisted of multiple rounds of review, we developed a Web-based tool [15]. Reviewers examined concepts, candidate terms, and log data—including contextual information through the UMLS Semantic Navigator—and entered detailed comments. The tool also allowed reviewers to generate reports on the fly.
The six reviewers were not typical consumers, which is not a limitation; creation of a consumer health vocabulary necessitates a high degree of familiarity with medicine, and this familiarity does not preclude the reviewer from understanding consumer language. In addition, the large corpus we used is representative of consumer language.
3. Evaluation of CFD Names
A preliminary evaluation study with 10 participants was conducted to determine whether the CFD names identified are more comprehensible than alternate names. We devised a questionnaire modeled after the reading comprehension part of the TOFHLA [12], a popular health literacy test among researchers. Our questionnaire contains 34 fill-in-the-blank questions, each with four multiple-choice selections: an answer and three distractors (Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Sample evaluation question (2 versions)
Each question, designed to test a person’s ability to understand a health concept, has two versions—one using the CFD name of a concept; the other using either the UMLS preferred term or the most frequently used alternate name (other than a lexical variant of the CFD name). The 34 concepts were selected semi-randomly from the entire set of manually reviewed concepts. We only selected common concepts with multiple names. All authors participated in the construction of the questions and distractors.
Participants (n=10; non-clinician, ≥18 years old, English speaking) were recruited from the lobbies of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Each was randomly assigned a copy of the questionnaire on paper. Half received a version in which the even-numbered questions contained CFD names; for the other half, the odd-numbered questions contained the CFD names.
Responses were scored as follows: +1 point for a correct answer; -1 point for an incorrect answer; and 0 points for no answer. A paired t-test was used for the hypothesis that the mean score on CFD questions was greater than that on non-CFD questions.
The study results are presented in three sections parallel to the description of the methodology: each phase of the two-step approach and the evaluation.
1. Candidate Name Generation
In all, 12.5 million queries were processed and the resulting consumer expressions mapped to 96,029 unique UMLS concepts. Of these, the most frequently mapped consumer expressions differed from the corresponding UMLS preferred names for 42,619 concepts (44%). As described in the Methods section, all of these are UMLS synonyms or their lexical variants. Through this process, a total of 195,140 CFD name candidates were obtained or 2.0 candidates per concept on average. As expected, the more frequently used concepts tended to have more candidate names: an average of 6.4 candidates per concept was identified among the top 1,000 concepts.
2. Collaborative Name Review
We manually reviewed 425 concepts (including stop concepts and modifier concepts) and assigned CFD names to 296 (70%). Although the concepts reviewed account for only a fraction of the number of unique mapped-to concepts, they represent 35% of all concepts mapped to expressions from the log data set. To ensure consistency, all six authors reviewed the first 224 concepts (training set). They initially reviewed 102 of these concepts as a group and reached consensus on coding policies. Independent coding of 122 concepts using the preliminary coding policies resulted in 48% complete agreement; 30% majority agreement (similar coding among at least 4 of 6 authors); and 21% lacked majority agreement.
In the test set, each of 201 concepts was reviewed by two authors independently, following the final coding guidelines described in the Methodology section. A third reviewer acted as a “tie-breaker” when required. Overall, there was 69% total agreement, and 31% required a third reviewer. Nearly complete agreement was reached following discussion.
Of the 296 concepts with an identified CFD, UMLS preferred terms were selected as CFD names (e.g., “infant” (C0021270)) for 55% of reviewed concepts. Another consumer expression mapped to the concept (i.e., a UMLS synonym) was deemed to be a CFD name for 30% of concepts (e.g., “drug” for “pharmaceutical preparations” (C0013227)). Finally, CFD names were created using the naming policy account for 14% of reviewed concepts (e.g., “human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)” for “HIV” (C0019682)).
3. Evaluation of CFD Names
In a preliminary evaluation, a total of 10 volunteers completed the questionnaire. Among the four women and six men, the average education attained was high school and the mean age was 44 years.
