In many prokaryotes and in organelles asparagine and glutamine are formed by a tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT) that catalyzes amidation of aspartate and glutamate, respectively, mischarged on tRNAAsn and tRNAGln. These pathways supply the deficiency of the organism in asparaginyl- and glutaminyl-tRNA synthtetases and provide the translational machinery with Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln. So far, nothing is known about the structural elements that confer to tRNA the role of a specific cofactor in the formation of the cognate amino acid. We show herein, using aspartylated tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp variants, that amidation of Asp acylating tRNAAsn is promoted by the base pair U1–A72 whereas the G1–C72 pair and presence of the supernumerary nucleotide U20A in the D-loop of tRNAAsp prevent amidation. We predict, based on comparison of tRNAGln and tRNAGlu sequence alignments from bacteria using the AdT-dependent pathway to form Gln-tRNAGln, that the same combination of nucleotides also rules specific tRNA-dependent formation of Gln. In contrast, we show that the tRNA-dependent conversion of Asp into Asn by archaeal AdT is mainly mediated by nucleotides G46 and U47 of the variable region. In the light of these results we propose that bacterial and archaeal AdTs use kingdom-specific signals to catalyze the tRNA-dependent formations of Asn and Gln.
Flawless protein synthesis requires a set of perfectly paired aminoacyl-tRNAs (aa-tRNAs). It was de facto expected that each organism should possess a full complement of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) capable of matching each amino acid to its cognate tRNA. More recently it became obvious that direct formation of aa-tRNA by charging preformed amino acids on its cognate tRNA with aaRS is not universally conserved (1). In fact, the vast majority of prokaryotes, including almost all prominent human pathogens, use a two-step alternate route to synthesize the aa-tRNAs carrying the amidated amino acid, asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln) (2–4). This pathway that forms the amidated aa-tRNA by transamidation of an aa-tRNA precursor is catalyzed by a tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT). This enzyme supplies the ribosomes of organisms lacking asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) and glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS), with asparaginyl-tRNAAsn (Asn-tRNAAsn) and glutaminyl-tRNAGln (Gln-tRNAGln). In a first step, the mischarged aspartyl-tRNAAsn (Asp-tRNAAsn) and glutamyl-tRNAGln (Glu-tRNAGln) are produced by an aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) or a glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS) of relaxed specificity (3,5). These mischarged aa-tRNA escape protein synthesis since they are not binding to elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and therefore are not directed to the ribosomes (3,6). Instead, they are substrates for subsequent transamidation by AdTs, thus forming the correctly paired Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln that will serve for decoding Asn and Gln codons on the ribosome. In vivo, bacterial AdTs ensure formation of either Asn-tRNAAsn (Asp-AdT) or Gln-tRNAGln (Glu-AdT) or both aa-tRNAs (Asp/Glu-AdT) depending on the genomic context of the organism. However, in vitro, all bacterial AdTs studied so far exhibit dual specificity and do not discriminate between the two mischarged aa-tRNAs species. They form both, Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln, using the mischarged Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln as substrates. Furthermore, the AdT enzymes exhibit different oligomeric structures in bacteria and archaea. Bacteria solely use a heterotrimeric enzyme (GatCAB) encoded by the gatC, gatA and gatB genes. This enzyme which can amidate both Asp attached to tRNAAsn and Glu to tRNAGln is also encoded by half of the archaeal genomes known so far. However, all archaea use an additional, archaeal-specific AdT of dimeric structure (GatDE) encoded by the gatD and gatE genes, which only amidates Glu-tRNAGln (7).
Despite the predominant role they play in prokaryotic translation, until recently only few structural and functional data were available for these enzymes (2,8). A recent report describing the 3D structure of Pyroccoccus abyssi GatDE AdT partially filled up the lack of structural information available for this family of enzymes (9). However, the architecture of the active site of these enzymes and their mode of recognition of the aa-tRNA substrates still remain elusive and the structure/function relationship of this family of enzymes is poorly understood.
Besides Asn and Gln, two other genetically encoded amino acid, cysteine (Cys) and selenocysteine (Sec) are synthesized via a tRNA-dependent pathway involving modification of an amino acid mischarged onto tRNA. Sec-tRNASec, present in many organisms, is formed by modification of Ser-tRNASec with selenocysteine synthase (10), whereas in the methanogenic archaea lacking cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase, Cys-tRNACys is formed by modification of O-phosphoseryl-tRNACys by O-phosphoseryl-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synthase (11).It is still unknown how these enzymes bind the mischarged aa-tRNA molecule and, more important, what are the structural elements of the tRNA molecule that ensure accurate recognition and reliable enzymatic transformation of the mischarged amino acid.
We focused our interest on recognition of tRNA by the bacterial GatCAB AdT because of the peculiar properties of this enzyme among the AdT family. In contrast to GatDE, GatCAB AdT is able to transform two different amino acids, yielding two different cognate aa-tRNA pairs. In order to efficiently achieve that goal, the enzyme has to be specific enough in order to discriminate the incorrectly charged Asp-tRNAAsn from cognate Asp-tRNAAsp and the micharged Glu-tRNAGln from cognate Glu-tRNAGlu. The discrimination capacity of this enzyme is of extreme importance since amidation of Asp-tRNAAsp into Asn-tRNAAsp or of Glu-tRNAGlu into Gln-tRNAGlu would form aa-tRNA species, that, unlike Asp-tRNAAsn or Glu-tRNAGln, have been predicted to be efficient EF-Tu binders and therefore would lead to misincorporation of amino acids into proteins (12,13). However, specificity of AdTs should also be relaxed enough to form two correctly paired aa-tRNAs, Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln. The mechanism of aa-tRNA discrimination by AdT has not been explored so far and it is not known whether identical tRNA elements trigger recognition of both Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln or if the two tRNA moieties are recognized through distinct elements. In addition, despite the high degree of sequence similarity between the archaeal and bacterial GatCAB AdTs, the possibility that both enzymes utilize different modes of tRNA recognition cannot be excluded. It would therefore be interesting to verify whether AdTs, like aaRSs, exhibit kingdom-specific tRNA recognition patterns.
