The authors report on their experience with the trans-sinusal frontal approach in removing olfactory groove meningiomas. Six tumors were operated on by the trans-sinusal frontal approach, using a bicoronal incision; two tumors developed on one side, and there were four bilateral olfactosellar tumors. Osteotomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus was performed with an oscillating saw without any burr hole. The posterior wall of the sinus was resected and the tumor was attacked through a real subfrontal route along the plane of the anterior skull base. Ethmoidal blood supply was controlled at the initial stages of the operation, allowing avascular tumor debulking. Olfactory nerves, invaded by the tumor, were removed along with the tumor. Tumor extensions toward the sella and the optic canals were removed without brain retraction, opening of the Sylvian fissure, or dissection of the carotid arteries. All patients made a good neurologic recovery; intellectual impairment disappeared within 1 month, and visual acuity normalized within 2 weeks. Olfactory nets were preserved on the contralateral side in unilateral tumors. The trans-sinusal frontal approach is technically easy and safe to achieve. Osteotomy and replacement of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus are rapidly performed. When the frontal sinus is small, imageguided surgery allows precise deliniation of its limits and the free bone flap, including the calvarial outer layer, tangentially cut from one supraorbital canal to the other. The cosmetic result is perfect, as the normal contour of the forehead is maintained without any scar or visible burr hole. The trans-sinusal frontal approach gives access to the orbital roofs and to the central anterior skull base from the crista galli to the tuberculum sellae and the anterior clinoid processes. The trans-sinusal frontal approach represents an alternative to conventional craniotomies for tumors developed in the central anterior skull base, especially for olfactory groove meningiomas, whatever their size.
Keywords: Anterior skull base, olfactory groove meningioma, frontal sinus approach
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