On average, responses were provided for 30 questions out of the 34 total (88%). In particular, participants attempted to answer more questions containing CFD names (167/170) than ones with alternate names (132/170). Every subject scored higher on the CFD questions. Overall, the mean score for CFD questions was 15.4, compared with 6.0 for non-CFD questions. Thus, even in this small sample, a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) was detected: subjects scored better on CFD questions than non-CFD questions.
Among the 34 questions, several CFD/non-CFD name pairs were recognizable by consumers, such as Infants/Babies and Fracture/Broken Bone. For other pairs, the CFD name was clearly much more familiar to consumers than the non-CFD professional label, such as Rash/Exanthema and Itching/Pruritus.
We used a combined text-analysis and collaborative human-review approach to identify CFD names for commonly used health concepts. We designed and tested an approach to evaluate whether consumers found the CFD names to be more comprehensible than corresponding alternate names. Although some health terms are known to be more comprehensible for the lay audiences than others (e.g., stroke vs. cerebrovascular accident), we are unaware of any previous efforts to identify and evaluate CFD names for medical concepts systematically. We believe that CFD names will improve the comprehensibility of health concepts and, ultimately, benefit health communication.
We found text analysis and manual review to be critical methods. Corpus-based text analysis not only provides candidate names and frequency information, but also helps reviewers “interpret” the meaning intended by consumers (semantics). Although manual review is time-consuming, human judgment and world knowledge are essential for CHV development and CFD name identification. For example, the expression depression was the most frequently mapped-to name for five UMLS concepts, including “Mental Depression” (C0011570), “Depressive disorder” (C0011581), and “Cancer patients and suicide and depression” (C0812393). Only human review, with support of authentic contextual cues from user queries containing the expression, could determine:
Appropriateness of the mappings in a CHV context (e.g., mapping to “cancer patients and suicide and depression” (C0812393) was deemed incorrect).
Likelihood that a lay expression represents a CFD name for any of these concepts (e.g., depression was considered a vague term to patients, and could serve as a CFD name for several related concepts).
As an initial attempt to identify CFD names, our work has not addressed many nuances. In order to simplify our task for this initial study, we only considered a single CFD name per concept and did not measure the comprehensibility of concepts or expressions as a continuous variable. While we treated all consumers as a single population, we recognize that many subgroups exist (e.g., non-native English speakers, differences in cultural, educational, or economic experiences) and influence health literacy and familiarity with health vocabulary (e.g., slang). The use of CFD names and professional labels is not mutually exclusive. Not only are technical terms appropriate in certain settings, they are required to educate lay persons [16]. That is, the CFD name can serve as an “entry point” to the medical term/concept. In addition, the notion of CFD name has no impact on people lacking any knowledge of a concept.
We recognize that manual review of all unique concepts from this single source (over 96,000 concepts), let alone text sources representing other discourse groups, is not feasible or scaleable. However, our strategy is to begin with concepts that have the highest usage frequencies. For example, in this study we reviewed 425 UMLS concepts that account for 35% of total mapped-to concepts in the log data set. Our goal is to review the top 1,000 mapped-to concepts, which account for ~50% usage. Thereafter, review of the next 4,000 most frequent mapped-to concepts might be achievable in months, thereby accounting for ~80% usage for the top 5,000). We also realize that this approach neglects consumer expressions that fail to map to UMLS concepts automatically or for which no comparable UMLS concepts exist (as found in previous studies). Those issues require different approaches, which we have begun studying.
The work reported here is part of an effort to develop a first-generation open source CHV. We developed a two-step approach that combines text analysis and human review to identify CFD names for health-related concepts. The approach was supported through a preliminary evaluation, which showed statistically significantly better comprehension scores of CFD names compared to alternate labels.
We thank the NLM for the MedlinePlus query log data and Eunjung Kim for the statistical analysis. We also thank Drs. Dagobert Soergel and Robert A. Greenes for their insightful comments. This work is supported in part by the NIH grant R01 LM07222.
Unmapped query terms are being used for another aspect of CHV development not discussed in this paper.
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