To gain insight on how Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-ARNtGln are recognized and are discriminated from correctly charged Asp-tRNAAsp and Glu-ARNtGlu by GatCAB AdTs we investigated the structural elements distinguishing tRNAAsn from tRNAAsp and tRNAGln from tRNAGlu and which should be the potential determinants of specific amidation of tRNA-bound amino acid. We started our investigation by searching the structural elements of tRNAAsn that promote conversion of the bound Asp into Asn by the bacterial GatCAB, and those of tRNAAsp preventing this conversion. We chose for this study the partners of the tRNA-dependent pathway of Asn formation from Neisseria meningitidis, a human pathogenic bacterium, deprived of AsnRS and thus using the AdT pathway to form Asn-tRNAAsn (14). We show that a single base pair, U1–A72 determines amidation of Asp bound to tRNAAsn by bacterial AdT whereas the supernumerary U20A in the D-loop prevents amidation of Asp bound to tRNAAsp. We extended the investigation to the archaeal system and showed that tRNA-dependent Asn formation is promoted by the length of the variable region. Cross-species transamidation experiments together with sequence-based comparison of archaeal and bacterial tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn, indicate that transamidations by bacterial and archaeal GatCAB AdTs involve kingdom-specific tRNA elements. Finally, on the basis of the analysis of the sequences of tRNAGln and tRNAGlu from bacteria using AdT to form Gln-tRNAGln, we predict that bacterial AdTs use the same tRNA structural elements to catalyze the tRNA-dependent formation of Gln and Asn.
TLC cellulose plates (20 × 20 cm2) were from Merck, hydroxyapatite CHT20 and UNO-Q6 columns from BIO-RAD, DEAE–cellulose DE-52 from Whatman and Heparine-Ultrogel and Cibacron blue-Sepharose from Pharmacia. l-[14C]Asp (207 mCi/mmol) was from Amersham, Dynazyme Taq polymerase from Finnzyme, restriction enzymes and the pCYB1 vector were from NEW ENGLAND Biolabs. Epicurian Coli® BL21-CodonPlus™-RIL competent cells were from Stratagene and N.meningitidis C58 genomic DNA from ATCC.
AdT from N.meningitidis, Thermus thermophilus and Methanosarcina barkeri
The AdT from N.meningitidis was expressed in the Escherichia coli BL21 CodonPlus RIL strain transformed with the pCYB1 vector recombined with the reconstituted, artificial, gatCAB operon. The protein was purified from the S100 extract by chromatographies on DEAE–cellulose, Phosphocellulose, Hydroxyapatite, Heparine-Ultrogel, Uno-Q6 and Cibacron blue-Sepharose. Pure enzyme (180 mg) was obtained from 35 g of cells. The pure enzyme was free of traces of E.coli asparagine synthetases A and B, since incubation of 10 μM of the protein in a standard amidation mixture containing 50 μM of [14C]Asp did not lead to formation of a detectable amount of [14C]Asn (data not shown). The AdT from T.thermophilus was purified as described previously (15). AdT-enriched protein fractions from M.barkeri were obtained by chromatography of an S100 extract on DEAE–cellulose and identified by western blot with antibodies directed against T.thermophilus AdT. The dialyzed fractions were stored at −20°C in 100 mM Na–HEPES buffer, pH 7.2, containing 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.1 mM benzamidine and Na2EDTA and 50% glycerol.
Wild-type, transcribed and mutated tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn from N.meningitidis, T.thermophilus and total tRNA from M.barkeri
For in vitro transcription, wild-type and mutated N.meningitidis and T.thermophilus tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn genes were cloned under control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter using the cassette-cloning procedure (16). The species beginning with 5′U were cloned downstream the sequence of a self-cleaving ribozyme (17). Transcription, self-cleavage and purification of the transcripts were performed as described previously (16). The transcripts exhibited 60–100% of accepting capacity. For in vivo expression, the T.thermophilus tRNAAsn gene was extended with the 5′ GAT triplet and the 3′ AATTCAAA octanucleotide to mimic the genomic context of E.coli tRNAAsn gene and cloned into the pKK223 vector (16). The tRNAAsn overexpressed in E.coli JM 103 strain was purified, after phenol extraction of the nucleic acids, by chromatographies on DEAE–cellulose, Sepharose 4B, Octyl Sepharose 4B and Hydroxyapatite. Pure tRNAAsn (18 mg) (accepting capacity, 36 nmol/mg) was obtained from 200 g of cells. Unfractionated tRNAs from M.barkeri were isolated from nucleic acids extracted by shaking the cell suspension (6 g cells in 6 ml of 50 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.1, containing 1 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM Na2EDTA) briefly sonicated with 1 vol of acid-buffered phenol overnight at room temperature. DNA and long RNAs were precipitated by addition of 20% isopropanol to the aqueous layer recovered by centrifugation. The tRNAs recovered by DEAE–cellulose chromatography were precipitated with 60% isopropanol and dissolved in water.
Preparation of [14C]Asp-tRNAs
The standard aminoacylation mixture (50–200 μl) containing 100 mM Na–HEPES, pH 7.2, 30 mM KCl, 2 mM ATP, 12 mM MgCl2, 10–100 μM l-[14C]Asp (300 cpm/pmol), 2–10 μM tRNA or transcripts and 0.2–1 μM of T.thermophilus non-discriminating AspRS was incubated 10 min at 50°C. The reaction was stopped by acid-buffered phenol and chloroform extractions; the [14C]Asp-tRNA was precipitated with ethanol in the aqueous layer recovered by centrifugation, sedimented, re-dissolved in water and the concentration was determined by scintillation counting of aliquots after TCA precipitation.
tRNA-dependent amidation assays
The standard reaction mixture of 50 μl containing 100 mM Na–HEPES buffer, pH 7.2, 12 mM MgCl2, 2 mM l-Asn, 1 mM ATP, 40–400 pmol [14C]Asp-tRNA and appropriate amounts of N.meningitidis or T.thermophilus AdT or 5 μl of M.barkeri GatCAB enriched fraction was incubated 30 min at 37°C. The kinetic constants were measured in the standard reaction mixture containing 0.8–8 μM [14C]Asp-tRNA and 25 or 250 nM of AdT when KM or kcat/KM was measured, respectively. After incubation times ranging from 0 to 240 s, 10 μl aliquots were withdrawn, supplemented with 40 μl of water and mixed with phenol–chloroform to stop the reaction. When pure AdT was used, the [14C]aa-tRNA present in the aqueous layer recovered by centrifugation, was deacylated by 30 min incubation at 80°C in the presence of 25 mM KOH, followed by neutralization with HCl. When an AdT-enriched M.barkeri protein fraction was used the [14C]aa-tRNA was precipitated after phenol–chloroform extraction with ethanol to remove the traces of free Asn that could have been formed by contaminating asparagine synthetases, dissolved in 50 μl of water and deacylated as described above. The hydrolysate was dried in a Speed-Vac, dissolved in 3 μl of water and fractionated by TLC on cellulose plates (20 × 20 cm2) extended by a 3MM Whatman paper sheet (20 × 5 cm2), with a solvent containing 2-propanol/formic acid/water (80:4:20, by vol). The [14C] amino acids were revealed by scanning the 2 h exposed image plate with a Fuji Bioimager.
The half-lifes of wild-type and mutated [14C]Asp-tRNAAsn (45 min) were determined from deacylation kinetics conducted by TCA precipitation after various incubation times of 10 μl aliquots of the amidation mixtures deprived of AdT followed by scintillation counting. Since the kinetics of [14C]Asp-tRNAAsn amidation were conducted within 4 min, the decrease of the concentration of [14C]Asp-tRNA promoted by deacylation was negligible. However, since [14C]Asn-tRNAAsn is less stable (12 min) the kinetics of formation of [14C]Asn-tRNAAsn were established without precipitation of the aa-tRNA by determining the total, free and tRNA-bound, [14C]Asn.
Quantification of the [14C]Asn
The intensities of the [14C]Asn spots were quantified using the volume rectangle tool of the Quantity One software (BIO-RAD). The intensity units of each spot were corrected by subtraction of the background intensity and converted into pmoles of [14C] amino acids by determining, for each TLC plate, the specific activity (Intensity Units/pmol) of the [14C]aa. This value is an average of at least five determinations and was determined from ratio of the intensity units of the spot over the amount (pmol) of [14C]aa-tRNA present.
Establishment of the kinetic behavior of N.meningitidis AdT
The aim of this work was to identify the structural elements of tRNA responsible for specific amidation of Asp acylating tRNAAsn into Asn. This investigation requires synthesis of a series of tRNAAsn mutants and the use of an assay that allows monitoring of the effect of the mutations on the tRNA-dependent Asn synthesis. For this purpose we chose to measure the effect of tRNA mutations on the efficiency on the AdT-catalyzed Asp amidation by establishing the kinetic constants of the aspartylated tRNA variants. However, the amidation assay (Materials and Methods) used to analyze AdT activity has, so far, never been applied to kinetic measurements. The absence of kinetic studies on GatCAB AdTs is mainly due to the instability of the ester bond between amino acid and tRNA of the aa-tRNA substrate which might not allow accurate kinetic measurements. Moreover, another unsolved question is whether AdTs behave similar to Michaelian enzymes or not. Finally, since establishment of kinetic constants for the various aspartylated tRNA variants requires pure aa-tRNA species, the use of in vitro transcribed tRNA species is impossible to circumvent. However, the activity of the GatCAB AdTs studied so far was determined using charged, post-transcriptionally modified tRNAAsn or tRNAGln species expressed in vivo. Thus the influence of the tRNA post-transcriptional modifications on recognition by GatCAB AdT of the tRNA moiety of aa-tRNA remains unknown.
The first part of this study consisted in the set up of the kinetic measurements of the tRNA-dependent formation of Asn by N.meningitidis AdT. We purified the enzyme to homogeneity from an E.coli overexpressing strain, and verified that it was not contaminated by measurable traces of E.coli asparagine synthetases A and B catalyzing tRNA-independent Asn formation (Materials and Methods). Since the tRNA mutational investigation rests on the use of a variety of in vitro transcribed tRNAs, we first synthesized a N.meningitidis tRNAAsn T7 transcript. The transcript was aspartylated by T.thermophilus non-discriminating AspRS to almost 100% (data not shown). Stability of the ester bond of this Asp-tRNAAsn species was checked by incubation in the transamidation mixture that will subsequently be used. In these conditions the half-life of this aa-tRNA was of 45 min at 37°C (Materials and Methods). We then tested the ability of the [14C] aspartylated tRNAAsn transcript to be amidated in a standard reaction mixture. Incubation of 100 pmol of [14C]Asp-tRNAAsn with 10 pmol of N.meningitidis AdT during 30 min at 37°C resulted in a full conversion into [14C]Asn-tRNAAsn, confirming that aspartylated tRNAAsn transcript deprived of the post-transcriptional modifications is a suitable substrate for N.meningitidis AdT (data not shown).
For kinetic measurements of the transamidation reaction we chose to take time plots ranging from 30 s to 2 min, and confirmed by TCA precipitation of aliquots of the reaction mixture that, in agreement with the half-life of the Asp-tRNAAsn, deacylation of the aa-tRNA within this time scale is negligible. Figure 1A shows the TLC analyzing the conversion of [14C]Asp-tRNAAsn into [14C]Asn-tRNAAsn for a range of aa-tRNA concentrations varying from 0.8 to 8 μM. The initial rates derived from this analysis (Materials and Methods) were used to draw the double reciprocal plot (Figure 1B). The linearity of this plot unambiguously proves that N.meningitidis AdT behaves like a Michaelian enzyme. The KM (1.2 μM) and kcat (0.64 s−1) values of N.meningitidis AdT for the cognate aspartylated transcript were determined from two independent measurements. The influence of the post-transcriptional modifications of tRNA on the efficiency of the AdT-catalyzed reaction was analyzed by comparing the kinetic constants of amidation of Asp acylating either T.thermophilus tRNAAsn, purified from an E.coli expressing strain, or N.meningitidis T7 tRNAAsn transcript. Since N.meningitidis AdT amidates aspartylated tRNAAsn from T.thermophilus (KM = 0.6 μM, kcat = 0.34 s−1) and N.meningitidis (Table 1) with comparable efficiencies, the post-transcriptional modifications of tRNAAsn are of minor importance in transamidation, justifying the use of variants of tRNA transcripts for characterizing the tRNA transamidation identity elements.
Figure 1.
Determination of the kinetic constants of amidation of Asp esterifying the tRNAAsn transcript by N.meningitidis AdT. (A) Autoradiogram of the TLC plate analysing the conversion of tRNA-bound [14C]Asp into [14C]Asn catalyzed by 25 nM of pure N.meningitidis AdT as a function of the concentration [14C]Asp-tRNAAsn (μM) and time (s). The concentrations of aa-tRNA are indicated on the top of each series of time plots. The reactions were conducted as described in Materials and Methods. The remaining [14C]Asp and the [14C]Asn formed in 10 μl aliquots after various time intervals are determined by TLC analysis as described in Materials and Methods. (B) Double reciprocal plot: initial rate−1 = f ([Asp-tRNAAsn]−1). The initial rates were determined from amounts of [14C]Asn formed after increasing incubation times at 37°C shown in (A). The intensities of the spots were quantified as described in Materials and Methods.
Table 1.
Amidation kinetic constants of aspartylated wild-type and mutated tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp transcripts by N.meningitidis AdT
Asp-tRNA transcripts | Kinetic constants | |||||
Asp-tRNAX | KM (μM) | ℒKM | kcat (s−1) | ℒkcat | kcat/KM (μM−1 s−1) | ℒkcat/KM |
Asn wild-type transcript | 1.2 | 1.0 | 0.64 | 1.0 | 0.53 | 1.0 |
Asn U1–G72 | 5.6 | 5.0 | 0.46 | 1.4 | 0.082 | 6.4 |
Asn C36 | 0.48 | 0.4 | 0.65 | 1.0 | 1.35 | 0.4 |
Asn + U20A | 11.93 | 10.0 | 0.91 | 0.7 | 0.076 | 7.0 |
Asn G1–C72 | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | 0.0052 | 102.0 |
Asn G1–C72,+ U20A | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Asn G1–C72, + U20A, C36 | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Asp wild-type | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Asp U1–G72 | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Asp ΔU20A | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Asp U1–G72, ΔU20A | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | 0.0022 | 241.0 |
Asp U1–A72 | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | 0.0044 | 120.0 |
Asp U1–A72, ΔU20A | 2.7 | 2.0 | 0.68 | 0.9 | 0.25 | 2.0 |
Asp U1–A72, ΔU20A, U36 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.46 | 1.4 | 0.77 | 0.7 |
The tRNA species (X = Asn or Asp) and the mutated nucleotides are indicated. Δ and + indicate the deletion of a nucleotide and the introduction of a supernumerary nucleotide, respectively. Each KM and kcat value represents the average of at least two independent measurements and their standard deviations were evaluated at 20%; n.a.: not amidated, n.d.: not determined. The losses of affinity (quantified by the increase of KM, ℒKM), of the catalytic rate constant (ℒkcat) and of the catalytic efficiencies (ℒkcat/KM) induced by the mutations are expressed, respectively, by the following ratios: KM of the Asp-tRNA variant over KM of wild-type Asp-ARNtAsn, kcat of wild-type Asp-ARNtAsn over kcat of the Asp-tRNA variant and kcat/KM of wild-type Asp-ARNtAsn over kcat/KM of the Asp-tRNA variant.
tRNA identity elements for Asp-tRNAAsn transamidation by bacterial AdT
The identification of the candidate nucleotides of tRNAAsn ensuring efficient transamidation of Asp-tRNAAsn into Asn-tRNAAsn was driven by two assumptions. We first assumed that these nucleotides are conserved in the tRNAAsn species of all organisms that use Asp-AdT to form Asn-tRNAAsn, and that the tRNA determinants promoting Asn formation by AdT are not species-specific. This hypothesis is supported by previous results showing that AdTs from various bacterial origins are able to efficiently amidate Asp bound to tRNAAsn from other origins (15,18). The second hypothesis was based on the fact that all AdTs, studied so far, are unable to amidate the other aspartylated tRNA species formed in the cell, namely Asp-tRNAAsp. Therefore, nucleotides conserved in tRNAAsn that can also be found in tRNAAsp should be excluded from set of structural elements potentially responsible for tRNA-dependent Asn formation. We applied these two search criteria on a comparative alignment of 49 bacterial tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp gene sequences. Out of the 8 bp and 9 single nucleotides conserved in all tRNAAsn species only 1 bp, U1–A72 in tRNAAsn and G1–C72 in tRNAAsp, and 1 nt, U36 in tRNAAsn and C36 in tRNAAsp, matched our criteria (Figure 2A). In addition, tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn also differ by the length of their D-loop. In tRNAAsn, this loop is always 1 nt shorter than in tRNAAsp because of the absence of base 20A, which, in tRNAAsp, is mainly a U (Figure 2A). Among these candidates, we defined as transamidation identity elements the nucleotides from tRNAAsn that upon swapping with their tRNAAsp counterparts would significantly decrease the amidation efficiency of the Asp bound to the tRNAAsn variant, whereas transplantation of these elements of tRNAAsn in tRNAAsp should trigger amidation of Asp attached to the tRNAAsp variant.
Figure 2.
Comparative alignment of tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp sequences from bacteria (A) and archaea (B) using AdT to form Asn-tRNAAsn. The cloverleaf structures of the consensus sequences of 49 bacterial (A) and 16 archaeal (B) tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn sequences are compared. Grey circles represent nucleotides conserved in all tRNA species. Purple open circles correspond to positions for which the nature of the base varies in the considered tRNA species. Grey nucleotides are conserved in tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn. White nucleotides in red boxes correspond to positions for which the nature of the base is strictly conserved in all tRNAAsn species but differs in all tRNAAsp species. The white triangle in a red box corresponds to the lack of the considered nucleotide in all tRNAAsn species as compared to the tRNAAsp species.
To validate our approach we first generated a tRNAAsn and a tRNAAsp variant in which all the elements we identified were exchanged by their tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn counterparts, respectively. We thus synthesized the mutant, in which the U1–A72 base pair was mutated into a G1–C72 pair, U36 was replaced by C36 and the D-loop was extended by introduction of a U in position 20A. In the mutant, the G1–C72 base pair was mutated into a U1–A72 pair, C36 was replaced by U36 and the D-loop was shortened by deletion of position U20A. The two variants were able to be aminoacylated with Asp and they could subsequently be subjected to a transamidation reaction in conditions allowing KM and kcat measurements (Materials and Methods). The kinetic analysis shows that loses completely its capacity to be amidated by N.meningitidis AdT whereas acquires the capability of being amidated as efficiently as the wild-type Asp-tRNAAsn (Figure 3A and Table 1). This result validates the alignment strategy we used to identify the complete set of the potential tRNA transamidation identity elements. To analyze the individual contribution of each element and to characterize the minimal set of elements promoting transamidation we generated T7 transcripts of N.meningitidis tRNAAsn variants where the U1–A72 base pair and U36 were individually exchanged by their corresponding counterparts of N.meningitidis tRNAAsp ( and ). To test the influence of the length of D-loop in transamidation of Asp-tRNAAsn we also created a tRNAAsn mutant in which U20A was introduced in the D-loop () and a tRNAAsp mutant in which U20A was deleted (). Figure 3A and Table 1 show that mutant displaying the tRNAAsp anticodon promotes amidation of the bound Asp only two times less efficiently than the wild-type tRNAAsn. This result clearly indicates that the anticodon of the tRNAs we tested does not contribute to the transamidation catalyzed by the GatCAB AdT. Introduction of U20A in the D-loop of tRNAAsn resulted in a loss of transamidation efficiency by almost one order of magnitude as a consequence of a decrease in affinity of the variant for AdT. Deletion of this nucleotide in the D-loop of tRNAAsp is, however, not sufficient to confer capacity to tRNAAsp to trigger amidation of the bound Asp. Mutation of the first base pair of the acceptor arm of tRNAAsn creates the variant whose aspartylated form is still amidated (Figure 3A) but 100-fold less efficiently than Asp-tRNAAsn (Table 1). This loss is mainly attributed to a severely decreased affinity of the aspartylated tRNAAsn variant for AdT. As a consequence, individual kinetic constants could not be measured for this variant, and therefore only the catalytic efficiency was determined (19).
Figure 3.
Analysis of the amidation efficiencies of Asp bound to wild-type and mutated tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp by N.meningitidis (A) and T.thermophilus (B) AdTs. The reactions were conducted and the samples were treated as described in Materials and Methods. The remaining Asp and the Asn formed after 20 min incubation were analyzed in 10 μl aliquots by TLC after deacylation of the [14C]aa-tRNA. The mutations introduced in the tRNAs are indicated on the top of each lane; Δ and + indicate deletion and insertion of a nucleotide, respectively.
The above-mentioned results strongly suggest that the first base pair of the acceptor arm of tRNAAsn is a major element determining tRNA identity for transamidation by AdT. Indeed, transplantation of this element into tRNAAsp generates the mutant whose aspartylated form is amidated. However, still exhibits a loss in catalytic efficiency, of two orders of magnitude, compared to the wild-type Asp-tRNAAsn and . The difference in catalytic efficiencies observed between and can be attributed to different nucleotides in position 36 or to distinct sizes of the D-loops of the two tRNAs. However, we showed that position 36 of the anticodon does not belong to the identity elements. Further, nucleotide U20A being absent in the D-loop of tRNAAsn it cannot be considered per se as an identity element, and should therefore more likely act as an anti-determinant that decreases recognition of aspartylated tRNAAsp.
To verify this hypothesis we deleted nucleotide U20A from and added a U20A in . As expected, is transamidated nearly as efficiently as wild-type Asp-tRNAAsn by N.meningitidis AdT whereas has completely lost its capacity to be amidated (Figure 3A and Table 1). These results clearly show that efficient transamidation of N.meningitidis Asp-tRNAs by the cognate AdT is promoted by a single identity element which is the first base pair of tRNAAsn acceptor arm. Moreover, it shows that amidation of Asp-tRNAAsp is prevented by the presence of the supernumerary nucleotide U20A in the D-loop of tRNAAsp which acts as an anti-determinant. By preventing amidation of Asp bound to tRNAAsp, this position improves specific amidation of Asp bound to tRNAAsn.
To verify if the nucleotides in tRNAAsn determining amidation of the bound Asp in N.meningitidis, are conserved in other bacterial species forming Asn by the tRNA-dependent pathway, we analyzed the amidation profile of Asp bound to the various N.meningitidis tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp variants by AdT from a species phylogenetically distant from N.meningitidis, like T.thermophilus. Figure 3B shows that amidation by T.thermophilus AdT requires the same elements of tRNAAsn as the enzyme from N.meningitidis. The minor differences observed concern the relative contribution of each element to the amidation efficiency. For the T.thermophilus AdT the importance of A72 seems increased since is less well amidated by the T.thermophilus enzyme than by the N.meningitidis one. Additionally, the supernumerary U20A of tRNAAsp is a stronger anti-determinant when amidation is catalyzed by T.thermophilus AdT than by the N.meningitidis enzyme. These conclusions are supported by the following observations: (i) Asp-tRNAAsn(+U20A) is less well amidated by AdT from T.thermophilus than by that from N.meningitidis, (ii) is slightly amidated by T.thermophilus AdT but not by that of N.meningitidis and (iii) when deprived of U20A, amidation efficiency of increases more with T.thermophilus AdT than with the N.meningitidis one (Figure 3A and B). However, since the same positions of tRNAAsn and of tRNAAsp, respectively, promote and prevent transamidation by the AdTs from T.thermophilus and from N.meningitidis both enzymes discriminate Asp-tRNAAsn from Asp-tRNAAsp by similar mechanisms. So far among aa-tRNA forming enzymes, only alanyl-tRNA synthetase has been shown to display a tRNA identity set constituted only by a single base pair (20).
Finally we wondered whether the tRNAAsn elements we identified as being responsible for amidation of the bound Asp, could be brought down to the single U1 base. For this reason, we constructed the and variants and analyzed their ability to trigger amidation of the bound Asp by AdT. Figure 3 and Table 1 show that is transamidated only 6.4 times less efficiently than the wild-type Asp-tRNAAsn, but 16 times more efficiently than . This result suggests that U1 from acceptor arm is the major identity determinant for amidation and that A72 might be dispensable. Similarly, introduction of U1–G72 in confers competency to tRNAAsp to promote amidation of the acylating Asp by AdT. However, the variant promotes amidation of the bound Asp 120-fold less efficiently than the variant. This indicates that nucleotide A72 contributes more efficiently to amidation of Asp by AdT in the framework of tRNAAsp than in that of tRNAAsn.
Kingdom-specific tRNA elements for tRNA-dependent asparagine formation
Besides bacteria, almost half of the archaea use also a GatCAB AdT to form Asn-tRNAAsn (7,21). The archaeal GatC, GatA and GatB subunits share a high degree of sequence homology with their bacterial counterparts and both AdTs display the same functional properties since they transamidate in vitro both Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln (7). However, the tRNA elements promoting transamidation differ for the two phylae. In archaea, the first base pair of tRNAAsn, a G1–C72 pair, is also present in tRNAAsp (Figure 2B), indicating that, in contrast to bacteria, this base pair cannot specifically promote transamidation of Asp-tRNAAsn.
Applying the strategy of comparative tRNA alignments to the archaeal tRNAAsp and tRNAAsn species, we identified the U12–A23 base pair from the D-stem, nucleotide U36 and nucleotides G46 and U47 from the V-region of tRNAAsn as the potential identity elements promoting tRNA-dependent transamidation by the archaeal AdT (Figure 2B). These nucleotides differ in archaeal tRNAAsp where the 12–23 bp is mainly G–C, C is found in position 36 and the V-region is 1 nt shorter than in tRNAAsn because nt 47 is missing whereas A is found in position 46 (Figure 2B). Interestingly, the elements that could determine amidation of Asp bound to archaeal tRNAAsn are conserved in all bacterial tRNAAsn (Figure 2A). Moreover, nucleotides G46 and U47 of the V-region are also conserved in all bacterial tRNAAsp (Figure 2A), which mostly, like N.meningitidis tRNAAsp, also display the U12–A23 base pair. These observations indicate that the archaeal AdT should not be able to discriminate aspartylated bacterial tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp. However, since all archaeal tRNAAsn possess the G1–C72 base pair shown to prevent amidation by bacterial AdT, one can predict that aspartylated archaeal tRNAAsn should not be a suitable substrate for bacterial AdT.
To verify these predictions, we performed cross-species transamidation experiments. tRNAAsn from M.barkeri is aspartylated by T.thermophilus non-discriminating AspRS and the esterifying Asp is amidated by AdT from M.barkeri (Figure 4A). However, as expected, N.meningitidis AdT is unable to promote amidation of Asp bound to the archaeal tRNAAsn (Figure 4A), whereas AdT from M.barkeri amidates Asp bound to both tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp from N.meningitidis (Figure 4B and C). These results confirm that the tRNA elements determining conversion of the esterifying Asp into Asn differ in the bacterial and archaeal systems. They also show that nt 36, C in tRNAAsp and U in tRNAAsn does not constitute a transamidation identity element in the archaeal system.
Figure 4.
(A–E) Identification of the archaeal tRNAAsn transamidation identity elements by cross-species transamidation experiments. The transamidation mixture containing 2 μM aspartylated N.meningitidis tRNAAsp or tRNAAsn or aspartylated yeast tRNAAsp or tRNAPhe→Asp or aspartylated tRNAAsn in unfractionated M.barkeri tRNA and either 25 nM N.meningitidis AdT (Ba.) or 5 μl of M.barkeri AdT-enriched fraction (Ar.) was incubated during 60 min at 37°C. The remaining Asp and the Asn formed are determined after deacylation of the [14C]aa-tRNA by TLC analysis as described in Materials and Methods. The inset shows the spots of [14C]Asp and [14C]Asn after scanning of the image plate. The cloverleaf structures of the tRNAs used in these experiments are displayed. In each tRNA species the nucleotides belonging to the archaeal set of transamidation identity determinants predicted by comparative sequence alignment (Figure 2B) are in grey boxes.
To establish that nucleotides G46 and U47 of the V-region of tRNAAsn are involved in the archaeal transamidation, we performed cross-species reactions using archaeal AdT and transcripts of yeast tRNAAsp and of the yeast tRNAPhe variant (tRNAPhe→Asp) containing the aspartate aminoacylation identity elements, both efficiently aspartylated by yeast AspRS (16). Both tRNAs contain the U12–A23 base pair in the D-stem, but while yeast tRNAAsp displays the V-region of archaeal tRNAAsp (absence of position 47 and A46), the tRNAPhe→Asp V-region resembles that of archaeal tRNAAsn (G46 U47, Figure 4). As a consequence, these tRNAs are suitable substrates for analyzing the role of the V-region in transamidation by the archaeal AdT. Figure 4D and E shows that the archaeal AdT amidates Asp bound to yeast tRNAPhe→Asp but not when bound to yeast tRNAAsp, confirming that transamidation by archaeal AdT is promoted by nucleotides G46 and U47 of the V-region. This agrees with the incapacity of archaeal AdT to amidate Asp bound to yeast tRNAAsp containing the U12–A23 pair. Thus this base pair, like U36, does not constitute a determinant for archaeal transamidation.
However, these results do not allow to conclude whether the identity is determined by the length of the V-region or by the nature of nt 46 and 47; nor they allow to conclude whether these positions are identity elements per se or not, because of the critical role they play in the folding of tRNA and in the stability of the L-shaped structure. Nt 46 interacts via three H-bonds with the 13–22 bp of the D-stem, and it has been shown that lack of nt 47 alters the stability of tRNA (22). Therefore discrimination by archaeal AdT between Asp-tRNAAsn and Asp-tRNAAsp could be based on the distinct 3D structures that both tRNAs adopt. Comparison of the tRNA sequences of archaea that use the tRNA-dependent pathway to form Asn shows that, in each species, 9–25 tRNAs contain G46 and U47 in the V-region. Therefore, selection of Asp-tRNAAsn by the archaeal AdT is likely achieved by the Asp moiety. These observations suggest that the Asp moiety contributes more to recognition of Asp-tRNAAsn by archaeal AdT than by the bacterial homolog where tRNAAsn and tRNAGln are the unique tRNAs, among all species, to display the elements determining amidation.
Predicting what are the identity elements for amidation of Glu bound to tRNAGln
Independently of the activity they carry out in vivo (Asp- or/and Glu-AdT), all bacterial AdTs studied so far exhibit in vitro dual specificity and form both Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln. One of the questions raised by the functional property of AdT is whether tRNAAsn and tRNAGln display the same set of recognition elements for amidation of the bound amino acids or if AdTs recognize distinct elements of the two tRNA species.
To gain insight into the elements of tRNAGln promoting amidation of the bound Glu and those of tRNAGlu preventing the amidation we aligned several tRNAGln and tRNAGlu sequences from bacteria using the transamidation pathway to form Gln-tRNAGln. The comparative alignment shows that the elements conserved in tRNAGln but which differ in tRNAGlu are those, which in tRNAAsn, promote conversion of bound Asp into Asn, and those, which in tRNAAsp, prevent this conversion (Figure 5). This set of elements is constituted by the first base pair of the tRNA acceptor arm, a U1–A72 pair present in tRNAGln and in tRNAAsn which is substituted in tRNAGlu, like as in tRNAAsp by the G1–C72 pair. In addition like tRNAAsp when compared to tRNAAsn, tRNAGlu displays a supernumerary nucleotide in positions 20A or 20B of the D-loop when compared to tRNAGln (Figure 5). Similar to tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp, both tRNAGln and tRNAGlu differ by the 3′ nucleotide of the anticodon, G36 in tRNAGln and C36 in tRNAGlu. However, since this nucleotide does not significantly contribute to amidation of Asp bound to tRNAAsn, we can predict that AdTs do not discriminate tRNAGln from tRNAGlu on the basis of this nucleotide. These results suggest that the same structural elements of AdT are involved in selection of both Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln. Further support of this prediction is brought by the following facts: (i) in bacteria that use both Asp-AdT and Glu-AdT activities, tRNAAsn and tRNAGln contain a U1–A72 base pair while tRNAAsp and tRNAGlu contain a G1–C72 pair and an extended D-loop (Table 2); (ii) in bacteria utilizing only the Asp- or the Glu-AdT activity, the tRNA that promotes the amidation of the bound amino acids, always contains the elements conferring transamidation identity (Table 2); (iii) in bacteria deprived of the AdT, the tRNAAsn and tRNAGln are directly charged by the cognate aaRS and do not contain these elements.
Figure 5.
Comparative alignment of tRNAGln and tRNAGlu sequences from bacteria using AdT to form Gln-tRNAGln. The cloverleaf structures of the consensus sequences of 101 bacterial tRNAGlu and tRNAGln sequences are compared. Grey circles represent nucleotides conserved in all tRNA species. Purple open circles correspond to positions for which the nature of the base varies in the considered tRNA species. Blue nucleotides are conserved in tRNAGlu and tRNAGln. White nucleotides in red boxes correspond to nucleotides strictly conserved in all tRNAGln species but which differ in all tRNAGlu species. White triangle in red boxes correspond to the lack of a given nucleotide in all tRNGln species as compared to the tRNAGlu species.
Table 2.
Comparative analysis of the nature of the first base pair and of the D-loop lengths of bacterial tRNAAsn, tRNAAsp, tRNAGln and tRNAGlu
The nature of the first base pair (1–72) and the number of nucleotides of the D-loop (DI) in the four tRNAs are indicated for a sampling of 67 bacterial species. When present, the nature of nucleotides 20A and/or 20B is indicated into brackets; + and − indicate whether AdT is or is not involved in formation of Asn-tRNAAsn (Asp) or Gln-tRNAGln (Glu), respectively. The shaded cells indicate conservation of the U1–A72 bp in tRNAAsn and tRNAGln and the in vivo activity of the AdT: Asp- or Glu-AdT.
Confirming experimentally our prediction of the bacterial tRNAGln transamidation identity set will be difficult to perform since unmodified tRNAGlu, derived by in vitro transcription, have been shown to be poor substrates for all bacterial GluRSs studied so far whether they are discriminating or not. In the case of E.coli GluRS, it has been shown that the cognate tRNAGlu T7 transcript exhibits a 100-fold reduction in its catalytic efficiency compared to that of tRNAGlu prepared from an overproducing strain (23,24). Thus, confirmation of the predicted bacterial tRNAGln identity set cannot be conducted with the kinetic approach which rests on the necessity to use in vitro transcribed tRNAGln and tRNAGlu variants. The crystallographic structure of Staphylococcus aureus GatCAB was published while this manuscript was being completed. This structure and the biochemical results obtained by gel-shift assays of the complexes formed between mutated protein and tRNAGln transcripts have shown that tRNAGln binds to the GatB subunit of the enzyme and that recognition involves the U1–A72 base pair and the D-loop of tRNA (25). Our results are compatible with the presence on the GatCAB enzyme of a unique binding site for Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln. This conclusion is supported by the 3D structure of S.aureus GatCAB which shows one active site formed by the glutaminase and transamidase catalytic sites respectively located in the GatA and GatB subunits. They are connected by a 30 Å-long tunnel which allows channelling of the ammonia from the glutaminase catalytic site to the transamidase one (25).
Finally, one can wonder how the AdTs are capable to select tRNAAsn and tRNAGln out of ∼60 species of tRNA present in the organism, on the basis of a single base pair as positive element for discrimination. We therefore investigated the nature of bp 1–72 in tRNA molecules from the 84 bacterial species using AdT to form Asn-tRNAAsn and/or Gln-tRNAGln and for which the sequences of the full set of tRNA encoding genes are available. The output of this analysis indicates that with the exception of a tRNAThr in Shigella flexneri (26), tRNAAsn and tRNAGln are the only tRNA species beginning with a U1–A72 base pair (27) (data not shown). This supports the fact that specific selection of the Asp-tRNAAsn and the Glu-tRNAGln amongst the other aa-tRNAs more particularly Asp-tRNAAsp and Glu-tRNAGlu can be achieved on the basis of the recognition of this single base pair.
Our investigation shows that the first base pair, U1–A72, of bacterial tRNAAsn acceptor arm, constitutes the unique structural element conferring to this tRNA the function of an essential cofactor in Asn biosynthesis (Figure 6A). Although our kinetic study suggests that the mode of recognition of the tRNAAsn moiety of Asp-tRNAAsn by bacterial AdTs might be base-specific, our results are compatible with another interpretation. Assuming that disruption of the U1–A72 pair of tRNAAsn might be the key event leading to correct presentation of Asp bound to tRNA into the active site before catalysis, the importance of the U1–A72 pair would be related to the weaker hydrogen bonding stability of this base pair compared to the G1–C72 pair of tRNAAsp, leading to a smaller free energy cost of base pair denaturation. In fact, it has been shown that disruption of the U1–A72 base pair of E.coli tRNAGln, induced by binding to GlnRS, allows discrimination of the cognate tRNA from non-cognate tRNAs by the enzyme (28,29). In E.coli GlnRS, a single leucine residue (Leu136) at the tip of a β turn in the acceptor-binding domain stabilizes this disruption through hydrophobic stacking of its side chain with A72 and G2 of tRNAGln. Mutation of either Leu136 or the residues that affect the positioning of its side chain resulted in a relaxed tRNA specificity of the enzyme (29). The 3D structure of GatCAB shows elements compatible with recognition of the U1–A72 base pair of tRNA by a mechanism resembling that of GlnRS. Indeed, the C-terminal domain of the GatB subunit, which forms the transamidation active site, contains two turn loops and a conserved leucine residue (L472) whose deletion causes loss of tRNA-binding capacity (25). These elements are presumably good candidates for discrimination the U1–A72 base pair of tRNAAsn and tRNAGln from G–C pair of tRNAAsp and tRNAGlu.
Figure 6.
Localization of the elements determining (A and C) or preventing (B and D) amidation of Asp bound respectively to bacterial (A and B) and archaeal (C and D) tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp. The ribbon or surface representations of the 3D structures of tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp are compared. Since the 3D structures of bacterial and archaeal tRNAAsn and of archaeal tRNAAsp are not available, we used the known 3D structures of tRNA species displaying the bacterial and archaeal elements promoting or preventing transamidation to visualize the tRNAAsn transamidation identity elements and the tRNAAsp transamidation antideterminants. Therefore, the U1–A72 base pair conferring bacterial transamidation identity to tRNAAsn (A) and the V-loop nucleotides G46 Δ47 of archaeal tRNAAsp (D) are shown in the structural context of yeast tRNAAsp. Similarly, nucleotides G46 and U47 conferring transamidation identity to archaeal tRNAAsn (C) and nucleotide U20A preventing amidation of bacterial tRNAAsp (B) are shown in the structural context of E.coli tRNAAsp. Transamidation identity elements of tRNAAsn (A and C) are represented by yellow spheres or surfaces, and their corresponding counterparts on tRNAAsp (B and D) are highlighted in grey ribbon parts or surfaces. tRNAAsp U20A anti-determinant is represented by a red sphere and surface.
Discrimination between the cognate and non-cognate substrates, respectively, Asp-tRNAAsn and Asp-tRNAAsp by bacterial AdTs does not solely rest on the nature of the first base pair of the two tRNAs but also on the length of their D-loop (Figure 6A and B). This suggests that these enzymes include either a domain devoted to measuring the length of the D-loop of tRNA or an active site able to sense the difference of a bulged D-loop. More surprising is the fact that quite unexpectedly, archaea and bacteria use kingdom-specific identity elements for efficient and specific transamidation of Asp-tRNAAsn by their GatCAB AdTs (Figure 6). The archaeal AdTs recognize the V-region of tRNA, which constitutes a sort of hinge between the acceptor arm, i.e. the primitive tRNA and the anticodon arm which was added later in evolution to form the modern L-shaped tRNA molecule (30). In bacteria the first base pair of the acceptor arm could serve as strong transamidation identity determinant because this base pair is conserved in all tRNAAsn species and it is not present in any tRNAAsp molecule (Figure 6A and B). This contrasts with archaea where the first base pair is conserved in tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp. Therefore, discrimination between tRNAAsn and tRNAAsp had to be based on another part of tRNA (Figure 6C and D). Finally, based on our bioinformatics strategy that was validated by the identification of bacterial and archaeal transamidation identity elements, we predict that the same structural elements mediate specific tRNA-dependent formation of Gln in bacteria. Therefore, bacteria very likely use a unique set of transamidation identity elements for AdT-catalyzed biosynthesis of both amide amino acids.
The authors thank Dr D. Drainas for support and discussion, Drs A. Theobald-Dietrich and J. Rudinger for M.barkeri extracts, Dr Marielle Bauzan (IBSM, IFR88, Marseille) for M.barkeri cells and Drs Z. Mamuris and P. Markoulatos for materials. This work was supported by the Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and by the Technology and the University of Thessaly Research Committee. Grants supporting this work were from the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC), from ACI Microbiologie fondamentale et appliquée, maladies infectieuses, environnement et bioterrorisme, from ACI Biologie cellulaire, moléculaire et structurale and from EGIDE (Platon). M.B. and M.B. are doctoral fellows of the Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (MENRT) and the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer, respectively. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
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